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Calcium d3 nycomed in pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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With the onset of pregnancy, the body of a woman undergoes serious changes, both hormonal and in the functioning of all systems. Not exception is the musculoskeletal, which is directly related to the intake of calcium in the body.
Calcium d3 nycomed during pregnancy helps to cope with the deficit of this important element, since with the appearance of the fetus the need for it increases at times.
Calcium is needed for the fetus for growth and full development, and if it is insufficient, all processes are inhibited and various violations are possible. As a result, the baby can suffer from rickets, which develops against a background of calcium deficiency.
To suspect a lack of a microelement, it is enough to pay attention to the symptoms that indicate this. Among them there are: drowsiness, convulsive conditions and painful syndrome in the joints, muscles and bones. If any of the listed clinical manifestations occur, it is worthwhile to consult a specialist.
Calcium d3 nycomed refers to a group of drugs that affect the digestive tract, and is also considered a mineral supplement. Observing a certain dosage and recommendations for the duration of admission, the pregnant woman will be able to restore the necessary calcium content in the body and provide them with a fetus.
Long-term use of this drug implies regular control over the level of calcium and creatinine, which are reflected in the analysis of blood. This is especially true of elderly people who in parallel take cardiac glycosides, diuretics (thiazide), and also in the presence of a tendency to form a tartar.
The use of calcium d3 nycomed in pregnancy also requires control in order to avoid the development of hypercalcemia and the appearance of clinical manifestations of kidney dysfunction. In case of observing such symptoms, it is necessary to reduce the dosage or completely to abolish the calcium intake.
In order to avoid excessive intake of calcium in the body, you must strictly monitor the dosage of the drug, the duration of its intake and diet, especially those products containing a lot of calcium.
The use of calcium d3 nycomed during pregnancy is allowed only in certain months. So, in the first and second trimesters an additional intake of calcium will help to fill its deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman. After all, the growth and development of the fetus is intensively used by this microelement and, with its lack, abnormalities in the development of the fetal skeleton are possible.
However, the third trimester is characterized by the already formed bone system, so the excess calcium intake can only strengthen the fetal bone structures, which is undesirable before delivery. Too strong fetal bones can damage a woman's birth canal and create difficulties in the process of labor.
Indications for the use of calcium d3 nycomed in pregnancy
Calcium takes part in a large number of reactions, thanks to which the human bone system is a strong framework for organs.
Indications for the use of calcium d3 nycomed in pregnancy are the treatment of a pathological condition, which is accompanied by a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3, as well as with a preventive goal.
In addition, indications for the use of calcium d3 nycomed in pregnancy includes osteoporosis as an additional drug.
Calcium is considered a building material for the formation of strong teeth, bone structures and nail plates. In addition, this micronutrient is involved in the functioning of the brain and regulates the hormonal background.
In pregnancy, more calcium is required than in the normal state, and as a result, in the absence of replenishment in the body, a woman may experience a shortage of it. It can be manifested by pain in the teeth, their destruction.
Bone fractures are also possible due to increased brittleness and fragility of bone structures. Of course, you can try to fill the lack of calcium with food, but you should remember that calcium is necessary for the development of the skeleton and fetal teeth, the processes in which they can suffer.
Form of issue
The drug is available in the form of chewable tablets. Their dosage is specially chosen for the maintenance of dosages and prevention of the development of adverse reactions. Thus, the form of the product is presented in a tablet form. Each tablet contains a third of the daily required amount of calcium and vitamin D3.
This form of release is very convenient, because it allows you to take a bottle with you and do not miss the drug. One bottle can contain 20, 50, 100 tablets, each dosage is 500 mg of calcium and vitamin D3 - 200 IU.
Proceeding from this, it is not difficult to understand that daily it is necessary to take up to 3 tablets. Though all the same some experts approve or confirm, that during pregnancy it is enough to accept 2 tablets - on 1-st morning and before a dream.
It should also be noted that calcium can come from other sources, such as food or various vitamin complexes. Thus, you need to take into account the amount consumed together with all sources of calcium.
There are two types of tablets that differ in flavoring. So, there is the opportunity to choose the tablet you like - with orange or mint flavor.
The role of calcium in the body is not appreciable, therefore, for better absorption it is recommended to use calcium D3, which takes part in metabolic processes of phosphorus and calcium. In bone formations, destruction is reduced and tissue density is increased.
Pharmacodynamics of calcium d3 nycomed in pregnancy is based on the ability of this drug to promote the mineralization of teeth in women. It is also worth noting that the drug contributes to the normalization of the nervous system of the pregnant woman, improving the conductivity of nerve fibers, and participates in the blood coagulation system.
From the side of the nervous system, calcium regulates the transmission of nerve impulses and their subsequent conduction through the nervous beams, resulting in the contractile ability of the muscles. As for the hormonal system, calcium in combination with vitamin D3 prevents the excessive secretion of the parathyroid hormone, which in turn activates the resorptive process in the bone tissues, that is, the washing out of the microelement from the bones.
Pharmacodynamics of calcium d3 nycomed in pregnancy combined with vitamin D3 ensures the correct formation of the skeleton of the fetus, its cardiac and other muscles.
The drug is a combined preparation that restores the required level of calcium and vitamin D3, participates in their metabolism and in the formation and strengthening of teeth.
The main processes of absorption are produced in the small intestine. This applies to vitamin D3, as well as calcium ionized structure, which enters the bloodstream due to active, vitamin-dependent transport.
The pharmacokinetics of calcium d3 nycomed in pregnancy is built by the involvement of the digestive tract, as most of the calcium is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Approximately 99% of calcium accumulates in bone structures and teeth, the rest of the microelement is located inside and outside the cell environment.
In the bloodstream, calcium is in several states. Thus, half of the total circulating volume is the natural active form of the ionized structure. About a tenth - moves with a blood flow in a complex with citrates, phosphate groups and other anions.
As for the rest of the calcium, which is about 40%, it is compounds with protein structures, mostly albumins.
The pharmacokinetics of calcium d3 nycomed during pregnancy ensures its excretion through the kidneys in the urine, intestines and pores of the skin through sweat.
Absorption of vitamin D3 occurs in the small intestine. Cholecalciferol with metabolites are in the bloodstream in the form of specific globulins. Cholecalciferol undergoes two stages of transformation: the first - in the liver under the action of enzymes, and then in the kidneys to the formation of 1,25-hydroxycholecalciferol.
It is this element contributes to the activation of calcium absorption. However, there is a part of vitamin D3 that does not undergo cleavage. It persists in muscle fibers and adipose tissue. The process of excretion of the vitamin is carried out by the kidneys and intestines.
Dosing and Administration
Calcium D3 nycomed is allowed for use during pregnancy, but it is necessary to strictly take into account the dosages, in connection with this, the duration of the course and the dose should be selected by a specialist. Before this, it is necessary to determine the level of calcium in the body, since its excessive quantity can excessively strengthen the bones of the fetus, which in the course of labor will lead to complications.
In addition to traumatizing the birth canal deposits of calcium in the placenta, which is also undesirable in pregnancy.
The way of application and doses are selected individually, since it is necessary to take into account the nutritional diet of a pregnant woman, because calcium is supplied with food. So, using a large number of dairy products, it is necessary to monitor the doses of the drug.
For each pregnant woman, the way of application and dose is different, but it is worthwhile to allocate the maximum amount of a microelement that can enter the body in a day. Calcium should be at the level of less than 1500 mg, while for vitamin D3 the upper limit should not exceed 600 IU.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that the trace element can be observed in breast milk, which is also not recommended when feeding the baby. The dosage of calcium can vary throughout the course, taking into account the duration of the drug intake, as well as the initial level of the trace element in the blood.
Contraindications to the use of calcium d3 nycomed in pregnancy
One of the first contraindications should be identified individual characteristics of the body, because the intolerance of calcium or additional substances that are part of this medication can be genetically transmitted.
Such a reaction can be manifested by local and general clinical symptoms, ranging from the appearance of rash, swelling and redness of the skin, and ending with nausea, vomiting and convulsions.
Contraindications to the use of calcium d3 nycomed in pregnancy also include the presence in humans of phenylketonuria, hypervitaminosis D3 and urolithiasis with the formation of concrements from calcium. In addition, before you start taking the drug, you need to examine the level of calcium in the blood, because the excess amount of a microelement also leads to various disorders in the body.
In addition to this contraindication to the use of calcium d3 nycomed in pregnancy implies a limitation in the use of the drug to patients with renal insufficiency in the subcompection stage, in the elderly and in the immobilized position of the patient.
Do not use calcium D3 nycomed in childhood, with renal failure in the stage of compensation and sarcoidosis.
Side effects of calcium d3 nycomed in pregnancy
In most cases, the side effects of calcium d3 nycomed while pregnant with non-compliance with the rules for taking the drug. However, such reactions occur quite rarely and can be characterized by metabolic disorders, in particular, an increase in the level of calcium in the bloodstream and urine.
Also, side effects of calcium d3 nycomed in pregnancy due to improper functioning of the digestive tract. So, there are disorders of the intestine, meteorism, pain in the abdomen and nausea.
Only in some cases skin manifestations are observed. Among them, itching, swelling and eruptions are possible. When such clinical manifestations appear, it is necessary to cancel the intake of the calcium preparation, as well as to control the consumption of foods that are rich in this trace element.
During the whole course of the use of the drug, it is necessary to determine the level of calcium and, if it is found to be high, to stop the therapeutic course. Excessive amount of a microelement can harm not only the pregnant woman, but also the fetus.
It is rare enough, but it is still possible to overdose calcium if you do not follow the rules for taking, the duration and the dose of the drug. The states at which the level of calcium rises can develop gradually or acutely.
The most pronounced hypersensitivity to vitamin D3, so you need to carefully choose the dosage, considering all the intake of vitamins and trace elements into the body.
Overdose can manifest itself with clinical symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, intestinal distress, painful cider in the abdomen, weakness in the muscles, rapid onset of fatigue and even mental disorders.
In addition, in some cases it is possible to increase appetite, increase in urine output during the day, the formation of calcium deposits in the kidneys and malfunctions in conduction and heart rhythm. With prolonged intake of calcium in large doses, urinary tract infection and calcium accumulation in tissues can be observed.
If there is a suspicion of an excessive increase in the level of calcium in a pregnant woman, thirst and vomiting may occur. In this case, it is necessary to investigate the quantitative composition of the trace element in blood and urine.
To reduce the symptoms of overdose it is recommended to cancel taking the medication, it is necessary to drink a lot of liquid to activate the excretion of calcium, and also to monitor its intake from food.
In severe overdose, it may be necessary to use calcitonin, detoxification solutions, diuretics (loop) and hormonal drugs.
Interactions with other drugs
Special control over the dose and duration of calcium intake should be done when the drug is taken in parallel with other drugs.
The decrease in the rate of calcium excretion is a consequence of the interaction of calcium d3 nycomed in pregnancy with other drugs, such as diuretics of the thiazide type. When combined, they should regularly examine the level of calcium in the bloodstream and urine in a woman, since there is a high probability of hypercalcemia.
With regard to the interaction of calcium d3 nycomed in pregnancy with other drugs, for example, antibacterial agents, it is possible here to accumulate them as a result of calcium absorption abnormalities. Similar reactions concern quinolone antibacterial agents, tetracyclines and levothyroxine.
To avoid the development of adverse events, they should be taken 2.5 hours or 5-6 hours after taking a dose of calcium.
In addition, calcium D3 nycomed can increase the therapeutic effect and toxic effects of cardiac glycosides provided they are taken together. During the course, it is necessary to monitor the work of the heart with ECG and the general condition of the pregnant woman.
With the simultaneous use of calcium with bisphosphonates and calcium fluoride, the latter can be absorbed in an incomplete volume, as a result of which their reception should be done 1.5-2 hours before calcium.
Storage conditions
Each drug requires certain conditions for its storage. They imply compliance with the temperature, humidity and expiration dates specified in the instruction.
Conditions of calcium storage d3 nycomed in pregnancy include maintaining the temperature of the room in which the drug is located, at a level not exceeding 25 degrees. In addition, direct sunlight on the package or an already opened product is not allowed.
In addition, the storage conditions of calcium d3 nycomed during pregnancy are supposed to be stored in a place where there is no access for babies. When they consume large amounts of calcium, the appearance of kinetic symptoms of an overdose may occur. They are especially severe in children, since the drug is not allowed for use in childhood.
Tablets of calcium are stored in a vial of various volumes. So, the package can contain 20, 50 or 100 tablets. This bottle has an outer cardboard package, preventing the effects of negative factors directly on the drug.
Shelf life
In the D3 Nycomed instructions, the expiration date and the conditions necessary to preserve the medicinal properties of the drug over the specified period are reflected.
Shelf life is the date of manufacture and end use. At the end of this period, and for calcium D3 nycomed it is 3 years, the use of the drug is prohibited.
During the expiration date, the drug has therapeutic properties specified in the instructions and confirmed studies by the pharmacological company.
As soon as this period ends, the drug can harm the body, especially the pregnant woman. In addition, during the shelf life it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for the storage of calcium.
The tablet form of calcium is not recommended to be stored outside the vial, since in this case it will be exposed to environmental factors.
Calcium d3 nycomed in pregnancy is necessary to restore the necessary level of calcium in the body. However, one should be attentive, since excess supply of it can have an undesirable effect. During the course of taking the medicine, it is necessary to take into account the intake of calcium from food products.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Calcium d3 nycomed in pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.