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Polygynax during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Polizinaks during pregnancy is an antifungal drug with antibacterial action that helps cure a number of unpleasant diseases that can occur during pregnancy. Let's look at the main indications for the use of polyhydrax, the methods of application and dosage, contraindications and possible side effects.
Pregnancy is the most valuable time for every woman. That is why any diseases that arise during this period are a potential danger to the health of the future baby. Particularly unpleasant are infectious vaginal lesions, which are caused by flora disorders and provoke the appearance of thrush. Candidiasis is dangerous for a woman who suffers from painful symptoms of the disease, and for the future child, who will have to be born through fungal infections infected by the birth canal. For rapid and effective control of infection and fungus, pregnant women are prescribed polyginacs.
Polizhinaks are released in the form of candles, which are used to treat infections caused by fungal microorganisms, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The drug is prescribed for the sanation of the birth canal, that is, in preparation for the appearance of the child. Polyzhinaks are used for surgical and surgical interventions.
Whether it is possible polygynax at pregnancy?
Whether it is possible polygynax at pregnancy - a question which interests the future mums who have received the prescription for the given preparation. Let's consider the features of the antifungal agent and the safety of its use during pregnancy. So, despite the fact that polyhydrax is a local drug, that is, it does not penetrate the mucous membranes and does not enter the blood, Polyzhinax is prescribed only for medical reasons. This caution is due to the fact that there are not enough clinical data to date to confirm the safety of the drug for mom and her unborn child.
Caution when using polygynax is justified by the fact that it contains unsafe substances for the child - polymyxin and neomycin. But, in spite of this, Polizhinaks is prescribed to pregnant women. Use the drug is necessary under medical supervision. Before using the antibiotic in a pregnant woman, a smear is taken for bacteriological analysis. At the same time, the use of the drug is limited. This is necessary to prevent the emergence of resistance to the action of the drug.
Please note that in the first trimester of pregnancy, Polizinax is forbidden to use, however, like most medicines. But the use of the drug in the third trimester is a guarantee of effective treatment. Polizinaks during pregnancy are used and before the birth, in order to bring the flora of the vagina back to normal and eliminate possible threats to the child.
Instructions for the use of polygynax in pregnancy
The instruction for polygynax during pregnancy is a description of the rules for using the drug, its characteristics, possible side effects and other nuances of the drug that affect each patient. Polizinaks during pregnancy according to the instructions, can be used both for therapeutic and preventive purposes. Assign the drug after carrying out laboratory tests to determine the sensitivity of microflora to the active substances.
If Polizinaks is used for prevention, the pregnant woman should use one suppository for six days. This is necessary for the preparation of the birth canal or before caesarean section. But the term of treatment with the use of the drug should not exceed 12 days. Polizinaks used to treat infectious and inflammatory lesions of the external genitalia. It is forbidden to take polyhydrax without medical prescription, as this can have the opposite effect and destroy the natural microflora, increasing the inflammation and reproduction of pathogenic microflora.
Indications for use of polyginux
The drug is prescribed for the treatment of fungal cervicovaginitis, nonspecific and mixed vaginitis, vulvovaginitis. Polizhinaks is effective as a preventive agent before surgical operations in the genital area, childbirth, intrauterine diagnostics procedures, diathermocoagulation of the cervix.
The main contraindications to the use of the drug, associated with the action of the active substance. Polyginax is contraindicated in allergic reactions to the components of the drug. The drug is contraindicated to use without medical appointment during pregnancy and lactation, especially in the first trimester.
Side effects
Side effects of poly-linax are manifested in the case if the duration of application of the drug exceeded the recommended time or the specified dosage was not observed. Suppositories cause allergic reactions. Treatment of adverse reactions is symptomatic. •
Dosing and Administration
The way of application and the dose of polyginax during pregnancy are individual for each woman. As a rule, the preventive course is 6 days, and the course of treatment - 12 days. Suppositories are intended for intravaginal use. Use of polyhydramix is recommended before bedtime, introducing the suppository deep into the vagina.
Suppositories of polyginac during pregnancy
Suppositories polizhinaks during pregnancy are prescribed for both treatment and prevention of infectious and bacterial diseases of the genital organs. Suppositories are effective antibacterial suppositories with active substance neomycin. The main indications for the use of suppositories during pregnancy: inflammatory and infectious diseases of the vulva, cervix, vagina. The drug is used to prevent fungal and infectious lesions before childbirth, surgical intervention or abortion.
Suppositories refer to combined antibiotics with antimicrobial action. Poliginax has a soft oval packing with an oily homogeneous mass of yellowish or brown color. Suppositories of polyvinax are active against many microorganisms and fungi.
When you insert a suppository into the vagina, the drug is distributed evenly over the mucous membrane, but does not enter the systemic circulation. If the suppository is used immediately before childbirth, it is necessary to prevent infection of the baby with pathogenic infections from the mother during passage through the birth canal. Suppositories polizhinaks during pregnancy are forbidden to use without the delivery of laboratory tests and doctor's recommendations.
Polizhinaks during early pregnancy
Polizhinaks at the early stages of pregnancy is not used, this is due to the action of the active components of the drug. With the onset of pregnancy, a woman's immunity decreases. This is caused by the influence of hormonal adjustment on the body, which does everything in order to tolerate a healthy baby. It is in the early stages of pregnancy, when the child is only being formed, and the female organism is not completely reconstructed, the future mother is defenseless. Therefore, the treatment of any disease, inflammation and infection should be controlled by a doctor.
Antiseptic drugs, which include polyhydrax, is contraindicated in the early stages of pregnancy, since this affects the fetus negatively. In addition, because the form of release of the drug - suppositories, their use can cause miscarriage or bleeding. If the drug is prescribed in the first trimester, then only on medical instructions, when the therapeutic benefit for a woman is much more important than the potential danger to her unborn child. In any case, the pregnant woman should be acquainted with the pathological side effects of polyhydrax.
Polizinaks during pregnancy in the first trimester
Polizinaks during pregnancy in the first trimester is prohibited, like all medicines. Polizinaks are allowed to use from the second trimester, that is, not earlier than 4-5 months of pregnancy. This is because by the second trimester the process of fetal formation is almost complete, so an antibiotic will not cause pathologies and abnormalities in the child.
If a woman is afraid of taking polyhydrax even for medical reasons, then the doctor should choose a safer counterpart with minimal side effects. To date, there are many medicines on the pharmaceutical market with similar antibacterial and antifungal effects, but with less dangerous side effects and contraindications.
Polinazine during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester
Polizinaks during pregnancy in the second trimester can be used in the case when the benefits for women are higher than the potential risk to the child. Such precautions are explained by the fact that the composition polyzhinak includes dangerous substances for the development of the future child - polymyxin and neomycin. If the drug is used for medical purposes, it is used to treat and prevent inflammation and fungal infections affecting the genitals.
But, polygynax has also positive properties, besides the basic medical. So, the drug normalizes the flora of the vagina, creating a protective barrier for various fungal infections that can occur against a background of weakened immunity and hormonal rearrangements. The majority of women who used polyvinax during pregnancy, confirm its effectiveness and reliable therapeutic effect.
Polizinaks during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester
Polizinaks during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is used very often. The drug is used to sanate the birth canal, that is, to prepare them for the appearance of the child. Polizinaks effectively destroys infections, fungal lesions and inflammatory processes that can infect a baby during childbirth. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the drug is safe for the mother and child.
Polizinaks used for the treatment and prevention of vaginitis, vulva, cervical and vaginal lesions. You can use poly-intranas only as directed by your doctor. As, the attending physician will talk about the rules of using suppositories, the duration of treatment and dosage.
The price of polyginax during pregnancy depends on the number of suppositories in the package of the drug. Thus, vaginal capsules of polyginacs in the amount of six pieces, will cost from 80 hryvnia, and suppositories in a package of 12 pieces - from 150 hryvnia. Please note that the price of 80 and 150 hryvnia is the approximate cost of the drug in the pharmacies of Ukraine.
Reviews about polyginacs during pregnancy
Reviews of polyginacs during pregnancy confirm the effectiveness of the drug in the fight against infectious, inflammatory and fungal lesions of the genital organs. When appointing a polyinax, the doctor makes a treatment regimen and determines the duration of therapy, based on the results of laboratory tests on the sensitivity of the microflora, and indications for the use of the drug.
Polizhinaks during pregnancy is an excellent therapeutic and preventive agent. The main contraindications to its use are the first trimester of pregnancy and the individual intolerance of the active substances. But the use of vaginal suppositories polyhydrax is possible only according to the doctor's prescription, since self-medication can cause complications of the disease and pathologies in the development of a future child.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Polygynax during pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.