Cheese in acute and chronic pancreatitis: allowed varieties
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Diseases associated with the digestive organs require careful treatment of their diet, choice of foods and the way they are cooked. Pancreatitis is a pathology of the pancreas, the organ directly responsible for digesting food. Through the pancreatic ducts, the enzymes released by it enter the duodenum and participate in metabolic processes: the cleavage of nutrients, the absorption of nutritional components necessary for the body. Failures in this chain cause damage to the tissues of the pancreas, their dying, which leads to pain attacks and other unpleasant symptoms. The question is acute, what is there, in order not to harm yourself and in this context, can cheese at pancreatitis?
Cheese for chronic pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis does not accept any cheeses, as well as other foods, because In addition to medical treatment, fasting is used. With chronic pancreatic pathology, nutritionists even recommend cheeses of low fat content due to a number of rare amino acids in their composition (methionine, lysine, tryptophan), as well as phosphatides, thanks to which the organ is restored after inflammation and fully participates in metabolism and food processing, and also gives nutrients necessary for human life.
Cheese in cholecystitis and pancreatitis
Failures in the digestive tract are often caused by inflammation of the gallbladder - a reservoir of bile, from which it enters the duodenum for further digestion of food. Weak motility of the organ leads to its stagnation, which provokes its inflammation, and often the formation of stones. Cholecystitis and pancreatitis are mutually provoking diseases requiring a special diet in which cheeses with low fat content are placed.
Cheese with gastritis and pancreatitis
The concept of "gastritis" includes numerous violations of the stomach and give clear recommendations on nutrition without detailed problems can not be, and for this you need to undergo a test, determine its acidity and establish a diagnosis. Hard cheeses with hyperacid gastritis and pancreatitis are categorically forbidden, tk. Organic acids and hardness of the product can aggravate the inflammation of the mucosa and even provoke the formation of erosions and ulcers. More benefits for gastritis and pancreatitis will bring a young cheese of a gentle consistency, reminiscent of cottage cheese. Reduced acidity of the stomach allows this dairy product in moderate amounts, because it helps to increase the synthesis of gastric juice.
Speaking about the benefits of cheese, we have in mind naturally a natural product. It is produced from the milk of various animals and is the main source of calcium: 100g contains 1g of a microelement, and other minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins. Its proteins are related to human body fluids: lymph, blood and are present in enzymes, hormones, immune bodies. Vitamin B12 plays a big role in the production of blood, B1, B2 give energy, increase working capacity, vitamin A improves eyesight. Other beneficial properties of cheeses include strengthening immunity, cardiovascular system, teeth, nails, hair, preventing osteoporosis, especially in women during menopause. The digestibility of cheese is much higher than milk. Each kind of cheese is useful in its own way, depending on the method of its preparation.
Cheeses are contraindicated in intolerance of dairy products, during exacerbations of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. They are undesirable to people with a high index of low density cholesterol, arteriosclerosis of the vessels, peptic ulcer, hypertension.
Possible risks
With the use of cheeses, there is a risk of catching listeriosis - a bacterial infection that enters the animals through feed on pastures. Other possible complications are associated with contraindications and ignoring the recommendations on dietary nutrition.
What kind of cheese can you eat with pancreatitis, types
In the world there are many types of cheese, in each country its own recipes and cheese traditions and, of course, not all are suitable for people with pancreatitis. According to the most simplified classification, cheeses are divided into the following types:
- solid (Dutch, Russian, gouda, borer, dvaro, kostroma, parmesan);
- Soft, with a curd consistency of rapid maturation (feta, ricotta, mozzarella, brie);
- melted (amber, creamy, "Friendship");
- Smoked (pigtail, sausage, cheddar, Swiss);
- with mold (dorblyu, roquefort, stilton).
Let us dwell on some of the most popular species in our country and determine whether it can be eaten in pancreatitis:
- Adyghe cheese - has excellent taste qualities, mild, not sharp, not fat, well absorbed by the body, is indicated for inflammation of the pancreas. The product is made from cow's milk, its native land is Adygea, it is a national dish of Circassian cuisine. To taste - sour-milk, slightly salted, in consistency dense, he is a relative of mascarpone, mozzarella.
- Frozen cheese - during its manufacture saturated fats are used, sodium, potassium, citrate phosphates, with which it melts. These components make it forbidden to use in inflammation of the pancreas;
- hard cheese - from a wide variety of names in pancreatitis, fatty varieties should be excluded from the diet, including various additives: mushrooms, nuts, spicy seasonings, and mold. Do not fit and those that went through the smoking phase;
- Cheese "Philadelphia" - cream cheese, made from milk and cream. He has a soft plastic consistency, sweet taste. The assortment of these cheeses is very large and they differ in fat content (from 5% to 69%), to taste (depends on fillers: herbs, fruits, vegetables). Choosing a lung with a low percentage of fat without supplements, which can aggravate inflammation, it is quite possible for them to regale;
- Goat cheese - from all cheeses this is preferable to all, tk. Make it from the most useful milk. It has a small amount of saturated fat, no cholesterol, enough niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, a lot of vitamin A, phosphorus, copper, calcium. In addition, it is light and pleasant in use, this product will only benefit not only the pancreas, but also the entire digestive system.
Summarizing the above, we conclude that the disease requires low-fat varieties of cheeses without acute additives, smoking, in small amounts, and only during remission.