Contour plastic
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Beauty, in the opinion of the English philosopher Francis Bacon, has always been and will be a silent recommendation. A famous historian, apparently, as early as the sixteenth century foresaw a breakthrough in the sphere of creating women's beauty, and, as one of the founders of materialism, was right. Today, the dreams of thousands of women literally materialized, and embodied them in the life of contour plastics.
Correction using contour techniques is an injection of youth and beauty that are included in the category of effective methods, such as mesotherapy, Botox injections and biorevitalization. Experts recommend injecting correction of appearance in the cold periods of the year - in autumn, winter and early spring, summer is not a direct contraindication, but also can not be considered the most favorable season for such procedures. In spring, perhaps, the most favorable time for representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, when you can do your beauty, taking advantage of all the advantages of contour plastics.
Contour plastic has a lot of really positive moments for any client of the cosmetology center. Among them, above all, we can name the following:
- The result is visually apparent right after the procedure.
- All manipulations are carried out on an outpatient basis.
- There is no need for special preparation for the procedure.
- A relatively small list of contraindications in comparison with other cosmetic procedures.
- The injected drug does not disrupt the nutrition and trophism of the tissues, moreover, it is capable of activating the saturation of the skin with oxygen and microelements.
- Contour plastic is combined with virtually all procedures for rejuvenation.
- The procedure lasts no more than 30-40 minutes.
- No age restrictions.
Contour correction is an excellent way to avoid the drawbacks and risks of plastic surgery.
The principle of action of contour techniques is based on pushing the folds in the area of the wrinkle outward due to the injected drug, respectively, and the result is seen - smoothing and increasing the skin turgor. The main indications of the application of the techniques of contour plastics:
- Fine and deep wrinkles of the face of the periorbital and perioral zone.
- Correction of the oval of faces.
- Age-related changes in facial skin (flabbiness, sagging, loss of elasticity, skin tone).
- Correction and smoothing of areas on which atrophic scars are visible, scars.
- Increase of individual zones (lips).
- Modeling of earlobes, tip of nose, chin.
- Correcting the asymmetry of the facial features.
- Intimate contour plastic.
Contouring and face correction are rightfully considered to be an innovation in the field of cosmetology, however, having many advantages, contour plastic has specific contraindications that do not exclude rejuvenation in principle, but only dictate the need for using other methods adequate to problems.
Technique of contour plastics
There are several ways to introduce a subcutaneous preparation, the technique of contour plastics is selected individually for each client, depending on such indicators:
- Age.
- Condition and type of skin.
- The task is to fill wrinkles, correct the oval face or its individual parts.
- Possible contraindications.
- Individual features (intolerance of drug components, fear of injections and others).
- Presence or absence of previous filling of wrinkles.
- Expected effect, client's desire, and also its duration.
How is the procedure performed? What kind of preparatory work is going on?
- Primary examination of the skin is carried out.
- Selection of filler, depending on the above factors, on the type and structure of the skin, the depth of wrinkles, the ability of the skin to stretch.
- Obligatory is the consultation, during which the doctor tells the client how the chosen drug works, what effect from it should be expected and possible transient complications.
- Determining the date of the procedure and clarifying the mode of administration of the drug depending on the expected result.
Manipulation is carried out on an outpatient basis for 30-40 minutes. During this period, as a rule, several problems are solved, for example, eliminating small wrinkles and smoothing the nasolabial folds.
The technique of contour plasty is the actual way of introducing a filler, chosen by the skin under the skin. These methods can be combined into such types of correction:
- Bioarmification.
- Filling wrinkles with the drug - linear philling.
- Volumetric correction of the face, certain areas of the body.
Method of drug administration:
- Fan technique.
- Cross-fan technique.
- Orchid technique.
- Linear technology "sandwich".
- Tracer injection method.
- Reinforcement by the longitudinal method.
- Short-linear technology.
- Point mode of administration.
- The method is "lattice".
- The technique of "counter reinforcement."
- The technique of suspensions.
In general, the technique of contour correction is based on 2 methods - the use of a syringe with a very thin needle or the introduction of a filler with a cannula. Then everything depends on the type of drug, most often it is injected transdermally - directly through the skin, the options - subcutaneously or access to deeper layers of the dermis. It is extremely rare for a doctor to apply the transoral method of introducing a filler when the drug penetrates the desired area from the oral cavity, such a technique is shown when correcting the face after trauma and helps to avoid excessive damage to the skin during certain neurological, vascular diseases. Before the procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic, the local anesthetic is applied with cooling preparations (cream, solution) - local or application application.
Contour plastic face
Correction and modeling of the face oval, smoothing the relief of the skin, smoothing wrinkles - both shallow and deep, changing the shape of the lips and many other "miracles" - all these are features that face contour plastics have.
The uniqueness of the method lies in the fact that to achieve the desired aesthetic result, there is no need to resort to surgery, as it was just recently, just a few decades ago. At present, contour face plastic has become an accessible, almost completely safe procedure that allows each woman to save a young oval, a natural lip line, restore elasticity, a skin turgor, adjust the shape of the nose, chin, cheekbones. Sometimes with the help of such procedures the image of the client changes cardinally, and for the better. Contour modeling is shown at any age, starting at age 18, has virtually no contraindications, and those that are identified can only be considered as an excuse to choose a different way of correcting the appearance. The cost of the contouring procedure is quite affordable, in addition, any representative of the beautiful half of humanity knows the inexorable truth - beauty requires investments, so ready for them.
Zones of the face, which are well suited for contouring, are as follows:
- Upper third:
- Wrinkles between the eyebrows.
- Transverse wrinkles on the forehead.
- Wrinkles in the area of the nose ("rabbit" wrinkles).
- Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes ("crow's feet").
- The upper eyelid (lifting).
- Lacrimal grooves.
- Middle face area:
- Nasolabial folds.
- Wrinkles in the corners of the mouth (wrinkles of a smile).
- Wrinkles in the cheeks (zygomatic cavities).
- Correction of the shape and volume of the lips.
- Lower third of the face:
- Correction of the shape of the chin.
- Wrinkles on the chin.
- Correction of the face oval.
Lip contour plasty
One of the most demanded services in aesthetic medicine is contoured lip surgery. Natural proportions, the proportions of the upper and lower lips for a long time are preserved in people with a certain type of skin and depending on heredity. However, not everyone is "so lucky, especially in this sense women suffer, who want the lip contour still resembled the puffy, smooth lips of a child, a young girl.
To restore elasticity, youth of the lower or upper lip, in order for the lady to obtain the desired result, contour lip plasty is performed by two main methods:
- Filling the actual existing lip contour.
- Filling of the lips with the help of vertical injections of the drug, the so-called "Paris lips" effect.
The client should take into account the specific manifestation of the result from the performed procedure, the volume increases immediately after the manipulation due to the completely explainable edema after injections, and only then becomes noticeable the natural swelling created by the filler, usually in 1-2 days.
The most popular vertical contour lip plastics, in which the folds of the lip surface retains the natural relief without the effect of artificiality. In addition, this method makes the procedure noticeable in an aesthetic sense, but does not make a lady look like a heroine of an animated film with a celluloid smile. Any way of modeling is good and in that the slightest deviation, asymmetry is quickly corrected and eliminated with the help of special drugs that neutralize the filler (dexamethasone or hyaluronidase).
Contour plastic nasolacrimal furrow
Age changes in the skin, facial defects are often expressed in the area of the nasolacrimal fissure, which is clearly expressed, gives a tired, emaciated form to a person. The cause of the appearance of the lacrimal line is a natural process of withering, aging of the skin of the face, the so-called gravitational factor, when the skin is elementally sagging, losing elasticity and elasticity. In this zone, a particularly dense sung is a specific subcutaneous formation that connects the skin itself and the muscles of the preorbital region. Septa is attached to the bone tissue, so the shift of the skin at the top of the face is not as significant as in the middle and lower zones. But apart from the dense septa that holds the skin, there are ligaments that are very sensitive and vulnerable to stretching, they become weaker over time, provoking the formation of infraorbital hernias. Thus, the face shows signs of lipodystrophy, which are visible in the form of obvious nasolacrimal fissures. Dystrophy of soft tissues in the upper third of the face forms several aesthetic defects:
- Nososkulovaya furrow.
- Nasolacrimal furrow.
- The infraorbital furrow.
- Palpebral fissure.
The contour plasty of the nasolacrimal furrow differs from the correction of other defects in this zone, it requires less dense fillers than for the correction of the cheek-cheek formation. The procedure for filling the nasolacrimal line involves the use of drugs based on hyaluronic acid (HA) or lipofilling, and in case of obvious age-related changes in the skin, the client can be offered more serious treatment - blepharoplasty, which belongs to the category of plastic surgery. The choice of the method is determined by the doctor, based on the data of the examination of the skin condition of the patient, women up to 55-60 years old are more often offered the most effective and non-surgical method - contour, injection plastic.
The procedure for the introduction of a filler in the eye zone was recently considered quite painful, but in recent years, thanks to new technological developments, the preparations began to include hyaluronic acid-compatible anesthetics. Therefore, today the contour plastic of the nasolacrimal groove is transferred by clients as easily as the correction of less sensitive areas of the face. By popularity, such manipulations are almost equal to the plastic nasolabial folds.
What contraindications exist in the correction of the nasolacrimal fissure?
- Autoimmune pathologies.
- Diabetes.
- Oncoprocesses.
- Infectious diseases.
- Pregnancy.
- The period of breastfeeding.
- Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
- Viral diseases.
- Blood clotting disorders.
- Reception of antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antiplatelet agents.
- Relative contraindication is a disease of the kidneys and a tendency to puffiness.
- Individual intolerance to HA-hyaluronic acid.
- Previously conducted procedures for filling the furrow with gel.
Also the contour plastic of the nasolacrimal furrow is not combined with laser methods, peeling, especially chemical.
Advantages of contour plasty of a lacrimal sulcus:
- Bioavailability and compatibility of the injected drug with all facial skin structures.
- Painless procedure.
- Almost instant effect, which is visible on the second day (on the first day, slight swelling is possible).
- Smoothing of the expressed tearful wrinkles.
- Alignment of the relief of the skin.
Contour injections in the area of the nasolacrimal line can be divided into several stages, that is, the procedure should sometimes be continued after a certain period of time. Usually the patient is offered such a scheme - injections in small doses twice with a gap of two weeks. This avoids edema, which is typical for a single massive injection of the filler.
What techniques are used to correct the nasolacrimal line?
- Point technique introduction of filler.
- Fan technology.
- Linear retrograde technique.
- Canyons.
The practice of many cosmetologists shows that less linear traumatic retrograde technique, as well as the introduction of the drug with a cannula. For correction, it is sufficient to have 0, 2 milliliters of HA (hyaluronic acid) during the first stage and no more than 0.1 milliliters to fill the furrow in the final procedure.
What does the client receive after the procedure for correcting the tear sulcus?
- Fully filled line and the absence of a specific cavity.
- Alignment of the relief of the skin.
- Neutralization of dark circles under the eyes.
- Visual facial rejuvenation.
- Increase in the effect of rejuvenation within 7-10 days.
After the procedure, clients are not recommended to stay in the sun, visit steam baths, saunas, swimming pools for 14 days, and should limit the use of liquid, especially at bedtime.
Contour plastic scars
Before, to find out how the contour plasty of the rumen is performed, it is necessary to decide - what is this aesthetic defect, what are the scars and for what reason they appear.
Causes of scar tissue formation:
- Injury of skin and adjacent soft tissue.
- Acne rash, acne.
- Consequences of surgical intervention.
- Burns.
- Insect bites.
- Stretch marks (including postpartum.
Any rupture of the skin during the healing process is accompanied by scarring. Ideally, the scar (cicatrix) is almost invisible, but if collagen production is impaired, its synthesis rises or decreases, tissue atrophy develops and a visible, hummocky skin area called a scar appears. More accurate is the explanation of this phenomenon by the active release of fibroblasts in inflammation of the skin tissues accompanied by decreased collagenosis.
Normal scarring of damaged skin can be disrupted for the following reasons:
- If wound, injury affects the active functional area of the body.
- Deep wound.
- Features of the skin type (thin, sensitive skin).
- Metabolic disorders.
- Diabetes.
- Genetic factor.
- Atherosclerosis.
- Avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis.
- Age (the older the person, the worse the tissue is cicatrized).
- Purulent, infected wound.
- A recurrent process requiring surgical excision of tissue.
What kinds of scars exist, and how does it help to neutralize contour plasty?
- The hypertrophic scar is the protruding, keloid scar, formed due to the excessively active production of collagen. Such a scar can be considered a hidden wound, since there is almost no elastin inside the skin, but too much collagen. Such formations often itch, often hurt, the color of the skin around them is changed. If the process of tissue regeneration continues, and proceeds quickly, the scar can self-smooth, and the skin integuments restore the natural relief and shade. However, deep wounds tend to heal more slowly, resulting in a visible cosmetic defect that can be eliminated with contour plasty.
- Hypopigmented scar is formed in the process of normal healing of the wound surface.
- Depressed atrophic scar, which looks like a visible hollow on the skin. Most often, such scars are typical for people with thin, sensitive skin, and a defect can appear in areas poor in subcutaneous tissue. The cause of the formation of an atrophic scar is acne, acne.
- The retracted scar appears as a "pit" on the skin and is formed after an infected, purulent wound, as well as after acne.
In terms of depth, scars are classified as follows:
- Normotrophic - at the level of the skin, such scars are easiest to remove using normal peeling.
- Keloids - the spread of the scar on the skin around the wound.
- Atrophic scars are the lower layers of the skin.
- Hypertrophic - above the surface of the skin.
Contour plastic scars are indicated for keloid, atrophic scars. With the help of injection, the filler (biodegradable gel) is injected under the skin in the scar area, as a result of which the relief is leveled. The procedure is recommended to combine with subsequent laser grinding to fix the result. The effect is visible right after the course of manipulation, but lasts only one year. Then the procedure can be repeated as necessary, it is absolutely safe. The most difficult to treat are hypertrophic and volumetric keloid defects, which often have to be surgically excised. In addition, in the treatment of scars, cosmeticians can use chemical peeling, microdermabrasion, biorevitalization, laser nanoperforation (collagen defects). The method is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's skin and the type of scar.
Contraindications to contour plasty
Contour plastic has really become accessible to many, but sometimes the desire to quickly correct the oval face or remove deep wrinkles outshines reasonable warnings. After all, there are contraindications to contour plasty, and nobody canceled them. First of all, it should be remembered - all procedures of a similar category should take place in a specialized institution that has licenses for such services. In addition, the injection should be done by a specialist who has undergone special training, preferably a doctor, perhaps a nurse - a cosmetologist. Despite the apparent simplicity, these manipulations require medical education, knowledge of anatomy, skin structure and other specific skills. And the third rule, the client of the cosmetology clinic, whether it be a woman or a man, should not hide the existing diseases, if any, because in pursuit of a quick result one can get complications if you hide any health problem from the doctor.
Contraindications to contour plastics can be divided into two groups - general and local, any of such prohibitions can often be circumvented by using an alternative method of rejuvenation, which will also be effective, but more safe for the client.
General contraindications:
- Pregnancy and lactation. At this time, any cosmetic procedures are prohibited in principle, since the future mother's work is changing the hormonal system, metabolic processes. In addition, the injected drug is able to overcome the placental barrier and penetrate into the blood, into milk
- The allergy in the anamnesis. A drug that is injected under the skin can activate an aggressive immune response to a new, foreign body substance. There is a risk of not only itching, hives, but also dermatitis, and even Quincke's edema. Avoid exacerbation possible with the help of previously taken antihistamines, which will also need to be taken by the course after the procedure.
- Exacerbations of chronic diseases, including possible ARI or ARVI. Injection of the drug filling the wrinkles, leveling the contours of the face, can provoke an even greater exacerbation, an increase in body temperature or an allergic reaction. Contour plastic in such cases is carried out only after the acute symptoms abate, but it is better after complete recovery.
- Chronic pathologies. The injected drug may give an additional burden to the affected organ or system. To warn possible exacerbations it is possible by means of carefully picked up dosage, a mode of injections and actually a variant of "filler", filler.
- Diseases associated with immunity, autoimmune pathologies. Filler can be perceived as a foreign substance, the body begins to resist and produce antibodies, which in turn carries the risk of either an inflammatory process or exacerbation of an already existing disease. Such pathologies include scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, toxic goiter.
- An individual feature of the skin, or rather, connective tissue - a tendency to form keloids.
- Absolute contraindication to contour plasty is the age of 17-18 years. Correction is carried out only in case of important indications, when a teenager, a young man or a girl needs to correct really serious cosmetic, aesthetic defects. The procedure is contraindicated because of intensive growth, rapid anatomical and physiological changes, any intervention from the category of cosmetology at this age is undesirable (excluding cleansing the face with acne, acne).
Contraindications of local character:
- Infectious disease of the skin in the area of the alleged introduction of filler - herpes, bacterial infection. Any kind of skin infection is a local inflammatory process that affects the production of collagen. In addition, the virus or bacteria during the procedure are able to penetrate into the deep layers of skin and enter the lymphatic or circulatory system.
- Peeling, scrubbing, carried out 3-5 days before the proposed contour plasty. After such procedures, it is better to wait 7-10 days, and only undergo correction with injections of beauty.
- If you previously injected silicone into the skin, it is necessary to warn the doctor about this. Fillers, hyaluronic acid do not combine with silicone
More extensive contra-indications to contour plasty can be presented in the form of the following list:
- Oncology at any stage.
- Herpetic infection in the period of exacerbation.
- Epilepsy.
- Hemolytic anemia and other blood diseases.
- Fungal skin lesions.
- Hyperthermia (elevated body temperature).
- Diabetes (with caution).
- Neoplasms of the skin (nevi, papilloma, warts, subcutaneous cysts, lipomas).
- Period of menstruation (3-4 days before and after the cycle).
Consequences of contour plastics
Contour plastic at the present time has ceased to be a curiosity, such procedures have firmly entered the regime and the order of many thousands of women caring for their appearance. Nevertheless, there are also such ladies who have not yet tried all the advantages of non-surgical treatment and the restoration of youth. Most often they are stopped not by the cost of the procedures, but the question - what consequences of contour plastics can expect them.
Immediately make a reservation, injection correction does not do without temporary and quite tolerable discomfort, a prick is an injection, no matter how thin the needle is not made. The main effects of contour plastics can be divided by time:
- Early complications (within 7 days).
- Long-term consequences - 10-14 days after the procedure.
- Late complications that develop after a year or more.
Early manifestations of consequences
- Transient puffiness in the area of injections.
- Small redness.
- Rarely, hematomas.
- Individual intolerance of injected drugs in the form of allergies.
- Inflammation of the skin due to violation of personal hygiene.
Late effects of contour plasty
- Fibrosis.
- Formation of keloids.
- Extensive subcutaneous hematomas.
- Infection of the correction zone and inflammation up to the abscess.
Complications from the late category according to statistics are extremely rare. More often patients can develop puffiness and transient hyperemia, which is considered acceptable phenomena that do not threaten the health of the client. Serious problems are connected either with a gross violation of the rules of skin care after correction, or with the illiterate work of a doctor, which is hardly possible in professional salons and medical centers.
Bruises after contour plasty
Any injection is a trauma to the skin, subcutaneous tissue and possibly soft tissue. Contour correction means injection injection of fillers, so bruises after contouring are quite common. From a medical point of view, transient bruises at the injection site are an acceptable skin condition that does not threaten health in general. You can avoid them if you follow these recommendations:
- At the initial preliminary consultation the client should tell the doctor about all his illnesses. It is the concealment of some facts in the pursuit of immediate results on the part of the client that can lead to such a phenomenon as hematomas in the plastic zone. This may be due to the use of anticoagulants or diseases of the vascular system, with diabetes or systemic autoimmune processes. To minimize the risk of bruising, the patient should trust the doctor.
- Incorrectly selected preparation with a high degree of concentration without taking into account the features of the patient's skin. Such situations are practically excluded if the procedure is carried out in a medical center or a professional beauty salon.
Even if bruises after contour plasty have appeared, one should not be afraid of them. This is a temporary skin condition that passes fairly quickly within 1-3 days. Larger subcutaneous hemorrhages can indeed deliver both physical and cosmetic discomfort, especially in persons with impaired blood coagulability. In such cases, the doctor may prescribe external resorptive drugs - Heparin Gel, Troxevasin. Bruises must pass within a week without a trace, and the effect of the procedure, lasting from six months to a year later, completely neutralizes memories of minor troubles in the form of bruises.
Fibrosis after contour plasty
The popularity of contouring procedures is not in doubt, the only thing that can cloud the joy of the result is temporary, transient side effects, in particular, fibrosis.
In order to completely dispel fears and fears, it is necessary to return to the beginning and remember what a filler is and how it acts on aesthetic problems.
Gel, which is injected into the skin with the help of injections, is designed to fill wrinkles, eliminate skin defects. In the injection zone of the filler one way or another, a temporary local compaction is formed, which is called fibrosis. Fibrosis after contour plasty is not only an acceptable phenomenon, but in some cases, it is desirable. It is these seals that suggest that the process of activating the production of collagen fibers started successfully. Subcutaneous compaction is nothing but evidence of the effectiveness of the introduced filler. Of course, fibrosis, which persists after 7-10 days, is not quite normal, but the cause of such a side effect can be very thin, sensitive skin of the patient. Virtually all the gels that are used in cosmetology are based on hyaluronic acid, which in turn is not able to remain under the skin forever. Over time, under the influence of natural fermentation, the filler is absorbed and completely eliminated from the body without any formidable health consequences.
In any case, if you are concerned about the atypical skin condition after the procedures, do not panic, all you need to do is seek additional advice from a cosmetologist.
Complications of contour plasty
Despite the fact that contour correction of appearance defects is considered a safer procedure in comparison with full-fledged surgical plasty, injections are in any case accompanied by some temporary discomfort. In rare cases, there are complications, which are more likely to be associated not with the procedure itself, but with incorrectly selected filler concentration by the doctor, with the features of the patient's skin, or with the fact that the person for some reason concealed his disease from the cosmetologist. At once we will make a reservation, that side effects and complications of contour plasty - the phenomenon extremely rare, nevertheless, about such risks it is necessary to warn.
What complications, what can be accompanied by contour plastic?
- Swelling (swelling). These complications can be quite insignificant and quite acceptable, because any injection is somehow considered a microdamaging of the skin. A small swelling at the injection site of the filler passes without a trace for one, maximum three days. To the doctor it is necessary to address, if puffiness develops or does not fall down during a week.
- Bruises, bruises. Small subcutaneous hemorrhages are considered the norm, especially if the correction zone is large. Small small bruises dissolve on their own for 5-7 days, often earlier. Side effects of complications of contour plasty are extensive hematomas that can develop in cases of very deep introduction of a volumizer in people who are constantly taking anticoagulants. It is for this reason that before the procedure the doctor conducts an interview with the client and ascertaines all possible conditions, diseases that are a contraindication to correction. If the patient hides such information, or violates the rules of skin care after contour plasty, hematomas are quite likely. In such situations, hematomas appear - an occasion for immediate treatment to a cosmetologist who will prescribe the necessary external preparations.
- Weak effect after the procedure, which can not be attributed to complications or adverse conditions, but such cases occur with an incorrectly selected filler concentration or insufficiently deep introduction. Such situations are easily remedied by additional injections of the volumizer.
- Hypereffect or hypercorrection, as well as asymmetry, are extremely rare, since all modern hyaluronic acid based fillers are bioavailable and are capable of unnatural biodegradation, that is, decay and elimination from the body.
- Allergy is possible with individual intolerance to the components of the injected filler. Symptomatic of an allergic reaction is typical - swelling, itching, redness of the skin. Prevent allergy by using primary consultation and necessary precautions, a conversation and a doctor's consultation are mandatory before the procedure.
- Loss of sensitivity in the correction zone is possible if the injection injures the nerve endings (or squeezes the filler). Such states are unpleasant, however transitory. As the drug dissolves within 14 days, numbness should pass.
- Infiltrates and puffiness. They can be provoked by violations of the rules of skin care after contour plasty, for example, drinking alcohol or visiting the sauna. Infiltrates independently resolve within 1 month, but in order that they do not develop, the patient should follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist.
- Infection and inflammation in the correction zone are virtually eliminated. Antiseptic conditions are in principle unacceptable during the procedure in professional salons and clinics, therefore any inflammatory process on the skin after injections can be caused by violation of the rules of personal hygiene. Signs of infection can be redness, throbbing pain at the site of the injection, these symptoms need immediate removal, and this is possible only with the help of a doctor.
- Exacerbation of herpes. Recurrences of herpetic infection can occur as a response to an injection in a zone where there have previously been herpetic eruptions (lips). Adequate treatment is prescribed by a dermatologist, a cosmetologist.
- Heavy, nodules, visible and felt after the procedure. Such conditions are not considered a complication, since the filler dissipates fairly quickly.
- Hyperpigmentation is visible atypical spots on the skin that can appear in case of violation of the rules of care after injections, most often due to ultraviolet radiation and exposure to open sunlight.
- Migrating gel is the displacement of the injected drug under the skin and as a result - seals, strands. Such complication can be in case of too deep introduction of the filler into soft tissues. The side effect of migration is practically excluded when injecting fillers based on hyaluronic acid.
- Granulomas, nodules. They appear as a result of an inflammatory process or infection of the skin in the correction zone. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and antiseptic during the procedure exclude granulomas by almost 99%.
- Fibrosis or atypical connective tissue seals. This is an acceptable state, moreover, sometimes, even desirable. Introduced filler a priori starts activating the formation of collagen fibers, so transient fibrosis can be considered normal. If fibrosis progresses, the nodules are encapsulated, immediate consultation and assistance of a cosmetologist is required. To be frightened of such complications it is not necessary, as gialuronat in any case is exposed to fermentation, disintegration and deducing from an organism.
- Necrosis of the tissues is caused by gross disruption of nutrition and blood supply to the subcutaneous layers. Such conditions are practically excluded in modern cosmetology practice, however, signs of local ischemia in the area of the nasolabial triangle are the reason for immediate action and the appointment of adequate treatment.
- Scars, keloids - an extremely rare phenomenon after contour plasty. They can be a consequence of violation of the rules of post-procedural skin care, can develop due to injury or injury to the corrected zone.
Side effects and complications of contour plasty are considered a rare phenomenon, as modern technologies in the field of aesthetic medicine almost by 90% exclude any discomfort and risk. If the correction is carried out in a professional salon, clinic, medical center, the client does not take any risks, on the contrary, he has a great result in the form of rejuvenation and renewal of appearance.
Recommendations after contour plastics
Many customers are interested in the question - and how to care for the skin after the introduction of fillers? Such advice necessarily gives the doctor-cosmetologist both before the procedure and after it. It should be noted that, unlike the full surgical braces, surgery, the skin after the contour correction does not need specialized care, since complications in the form of long-term edema and bruising does not occur. However, some measures should still be taken.
Recommendations after contour plastics:
- It is necessary to limit the use of makeup immediately after injection. Such restrictions are provided for only one day. On the second day you can safely impose the necessary make-up without fear of complications.
- During the first day after the procedure, clients are advised not to touch the skin with their hands, minimize any physical contact with the corrected zone.
- After plastics, you should avoid direct sunlight, do not sunbathe or visit a tanning studio (solarium). The restriction is valid for two weeks.
- For 14 days, or better than a month, you should use cosmetics and creams with a high degree of UV protection (SPF30).
- Do not go to the sauna, swimming pool or sauna for 14 days.
- It is desirable to avoid hypothermia and long walks in the frost, if the procedure is carried out in the winter.
- If after the injections on the skin there is a slight puffiness or minor hemorrhages (this is possible with very sensitive skin), you can use special anti-edematous gels and absorbable ointments on the advice of a cosmetologist.
- It is not recommended after plastic to perform other procedures, for example, peeling, cleaning the face and so on. This restriction is valid for 1-1.5 months.
- Many doctors advise clients to sleep on their backs, so that the gel is better and faster distributed in tissues. However, such recommendations can not be considered mandatory, it all depends on individual habits.
- For 14 days, do not take drugs that affect coagulation and blood concentration (anticoagulants, aspirin).
- Excluded any massage in the area of contour correction.
- Within 2 weeks, it is advisable not to take too hot baths.
Recommendations after contour plastics are not difficult to perform, as a rule, such rules do not change the usual way of life of patients and do not cause them discomfort. For the sake of transformation of appearance, achievement of result, many are ready and for great sacrifices, and contour plastics do not presuppose them at all.
Care after contour plastics
The advantage of the contour correction procedure lies not only in obtaining a quick effect and painlessness of the procedure, but also in the fact that care after the contour plastics is almost not required. All recommendations for postprocedural skin care are provided by a cosmetologist, depending on the age, problem and skin condition of the client.
What are the rules of care after the contour plasty?
- Within one or two days it is undesirable to use any decorative cosmetics, except there can be a quality corrective foundation or gel, which has a high degree of UV protection and hypoallergenicity.
- On the recommendation of the doctor, you can use certain external anti-inflammatory ointments, gels, it all depends on the type of skin and possible transient complications (puffiness or small bruises).
- To reduce the risk of developing bruising or rapid resorption, doctors may advise applying a gel with heparin, Traumeil-Gel, to the skin, however, most often such measures are not required and self-administration of ointments is unacceptable.
- Within a month, or better permanently, the skin should be protected from direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation. This can be done with the help of skin care, using high-quality creams with a high degree of UV protection.
- Within a week after the procedure, the client is advised to watch out for body contact with the corrected zone, most often a habit of touching the face. Even carefully washed hands can create the risk of infection or injury to the skin, it is better to observe your own transformation and the effect of rejuvenation, looking at the reflection of the mirror.
- Excluded visits to public pools, saunas, baths. Such precautions should be observed for 14 days, and preferably for a month.
- Infection, inflammation, abscesses - this is the reason for an immediate visit to the doctor, and not attempts to self-treatment. The cosmetologist will find out the cause of the complications and prescribe adequate external drugs to eliminate the negative phenomena. As a rule, such discomforting situations are transient and well suited to anti-inflammatory therapy.
In a word, care after contour plasty is not complicated, the main thing is to follow the advice of a cosmetologist and not to try to experiment using unproven means.
Feedback on contour plastics
The contour correction has become a real revolution in the field of cosmetology, so the feedback on contour plastics is often not just positive, but mostly admired. Statistics and feedback analysis in many clinics is conducted using questionnaires or periodic personal interviews in telephone mode. In addition, respectful clients and themselves professional salons, medical centers regularly monitor the results after a series of rejuvenating procedures. Unrelenting facts, in contrast to promotional advertising, say that 85% of reviews about contour plasty in the vast majority of women (95%) and men (78%) are positive. In addition, the development of pharmaceutical innovations, the emergence of new improved fillers, volumizers makes almost all procedures more affordable in terms of pricing policy. If ten years ago only a wealthy lady could afford a contour correction, today the effect of rejuvenation and improvement of appearance is available to almost any woman. It should be noted that up to now the living myth of cosmetic procedures as an expensive treat, somewhat hinders contour non-surgical plastics to take a worthy place in aesthetic medicine. But this is already the concern of marketers and directors on advertising from medical centers and salons, and readers should still try and make sure of the availability and effectiveness of truly "magic" injection plastics. Procedures last no more than half an hour, absolutely painless, and in case of hypersensitivity, local external anesthesia is performed with the help of Emla cream. The result will not only surprise you, but it will also be guaranteed: for 8 or 12 months, and possibly longer, everything depends on the corrected problem, your appearance will literally change to the side of rejuvenation.
Prices of contour plastics
Technologies of non-surgical correction of appearance are now becoming more accessible. If earlier, literally several decades ago, to improve the appearance, tighten the face oval, eliminate skin defects, wrinkles were possible only with the help of plastic surgery or expensive injection plastics, nowadays any woman can use the services of medical centers, beauty salons, regardless of social status. Of course, the prices of contour plastics are different from the purchase of cosmetics, however, if you break the cost of the procedure for the time period of the result, the monthly amount will be more than acceptable.
What can the prices of contour plastics depend on?
- Status of the salon or medical center. The higher the category of the institution, the more demands are placed on it, therefore, in order to meet certain criteria, the costs on the part of the administration are also needed. Nevertheless, even in the most prestigious and fashionable salons, regular campaigns are held to attract customers, there are systems of cumulative discounts, loans and other attractive marketing techniques. All this allows you to get the desired service to almost any person who wants to improve their appearance.
- The complexity of correction, the degree of availability and the size of the corrected zone. For example, a person is considered quite easy for plastics, but the zone around the eyes requires a certain level of skill, specific methods and preparations. The larger the problematic area, the more material is consumed, and the cost of the procedure also increases accordingly.
- The choice of the drug, which corrected problem areas. The cost of the filler can be different depending on the price of the manufacturer, on the degree of concentration of hyaluronic acid or other active substance.
- Number of procedures. Sometimes, to solve the aesthetic task, one visit to the cosmetologist is enough, but sometimes it is necessary to conduct a repeated, additional correction by introducing the filler into the appropriate area.
The most accessible at the price of mesotherapy, in Ukraine its cost can be from $ 50 to $ 150. More expensive is the volume contour plastic, which involves a price of $ 100 to $ 400. Quite often, beauty centers offer promotions, during which the price of procedures is reduced to 50%, so even if financial resources are insufficient, it is worthwhile to closely monitor the events in the world of cosmetology and regularly take interest in the events held in the salons. Thus, the cost of injection correction may vary, but as a rule, their value is discussed in advance at the initial consultation with a specialist.
Contour plastic is an innovative method, an alternative to a rather painful procedure - surgical correction. No more than half an hour of time, painless manipulation and almost immediately manifested result - is this not a reason to turn to a beauty salon and eliminate wrinkles, return the skin smoothness and elasticity, and just make yourself younger for several years? After all, as the world-famous Hollywood star Jane Fonda said: "Beauty does not require sacrifice, beauty needs attention, care and regular care, then it can be saved for many years."