

The biological process of aging usually begins in the second half of life, although the first age-related changes in the face can be observed from the age of 28-30. Changes in the amount of elastin and collagens and their percentage sooner or later lead to the formation of wrinkles and folds of the skin, which determine mainly the external signs of human aging. The aging process affects not only the skin, but also the underlying tissues: fatty, fascial, muscular, aponeurotic, bone. In connection with this, a significant number of methods for rejuvenating the face and neck have now been developed and are being applied, allowing them to affect not only the skin, but also the deeper structures, to receive a more pronounced and long-lasting cosmetic effect. Facelift today is a very frequent operation.

Moving the skin flap

After the completion of adequate tightening of the deep fascia, which will provide a long-term foundation for the changes made, you can perform the necessary movement and modification of the skin flap.

Skin Lifting and Lifting

The length of the cut depends on the amount of excess skin on the neck and, to some extent, the tissues on the face. When using the SMAS braces, the degree of the cut is much less than with the old, classical methods of rhytidectomy.

Treatment of the sub-chin, lower jaw and neck

Initial neck treatment includes correction of submandibular and sub-chiropractic lipoptosis. Facelift type I almost does not require any interference on the neck.

Face Lift Surgery

Changes in the line of hair growth or the appearance of scars in visible places can cause complete dissatisfaction of the patient, despite the good result of the suspender itself.

Anatomical conditions and type of face lift

The basic decision on the type of surgical face-lift that will be applied to a particular patient is based, first of all, on the patient's condition, fixed at the time of physical examination during the consultation.

Analysis in consultation and preoperative preparation of the patient before rhytidectomy

To determine the expected speed with which loss of elasticity tissue and the overall aging process will occur, it is important to assess the family history.

History of the development of the method of rhytidectomy (facelift)

On the contrary, surgery of the aging face - and rhytidectomy, in particular - originate from operations aimed at improving patients' self-image.

Basics of plastic facial surgery

The two main, age-related changes in the upper third of the face are the omission of the eyebrows and lines, the appearance of which is associated with excessive mobility of the face.


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