
Healing Diet

Therapeutic starvation in Nikolaev at home

Therapeutic starvation is fundamentally different from the newfangled diets - both theoretical reasonableness and benefit, repeatedly proven in practice. There are a lot of methods of medical-unloading diets, starvation by Nikolaev is one of the most popular.

Therapeutic diet for the kidneys

Diet can enhance the positive effects of medicines. It is developed for each patient individually, taking into account anamnesis. Self-selecting a diet can not.

Diet № 6 and 7 for kidneys in women and men

With kidney disease, you must always follow a diet, only so you can be cured. Without adherence to a diet, no treatment will be effective. Diet for the kidneys significantly increases the effect of prescribed medications. It is created by a nutritionist for each patient individually.

Diet after laparoscopic gallbladder removal

He lives a man with a measured life, spoiled himself with various delicacies for many years, and suddenly, for no apparent reason, he has sharp pains under the ribs on the right side near the stomach.

Porridge in pancreatitis: semolina, oatmeal, millet, rice, wheat, buckwheat

Pancreatitis is one of the most serious and quite common diseases of the digestive system. And one of the important points in the therapy of such pathologies is the observance of the diet.

Gentle diet for weight loss and with gastrointestinal diseases, liver, after surgery

Gentle diet is a specially organized diet and diet, which is used with a curative and preventive purpose.

Diet for cleaning the intestines from slags in 10 days

Diet for cleansing the intestine is a specially designed type of food that helps to cleanse the intestines as part of a comprehensive body cleansing or as an independent procedure.

Honey for acute, chronic pancreatitis and exacerbation: is it useful and what can be?

With diseases of the digestive system - in particular, with pancreatitis, the key to successful treatment is diet. Such a diet should be quite strict, so often patients have many questions about the possibility of using a particular product.

Therapeutic one-day dry fasting: the results, how to go out correctly

Hearing the alternative expression "hunger treats," many see it as a cruel joke. Is it possible to leave the body without food containing the necessary useful substances? It turns out that it is possible, and even necessary. True, you need to do this wisely.

How to lower cholesterol in the blood without drugs?

The presence of this substance in the human body is predetermined by nature. It refers to the fatty spirits needed by the human body. Cholesterol or cholesterol makes cell membranes, nerve and vascular membranes strong, if necessary, restoring defects


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