

The biological process of aging usually begins in the second half of life, although the first age-related changes in the face can be observed from the age of 28-30. Changes in the amount of elastin and collagens and their percentage sooner or later lead to the formation of wrinkles and folds of the skin, which determine mainly the external signs of human aging. The aging process affects not only the skin, but also the underlying tissues: fatty, fascial, muscular, aponeurotic, bone. In connection with this, a significant number of methods for rejuvenating the face and neck have now been developed and are being applied, allowing them to affect not only the skin, but also the deeper structures, to receive a more pronounced and long-lasting cosmetic effect. Facelift today is a very frequent operation.

Upper eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty): postoperative care

Patients are prescribed rest until the end of the day, preferably in a position on the back with two pillows. In the daytime, ice packs are continuously used; several times a day, an ophthalmic ointment is applied to the incisions.

Upper eyelid surgery in men

In men, the surgeon must be extremely conservative. Usually they have a lateral edge of the incision not to extend beyond the attachment of the lateral angle of the eye gap.

Surgery for upper eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)

Most often, the plastic of the upper eyelids can be performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia with minimal preoperative and intraoperative drug support.

Evaluation of eyebrow-eyelid complex

Evaluation begins with a simple observation when talking with the patient. The position of the eyebrows on the moving face and at rest is noted.

Fundamentals of upper eyelid plastic (blepharoplasty)

The success of the plastic surgery of the upper eyelids begins with the artist's understanding of the relationships of the upper eyelids, the eyebrows, the forehead, the ocular bone boundaries, and also with the general idea of the concept of a beautiful face.

Surgical technique of endoscopic braces of the middle part of the face

In most patients, during the endoscopic forehead lift and the middle part of the face, it is necessary to tackle the lower eyelids, either by excising the skin or by laser resurfacing.

Endoscopic eyebrow and midface lift

When examining the patient for changes in the upper third of the face, he must be in front of the mirror. Evaluation of the forehead and eyes is performed when the patient's head is in accordance with the Frankfurt horizontal plane.

Aesthetics (lifting) of the orbital complex

The "classical" eyebrow medially originates from a vertical line drawn through the site of the nose wing transition into the facial tissues.

Complications of rhytidectomy (facelift)

The most common complication of rhytidectomy is the formation of a hematoma, which occurs in 2-15% of patients.

Cords and secondary rhytidectomy

As the observations of patients for 6 months to 1 year after the operation showed, they will inevitably have some relaxation of the facial and neck surface tissues.


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