

The biological process of aging usually begins in the second half of life, although the first age-related changes in the face can be observed from the age of 28-30. Changes in the amount of elastin and collagens and their percentage sooner or later lead to the formation of wrinkles and folds of the skin, which determine mainly the external signs of human aging. The aging process affects not only the skin, but also the underlying tissues: fatty, fascial, muscular, aponeurotic, bone. In connection with this, a significant number of methods for rejuvenating the face and neck have now been developed and are being applied, allowing them to affect not only the skin, but also the deeper structures, to receive a more pronounced and long-lasting cosmetic effect. Facelift today is a very frequent operation.

Masks and creams for the second chin

From the second chin has long been used various masks. You can buy them ready-made, or you can prepare them from available means purchased in a store or pharmacy.

Exercises for a second chin

Exercises to strengthen the chin and neck muscles can help reduce the appearance of a second chin and improve skin tone in this area.

Physical therapy methods for the second chin

Physical therapy techniques can help improve the skin and muscles in the chin area, which can in turn reduce the appearance of a second chin.

Non-surgical liposuction of the second chin

Non-surgical second chin liposuction, also known as non-invasive or minimally invasive chin correction, is a procedure designed to reduce fat deposits in the chin area without surgery.

Mesonitis for a second chin.

Mesonitis is often used for the second chin. These are special threads made of a substance of natural origin, which are inserted into the tissues that require tightening.

Massage for the second chin

You should have regular massages for the second chin. It can be done by a specialist in a massage parlor, or you can perform self-massage at home in front of a mirror.

How to remove the second chin with shots, injections?

Often from patients of the cosmetic salon have to hear the question: "How to remove the second chin with injections, injections?".

Plastic surgery for a second chin

For a second chin, plastic surgery can be performed to quickly resolve the problem.


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