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Vegetable oils with pancreatitis: what can be?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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One of the conditions for treating inflammation of the pancreas is a diet. Oil in pancreatitis is part of a healthy diet. Consider its types and useful properties.
Pancreatitis is an inflammatory lesion of the pancreas. The pathological process is often associated with poor nutrition. At the same time, a healthy balanced diet is an indispensable condition for recovery.
One of the problems of therapeutic nutrition is the misuse of oils, that is, animal and vegetable fats. Oil in pancreatitis is a product that can bring both benefit and cause a serious exacerbation of the disease.
Useful properties of the tool are based on its composition:
- Fatty acids and other substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
- Vitamins, normalizing the work of the digestive tract and digestive system.
- Oleic acid - accelerates the absorption of food and the digestion of fats.
- Antioxidants - prevent oxidative processes that adversely affect the pancreas.
- Substances that restore the mucous membrane of affected cell membranes.
You can consume vegetable and animal fats only when the disease is in remission. This is due to the fact that in the acute course of the disorder the body is not able to cope with the additional burden, because of what a painful condition can significantly worsen.
What kind of oil is available for pancreatitis?
All patients with pancreatitis are shown strict adherence to the diet. A careful choice of products allows to unload the affected organ, which takes an active part in the digestion process. Particular care should be taken when choosing vegetable and animal fats. Some of them are useful for the pancreas, others are on the contrary dangerous.
When choosing the oil should follow these rules:
- Choose only a natural product, the fat content of which is more than 70%. This indicates that it does not contain stabilizers, refractory fats and emulsifiers.
- The product must be in the original packaging. If this is butter, the packaging should be made of foil, which prevents oxidation. Olive should be in a package of dark glass.
- Pay attention to the expiration date and storage conditions.
You can consume the product only if the disease is in remission. The drug should be taken in limited quantities so as not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
Indications Oils with pancreatitis
A fatty substance of an animal, vegetable or mineral origin is an oil. Indications for its use are based on functions that perform fats in the body:
- Structural - renewal of cellular membranes and participation in the structure of the membranes of nerve fibers.
- Energy - about 30% of the energy produced in the body is the result of fat oxidation.
- Hormonal - promote the synthesis of many hormonal substances.
- Hemostatic - substances that make up the oil participate in the blood coagulation system.
- Preserving - excess fat is stored in the body, allowing you to maintain life support for an extended period of time without food.
- Transport - improve the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K and other trace elements.
- Protective - prevent damage to the body by pathogens.
When using this product, it should be noted that it contributes to the production of pancreatic juice. In the acute period of inflammation, this aggravates the course of the disease, exerting a destructive effect on the affected organ.
Release form
All oils used for both oral and external use have two conditions, that is, release forms:
- Solid - creamy, coconut, cocoa, palm. Such products contain saturated fatty acids.
- Liquid - contain monounsaturated acids (olive, peanut) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (corn, sunflower, soybean, sesame, rapeseed, cotton).
The oil is classified according to the degree of purification:
- Unrefined - after mechanical cleaning, contains a maximum of useful substances. It has a peculiar taste and smell, it can leave a residue.
- Hydrated - after cleaning with hot water, without sediment and with less pronounced odor.
- Refined - after neutralization with alkali and mechanical cleaning. It has a weak taste and smell, a clear color.
- Deodorized - after cleaning with hot steam, has no smell and has a neutral taste.
The product is also separated by the spinning method. The greatest benefits for the body are oils obtained by cold pressing. Also, there is a means after extraction and hot pressing.
Flax seed oil with pancreatitis
A vegetable product that improves overall health, normalizes fat metabolism, digestive system and metabolic processes in the body is linseed oil. With pancreatitis, it can be used in both remission and minimal doses during exacerbation of the disease.
Flax is used in medicine for the treatment of many diseases. A natural product contains many valuable substances that positively affect the body. It includes:
- Linoleic acid - restores nerve cells and normalizes the transmission of nerve impulses.
- Omega-3 and Omega-6 - stimulate the brain, improve memory, hearing and vision.
- Vitamin A - strengthens the vessels.
- В4 - stimulates the immune system, prevents inflammatory processes in the body.
- B6 - provides normal operation of the genitourinary and nervous system.
- K - takes part in the processes of hematopoiesis.
The powerful antioxidant properties of flax have such an effect on the body:
- Improve the digestive system and digestive system.
- Restore the functioning of the pancreas.
- Promote the regeneration of cell membranes.
- Prevent tumor formation.
- Eliminate the symptoms of intoxication.
- Increase the protective properties of the immune system.
- Normalize the stool and fight with constipation.
Flax is contraindicated in cases of violations of the gallbladder, ulcerative diseases, arterial hypertension, during pregnancy and lactation, in patients younger than 5 years.
Linseed oil for acute inflammation of the pancreas is not recommended. This is due to the fact that the drug leads to increased production of bile, which falls into the pancreatic ducts and worsens well-being. In the period of remission, oil has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines and digestion processes.
Olive oil with pancreatitis
A useful product made from fresh olives is olive oil. With inflammation of the pancreas, it can be used only in the remission phase. Useful properties of the product depend on the technology of its production. It can be refined, that is, purified of various impurities and used in its natural form.
The composition of vegetable fat includes many monounsaturated fatty acids:
- Omega-9, oleic acid - 60-80%.
- Omega-6, linoleic acid - 4-14%.
- Palmitic acid - 15%.
- Omega-3 - 1%.
- Peanut and fragrant acid - 0.8%.
Also in the composition are other substances:
- Phenols - strengthen immunity, slow down the aging process at the cellular level.
- Spalling - prevents the development of cancer processes in the body.
- Sterols - prevent the formation of cholesterol.
- Vitamins E, A, D, K.
Such a unique composition advocates the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis. A mild laxative effect stimulates the work of the intestines and fights with constipation. The high content of antioxidants has a rejuvenating effect.
When you use this tool, you should consider that it is fat and very high in calories. Therefore, it is contraindicated to take in the period of exacerbation of pancreatitis, as it will significantly increase the burden on the inflamed organ. The product is prohibited for severe diarrhea.
Oil can be taken at least a month after the last attack of the disease and in the stage of persistent remission. The chemical composition accelerates the processing of fats and improves their digestion, normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract. To enter the diet should be gradually, gradually adding to salads, cereals and other dishes. It is better to choose an extra-class product.
Butter in pancreatitis
A high-calorie dairy product with a high fat content is a butter. With inflammatory lesions of the pancreas, it should be used with extreme caution. This is due to the fact that for the splitting of fats and for normal digestion, the affected organ must fully produce enzymes. But you should not completely abandon the milk fat, as its composition includes many useful components.
- Fat-soluble vitamins: A, D and E and minerals: calcium, phosphorus, phospholipids.
- It also includes cholesterol, which is the basis of bile acids and many hormones. Cholesterol is harmful only if it is abused.
- Participates in metabolic processes at the cellular level, promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues.
Because of the high fat content, the natural product should be introduced into the diet not earlier than 2-3 weeks after the relief of acute inflammation. When choosing it, it is desirable to give preference to goods with a low percentage of fat. It should be borne in mind that the fat content below 70% indicates that the composition includes artificial additives and flavors.
Oil can be added to cereals and vegetable purees, consuming 3-5 grams per day. With a good state of health, the daily portion can be increased to 20 g divided into 2-3 doses. To better assimilate and preserve useful substances, the creamy product is recommended to be added to warm food, just before it is consumed.
Sea-buckthorn oil with pancreatitis
A popular herbal remedy with medicinal properties, used both in official medicine and in the alternative is sea buckthorn oil. It is used inside with peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines, and also externally as a cosmetic with wound-healing properties.
Seabuckthorn can also be used in pancreatitis, because it has such properties beneficial to the body:
- Contains fat-soluble vitamins: A, F, E and K and polyunsaturated fatty acids: stearic, oleic, palmitic.
- Stimulates the processes of regeneration of damaged cells and tissues.
- Has anti-inflammatory effect.
- Protects the body from the negative effects of environmental factors.
- Has antimicrobial properties.
- Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
- Normalizes fat metabolism and prevents deposition of cholesterol plaques.
- Has a lenient and restorative effect.
The medicine should be taken, adhering to such rules:
- A pharmacy product is suitable for use.
- Oil is allowed only with pancreatitis in remission.
- The daily dosage should not exceed 15 ml (three teaspoons).
- It should be taken 30 minutes before meals.
- The product can be used as a dressing for salads or cereals.
Before using sea buckthorn, consult your doctor. This is associated with a risk of exacerbation of the disease. If the plant product is used for medicinal purposes, the course of therapy should not exceed 1-2 months of regular use.
Vegetable sunflower oil with pancreatitis
One of the most popular oils is vegetable sunflower. It is refined and unrefined. Its composition depends on how and where sunflowers were grown. In most cases, the product contains such substances:
- Fat saturated and unsaturated acids: linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic and others.
- Carbohydrates, proteins and tannins.
- Fitin, vitamins and minerals.
To use oil in the acute phase of inflammation of the digestive system is not recommended. This is due to the fact that its composition includes saturated enzymes, aggravating the disease state and the processes of pancreatic destruction.
Vegetable should be gradually added to the diet as the painful symptoms disappear. At the same time for cooking dishes are allowed refined, and for dressing salads - unrefined. The product begins to be taken from small doses, gradually increasing them, provided that the symptoms of exacerbation do not appear.
Unrefined sunflower oil in pancreatitis
According to the research, such product as unrefined sunflower oil, exceeds by its use many other vegetable fats (olive, linseed, soybean). It contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins of group B, A, E and D.
Beneficial features:
- Fatty acids are involved in the formation of nerve fibers and cell membranes.
- Reduces cholesterol and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
- Prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system and the development of atherosclerosis.
- Positively affects the work of the brain.
- Normalizes the work of the digestive tract and digestive tract.
- Prevention of constipation.
Use in pancreatitis unrefined lean oil can only be during remission of the disease. It is suitable as a dressing for salads and other dishes. It is allowed to take no more than 20 grams per day. It is recommended to refuse or minimize its heat treatment, as this leads to the transformation of some useful fatty acids into trans-isomers.
Thistle oil in pancreatitis
A product with pronounced medicinal properties, used in both traditional medicine and classical medicine, is the milk thistle oil. Its main feature is the chemical composition. The plant contains:
- Silymarin - protects the liver and organs of the digestive tract, has a general strengthening and immunomodulating effect.
- Vitamins: A, group B, E, PP, K, D, F.
- Amino acids are histamine and tyramine.
- Enzymes that improve the pancreas.
- Microelements: chrome, bromine, iodine.
- Micronutrients: magnesium, calcium, potassium.
The above components strengthen cell membranes and make them less susceptible to chemicals and degradation products.
The mechanism of action of a natural product:
- Displays toxic substances.
- Normalizes the synthesis of pancreatic hormones in its inflammatory lesions.
- It facilitates the digestion process.
- Promotes the production of enzymes by the gland.
- Accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged cells.
- Normalizes the synthesis of insulin (reduces the risk of developing diabetes in pancreatitis)
Since the oil promotes the regeneration of damaged cells and restores the production of pancreatic hormones in its inflammatory lesions, it can be used both during remission and during exacerbation of the disease. The product is taken 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day or added to salads, porridges.
In some cases, pancreatitis occurs with other pathologies, so when using thistle oil, its contraindications should be taken into account. The product is not allowed for use in disorders of the nervous system, asthma, cholelithiasis, appendicitis, individual intolerance to plants, for patients under 12 years old, with an excess of phosphorus and potassium in the body.
Cumin oil in pancreatitis
A popular alternative medicine is cumin oil. It is used for inflammation of the pancreas and other organs of the digestive system. Cumin removes spasms and painful sensations, stops the fermentation processes and the growth of pathogenic microflora in the intestine.
The composition of the plant includes such substances:
- Essential oils.
- Vitamins of group B, C, E.
- Selenium, calcium, nickel, iron.
The product has a high caloric content, in 100 ml contains 890 kcal. You can consume it only during a period of persistent remission of the disease and start with a minimum dosage, while the maximum - 1 teaspoon per day. This is associated with a high risk of allergic reactions to the product.
Cumin has such medicinal properties:
- Antimicrobial.
- Antiparasitic.
- Antifungal.
- Reduces the level of glucose in the blood.
- Increases appetite.
- Reduces pain and inflammation.
- Diuretic and bronchodilator effect.
Also it is necessary to take into account that in case of acute inflammation this biologically active additive sharply stimulates outflow of bile. If the bile enters the pancreatic ducts, this leads to transformation of the proenzymes and destruction of the pancreas. Cumin contains an increased concentration of essential oils, which provoke the release of pancreatic juice, activate metabolic processes and inflammation.
Pumpkin oil with pancreatitis
A fairly effective product with a mass of useful properties used in the treatment of the pancreas is pumpkin oil. It is produced by cold pressing of seeds. Thanks to this, all useful properties are preserved.
The composition of the pumpkin includes such substances:
- A complex of vitamins: A, B1, B2, E, C, K, P and amino acids: omega-3 and omega-6.
- Micro and macro elements: iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus.
- Pectin, proteins, sterols, carotene.
- Essential phospholipids and flavonoids.
Before consuming pumpkin oil, especially if pancreatitis is already developed, you should consult your doctor. This is due to the fact that the product stimulates the secretion of bile, which leads to the withering away of the tissues of the inflamed organ.
As for therapeutic and preventive purposes, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoonful before breakfast. Such a dosage will improve the metabolism, purify the body of toxins and fats.
Cedar oil in pancreatitis
A valuable source of fat is cedar oil. It has no analogues both in taste qualities, and in utility and composition. Very often it is used for pancreatitis and other diseases of the digestive system. The therapeutic effect is based on the composition of the natural remedy: microelements, vitamins E, F, unsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, minerals.
Beneficial features:
- Improves the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.
- Normalizes the nervous system.
- Strengthens the body.
- Improves blood circulation.
It has antiseptic, antifungal, bactericidal and restorative action. For treatment and prevention of pancreatitis, it is recommended to take a table spoon 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. The course of recovery should last at least 1 month.
Castor oil for pancreatitis
Castor oil is obtained from castor seeds. The finished product has a viscous structure, a clear color and a specific odor. When administered orally, castor oil is hydrolyzed by lipase to racinolic acid, which irritates the intestinal receptors and enhances peristalsis.
- The main indications for the use of this product are: constipation, purification of the digestive tract and cosmetology. The antimicrobial activity of the components that make up castor oil has an antibacterial and antifungal effect. In alternative medicine, the remedy is used for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, arthritis, asthma, hemorrhoids, muscle strain and swelling.
- To cleanse the digestive system, enough to mix 10 drops of castor oil with a teaspoon of sugar and take it inside. Oil perfectly stimulates metabolic processes and protects the gastrointestinal tract from pathogenic microorganisms, it stops inflammation. In some cases, castor oil in pancreatitis is combined with magnesia preparations.
- The use of elevated doses leads to the development of overdose symptoms: headaches and dizziness, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, renal dysfunction, loss of consciousness. Antidotes of castor oil are Loperamide and Atropine sulfate. Treatment is aimed at replenishment of fluid and electrolytes. Prolonged use of the drug is dangerous development of intestinal atony.
Castor oil is contraindicated in hypersensitivity to castor seeds, acute pancreatitis and other inflammatory processes in the acute stage, as well as during pregnancy.
Corn oil in pancreatitis
A plant product with a high content of vitamin E, good digestibility and excellent taste qualities is corn oil. To date, there are many brands, as well as refined and unrefined species.
Composition and useful properties:
- B1 - saturates cells with oxygen, normalizes water-salt and carbohydrate-fat metabolism.
- E - antioxidant, normalizes the work of the gonads and speeds up the regeneration process.
- F - prevents formation of thrombi, dilutes blood, improves metabolic processes and promotes wound healing.
- PP - normalizes the digestive processes and the work of the nervous system.
- Lecithin - removes harmful cholesterol from the body, has an antioxidant effect.
- Unsaturated fatty acids - strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to various diseases.
When pancreatitis, the corn product is recommended for use during remission. It normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improves digestion. Helps restore the vitamin balance in the body. The recommended daily dosage is 30 ml. It can be added to various dishes or consumed 1 teaspoon in the morning before meals.
Bread with oil in pancreatitis
With inflammation of the pancreas, all patients are prescribed a special diet that normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract and helps restore the affected organ. Fresh bread refers to banned foods, as it activates the formation of proteolytic enzymes that destroy the tissues of the inflamed gland.
The combination of bread and butter with inflammation in the acute stage causes abdominal pain, stool disorders and increased gas formation. After the disease passes into the stage of remission, the diet can include yesterday's white and black bread. The product can be supplemented with a small amount of butter or any vegetable.
Especially useful is rye bread from peeled flour. In combination with vegetable or animal fats, it normalizes the composition of the intestinal flora, lowers cholesterol, improves the properties of bile and prevents constipation.
Vaseline's oil in the pancreas
An effective laxative is Vaseline oil. With pancreatitis and defeat of the digestive organs it is taken to stimulate the motility of the small intestine and prevent constipation, but only when the disease is in remission. The recommended dosage is 15-30 ml, the duration of therapy should not exceed 5 days.
Long-term use of the drug is dangerous development of hypovitaminosis and atony of the intestine. Vaseline is contraindicated to take inside with acute inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity, intestinal obstruction and intestinal bleeding, during pregnancy and lactation.
Sesame oil with pancreatitis
Oilseed culture with white, yellow and black seeds, sweet taste and nutty aroma is sesame. Today it is used in medicine, phytotherapy, cooking and even cosmetology
Sesame oil in pancreatitis can be used only after the end of an acute attack of the disease. The natural remedy contains antioxidants, vitamins, microelements and fatty acids. This composition helps strengthen the body.
Useful properties of sesame:
- Normalizes metabolic processes in the body.
- Reduces the acidity of gastric juice.
- Removes intestinal colic.
- Promotes a speedy recovery for gastritis and peptic ulcer.
- Improves the elasticity of blood vessels.
- Warms, softens and soothes.
- It prevents oncological processes.
- Eliminates insomnia, fatigue and irritability.
A natural remedy can be taken 1 teaspoon 3 times daily before meals or used as an additive to salads, cereals and other dishes. The daily dosage should not exceed 30 g. In this case, contraindications should be considered: intolerance of components, increased blood coagulability, obesity and varicose veins.
Liver oil in pancreatitis
A plant-weed from cabbage is a red-tailed beetle. It is used in medicine, cosmetology, chemical industry and cooking. Also, oil is prepared from it, which has the following composition:
- Omega-3 polyunsaturated acid - stimulates the work of the brain and improves the condition of muscle tissue.
- Vegetable lipids - contains tocopherol, retinol, as well as vitamins D, K, F.
- Phytosterols - steroidal alcohols prevent the appearance of tumor cells.
- Chlorophyll - has antibacterial properties and accelerates the healing of wounds.
- Magnesium improves metabolism and establishes the process of digestion, strengthens the cardiovascular and nervous system.
With pancreatitis, red-oil can be consumed only when the acute attacks of the disease subscribe. When choosing a product, it is recommended to give preference to the unrefined, since it contains the maximum amount of useful microelements and vitamins.
The recommended dosage is 15 ml in the morning before meals. The course of treatment should be at least 3 months. If the oil is used for filling salads and other dishes, the dose can be increased to 30 ml per day. Rye oil is contraindicated in hypersensitivity to its components, acute inflammation of the pancreas.
Stone oil with pancreatitis
A medicinal product, popular in medicine in Tibet and China, is rock oil (a marriage). It is a natural mineral without organic impurities. The mechanism of its formation has not been fully studied, but it is known that it is a product of rock leaching.
95% of the composition of a bracelet is magnesium and aluminum sulfates. It also includes zinc, copper, potassium, iron, selenium, phosphorus, iodine and other substances.
The healing properties of stone oil:
- Antibacterial
- Anti-inflammatory
- Painkillers
- Spasmolytic
- Toning
- Wound healing
- Disinfectant
Indications for use:
- Diseases of the digestive system (pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcer and cholelithiasis, intoxication, cholecystitis).
- Dermatological diseases.
- Pathology of the cardiovascular system.
- Injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
- Gynecological diseases and disorders of the urinary system.
- ENT pathology, respiratory system diseases.
Use stone oil in pancreatitis should be only after permission of the doctor and during the period of the illness. A solution is prepared from the dry raw material, which can be ingested, rinsing, rinsing, compresses. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, for patients under 10 years of age, with diseases of the digestive system in acute form, heart defects, increased blood clotting, constipation.
Mustard oil in pancreatitis
Another product of vegetable origin with a wide range of therapeutic effects is mustard oil. It includes such substances as:
- Vegetable and polyunsaturated fats (omega-3, omega-6, omega-9).
- Vitamins: A, group B, D, E, K, PP.
- Phytosterols and phytoncides, chlorophyll.
The product has antiseptic, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunostimulating properties.
The drug is effective for chronic gastritis, constipation, pancreatitis outside the exacerbation, hormonal disorders. It is also used for the treatment of liver and biliary tract, cardiovascular diseases, as prevention of iron deficiency anemia.
Mustard oil is contraindicated in diseases of the digestive tract with increased secretory function, ulcerative lesions of the digestive organs and intolerance of its components.
Ghee with pancreatitis
The product obtained by thermal exposure to butter is a melted oil. High temperatures contribute to the removal of milk base, water and impurities. The product has a light nutty aroma and amber color.
The composition does not include milk proteins, so it can be used with lactose intolerance. The product has an increased content of fats, there are also vitamins A, D, E, PP, minerals. It has antioxidant properties, stimulates regeneration processes and increases the elasticity of blood vessels.
Since melted oil has a high caloric value, it is contraindicated in acute pancreatitis. In the remission phase, the product is also not abused, because there is a risk of metabolic disorders and the development of atherosclerosis.
Coconut oil in pancreatitis
A popular oil with a wide range of uses is coconut oil. It includes vitamins, minerals and a complex of fatty acids:
- Lauric
- Myristic
- Palmitine
- Capricorn
- Caprilova
- Oleinova
- Stearinova
- Nylon
- Linoleum
- Hexadecene
Saturated fats have an antimicrobial effect. Fight against parasites, fungi and bacteria. Increase the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Also contribute to strengthening the immune system.
Coconut oil in pancreatitis is very useful, because it is not absorbed and quickly hydrolyzed. You can consume the product only with remission of the disease. It should be borne in mind that in 25% of patients it causes nausea and leads to stool disorders. Coconut improves digestion, prevents diseases of the stomach and intestines.
There are many types of natural oils, which differ in their useful properties and specificity. The mechanism of action and pharmacological effects are based on the components that make up plant and animal fats.
The most valuable are polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are not synthesized by the body and must be supplied with food. In each oil they are contained in different amounts:
- 50-80% - sunflower, soybean, corn.
- 15-22% - the olive.
- 5-6% - creamy.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids are involved in the process of cholesterol metabolism and contribute to its elimination from the body. Prevent deposition on the walls of the arteries and improve the elasticity of the walls of the vessels.
Also, the composition of the oil includes phosphatides, lipochromes, vitamins and minerals, which are very useful in inflammatory processes in the digestive organs, and especially in pancreatitis. Another feature of natural oils is that they gently affect the body, speeding up the healing process and increasing the protective properties of the immune system.
When administered orally, both vegetable and animal oil, passes the stomach and enters the small intestine. From the intestine, most of the enzymes (lipases) are transformed into fatty acids. The process of processing and assimilation is quite problematic, since fats do not dissolve in water. That's why the body produces bile, which separates the lumps of fat.
Lipoproteins (proteins) transport fatty acids and other substances together with cholesterol through the circulatory system. After that all the components of the product settle in the fat cells. Some of the useful components are partially or completely absorbed, the rest are excreted from the body.
You should consume oil in moderation, about 10% of the daily calorie intake. This is due to the fact that high intake of saturated fats negatively affects the pancreas and increases the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Dosing and administration
Regardless of the shape of the oil, the method of application and dosage should be determined by the attending physician. It should also be noted that vegetable and animal fats are contraindicated in the aggravation of pancreatitis, symptoms of nausea and abdominal pain.
A single daily dose should not exceed 10-15 g, a daily portion of 20-30 g divided into several receptions. The product can be added to ready-made meals or used for cooking (baking, stewing).
It should also be taken into account that during the heat treatment many vitamins and useful substances that are contained in the oil are destroyed. Cold fat is poorly absorbed and can cause exacerbation of pancreatitis.
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Fasting oil for pancreatitis
Both dieticians and doctors recommend using oil as a supplement to vegetables or filling to cereals. No less useful is the intake of oil on an empty stomach. With pancreatitis in the acute stage, this method of improving the body is contraindicated, since it can aggravate an already painful condition.
The use of oil on an empty stomach is explained by the fact that such use contributes to better assimilation of all the useful components contained in a natural product. Exchange and purification processes are activated, recovery of damaged cells and tissues is accelerated, which has a favorable effect on the general condition.
But take oil on an empty stomach should be only under the supervision of a doctor according to the scheme developed by him. Therapy starts with ½ teaspoon, gradually bringing up to 1 dining room and eating a slice of bread.
Use Oils with pancreatitis during pregnancy
Any illness during pregnancy is a real test for a future mother and a high risk of various complications for the baby. This applies to inflammation of the pancreas, that is, pancreatitis. To prevent an exacerbation of the disorder and its prevention, a balanced diet is recommended.
Consider the most useful oils that must be taken during pregnancy:
- Olive is a source of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which reduce the risk of toxemia and premature birth. Tocopherol minimizes the threat of miscarriage and promotes normal maturation of the placenta. The product has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, has a mild laxative effect and helps with constipation.
- Cream - contains a large amount of calcium, a complex of vitamins and fatty acids, which favorably affect the development of the child, strengthen the immunity of the pregnant woman and normalize the digestive process.
- Sea-buckthorn - positively affects the digestive system and digestive system. Contains vitamins A, C, E and K, which have anti-catarrhal effect. Prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.
- Linen - normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, helps with constipation. Activates protective functions of the body, cleanses the vessels.
Before using the oil during pregnancy, especially with exacerbation of pancreatitis, you should consult your doctor. The doctor will give recommendations on the choice of the most safe and useful product, prescribe a dosage.
Like any product, oil has certain contraindications to the application:
- Individual intolerance of components.
- Allergic reactions to the product.
- Diseases of biliary tract and GIT organs in acute form.
- Children under 3 years.
To avoid the occurrence of adverse reactions with extreme caution, oil should be taken by pregnant women and women during lactation.
Side effects Oils with pancreatitis
The most common side effect of oil abuse is disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The painful condition is manifested by such symptoms:
- Nausea.
- Vomiting.
- Stool disorders (diarrhea, constipation).
- Convulsive pain in the abdomen.
- Intoxication.
There is also a risk of allergic reactions:
- Labored breathing.
- Headaches and dizziness.
- Puffiness.
- Cardiopalmus.
If these symptoms appear, stop using the product and rinse the stomach with further symptomatic therapy and visit the doctor.
Excessive consumption of oil is dangerous for the body, especially with the existing diseases of the digestive system. Overdose is most often manifested by various allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
There may also be signs of serious intoxication, as the herbal product has some toxicity. In this case, patients face similar symptoms:
- Increased weakness.
- The respite.
- Rapid breathing and palpitations.
- Violation of consciousness.
To avoid symptoms of overdose, consult with your doctor before using the oil, and adhere strictly to the recommended dosage and treatment regimen.
Interactions with other drugs
Oils used for ingestion are food. They interact well with various food products, saturating the body with useful micro and macro elements. As for interaction with medicines, flaxseed oil is not recommended during antibiotic therapy, and cumin oil weakens the effectiveness of chemotherapy.
The remaining vegetable fats are normally combined with medicines. But in any case, before using them, you should consult with your doctor to avoid exacerbation of pancreatitis and the development of other complications.
Storage conditions
All vegetable oils are susceptible to oxidation when exposed to light, so storage conditions should be kept in a dark, cool place.
- Olive oil should be stored at a temperature of 12-15 ° C otherwise a deposit will appear on the bottom of the bottle. It can not be kept near a stove and other heating appliances. With prolonged exposure to light, all antioxidants and vitamins are destroyed.
- Cream and melted butter are the most perishable products. They should be kept in a refrigerator in a glass container or in the original packaging. The optimum temperature is 5-20 ° C.
- Sunflower oil should be stored at a temperature not higher than 18 ° C. Unrefined it is better to keep in the refrigerator. The container with the product should not be left open to avoid contact with oxygen.
Observance of the above recommendations will allow you to enjoy the whole complex of useful substances with which natural oil is rich.
Shelf life
Oil in pancreatitis is an obligatory component of the patient's diet during the recovery period. The period of its validity depends on a number of factors: grade, packing, storage conditions. On average, the shelf life of plant products is about 2 years, with the observance of the temperature regime and the absence of light. Open the bottle should be used within 1-2 months. As for butter, the open package must be eaten within 3 weeks from the date of production. Sealed oil can be stored for more than a year at a temperature of -18 to -24 ° C, that is, in the freezer.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Vegetable oils with pancreatitis: what can be?" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.