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Rosehip in early and late pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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One of the most useful berries is the dog rose. In pregnancy, it can be used as a natural vitamin-mineral supplement and a source of vitamin C.
Rosehip or wild rose is the record holder for the content of ascorbic acid. It has fortifying properties, increases the body's resistance to various pathogens.
The composition of the berries includes vitamins: group B, A, C, E, H, K, R, and also minerals: zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, iron and many other micro and macro elements. All components are indispensable components for both the pregnant and the fetus.
Useful substances of dogrose are involved in the formation of all organs and systems of the unborn child:
- Formation of the placenta.
- Central and peripheral nervous system.
- Digestive system.
- The cardiovascular system.
- Respiratory system.
- Musculoskeletal system.
The use of herbal remedies during the gestational period supports the coordinated work of the organism of the future mother. Promotes normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, regulates blood pressure. Helps to cope with frostbite, wounds and burns. Berry is recommended for women with vision problems, iron deficiency anemia, emotional stress and depression.
From the dog rose prepare broths, tinctures, infusions, extracts, teas, and also used for cosmetic purposes. Valuable properties are both freshly picked berries, and dried. But before using it, consult your doctor.
Dogrose in the planning of pregnancy
One of the features of dogrose is the increased content of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid maintains the normal state of the immune system, strengthens blood vessels, relieves fatigue, irritability. The natural antioxidant regulates the redox functions in the human body, normalizes the elevated cholesterol level.
Without sufficient levels of vitamin C, the body will not function properly. That is why wild rose in the planning of pregnancy is not just recommended for use, but is necessary.
Effects of dog rose on the future mother's organism:
- Improves the absorption of iron, prevents the development of anemia.
- Protects the reproductive system from the effects of free radicals.
- Destroys the pathogenic microflora and pathogens.
- Participates in the synthesis of carnitine, which is necessary for the normal development of the child's nervous system.
- Strengthens immunity and fights against colds.
- Interacts with damaged forms of tocopherol, restoring them.
- Strengthens the cardiovascular system, increases blood coagulability.
- Participates in the metabolism of folic acid.
- Accelerates the regeneration of tissues due to active production of collagen and elastin.
- Accelerates metabolic processes.
- Improves digestibility of carbohydrates.
- Takes part in the synthesis of proteins.
In combination with other vitamins, ascorbic acid restores the menstrual cycle and prepares the female organism for successful conception. Berry is useful for women who smoke, since vitamin C helps to cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins that stand out with cigarette smoke.
Vitamin C is excreted in the urine, so its reserves must be replenished daily. At the planning stage, it should be taken not only by the woman, but also by the man. To saturate the body with this component, it is sufficient to consume tea or infusion on the basis of rose hips every day. But you should be careful, as possible overdose, which manifests itself by such symptoms: diabetes, high levels of excitability, allergic reactions, insomnia.
Is it possible to drink rosehip during pregnancy?
One of the most useful berries for the immune system and the body as a whole is the dog rose. It should be used both at the stage of pregnancy planning and during the gestational period.
Useful properties of the plant:
- A rich vitamin composition is an effective prevention of many diseases that are dangerous for a future mother and a child.
- Accelerates recovery with existing diseases, reduces the risk of complications. And also maintains a positive emotional state.
- Promotes the harmonious and full development of the fetus.
Any preparations based on rose hips (syrup, infusion, decoction, tea) serve as a powerful support for the immune system. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period and in the spring, when the body particularly needs useful substances.
Indications Dogrose during pregnancy
Rich vitamin composition and a wide range of applications make rose hip a versatile plant for many diseases. Let's consider the basic indications to application of a red berry:
- Diseases of the digestive system.
- Lowered secretion of the stomach.
- Anemia.
- Atherosclerosis.
- Gynecological diseases.
- Uterine bleeding.
- Chronic liver and intestinal pathologies.
- Long healing wounds.
- General exhaustion of the body.
- Enhance the protective properties of the immune system.
Also, universal fruits are recommended to increase the overall activity of the body and accelerate metabolic processes.
Release form
The healing properties and rich vitamin composition of the dog rose are popular not only in alternative recipes. The therapeutic effect of the plant is confirmed by official medicine. To date, the pharmaceutical market presents a variety of drugs based on fruits and roots of wild genera of various forms of release:
- Dry fruits in a box.
- Syrup in vials.
- Oil is liquid.
- Rectal suppositories.
- Solution.
- Balm.
- Extract.
- Ointment.
- Packaged tea.
Infusions are used as a vitamin supplement for the treatment and prevention of hypo and avitaminosis, with a cold, weakened immune system, and also as a cholagogue.
The oil is rich in unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, tocopherols. It is used for cosmetic purposes. Also, on the basis of oil, candles are made that help with anal fissures. Enema with rose hip oil is indicated for nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
Dense syrup or holosas is a remedy based on the water extract of the fruit of the plant with the addition of sugar. It is used for cholecystitis, hepatitis, and also as a choleretic and restorative. Of the fruits produce vitamin tablets Ascorutin, and from the pulp - oil extract Tsarotolin, which is used for eczema, erythroderma, anal fissures.
Fruits, roots and leaves of wild rose have bracing properties. The plant stimulates nonspecific resistance of the organism, reduces the permeability of blood vessels, takes part in metabolic processes. Has anti-inflammatory, choleretic and immunostimulating properties.
The wild rose includes such components: ascorbic acid, rutin, carotene, tocopherol, vitamins of group B, flavonol glycosides, quercetin. The plant contains about 4.5% tannins, 3.8% organic acids, 3.7% pectins and about 18% sugar. Also in its composition are essential oils and minerals, which have a powerful bactericidal and phytoncidal effect.
Rosehip has tonic and anti-inflammatory properties. Stimulates nonspecific resistance of the body, reduces vascular permeability and has an immunostimulating effect.
The pharmacokinetic properties of the plant are represented by a multivitamin complex, but ascorbic acid exhibits a particular activity. Vitamin C is absorbed into the digestive tract, mainly in the small intestine 30-60 minutes after application. The active component easily penetrates into all tissues of the body, is deposited in the back of the pituitary gland, lungs, kidneys, ovaries, liver, adrenal cortex.
Metabolised in the liver, transforming into deoxy-ascorbic and subsequently - into oxaloacetic and diketogulonic acid. The half-life is 4-7 hours. It is excreted in urine - excess in unchanged form, the rest in the form of metabolites.
Dosing and administration
The type of medicinal product based on dogrose depends on the method of its application and dosage. Since most of the plants make broths and tinctures, we will consider the features of their use:
- To strengthen immunity and prevent colds take 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day.
- To normalize appetite and metabolic processes - 100 ml for 30 minutes before meals.
- To improve the absorption of iron and other useful substances - at night for 200 ml.
- As a cholagogue - for ½ cup before breakfast.
- When swelling - on ½ cup 2-3 times a day.
To improve the taste, you can use natural honey or sugar. The daily dosage of a plant remedy should not exceed 1 liter per day. Duration of treatment from 3 to 8 weeks. For patients with increased gastric acidity, the drink should be diluted with water to prevent the occurrence of heartburn.
Features of the use of rosehip oil:
- With affected skin, it is applied to gauze bandages and applied to the body.
- In chronic rhinitis it is necessary to make cotton-gauze tampons, soak them in oil and inject into the nasal cavity 2 times a day for 10-15 minutes.
- With nonspecific ulcerative colitis, oil is injected into the microclyster of 50 ml daily, the course of treatment is 15-20 enemas.
- In dermatoses, external treatment of tissues with an internal intake of 5 ml twice a day is combined.
- To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, the oil is applied to the skin after douche, carefully rubbing.
Cooked on the basis of dogrose decoctions, infusions, teas do not affect reactions when driving vehicles or working with other mechanisms.
How to brew a dogrose during pregnancy?
The method of brewing a wild rose depends on what raw material is used: dry / fresh fruits, roots, leaves.
- Before brewing, the plant is thoroughly washed.
- As a rule, about 2 tablespoons of berries are used per liter of water (about 15 pieces).
- Water should be hot, but not boiling water, since high temperatures contribute to the destruction of ascorbic acid, which is rich in wild rose.
- The drink is insisted for 15 minutes to 10-12 hours and carefully filtered. Alcohol tinctures are prepared from 3 weeks and longer.
- When cooking, the water bath method is used.
- If brewing uses crushed berries, they are washed and cleaned of seeds.
The above recommendations allow you to brew a plant with the maximum preservation of macro and microelements necessary for the organism.
How much can you drink a dogrose during pregnancy?
Drinks from a wild rose can be consumed daily, but not more than 1 liter per day. After 14 days, you need to make a 7 day break, and then continue the course of treatment. It should be remembered about the risk of an overdose of ascorbic acid.
Decoctions / infusions are recommended to drink ½ cup 3 times a day. With a rich taste, you can dilute the drink with warm water or add natural honey to improve taste. If the rose hips are used as a tonic, then it is better to take it 20 minutes before breakfast.
Rosehip during pregnancy in the early and late periods
The multivitamin composition of the wild rose and its wide spectrum of action is excellent for strengthening the body before conception and maintaining well-being in the early stages of pregnancy.
The plant contains an increased amount of vitamin C, which favorably affects the process of growth and development of the child in the first trimester:
- Ascorbic acid regulates the formation of cartilage and fetal bones, supports the functioning of nerve tissues.
- Vitamin is useful for women, as it prevents iron deficiency anemia and increases the protective properties of the immune system.
- With a deficiency of ascorbic acid, there is a high risk of premature termination of pregnancy.
Also included in the rosehip are B vitamins that prevent toxicosis early in gestation, improve appetite, support the normal functioning of the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system. The complex of macro and microelements contributes to the proper formation of the skeleton, muscles and nervous system of the fetus, favorably affects the development of the baby's head and spinal cord.
In the last trimester, expectant mothers especially need vitamins A, C, D and iron. All these substances are part of a wild rose, which can be used as a decoction, infusion or tea. Rosehip effectively prevents iron deficiency anemia, contributes to a decrease in the tone of the uterus and muscle weakness.
Ascorbic acid, which is also rich in berries, protects the female body from pathogens, preventing the development of colds and other diseases. The herbal remedy is excellent for fighting swelling, which often occurs late in life.
Use Dogrose during pregnancy during pregnancy
The possibility and safety of the use of hips-based preparations during pregnancy depends on a number of factors. Consider what means and drinks from the plant are not only allowed, but also useful for expectant mothers:
- Fresh fruits - contain many useful ingredients. They are used to make infusions, broths, compotes. Also from fresh berries you can make a vitamin puree. To do this, you need to thoroughly clean the fruits from seeds and hairs, rinse and grind with a blender. In the finished slurry you can add a bit of grated root of ginger and honey. Puree should be poured into ice molds and freeze. Ready-made vitamin cubes are added to the tea.
- Juice - for its preparation use fresh berries. Fruits should be soaked in a water bath for 10 minutes, cleaned of seeds and villi. The finished vegetable raw material is passed through a juicer. The output is a concentrated vitamin drink. For safe use, ¼ cup of juice should be diluted with warm boiled water. For pregnant women, this drink is a source of vitamins and minerals. It fills with energy, improves the emotional state, fights against colds.
- Infusion - is used not so much to supply the body with vitamins, as for medicinal purposes. In the gestation period is prescribed for anemia, to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, with exhaustion of the body. For the preparation of the infusion it is necessary to take a tablespoon of dry / fresh fruits and pour them 250 ml of boiling water. The agent is heated in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, and then it is insisted for 1 hour. After that, the drink is filtered and with the help of warm boiled water is brought to a volume of 200 ml. The infusion is taken at ½ cup throughout the day.
- Decoction is another drug that is allowed during pregnancy. Normalizes metabolic processes, used as a diuretic and choleretic agent, effectively eliminates edema. Prevents iron deficiency anemia, normalizes blood pressure. The broth is prepared from 100 g of dried wild rose hips and a liter of boiling water. The berries are poured with water and cooked on low heat for 10-20 minutes. The drink is insisted in a closed dish for 6-10 hours. Then filter and take 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day.
- Tea - the easiest to prepare, but useful for future moms drink. It is used to maintain vigor and strengthen the body. For tea, both dry and fresh fruits are suitable. They brew hot water and insist before cooling down. Drink used for a glass during the day. For taste, you can add honey or a little sugar.
- Syrup - in contrast to the above drugs, contains an increased amount of sugar. It is not recommended for people with diabetes and overweight. Used to prevent colds and maintain immunity.
- Oil - it is used both inside and outside. During pregnancy is suitable for the prevention of stretch marks, as it gives the skin elasticity. Accelerates the healing of damaged tissues and mucous membranes. Helps with constipation, hemorrhoids, fissures of the anal opening.
- Tincture - it can be prepared on a water basis or on alcohol. During pregnancy, it is better to use the first version of the drug. It is used to increase pressure, but only by medical resolution.
Use the above means only if there are indications and permission from the doctor. In this case, the risk of adverse reactions should be considered in case of non-compliance with the dosage or long-term use of the plant.
During pregnancy, dog rose is the most effective and at the same time a safe immunostimulating agent. But when using it, you must be careful, since the plant has contraindications:
- Individual intolerance of components that make up the body.
- Violation of blood clotting: thrombosis, thrombophlebitis.
- Diseases of the digestive tract: ulcer, gastritis.
- Increased acidity.
- Propensity to constipation.
- Cardiovascular diseases.
- Dermatological problems.
- High blood pressure.
Before using a preparation from a wild rose, you should consult your doctor.
Side effects Dogrose during pregnancy
The most common adverse reactions to rosehip preparations include:
- Allergic rashes.
- Exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract.
- Violation of blood clotting.
- Pressure jumps.
- Painful symptoms from the cardiovascular system.
The plant has a negative effect on the state of tooth enamel, so after each use, rinse your mouth with water.
Long-term use of spiny-bearing agents negatively affects the functioning of the body. The plant contains an increased amount of vitamin C, an overdose of which can provoke non-infectious jaundice and a number of other painful symptoms:
- Increased sweating.
- Hot flushes.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Increased weakness.
- Spasms in the digestive tract.
- Sleep disturbances.
- Skin allergic reactions.
Overdose is dangerous by increasing blood pressure and decreasing the concentration of vitamin B12. There is also a risk of developing diabetes, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy. In rare cases, an excess of ascorbic acid leads to the formation of concrements in the kidneys.
Overdose during pregnancy threatens with metabolic disorders and congenital allergic reactions in the child to vitamin C. In acute symptoms for normalization of the painful condition, abundant drinking is recommended. Possible gastric lavage.
Interactions with other drugs
Since dogrose has a polycomponent composition, then when used with other herbal remedies or medication should be careful.
- Elevated doses of vitamin C in combination with aspirin can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. The increased dosage of aspirin leads to increased excretion of ascorbic acid and its deficiency in the body.
- Drugs based on dogrose contribute to the absorption of aluminum in the intestine. Overabundance of this substance causes intoxication.
- When interacting with salicylates or sulfonamides of short action, the risk of crystalluria increases. Slows the excretion of kidney acids, increases the excretion of drugs with an alkaline reaction, reduces the concentration of oral contraceptives in the blood.
- A plant remedy increases the concentration of benzylpenicillin and tetracyclines in the blood.
- Reduces the effectiveness of indirect anticoagulants and heparin. Reduces the chronotropic effect of isoprenaline.
- Reduces the drug effect of neuroleptics - derivatives of phenothiazine, tricyclic antidepressants.
To take preparations on the basis of dogrose in combination with other medicines should be only for medical purposes, taking into account all possible risks.
Storage conditions
The wild rose berries begin to be harvested from the end of August and until the first frost. Fruits are torn off with leaves and washed thoroughly. Next, a fresh dog rose is used to make medicines or is prepared for further storage.
Dried berries can be in the sun or in the oven at a temperature of 60 ° C for 3-4 hours. Harvested raw materials the first days are stored in a bag of natural cloth, a wooden box or a cardboard box. As soon as the moisture levels, the fruits are converted into glass or tin cans for long-term storage. The container in which the fruit is found should be tied with gauze, so that the air circulates and the berries do not mildew.
Another way to store - freezing. The dogrose was washed, cut off the tips, cut into two parts and cleaned the seeds. In the future, the berries are ground in a blender or cut into small pieces. Shredded fruits should be stored in the freezer, but no more than a year. Finished plant-based preparations are stored for 12 hours. As for alcoholic tinctures, they should be kept in a dark cool place for no more than 12 months.
Shelf life
Dry and properly harvested rose hips can be stored for 24 months. The recommended storage temperature should not be more than 17 ° C. Ready-made decoctions, infusions and other medicines based on wild roses should be used within 24 hours. Longer storage leads to loss of useful properties of the herbal remedy.
According to numerous reviews, dogrose during pregnancy is an effective tonic and restorative means. Medicines based on berries are an excellent prevention of colds. The plant perfectly fights with edema and increases the protective properties of the immune system, maintaining good health during gestation.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Rosehip in early and late pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.