
Mesonitis for a second chin.

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Mesonitis is often used for the second chin. These are special threads made of a substance of natural origin, which are inserted into the tissues that require tightening. They are maximally effective when inserted into the chin. This is due to the fact that in the area of the second chin threads of collagen and elastin dry out as quickly as possible, and lose their elasticity. As a result, the skin sags. The introduction of mesonites allows you to tighten the skin, to create the desired facial oval. Threads, due to their natural origin, easily take root in the surrounding tissues, become part of the body structure. Accordingly, the skin tightens, becomes smooth and firm, and its natural regeneration takes place.

Aptos threads

Aptos threads are an excellent alternative to plastic surgery. They are used for facelift surgery. Polymer threads. The method is relatively new, is a German development. The procedure has both positive and negative reviews, it has both advantages and disadvantages. So, when carrying out the procedure, there is practically no blood. Deep penetration into the tissue is not required in connection with which the skin is almost no scars or scars. Contraindications to the procedure are few. The procedure stops further fading and aging of the skin, promotes its renewal and rejuvenation. The appearance of the skin is significantly improved immediately after the manipulation. The final result will manifest itself only after 2-3 weeks. The effect of the procedure lasts quite a long time - 2-5 years. With the help of Aptos threads creates a framework of the face. It supports soft tissues, gives them shape. Gradually the tissues are displaced, reaching the desired place, they are fixed with the help of special notches located on the threads. The notches are arranged in the right direction, allowing to maintain the optimal shape of the tissues. Once secured, the fabrics can no longer shift as they are firmly fixed. This allows the fabrics to be kept in a tightened state.

There are several varieties of Aptos threads. The right choice can only be made by an experienced doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's skin, the severity of wrinkles, the degree of weakening of the skin.

There are two types of Aptos threads for skin lifting: absorbable and non-absorbable threads.

Nonabsorbable threads are represented by polypropylene, which is widely used in surgery for suturing. The material takes root quite well, practically does not cause side effects, has no contraindications. Harm to the body such threads do not cause. They form a strong framework. The effect of the procedure is long-term - it lasts at least 3-5 years.

The absorbable threads are made of caprolac. They disintegrate and are completely removed from the body after a year. The composition of the threads includes lactic acid, which contributes to the activation of metabolic processes, which promotes regeneration, rejuvenation of the skin. Due to the activation of regenerative processes, 2-3 months after the introduction of these threads, formed its own frame of the face, intensively growing connective tissue. This provides a reliable facelift, which is maintained until the threads do not dissolve completely. On average, the effect lasts for 2-3 years.

Resorbable threads, or nnti Light Lift, are recommended for patients between the ages of 30-35. Older patients with deep wrinkles and sagging skin require non-absorbable threads.

The main indications for the use of Aptos threads - sagging second chin, congenital and acquired defects and skin damage, deformities, asymmetries, sagging and drooping of certain areas of the face. Indication for Aptos thread lift is the appearance of wrinkles, folds, dystrophy of subcutaneous fatty tissue.

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