Diet after laparoscopic gallbladder removal
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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He lives a man with a measured life, spoiled himself with various delicacies for many years, and suddenly, for no apparent reason, he has sharp pains under the ribs on the right side near the stomach. Problems with the stomach doctor does not confirm, and with the liver like everything is in order. But the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity prescribed in such cases tells a person unpleasant news that stones have been placed in his gallbladder, which must be removed, and most likely together with the bladder itself. But this is not the worst thing, because the operation in most cases is performed by laparoscopic method, therefore, the recovery of the body after it passes quickly, for several days. Only here the diet after a laparoscopy of a cholic bubble within several years will not allow the person to return to favorite excesses and delicacies.
Common situation? And although the narration sounded like a fairy tale, in fact it is a harsh reality that awaits everyone after a surgical intervention on the gall bladder, if stones were once found in it. And it does not matter what composition of the concrements, if the process was once launched, it will be very difficult to stop it.
Many readers are probably interested in the origin of gallstones. This formulation of the question can be considered incorrect. It is more correct to ask how they were formed there. The cause of the formation of gallstones in any case is stagnation of bile in the body, when one part of this substance remains liquid, and the other - precipitates. This sediment is the basis for the formation of stones of various shapes and sizes.
If we consider the question, what factors lead to stagnation of bile, it is necessary to mention first of all hypodynamia (a sedentary lifestyle) and abuse of fried and spicy food. When these factors work in a complex, it is unlikely to avoid the development of cholelithiasis. The liver in response to the reception of stimulant food (spicy, salty, fried) produces enough bile, which is stored in the gallbladder. From the bladder, as necessary bile, reaching the desired concentration, is transmitted to the duodenum, where at this time there is half-digested food.
Regulation of bile flow in the PDC occurs by contracting the walls of the gallbladder and its ducts. A sedentary lifestyle always leads to a weakening of the motor functions of the digestive system, whether it's the gallbladder or the intestine. Because of weak motor skills, not all bile from its storehouse flows into the KDP. Some part of it lingers and begins to disintegrate into components. Those components that are denser and heavier precipitate and form stones that further cut off the outflow of bile.
Stones in the gallbladder can have a different nature. Some consist of minerals (mainly calcium salts), others - from cholesterol, others - from the pigment of bilirubin. True, most often in a single pebble can be mixed various components.
What is caused by such a variety of the composition of stones in the gallbladder? Of course, the food we eat. Absorption of nutrients from food occurs in the intestine. But then they get into the blood and are filtered by the liver, as a result of which substances that are in excess are thrown out into the bile. Protein, cholesterol, minerals, pigment, being in bile in large quantities, make it highly concentrated and thick, prone to the formation of sediment and stones.
Small pebbles, even with pain, but can pass through the bile ducts and leave the bladder. But the medium and large (and their size can reach 4-5 cm) have to be deleted promptly. In some cases, doctors agree only to remove the formed stones from the bile duct and its ducts, but in the vast majority of cases still resort to surgical removal of the entire body together with stones (cholecystectomy).
The most common type of surgery for cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) and cholelithiasis is laparoscopy of the gallbladder, which has fewer complications and a relatively short recovery period. But no matter how the operation is carried out, after it for a long time will have to adhere to the requirements of the therapeutic diet number 5, which is prescribed for diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
Diet after laparoscopy of the gallbladder or removal of stones from it should become an important component of the new lifestyle of the patient. After all, in fact, both before and after the operation, the digestive system suffers first of all. First, from insufficient intake of bile in the PDK, digestion and assimilation of food is inhibited, and after removal of the gallbladder, postcholecystectomy syndrome occurs .
This is a symptomatic complex that arises from the casting of bile into the duodenum directly from the liver outside meals. The gallbladder, during its stay, regulated the process of feeding bile to the KDP just at the time when food was delivered there. Bile mixed with chyme and did not irritate the walls of the intestine. But if caustic fluid enters the empty intestine, it is clear that it begins to corrode the mucous organ, inflammation occurs, and as a result the diagnosis is "duodenitis" or even "colitis."
But even if the gallbladder is not removed, the situation will not change much. The thing is that after a while the stones in the organ will start to form again, regardless of the way of life. It is already impossible to stop the pathological process. Removing the gallbladder, doctors are pursuing the goal of removing the organ, where bile can stagnate, resulting in the formation of fairly large stones and painful pains appear.
Small pebbles can form outside the gallbladder, which means that feeding after organ laparoscopy should be one that will prevent stone formation and facilitate the work of the digestive tract.
General information of the diets after laparoscopy of the gallbladder
Diet after laparoscopy of the gallbladder is not introduced into one, but in two stages. The operation of laparoscopy, although it is considered less traumatic than the traditional method of cholecystectomy (laparotomy), but still it is a tangible blow to the digestive system. Before the liver learns to work properly and produce bile only if necessary, it will take a long time. But the hardest organism will be in the first days after the operation.
Begin the first stage of the diet should be on the day of the operation, and it will last for at least a week. It is during this period that the diet is considered to be the most stringent, since it has many limitations. The day of the operation shows a famine. It is strictly forbidden not only to eat, but also to drink. With a strong thirst, you are only allowed to moisten the patient's lips with a damp cloth. In extreme cases, you can rinse your mouth with a decoction of herbs. And you probably will not want to eat after the operation.
The next day after laparoscopy, the patient is allowed to drink water. It is better if it is mineral water, from which all the gas is released beforehand, or purified water again without gas in quantity. You can try to drink broth of dogrose, but the total volume of liquid on this day should not exceed 1 liter.
When after the operation blowjob for 36 hours in the diet, you can enter tea or liquid jelly without the addition of sugar. Tea should be made not strong, jelly unconcentrated. From the food, you can add only low-fat kefir to the table. The volume of liquid on this day should not be more than 1.5 liters.
A patient receives a full meal only on the third day. But to diversify the table does not mean to start eating solid food. By this point, you need to approach gradually.
On the third day after the operation, the diet is administered:
- fruit and vegetable juices (preferably apple, carrot, pumpkin), which stimulate digestion and saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals; it is desirable that the juices were not shop, but freshly prepared,
- soups with mashed vegetables, cooked on a thin broth (with the permission of the doctor, you can add a teaspoon of sour cream or a small piece of butter),
- puree from potatoes or pumpkins,
- jelly from fruits,
- steam protein omelet,
- low-fat boiled fish.
Tea for 3-4 days can be drunk, adding a little sugar. But with food you need to be careful. Yes, the patient's diet can be significantly expanded, but portions should remain minimal, no more than 200 g at a time. But the amount of meals can reach 7-8 times a day (ideally - 5-6 times a day, as required by the principles of fractional nutrition).
When will be 5 days after the operation, you can add a slice of yesterday's bread or a few crackers to the broth, and to the tea - a biscuit biscuit. The weight of flour products, eaten per day, should not be more than 100 g.
After one more day, the ration is introduced with mashed cereals (wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal), which are prepared with the addition of milk. The consistency of the porridge should be liquid or semi-liquid, a little later turn to viscous gruel.
Meat dishes are already allowed. Lean meat should be boiled and chopped in a blender until mashed. For a change, you can mix 2 kinds of mashed potatoes: meat and vegetable and add to it a spoonful of sour cream or butter.
Boiled fish is not necessary to grind, it is enough to chew the food well.
Gradually add to the table and sour-milk products. At first kefir was preferred, and now you can eat yogurts with or without fruit filling, curdled milk, sour milk, cottage cheese. Cottage cheese while it is desirable to wipe through a sieve and add to it a little not too fat sour cream.
The volume of fluid entering the body during this period becomes the same as for a healthy person (from 1.5 to 2 liters).
A week after surgery, the doctor allows you to go to the second stage of the diet - nutrition according to the requirements of diet number 5. The transition to a new stage of the diet can occur earlier (on 3-4 days), if the doctor finds the patient's condition satisfactory. And yet, it's not worth while hurrying to eat solid food.
It is also necessary to abstain from using products that can cause increased gas formation: black bread, beans, etc. Due to the fact that bile enters the intestine is not concentrated enough, it is no longer able to fight the pathogenic microflora inhabiting there, causing fermentation in the digestive tract. These processes cause bloating, provoke frequent painful gas leakage. With this problem, patients already in the first month after the operation. If you also eat foods that are able to promote food fermentation, the situation is noticeably complicated, and the patient's state of health worsens.
Principles of diet in the recovery period
Diet № 5 combines the principles of proper and fractional nutrition with strict adherence to the diet. But this does not mean that it consists of only restrictions. It's not about removing all tasty dishes from the patient's table, leaving only vegetables and mineral water. Doctors, nutritionists focus on the correction of the diet, taking into account the needs of the body and the limited capacity of the digestive system.
The main components of all food products for which nutritional value is evaluated are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Protein is the building material of body cells, which, of course, is necessary for the liver so that it can update its cells and function normally. As for protein food, as a source of protein, then as products for the treatment table, it is necessary to consider not only the white part of a chicken egg, but also cottage cheese, lean meat and lean fish.
As for fats, they have a twofold relationship, because fats are different. Animal fats are considered a source of cholesterol, but as we recall, it is from it that gallstones can form, and the use of such products as fat, fatty meat or fish will have to be strictly limited. By the way, many cholesterol also contain animal liver and yolk of chicken eggs. They also have to be removed from the diet.
But vegetable oils are a source of unsaturated fats, which the body needs in its vital functions. In addition, they are able to make bile more fluid and prevent the formation of concrements in it. And it is necessary to include such products in your diet. Useful will be not only the sunflower and olive oil that are customary for us, but also oils extracted from corn kernels or flaxseeds.
Carbohydrates usually make up the bulk of the diet after removing the gallbladder (50%, while the rest of the diet is divided equally between fats and proteins). However, caution with them will not hurt. Carbohydrates in the composition of baking and cereals can make bile more acidic, which contributes to precipitation and the formation of concrements.
Easily digested carbohydrates, which do not have a negative effect, are not bile, are found in sugar and dishes based on it. But such dishes contribute to weight gain, and excess weight is a risk factor for the development of cholelithiasis, because it is associated with hypodynamia. So you need to pay attention first of all to slow carbohydrates in the structure of vegetables and fruits.
To maintain and correct liver function, vitamins are also needed. Vitamins C and K, as well as B vitamins, will help in the implementation of regenerative processes in the liver, while vitamin A will prevent the formation of bile crystals, which later turn into stones.
However, as far as we remember, the diet after laparoscopy of the gallbladder is not only the right and useful products, it is also the adherence to the diet and the rules of eating behavior. And we are talking about the following rules, which will have to adhere to 3, 6 or more months (at best in a couple of years a person will be able to afford to eat the minimum number of prohibited foods and reduce the number of meals up to 4-5 times a day):
- Fractional power. This is an obligatory condition that will help to restore the digestive function in the body faster, facilitating the work of the digestive tract (after all, digesting a small portion is easier than more). You need to eat a little, but often (at least 6 times a day).
- The requirement to eat often applies at night. Large breaks between meals are unacceptable
Ideally, a break for a night rest for the gastrointestinal tract should be no more than 5-6 hours, so it is recommended that the last meal be done no earlier than 2 hours before bedtime, and breakfast should be done early. Under these conditions, the production of fatty acids in the body will be sufficient to dissolve cholesterol.
During night awakenings it is recommended to drink a small amount of rosehip broth, this will help to reduce a large night interval and allow you to sleep longer (after all, a normal person's sleep should last not 5-6, but at least 8 hours).
- Hunger is contraindicated. Medical one-day fasting in this case is also not practiced. To a healthy person, a short starvation will not bring much harm (and even vice versa), but here in the absence of a gallbladder it can provoke the formation of stones in the liver ducts. The patient after the operation must adhere to a diet in which only the amount of consumed fats is limited, but not the total amount of food per day (calorie diet number 5 of the order of 2700 kcal). If you limit yourself to eating, in such conditions the digestive system relaxes, the need for bile disappears, because with its help there is nothing to digest. As a result, we have stagnation of bile in the hepatic ducts, which leads to the formation of stones in them.
- By the way, that the need for bile does not decrease in order to prevent stagnant phenomena, one can not exclude fat from the diet. Animal fats in the diet after laparoscopy of the gallbladder are considered forbidden, including butter, which can be eaten in a strictly limited amount, but vegetable oils can be (and must!) Be introduced into your diet as soon as salads and cereals appear in it. Nutritionists believe that you need to eat at least 2 tsp per day. Any vegetable oil, adding it to the dishes 3-4 times a day.
- It is dangerous not only to limit the amount of food, but also excessively addicted to it. Excess weight is one and the factors provoking stone formation in the gallbladder, and in its absence in the bile ducts of the liver.
- But water doctors recommend a lot, because it helps to thin the bile, which means that the probability of stagnant phenomena decreases. By the way, it will be even less if there is alkaline mineral water on the table.
But coffee and strong tea are considered unsuitable drinks for those who have a gall bladder removed. The fact is that such drinks stimulate contractile movements of the bile ducts and can cause hepatic colic.
Let's stop the attention and on alcoholic drinks. In liver diseases, they are considered unsafe. But we have a slightly different situation. It has been scientifically proven that in a limited amount alcohol reduces the risk of stone formation by almost 40%, which is quite a lot. Even dietitians say that ½ glass of red wine per day will not only do no harm, but will also help to avoid relapse of cholelithiasis.
- Another unconditional condition is the use of food at the same time, for which purpose it is necessary to develop a daily routine that includes 5-7 meals, print it on paper and hang it in front of your eyes. Let the liver get used to producing bile, if not on demand, at least on time.
- Restrictions are also in the ways of cooking. You can not fry products in any way, and the use of a grill for this purpose is excluded. And about the shish kebab at the stake will have to be forgotten in favor of more useful delicacies. Products can be boiled, stewed or steamed, using for this purpose like a conventional gas or electric cooker and pans, as well as more modern devices, for example, a multivark.
- As for the consistency of the dishes, it is recommended to grind food and cook semi-liquid granules only within the first week after the operation. In the future, only solid products need to be crushed, gradually accustoming the digestive tract and to them.
- New foods and dishes should be introduced into the diet very carefully, listening to their sensations.
- The temperature of the dishes (including water) should not be high or too low. Ideally, all food should be warm.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables are allowed to eat no earlier than 2 weeks after the operation due to their irritating effect. It is recommended to choose sweet and soft varieties of fruit, and crush hard fruits and vegetables on a grater or in a blender, turning it into puree, from which you can make delicious mousses. Such desserts according to diet number 5 are not prohibited.
We must understand that adhering to dietary requirements, we help our body function normally, and do not do a favor to doctors. At first it will not be easy, but after 1-3 months a person develops other food preferences that allow him to stay healthy. And the taste of once-loved forbidden foods and dishes is gradually forgotten.
Menu diet after laparoscopy of the gallbladder
Now, knowing what products can be included in your diet, and which it is better to forget forever, you can try to develop an exemplary menu for several days. And here it is important to remember that nutrition after the operation to remove the gallbladder should be not only sparing, but also full. Someone will find this an impossible task, but let's remember vegetarians, they limit themselves in their once favorite dishes and at the same time feel quite happy and healthy. The main thing is to approach the menu correctly, replacing harmful products with useful ones.
Let's try to make a full menu, say, on Monday, taking into account the fact that food should be taken optimally 6 times a day:
- 1st breakfast: weak black tea to awaken the digestive tract
- 2-breakfast: mashed potatoes with a piece of boiled fish, vegetable salad with vegetable oil
- Lunch: vegetable soup with a piece of boiled meat, juice from sweet apple varieties
- Afternoon snack: ½ cup kefir with biscuit biscuits
- 1st supper: albumen omelette with vegetables, chamomile tea
- A light supper before going to bed: a warm compote of dried fruits
The menu the next day (in our case Tuesday) should not be repeated. In it it is necessary to include other dishes and products that will allow to diversify the table and give the body everything that it needs.
- 1st breakfast: compote of sweet fruits and berries
- 2nd breakfast: oatmeal on milk, baked apple
- Lunch: borscht on vegetable broth, a slice of cheese on toast, green tea
- Afternoon snack: orange juice, rusks
- 1 st dinner: cottage cheese casserole with nuts and candied fruits
- A light supper before going to bed: half a glass of bio-yogurt
By analogy, we will make a menu for the environment:
- 1st breakfast: a glass of mineral water
- 2 nd breakfast: milk rice sauce with breadcrumbs
- Lunch: steamed chicken cutlets with vegetable garnish (baked vegetables)
- Afternoon snack: curdled milk, fresh fruit
- 1 st dinner: a piece of boiled fish, fruit and berry mousse, broth of wild rose
- Light supper before going to bed: carrot-pumpkin juice
Armed with knowledge about the allowed products and imagination, you can make a menu for a week, a month and more. First, the menu may not be different with a special variety of foods and dishes, but as the list of products in the diet improves, the list of foods in the diet will grow, and experience and curiosity will help make your table not only useful but also attractive in appearance and taste .
Diet № 5 Recipes
But for those who first encounter a diet with liver and GI diseases and are not yet ready to include imagination at full capacity, it is possible to offer several useful and tasty recipes that will decorate not only the dietary table.
The fact that according to diet 5 after removing the gallbladder dishes should not include fried foods, does not mean that the recipes will be lean and tasteless. Let's start with a simple one and consider the recipe for a delicious salad, which includes not so many components:
Salad "Sister Alenka"
We need :
- small yellow tomato - 1 pc.
- small red tomato - 1 pc.
- gherkin - 1 pc.
- half-onion
- vegetable oil - 1 tsp.
- sour cream - 1 tsp.
- greenery
- a pinch of salt
Preparation: tomatoes and cucumber cut into small plates, onion - half rings and scalded with boiling water to quit sharpness. If the cucumber is too hard, you can rub it on a large grater and squeeze lightly. We put the finished vegetables in a salad bowl, salt, put sour cream and vegetable oil. Stir, give minutes 5-10 to brew, decorate with herbs and put on the table.
Tasty and useful salad we have. But you can not eat one salad. I would have to come up with something meat for lunch.
Veal cutlet from steam
We need :
- Veal (can be replaced with low-fat chicken or turkey) - 300 g
- Yesterday's wheat bread - 80 g
- A small onion - 1 pc.
- Milk - 4 tbsp.
- Vegetable or meat broth - one and a half cups
- Refined vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
- Flour - 2 tablespoons
- Lemon juice - 0,5-1 tsp.
- Salt to taste
Preparation : Bread is well soaked in milk and squeezed. Meat with onions a couple of times to turn through a meat grinder and mix with bread. It is good to knead mincemeat and form small cutlets from it.
The saucepan is lubricated with oil and we put our cutlets into it. Add a little less than half a glass of broth and let in for 20 minutes.
Cutlets are taken out and laid out on a dish. From the rest of the broth we prepare a delicious sauce made of milk, flour, lemon juice and salt. To him, if desired, you can add 1 tablespoon. Tomato paste. Sauce poured in a saucer and decorated with greens. We serve it to cutlets.
And the garnish can be served puree from potatoes and zucchini, any porridge, vegetable stew, boiled pasta (only from hard wheat varieties).
It's time to take care of desserts.
Cheesemakers from the oven
We need:
- Cottage cheese is low-fat (can be fat-free not more than 2%) - 200 g
- Semolina - 1-2 tablespoons. (depending on the moisture content of the cottage cheese)
- Chicken egg - 1 pc. (you can take 1-2 protein)
- Sugar and salt to taste
- Baking powder for dough - ½ tsp.
- Vegetable oil for greasing a baking tray and syrnikov
Preparation : Cottage cheese a few times wipe through a sieve and mix with egg and sugar. In the manga add the baking powder and pour out the dry mixture into the curd mass. Leave for swelling of the manga for 20-30 minutes. Then heat the oven and grease the baking tray.
From the manno-curd mass we form small balls, squeeze them from two sides, attach the desired shape and lay them on a baking tray. Cheese dumplings on top of lightly coated with vegetable oil and put in a heated oven.
When syrnichki top browned, check the readiness of the toothpick, which should go almost dry. When served on the table, the syringes can be sweetened, if desired, with a mixture of low-fat sour cream and boiled condensed milk.
Dessert «Fruit with ginger-mint sauce»
We need :
- Mandarins - 3 pcs. (can be replaced with oranges)
- Banana - 1 pc.
- Kiwi fruit - 2-3 pcs.
- Apples - 2 pcs.
- Raisins - 70 g
- Dried mint - 1 tbsp.
- Ginger powder - ¼-1/2 tsp.
- Oranges - 2 pcs.
- Sugar - 1 tbsp. Without a hill
Preparation: Tangerines are cleaned, we disassemble into slices and cut each slice into several parts. Banana and kiwi cut into cubes or circles. With apples, peel and cut slices. Raisins steamed with boiling water, then dried.
For syrup of oranges, we prepare juice. Mint for 10 minutes brewed with boiling water (a quarter of a glass) and filter. In the infusion, add sugar and ginger powder, bring to a boil. Now pour in the orange juice and boil for no more than 2 minutes. The syrup is cooled, filtered and filled with prepared fruits.
And what about the first dishes? Do not we cook borsch for tomorrow ?!
Vegetarian borsch
We need :
- Cabbage - 100 g
- Carrots - ½ pcs.
- Potatoes - 1 pc. (larger)
- Celery root, leek, green beans, 30 g
- Tomato - 1 pc.
- Beet - 1 pc. (petite)
- Tomato paste - 4 tbsp.
- Flour - ½ tablespoon.
- Eggs (protein) - 4 pcs.
- Drizzle - ½ cup
- Salt to taste
Vegetables are cleaned from the skin and seeds, cabbage shred, beans cut into pieces. We put the products in a steamer and fill it with water. Cooking for about half an hour.
Cut the onion mixed with flour and lightly fry in a dry frying pan, add the tomato paste, a little water, salt, blown and add to the steamer.
We prepare the beet in advance, because it is cooked for about an hour. Cooked beets are cut into small slices and added to borscht at the end of cooking.
Refueling for borscht will serve whipped together eggs and yogurt. We serve the borshch on the table, sprinkling with parsley.
And finally, a delicious and simple recipe for chicken breast.
We need :
- Chicken breast - 1 pc.
- Orange - 1 pc.
- Salt to taste
The breast is cut lengthways so that a pocket is formed in it. We smear the meat with salt and leave to infuse.
The orange is peeled, divided into slices, and then we remove the white films from them. Prepared orange slices are put in a meat pocket, wrap the breast in foil and send it to the oven (200 о С) for half an hour.
As you can see, despite all the strictness of the diet after laparoscopy of the gallbladder, it does not prohibit to eat tasty food.
I must say that the diet is prescribed for any disease, when the digestive system is disrupted. The diet is prescribed to stop the inflammatory process in the affected organ of the digestive tract and to facilitate its work for the recovery period.
With a gall bladder, everything is much more complicated, so diet number 2, which is usually prescribed for gastrointestinal diseases, will be useless here. After all, it is necessary to normalize not only the work of the digestive tract, but also to provide conditions for the stabilization of the liver. In addition, we still need to ensure that gallstones are not formed in the gall bladder (if not removed), or in the bile ducts (after cholecystectomy). The latter condition is feasible only if the dishes are excluded from the diet, which contribute to the formation of stones.
Usually the liver produces about 600-800 ml of bile within 24 hours. Bile gradually arrives in the "storehouse", where it not only accumulates and remains until the right moment, but also reaches the desired concentration. It must be said that the concentration of bile at the inlet and outlet of the gallbladder differs by almost 10 times.
After the removal of the gallbladder, the situation changes, the bile is still in the same amount falls into the duodenum, but not when it is necessary, and not in that concentration. Not only does it irritate the intestinal wall, so its concentration is also inadequate for digesting fats, stimulating the work of the intestine, the liver and producing enzymes that break down the protein, i.e. To perform the functions assigned to it.
Now, stagnant phenomena can be observed in the duodenum. And since after the operation for some time the bed rest is shown (again this hypodynamia), the motility of the gastrointestinal tract slows down, the pancreas suffers, and the food slowly and with difficulty is digested (and not always in full), which makes the entire body badly.
The diet after laparoscopy of the gallbladder (diet number 5) not only facilitates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as it excludes indigestible foods and fatty foods. It also aims to teach the liver to work on a new scheme, providing the needs of the entire digestive system.
If, prior to removal of the gallbladder, the liver began to produce bile when the food was ingested, and the process of digestion began. Those. Part of the bile left the gallbladder, and it was necessary to fill its volume. Now the liver has nothing to navigate and it produces a pungent digestive enzyme constantly. He has nowhere to stay, and he flows directly to the KDP, regardless of whether it is necessary or not.
To teach the liver to produce bile only when it is necessary, it is not enough just to change the diet, excluding from it the dishes that stimulate the outflow of the caustic enzyme. It is necessary to completely revise the diet.
If you eat foods in small portions, but regularly at the same time, the body should develop a conditioned reflex: the liver will actively produce bile only when food is delivered to the digestive tract. This is possible only if a strict diet is followed, including: the use of only allowed foods in small portions, adherence to the diet (frequent intake of food at the same time).
What can and what can not?
Well, here we come to the main question: what can you eat? After all, not knowing what products belong to the allowed, and which are prohibited, it is simply impossible to make a normal menu. And after all, human nutrition after laparoscopy of the gallbladder, according to doctors, should be full, providing all the needs of the body.
So, according to diet No. 5, the allowed products are:
- Dietary meat with a minimum percentage of fat. It can be chicken, beef, rabbit meat, turkey meat, the main thing is that it is nonfat and prepared in a suitable way, i.e. Boiled or baked.
- Fish of low-fat varieties, both marine and river. It can be boiled or subjected to steam cooking.
- Any sour-milk products with a low percentage of fat content, sour cream (in a limited amount).
- Hard cheeses with a fat content of no more than 30 (in a limited amount.
- Inconsistent vegetable broths and soups based on such vegetarian broths with the addition of cereals and vegetables will also allow diversifying the patients' diet both after the operation and in the subsequent time. But using "frying" for such soups is strictly prohibited. As the dressing can serve as egg protein or a piece of processed cheese. In the soup, you can add pieces of boiled meat without broth, in which it was cooked.
- Low-fat and weak broths based on dietary poultry meat.
- Any porridge is first boiled with liquid, then viscous, and only when the condition is stabilized (months through one and a half) are practiced crumbled mush.
- Fruits and berries of sweet varieties are first consumed in the form of dishes that have been subjected to heat treatment, and after 2-3 weeks in the diet include fresh fruits. A useful fruit is a watermelon.
- Vegetables can be eaten any (boiled, baked, steamed, and later fresh).
- Sweets and desserts such as honey, jam and jams eat a little, watching their weight.
- Bread is allowed to eat only yesterday or in the form of crackers, and preferably white, which does not cause fermentation processes.
- Egg white in the form of a steam omelet, after 1.5 months you can eat 1 egg a week with the yolk.
- Meat products: meatballs, cutlets, meatballs are steamed or baked. After 1.5-2 months, you can enter in a small portion of the sausage in a small portion of good quality.
- Whole milk in a warm form is allowed not earlier than 1.5 months after the operation. Until this time, it could be used only for cooking.
- Any vegetable oils that are recommended to replace animal fats.
- Fresh greens will be a source of vitamins and trace elements.
- Dried fruits any.
- Fruit and vegetable juices, green tea, compotes, mineral water, herbal decoctions. Hard black tea in limited quantities,
During cooking, not only the products themselves are important, but also how they are cooked. It is forbidden to reseed the dishes (it is better that they remain not salted) and add various spices and seasonings that stimulate the secretion of bile. Recommended methods of processing products: cooking, baking, stewing, steaming.
However, the diet after laparoscopy of the gallbladder would seem too soft, if not to mention what can not be. We will now look at the forbidden products of diet No. 5:
- Under a large ban, any fatty meat and dishes from them, sausages and smoked products. You can have a little boiled sausage.
- Oily fish in any form. Salted, dried and smoked fish, both fatty and lean varieties.
- Fatty milk and sour-milk products. Sour cream is used only as a dressing, whole milk is injected gradually only after the state is stabilized.
- Any fats of animal origin, including butter.
- Any meat and vegetable preservation, seasonings, marinades.
- Flour products, cakes, cakes, which can cause an increase in body weight.
- Black and white fresh bread, pastries.
- Strong black tea, caffeine-containing drinks, soda.
- Ice cream, any cold desserts and drinks.
Any fried food is prohibited. And this need to get used, because to adhere to the requirements of diet number 5 will have a long time (at least a year). But it's better to immediately set yourself up for proper nutrition and stick to it for the rest of your life.
To be afraid, that the diet with many restrictions will negatively affect health it is not necessary, after all it does not have any contraindication. The fact is that, despite all the restrictions, nutrition during the diet remains full. The body receives all the substances necessary for it and is restored more quickly after the operation.
Possible risks
It must be said that the risks associated with the diet are practically reduced to zero. The rules and diet menu № 5 fully meet the requirements of a healthy diet, which has not harmed anyone yet. By the way, removing animal fats and flour from the diet, you can only win. It's not for nothing that many women use the diet at number 5 not only for medicinal purposes, but also for losing weight.
After reading numerous reviews, one can not help noticing that almost all who adhered to the diet for about half a year, as a plus, note a weight loss of 5-7 kilograms. And this despite the fact that after laparoscopy of the gallbladder, patients tend to increase their weight.
Speaking about possible complications after the operation, we can not fail to mention the appearance of such symptoms as nausea, pain in the right side, stool disorders, belching, heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, flatulence, etc. If a person does not follow a diet, he will have to live with such manifestations until he realizes the need for changing eating habits. Someone such a discovery comes to mind right after the operation, and others go to this 8-10 years. But both of them note that the painful symptomatology disappears after 1-2 weeks on a diet.
Those who did not immediately listen to the doctor's advice, especially pleased with the possibility of gradually without harm to the body get rid of the extra pounds that have accumulated in the body for the time when people adhered to the old way of life and nutrition.
Reviews about diet
By all the rules, diet No. 5 after the removal of the gallbladder should become the basis for feeding patients for many years. It is clear that not everyone is trying to adhere to the requirements of a diet that seems to them too harsh, since it excludes many favorite foods and foods. But it must be taken into account that all useful foods remain in the diet, and only those that are difficult to digest or contribute to the accumulation of cholesterol are to be excluded, which subsequently forms stones in the bile ducts.
Yes, many patients who practice a diet after removing the gallbladder, complain that it somewhat restricts their freedom. Still, you need to eat more often than usual, and the food should be full, and not snacks in the form of fast food. Food at first seems not delicious without the usual seasonings, and lack of salt affects the taste of food. It may temporarily disappear appetite or constipation. But all these troubles are already after 3-4 weeks. The body gets used to a new rhythm and way of life, to new taste sensations and despair that embraces some in the early days of a diet, gives way to calmness and ease.
Light food, which is the basis of diet number 5, creates lightness in the head. Some reviews simply surprise. People say that the diet helped them to fight the depression that swept them long before the surgery, fatigue, persecuting a person at work and at home, a bad mood. The phrase "how born again" becomes a reality for patients.
Those who adhered to the diet for a long time, noted the lack of problems with digestion, even after eating a small amount of prohibited foods and dishes. That is, on holiday, they could pamper themselves not only with half a glass of red wine, but with a piece of grilled chicken or a delicate cake. At the same time, there were no unpleasant sensations.
By the way, very few people wished to return to the previous ration after 2-3 years. People just do not see the need for this. If during the recovery of the body he was used to the useful and easy nutrition that the diet guaranteed after laparoscopy of the gallbladder, and the person's health became even better than before the illness, why change anything. After all, proper nutrition is not only health, but also a long happy life.