Water in water starvation: distilled, live, mineral, soda, coconut
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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In addition to well, spring or water for therapeutic water starvation, distilled, melted, rain, boiled water without any additives will do. Although other sources warn that distilled is not suitable, because it does not contain microelements necessary for a fasting organism. Mineral is also not recommended to drink just like that, but only for medical reasons.
Starvation on distilled water
The minerals introduced with water inhibit the purification processes, since the body must also get rid of them too. Distilled, that is, chemically pure water does not contain salts and impurities, so it is ideal for fasting on water. It does not require additional energy costs from the body, weakened by starvation.
Fasting on distilled water at home is allowed at a time of 7-10 days. At this time should be stocked with high-quality water, then the network obtained due to the condensation of steam.
- You can distill water yourself in several ways: boiling, freezing, and using a special device. To produce the distillate, use the fixed and filtered tap water. If there is a key or well water, settling is not necessary. For a day it is required to consume up to 3.3 liters.
The effectiveness of the hunger strike is that with the help of distilled water there is a gentle washing out of the slags.
When fasting one day a week, stop eating at 18 o'clock, after a light supper, and before going to bed drink up to a liter of purified water. In the morning distilled water is drunk every half hour, 0.5 glasses each. 24 hours after the start of the hunger-strike, they have supper with a cabbage salad, with no additions, with the addition of apples, carrots, favorite fruits and vegetables; this dish cleans the contents of the intestines. Complete the general cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract fruit and vegetable diet, enriched with fiber. Such food is allowed to eat in unlimited volume all the days remaining until the end of the week.
With a three-day fasting of water, respectively, drunk three times more, and the way out of the diet lasts also three days. Then add stewed vegetables with vegetable oil; after them you can go on a daily diet.
With a diet designed for a week and a half, water is drunk even more and more often, and the way out of the diet lasts up to 5-7 days. The same dish is a vegetable salad with cabbage prevalence.
Water from the distiller is suitable not only for food needs, but also for the preparation of home remedies, moistening the air, watering flowers, filling the aquariums. It does not leave traces on things, it does not settle on irons and steam cleaners.
Read also: Medical starvation on the water at 1, 3, 7, 10, 21, 40 days
Starvation on honey and water
Honey is very useful, but it can not be attributed to dietary products. However, it is suitable for medical starvation on honey and water, if in addition, nothing else to eat. The result is a cleansing of the body, a decrease in body weight, elimination of diseases, improvement of well-being and mood. The most common period of fasting on water with honey is a week, but beforehand it is recommended that everyone spend a one-day trial procedure, and then a three-day procedure.
- Weekly hunger strike is difficult to endure, so it is necessary to eliminate contraindications and allergies to honey, as well as determine whether it really is necessary.
Then properly prepare the body for the upcoming stress. This will take a week, during which you need to cancel harmful food, reduce portions and say a definitive "no" to unhealthy habits. Use cooking, baking, steaming food, gradually go to the vegetable menu, with the predominance of raw vegetables.
In the "hungry" days you need to drink warm honey water, up to 2.5 liters per day, before bedtime apply an enema of 1 liter. Go out as smoothly as possible: starting with the juice in half with water, in the same amount (2.5 liters). The second day is also not the time to relax: to drink, as before, water, but the juice is no longer diluted. The next two days, water remains the main component of the diet, but includes porridge and boiled vegetables, and then - the rest of the healthy food.
It is noticed that a week of starvation on the water has the most positive effect on the hunger: it changes food habits towards the healthy, teaches to enjoy the natural taste of products, without artificial additives, salt and preservatives.
Honey provides invaluable support to the body in a stressful situation, relieves fatigue and headaches, facilitates the purification and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to fructose helps to cope with cravings for sweets. Although more effective, according to many, is a water hunger strike without honey.
Fasting on water with lemon
Fresh lemon juice has long been used for healing. Fresh, used according to the scheme of growth and recession, is able to help where other means for losing weight are defeated. Fasting on water with a lemon is not so radical, but quite accessible technique.
- By adding half a citrus per liter of water, within two weeks you can reduce your appetite, stimulate metabolism and slowly, but surely burn excess fats.
And the lemon is added during starvation on water and ordinary, and mineral. You can use the following scheme: the first week the percentage of juice daily increase, after its expiration, on the contrary, - reduce.
However, the theory of the positive influence of lemon on the figure and the physical state of the organism, promoted by the most popular people of the planet, has ardent opponents. They say about the exaggeration of the role of lemon and lemon water. As if the magic attributed to the lemon, in fact, is nothing more than a placebo effect, that is, a psychological setting for the desired result. They believe that water with lemon makes water more tasty, so it is better to drink, but not more useful for losing weight. The only benefit is that it is vitaminized and does not contain sugar, unlike other popular drinks.
Nevertheless, if you decide to start the day not with tea and coffee, but with "homemade lemonade" on an empty stomach, learn how to prepare it correctly, that is, with the pulp, according to this recipe:
- Prepare 6 fruits; Using vinegar and water, remove wax or chemicals from the peel.
- Cut into two parts, pour water, heat.
- Leave for the night, in the morning strain.
- Drink warmed, you can with honey.
- Keep the rest in a glass jar for the next morning.
This drink protects against colds, invigorates, removes poisons, freshens breath. Not only will help to lose weight, but also other benefit will bring.
Fasting on living water
Living water exists not only in fairy tales. In the modern concept, it would be more accurate to call it life-giving, health-improving. For fasting on water, use water obtained with an ionizer. It is an electrical appliance capable of generating alkaline drinking water with optimum acidity, redox potential and natural structure.
Outwardly, such water does not differ from ordinary water. And since modern man is not inclined to believe in fairy tales, but is ready to accept scientific explanations, here are the characteristics of living water:
- chemically and bacteriologically safe;
- saturated with ions of microelements;
- the molecules are structured;
- alkaline pH;
- has a negative oxidation-reduction potential.
These properties are very important for the work of the body and are especially evident in the process of fasting on living water. More precisely, during the preparation period, which is designed to reduce stress for the body, clean it of physical and energy waste and restart the healthy mechanisms.
- You should drink live water two or three days before the start of a hunger strike, according to this scheme: on an empty stomach - a glass, before dinner - half, after an hour after lunch and at noon - 2 tablespoons. L., an hour before dinner - again half a cup and an hour before bedtime - a full glass. Drink slowly, in small sips.
Having made a decision to starve on the water, remember that one-day procedure has not harmed anyone and can be carried out independently. When fasting for more than two days a person needs a doctor's supervision and a semi-fast treatment.
Starvation on mineral water
Mineral water during fasting on water is perceived by each organism individually. Borjomi, Narzan, Pellegrini, Essentuki 2, Essentuki 4, Nabeglavi and similar waters are used for the procedure. When you quit fasting - this is the best drink, you need to drink such water to the maximum, but divorced - distilled, spring, well, or any other water that is used daily.
- Fasting on mineral water is developed by Americans as the next way to lose weight. Why is water chosen? Yes, because it is the most natural drink for a person. Our body, depending on sex, age, weight, other factors, is 75-85 percent water.
There is a direct correlation between the body weight and the amount of water needed by the body: so if a young man weighs only 1.8 liters, then a 100-kilogram heavyweight requires almost twice as much - 3.4 liters daily.
Not every mineral water is suitable for fasting and cleaning. Therapeutic is used as a therapeutic component. Carbonates cause bloating and increased appetite. Water with sodium and chlorine delays water in the body.
- Ideal for fasting and losing weight - a mineral without gas, with a low content of useful salts. For example, magnesium cleanses the intestines and prevents the absorption of fats. If there are a lot of salts, the water is diluted or drunk less, and the rest of the volume is overtaken by clean water.
The water-mineral diet lasts two days. To clean and renew the body, in addition to water, mineral and pure, nothing can be taken. If you add lemon juice, the metabolism is accelerated, fats are neutralized, the hunger is dulled. So do cinnamon, ginger, apple cider vinegar. Honey that improves the taste and protects the walls of the stomach is beneficial.
Methods and timing of fasting are selected individually. There are also those that combine the use of individual dishes and drinking on a special schedule. The method of losing weight with mineral water is calculated for a month.
Starvation on soda water
Before you start starving on the water, you need to work out a positive attitude to success, abandon bad habits, consciously follow recommendations and know about the consequences. To this end, it is advisable to read the literature on the methods of cleansing the body or find information on the Internet, as well as to be examined and consulted with doctors about the state of health. At a minimum, a potential starving person should not have kidney problems.
If all this is done, you can prepare for starvation on soda water physiologically. Advancement to a vegetable diet will help to avoid debilitating enemas during fasting. Regarding this procedure, the authors of fasting methods on water do not have a single point of view. Some are adherents of daily mechanical cleaning of the intestine, others suggest doing enemas every other day, and Bragg, for example, is generally opposed to such procedures.
To detoxify the body on an empty stomach, use a hot unboiled drink in a concentration of 0.5 tsp. Soda for a cup of water. The rest of the time they drink ordinary water. When poisoning alkaline drink is recommended every two to three hours.
Soda for body cleansing is used externally: in the form of baths, foot baths, aroma treatments, wipes, appliqués ("sock socks"). There is a whole soda technique for healing and cleansing, detoxification and starvation, the adherents of which combine soda procedures with jogging, meditation, raw food and other non-traditional practices.
Starvation on water with salt
The practice of fasting on water with salt is often applied by yogis, who care not only for the purity of the spirit, but also for the body. Such unloading is recommended to be performed at the junction of the seasons. Weight loss and cleansing is due to the laxative effect of salt, which is able to conduct "urgent evacuation" of the contents of the intestine.
- During starvation on the water with salt, excess water and fecal masses are excreted from the body. Thus, two rabbits are killed: unload the digestive system and reduce body weight.
The procedure is planned for the morning, instead of breakfast. It takes 5 liters of solution, prepared from boiled water and salt, cooked or sea. 5 liters of water are taken from the salt with 5 teaspoons "with top". The solution must be very salty, this is its effectiveness. At the same time, prepare a towel, a nourishing cream: they will be needed for hygienic procedures after the act of defecation.
After drinking a full glass of water, do a few exercises. They will help promote salt water along the digestive tract.
- The legs are shoulder width apart, the back is straight. Intense tilts, 4 in each direction.
- Tilt forward, legs wider, touching the toes with your hands: the right one - the left leg and vice versa. In extreme cases, try to at least reach the ankle. At a rapid pace make 4 turns in the sides.
- Lie on your stomach, your feet are diluted. Turn the body left and right, looking at the heels of the opposite leg. The lower part of the body remains fixed.
- Squat, spread out your heels, bend your collarbone to your knee. All repeating 4 times.
Ritual is done every time after drinking a glass of water. It will take 4-6 of these approaches before you have to go to the toilet. Water procedures and exercises are repeated until the discharge from the rectum is clean, like water, with an admixture of bile. If after 6 glasses the urge to defecate does not appear, you need to make a normal enema, and then drink salt water again and perform the exercises.
You can eat an hour after cleansing the bowels. It is best to cook rice on water or pasta from hard wheat. Only in a day you can go back to the daily diet, though without all that is sharp and fat. From drinks useful green, mint and lime teas, clean water. For two days it is forbidden to take alcohol, kefir, kvass, colored soda, sugar, heavy meals.
The minus of such a procedure is a temporary effect. Therefore, it is carried out in cases where it is necessary to put on your favorite clothes that have become cramped. Women should be aware of contraindications and do not use a highly concentrated salt solution during the period of gestation and breastfeeding of the child. Also, it is not indicated in inflammatory diseases of the digestive organs, hemorrhoids.
Starvation on coconut water
What is coconut water? This is the transparent content of young palm nuts, better known as coconut milk. Due to its antioxidant and anti-aging properties it is often used in cosmetic production. And coconut water is a natural energy, rich in minerals and tonic ingredients.
It is within the young fruit that substances are kept, thanks to which starvation on coconut water stimulates metabolism and helps to get rid of excess mass. Although in fact it is not fruits, but the seeds of a palm tree, and water is the juice of immature coconuts. The natural product possesses many health-giving qualities, which makes it very popular not only in "native" places, but also all over the planet. Knowingly it is called the elixir of life.
Fasting on the water obtained from coconuts is not a cheap pleasure. But it has at least two distinct advantages over ordinary water:
- According to some parameters, the coconut product is almost identical to the natural human fluids: saliva and blood plasma.
- When you include coconut water in your diet, you do not need a hunger strike.
The substance has a pleasant sourish-sweet taste, perfectly quenches thirst. As the coconut ripens in the liquid, fat forms and it turns into a sweet, aromatic, milk-like mass, which then becomes pulp. It is such a ripe exotic, with a thick substance inside, usually sell from us, and on the tropical islands all stages of the maturity of coconuts are available, and the locals fully use all their properties. In particular, they prepare coconut cocktails for tourists who are well toned and have a beneficial effect on the body, and thanks to their low calorie content they help to lose weight.
With the constant use of coconut water, immunity is strengthened, the body cleanses, and the metabolism is normalized. The characteristic aroma dulls the appetite, useful substances are not stored in stock, but quickly and efficiently burned.
Amino acids in coconut liquid actively resist toxins, help the liver neutralize them and prevent further spread. Even dangerous mercury compounds are released.
Fasting on holy water
Religious abstention from food is called fasting. This ancient tradition, consecrated by the church, is very important for true believers. In the old days, people, unlike contemporaries, were more calm about starvation or malnutrition and did not consider such a state an extraordinary event.
Today, various faiths also practice the rejection of certain foods, and on certain days - complete abstinence from eating and drinking, that is, strict fasting. Thus, believers, in particular, Christians, repent, prepare for church ordinances and rituals. Prayer, fasting, and mercy are the main postulates of Christianity.
- Starvation in the holy water is a kind of strict fasting based on faith in its healing power. It is a rite of purification, recognized by virtually all world religions.
The holiness and power of water can only be said with faith. Unbelievers should not play with fire and fall into sacrilege, using religious attributes under the pretext of starvation, on or without water. And they are unlikely to wait for the expected results.
The healing power of water is explained by the fact that during the consecration the polarization and the structure of its molecules change. At the same time, the chemical composition remains the same. It acquires a powerful energy charge, the ability to remember information and stay fresh. The believers themselves do not need explanations: they perceive this as a miracle, the grace of the Holy Spirit and apply holy water in many cases, including diseases. They drink on an empty stomach, with prayer, as well as at any other time, without restrictions, instead of ordinary water.
- The water in the church is consecrated, after the appropriate prayers, in particular, on the Feast of Baptism. There are springs and springs with healing water, which relieves of diseases that are hopeless from the point of view of medicine and all sorts of problems. It is no accident that these natural reservoirs are often located near monasteries and churches.
Official medicine does not recommend holy water for fasting or treatment. However, in practice they have nothing to object to its favorable influence on patients using holy water along with medicines - with great faith and hope for healing.
Fasting on tea and water
The undoubted advantage of starvation on tea and water is high efficiency. Weighty minus - a diet, according to reviews, hard to endure, and without consulting a doctor to decide on a method of therapeutic starvation on water and tea is not recommended.
- Fasting consists of three stages. Experienced people advise to get a notebook and pen to control the foods eaten in writing. The procedure is designed for three months. The goal of fasting on tea and water is to reduce the volume of the stomach, so the drinks are consumed in mini portions, less than half a cup for the reception.
The first six days - a complete refusal to eat. Drinking water without gas, green tea, decoctions of useful herbs - mint, St. John's wort, lindens. Drink every time you want to eat. For the night it is desirable to use motherwort, mint and other soothing broths without any sweet additives.
As a rule, after two days, the desire to eat is dulled, instead, the habit of drinking is often strengthened little by little.
- The way out of starvation begins with fruit fresh in half with water, until the end of the day it is possible with the addition of pulp. The next day is enriched with cereal soup with any vegetables, but without potatoes. All this is eaten in small portions. The need for sweet is satisfied by one or two dried fruits or a pea of honey. A large apple is divided into two doses. The easiest way to determine the portion is with the "cam".
The third stage of the hunger strike is the expansion of the diet. Add boiled meat, low-fat homemade cheese, hard cheese, 1 egg. Portions remain the same: up to 200 g. The frequency of food intake - every two to three hours, drinking - an hour after eating, no more than half a glass at a time. This will keep the stomach in a reduced volume.
Salt food is minimal, but unsalted seasonings are not limited. On the last day of the procedure, you can allow half a piece of useful bread. Remember all the harmful (alcohol, soda, sweets) are prohibited for a long time. And so that the stomach does not stretch again, take care not to overeat. After a hunger strike, continue to eat in small doses, but often.
Fasting on bread and water
Those who want to lose weight, without wasting time on the preparation of dietary dishes, happily accepted the method of fasting on bread and water, developed by a professional dietitian. The way to even call starvation is incorrect, because the feelings of hunger and the bad mood caused by him are almost not experienced by a person. Because "bread and water - there is no hunger", because bread is rich and rich in nutritional components, as well as serotonin - a hormone of happiness, providing positive emotions and mood.
However, not all bread is suitable; for fasting on water and bread, so-called useful varieties, baked from bran, rye or coarse flour, are suitable. Special dietary loaves are also suitable. The rules of the diet require you to monitor the calorie content of the variety: 100 grams of bread can not contain more than 45 calories.
- One option - a mono-diet on black bread and water is recommended to full people. Helps in 5 days to lose 10 kg. It is allowed to eat 200 grams of bread a day, for 4 meals in equal portions, and drink a glass of water with juice. Who can not stand, can be limited to three days, and after six months, repeat the grain mono-diet.
The light technique is designed for a week and involves losing weight by seven kilograms. It differs from a mono-diet, but the facilitated way is especially not called fasting, since the diet includes milk, oatmeal, unsweetened black tea and herbal infusions. Under the prohibition of salt, physical activity and generous drinking are welcome. It is recommended to eat by the hour, not allowing an increase in appetite.
If you feel uncomfortable during fasting, you should consult your doctor. To leave the diet, as well as from other starvations, slowly, switching to the everyday menu calmly and gradually.
Contraindications apply to pregnant and breastfeeding women, children and adolescents, people with GI problems. If necessary during the bread and water diet, you can take a multivitamin and calcium tablets.
Fasting on apples and water
Apple diet is widely perceived as inexpensive, and even delicious, express method of losing weight. However, fasting on apples and water can not be used uncontrollably, even a variety of apples should be chosen taking into account the overall health and, in particular, the state of the gastrointestinal tract. And in general, before you do fasting on water and apples for several days, it is advisable to see if there is weakness and frustration after the first day.
- Why choose apples from all fruits? First, they are available in any season and inexpensive for the price. Secondly, they contain many vitamins and minerals, fructose and pectins, useful for the digestive tract. Thirdly, in combination with water, the gallbladder is cleared and the intestinal microflora is normalized. Fourth, they saturate, but do not give a caloric value.
In a day, you need to consume 1.5 kg of fruit and 8 glasses of water. For a variety of menus, one third of the fruit can be baked, sauce-puree, apple salads with herbs. If fresh apples are your favorite product, then eat the entire portion without cooking.
To maintain effectiveness, one-day fasting on apples and water is done weekly, for three months. If possible, twice a week. There are other options. For example, a seven-day hunger strike with the use of the same products suggests an increase and decrease in the number of apples. In particular, in the first and last days you need to eat a kilogram of apples, in 2, 5, 6 - one and a half, for 3, 4 days - 2 kg. The volume of liquids drunk daily is up to 2 liters.
Starvation on buckwheat and water
One of the soft ways to cleanse and lose weight is starvation on buckwheat and water. It is also called Tibetan. The procedure takes place in several stages. For a week they eat only buckwheat, boiled on water, without oil and almost without salt. To cleanse the digestive tract, bran can be added to the dish.
They drink thawed or other pure water, occasionally - cholagogue infusions: dog rose, elecampane, sporicha, corn stigmas, sweetened with honey. At the same time, it is recommended to use a bolus or serum. A week later the patient switches to milk and vegetable food and is ready to start fasting on water without buckwheat.
Combining buckwheat and water, achieve results in a short time and relatively comfortable. Provided that buckwheat to taste and does not cause negative feelings. Otherwise, you should choose an alternative method of cleansing and losing weight.
Tips on buckwheat diet for weight loss:
- Drink plenty of water - at least 2 liters.
- Do not salt porridge.
- For taste, add spicy herbs.
- Do not eat later than 4 hours before bedtime.
- Feeling the brewing rush, allow yourself a favorite fruit, a spoonful of honey, a few dried fruits.
Porridge is prepared according to a special recipe. In the evening, rinse the rump with boiling water. A bucket of buckwheat - two or three servings of water. Cover the pan with a dense lid and leave it till morning. It is convenient to use a food thermos for this purpose.
The prepared dish should be eaten according to the specific method. The duration of such a diet is from 3 to 14 days, no more, for buckwheat can provoke a strong disgust or complete rejection of the body. The termination of the diet should be smooth, regardless of the period of fasting. After a diet all unhealthy food should be postponed for later, and better - forever.
The definition of the scheme and duration of such a diet is strictly individual. There is buckwheat-kefir, other more strict and soft varieties of diet with buckwheat. Therefore, everyone can choose a feasible option for themselves.