

The biological process of aging usually begins in the second half of life, although the first age-related changes in the face can be observed from the age of 28-30. Changes in the amount of elastin and collagens and their percentage sooner or later lead to the formation of wrinkles and folds of the skin, which determine mainly the external signs of human aging. The aging process affects not only the skin, but also the underlying tissues: fatty, fascial, muscular, aponeurotic, bone. In connection with this, a significant number of methods for rejuvenating the face and neck have now been developed and are being applied, allowing them to affect not only the skin, but also the deeper structures, to receive a more pronounced and long-lasting cosmetic effect. Facelift today is a very frequent operation.

Complications after Botox injections

Complications of Botox injections are microhematogenesis, local soreness at the site of administration. There may also be a temporary relaxation of the adjacent muscles, due to diffusion of the toxin.

Management of patients after Botox injections

After completing the injection course, we invite the patient to re-visit after 2 weeks to assess the condition of the facial lines and the effects of the toxin.

Botox technology

Injections in the area of the nadpings regulate the excessive activity of the muscle of the proud and the muscle wrinkling the transference, forming the "angry" lines on the forehead.

Use of botox (botulinum toxin type A) for facial wrinkles

It weakens muscle tone until flaccid paralysis. Botox was safely and effectively used to treat patients with facial dystonia, hemifacial spasms (facial hemispasm) and facial ticks. The result of such therapy is cosmetic improvement.

The art of sculpting a face

The goal of all types of anti-aging facial surgery, from eyebrow lift to simple liposuction, is to refresh the appearance of the patient. The desire to look younger begins in the young features of people ...

Lower eyelid plastic surgery: complications

Complications of blepharoplasty are usually the result of excessive resection of the skin or fat, insufficient hemostasis or inadequate preoperative assessment.

Lower eyelid surgery: the course of the operation

For the plasty of the lower eyelid, the following basic surgical approaches are used: transconjunctival, through the skin-muscle flap, through the skin flap.

Lower eyelid plastics: preoperative evaluation

To minimize the postoperative complications, careful and systemic preoperative assessment of candidates for blepharoplasty is necessary.

Anatomical aspects of plastics of lower eyelids

Given the subtle nature of the structural composition of the eyelids and their vital role in protecting the visual analyzer, iatrogenic interventions in the anatomy of the eyelids should be done carefully, accurately and with thoughtful consideration of existing soft tissue structures.

Complications of upper eyelid plastic (blepharoplasty)

The natural transitory consequences of plastics of the upper eyelids are erythema along the incision, a feeling of tension or a minimal sensation of friction, numbness and edema of the eyelids, more noticeable in the lateral half of the surgical wound.


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