
Healing Diet

Nutrition and diet for hair loss in women

One of the most common causes of hair loss in women, the appearance of fragility and tarnishing ringlets - these are the limitations in nutrition. Different diets deprive the body of the useful components that are necessary for the normal growth of the hair follicle.

Nutrition and diet for thrush in men

Thrush in men - a disease that is rare, nevertheless, requires effort to get rid of it. Thrush significantly limits the viability of a man and requires treatment.

Water in water starvation: distilled, live, mineral, soda, coconut

In addition to well, spring or water for therapeutic water starvation, distilled, melted, rain, boiled water without any additives will do.

Methods of fasting on water

Hungry diets are one of the methods of alternative medicine. There are two fundamentally different methods of starvation: dry and water. At the first, the hungry does not eat or drink, at the second meal is excluded, and water is allowed in unlimited quantities.

Correct starvation on water for weight loss: rules, exit

The deciding factor is the duration of fasting. In some people, prolonged starvation later becomes a way of life.

Therapeutic starvation on the water for 1, 3, 7, 10, 21, 40 days

Fasting on the water refers to health-improving diets, when all food is banned, and water is allowed in sufficient quantities. It can be practiced on a cascade basis, that is, combine with long periods of normal nutrition.

Flax seeds with atrophic, erosive gastritis, with high acidity

Flax seeds firmly took their position in the treatment of gastritis. The gastroenterologist, along with the medicamental treatment, appoints a decoction of flax seed as an auxiliary. This is due to its healing properties, the ability to envelop and protect the gastric mucosa, to repair damaged cells.

Kefir with chronic, erosive and atrophic gastritis

Kefir is a famous and many favorite milk drink. Get it by fermenting milk, created with the help of microorganisms. About two dozen of them are involved in obtaining the product. It is divided into one, two and three days.

Cheese in acute and chronic pancreatitis: allowed varieties

Diseases associated with the digestive organs require careful treatment of their diet, choice of foods and the way they are cooked. Pancreatitis is a pathology of the pancreas, the organ directly responsible for digesting food.


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