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Dipyridamole in case of pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Dipyridamole is a vasoprotective drug. It improves capillary circulation, dilates blood vessels, and thins blood.
It is known that, as a rule, the given drug is prescribed in the presence of angina, ischemic heart disease, thrombosis. However, in case of pregnancy dipyridamole is also prescribed, and quite often. Why? The answer to this question you can find in this article.
The drug is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of placental insufficiency, which occurs due to circulatory disorders in the placenta, in the presence of signs of fetal hypoxia, slowing down of his physical development (when the size of the fetus does not correspond to the gestational age).
In the early stages dipyridamole is a preventive measure to reduce the likelihood of miscarriage or faded pregnancy.
Thus, the following indications for dipyridamole administration during pregnancy may be:
- increased blood coagulability;
- capillary spasms;
- lowering of organism immunity strength;
- signs of vascular encephalopathy;
- prevention of clot formation;
- prevention and treatment of placental insufficiency and disorders of microcirculation.
Action of dipyridamole during pregnancy
Toxicosis during pregnancy is known for all, it is a disorder of physiology of some organs, triggered by a disturbance of blood microcirculation. All of these symptoms (oedema, high blood pressure, headache, twitching of muscles, and the phenomenon of renal failure) originate from capillary blood circulation disorders.
Preparation does not act directly on the fetus, because it does not pass the placenta. However, expanding the blood vessels of the placental membrane, dipyridamole helps to improve delivery of nutrients and oxygen for a child.
Another ability of the drug is to thin the blood, to purify the blood vessels from small blood clots. It is also very important, because blood clots in the blood vessels can lead to the cessation of nutrient deliver to the fetus that can cause pregnancy fading or its spontaneous abortion.
Instruction of dipyridamole in case of pregnancy
How much to administer dipyridamole during pregnancy? Precise dosage and duration of the administration of the drug a doctor sets individually. You should not administer dipyridamole independently or correct prescription of the doctor, this could affect the course of your pregnancy.
During pregnancy dosage of dipyridamole is determined, depending on the condition of the woman, presence of any abnormalities of blood coagulation and vascular disorders in her, on the individual response to the drug.
The maximum daily dosage of dipyridamole can be 75-225 mg, divided into 3-5 receptions. Prophylactic dose may be reduced to 25-50 mg per day. The maximum daily administration of the drug may be not more than 600 mg: this dosage is prescribed in the presence of obvious pathologies of blood coagulability.
Tablets are administered before a meal or one hour after it, washing down with a glass of clean water.
During pregnancy dipyridamole administration course can be quite long, in some cases, up to the last weeks of pregnancy.
In case of pregnancy dipyridamole 25 is most commonly prescribed. Dragees should be administered on an empty stomach, without chewing, and without damaging the tablet. This is the optimal dosage for a common treatment regimen: 25 mg in the morning, afternoon and overnight.
During pregnancy dipyridamole 75 can be prescribed by a doctor in the presence of existing pathologies in the organism. Dragees with dosage of 75 mg are often used in the presence of heart failure, cerebral circulatory disorders, as a prevention of influenza, for a reduction of platelet aggregation.
Dipyridamole in case of pregnancy planning
During pregnancy planning, doctors often prescribe dipyridamole along with hormonal and vitamin preparations. And this is done for a reason: these pills reduce the risk of thrombosis.
Dipyridamole facilitates blood circulation, stabilizes the tone of the vascular wall, and prevents thrombosis of placental vessels. In future this will provide an adequate nutrition for the fetus and the delivery of oxygen.
Sometimes it happens that an increase of blood clotting in the prospective mother does not allow the ovum to develop normally. This leads to infertility, pregnancy fading. So often the drug is prescribed as a preventive measure to improve blood microcirculation.
Improving microcirculatory processes in tissues, dipyridamole helps the endometrium (the mucous layer of the uterus) to grow that greatly facilitates attachment process (implantation) of the egg. If the endometrium is too thin, the implantation may not occur.
One else property of dipyridamole is immunomodulatory. It determines organism’s ability to resist an infection. It is also important during the planning, because during conception and pregnancy being sick is highly undesirable.
Therefore, if your doctor has prescribed you dipyridamole, do not refuse from its administration. The drug can really help you to conceive your future baby.
Dipyridamole at early stages of pregnancy
Dipyridamole can be prescribed as several courses for the entire period of gestation, but sometimes constant drug administration is practiced.
Application of dipyridamole in the first trimester helps to normalize blood flow to the placenta. If blood flow would be disrupted, the future baby would not get enough nutrients and oxygen. This problem is especially important, when blood of a pregnant woman is too thick.
In order not to provoke excessive blood liquefaction by dipyridamole, it is necessary to carefully select the dosage, considering the advice of the doctor.
If dipyridamole has been prescribed as an immunomodulatory agent, it should be understood that the harm, caused to the unborn child from a viral infection, is greater in many times than the probability of adverse effects from drug administration. Dipyridamole effectively protects woman from the dangers of the diseases ARVI, influenza or ARD. And this is particularly important at the early stages, when the fetus has not its own protection, placental membrane, yet. Viruses, entering into an embryo, can provoke the abortion and as well as various disturbances of the intrauterine development of the embryo.
Prescribing dipyridamole at the early stages of pregnancy, the doctor "sets the stage" for the further normal course of the pregnancy. That’s why do not be afraid to administer the drug: the main thing, to follow the dosage, prescribed by the doctor. And with the appearance of unwanted side effects you must obligatory consult a doctor. May be this drug is not suitable for you, and the doctor will replace it with another one.
Dipyridamole at late stages of pregnancy
During pregnancy the phenomenon of late toxicosis is the main severe complication of this period. Gestosis is a disturbance of the most vital processes in the expectant mother that can lead to negative consequences for both the woman and the baby. Development of the late toxicosis occurs more often during the later stage of the pregnancy, in the last weeks of pregnancy. Some cases are described, when this condition happens even from 20th week of the pregnancy.
Circulatory disorders of blood circulatory in pregnant women are considered as the primary reason for the development of toxicosis in the later stages. Blood flow is disturbed in the smallest capillaries, blood thickens, microcirculatory blood flow deteriorates, slows down, a vascular spasm is observed. This situation contributes to the fact that the most important functional organs receive less than they need necessary substances and oxygen. As a result, oedema develops, fluid from the tissues does not go out that aggravates the situation in future.
How can dipyridamole help in this case? Making the blood thinner, removing a spasm of the vascular walls, stabilizing the tone of the capillaries, the drug prevents the development of such a pathological situation. And this is very important: to prevent such a serious complication that threatens not only the normal course of pregnancy, but also woman's life.
- Dipyridamole during the 34th week of pregnancy: at this stage, a significant development of baby’s brain is occurred, that’s why delivery of nutrients and oxygen is crucial to him/her in the necessary volume. Dipyridamole provides the adequate nutrition and prevents oxygen starvation of the developing brain.
- Dipyridamole during the 35th week of pregnancy: in this period the formation of the fat layer and the baby's lungs is occurred. Baby is not strong enough to cope with a possible hypoxia; often at this stage the woman can hear "hiccups" of the child, and this is one of the signs of oxygen lack. This problem is easily solved by dipyridamole prescription.
- Dipyridamole during the 36th week of pregnancy: pregnancy period comes to the end, the baby is almost developed and already capable to an independent life. Brain development is occurred impetuously at this stage. To avoid mental retardation development of the baby dipyridamole can be prescribed.
- Dipyridamole on the 37th week of pregnancy: the baby is already able to come into the world at almost every minute. An application of dipyridamole in this period is important not so much for the baby, but for the mother: the drug will reduce oedema, improve trophism of tissues and organs, for which it is quite difficultly in this period.
- Dipyridamole on the 38th week of pregnancy: at this stage an application of the drug will help to prevent preeclampsia in pregnant women, reduce oedema, and support normal blood supply to the placenta to prevent its premature detachment.
Dipyridamole is prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of pregnancy threats, as well as for preventive purposes. If you doubt in the reasonability of medication administration, do not hesitate to ask the doctor, why dipyridamole is prescribed for you. Do not take the decision to cancel the drug on your own.
Application of dipyridamole is contraindicated in case of pregnancy:
- in the presence of severe hypotension;
- in the presence of arrhythmia of an unknown etiology;
- in the presence of haemorrhagic diathesis and other conditions of reduced blood coagulability, a tendency to bleeding;
- in the period of gastric ulcer exacerbation;
- in the presence of allergy and development of hypersensitivity to the drug.
During pregnancy tablets “Dipyridamole” are not recommended to wash down with tea or coffee, as these drinks reduce the effectiveness of the drug. Dipyridamole is able to strengthen the effect of antihypertensive drugs, aspirin and blood thinners.
Side effects of dipyridamole during pregnancy
Like most drugs, dipyridamole is not devoid of some side effects:
- palpitations, cardiac arrhythmias, decrease of blood pressure, redness of the skin on the face, feeling of heat;
- dyspeptic disorders, stomach pain, nausea;
- hematoma appearance on the body, increased hemorrhagic diathesis;
- migraine, sensation of tinnitus;
- allergic reactions, skin rashes;
- feeling of weakness, muscle pain, joint pain.
All adverse events have a transient nature, they are completely stopped after the discontinuation of drug administration.
Analogue of dipyridamole during pregnancy
Dipyridamole belongs to vasoprotective (protecting vessels) and antithrombotic drugs. If you cannot administer this medicine for any reason, consult the doctor: he has the right to replace the drug with another one, with a similar mechanism of an action.
- Dipyridamole and cardiomagnyl during pregnancy. Cardiomagnyl is a drug that is able to thin blood, reducing platelet aggregation, like dipyridamole. However, it expresses no action on women immunity. Therefore, cardiomagnyl can be prescribed to a pregnant woman in the presence of an inclination to thrombosis, embolism, in case of symptoms of heart failure, migraines. Sometimes the administration of cardiomagnyl is combined with the administration of dipyridamole. In this situation, there is an exponentiation of the effect of drugs that significantly enhances their effectiveness.
- Phlebodia and dipyridamole during pregnancy. Phlebodia is an effective vasoprotective agent. Like dipyridamole, it improves microcirculation of the capillaries, reduces venous stasis, accelerates lymph flow, activates blood circulation. It has minimal side effects, however, due to the lack of clinical trials, the drug is not recommended in early stages of pregnancy. Typically, the drug is prescribed after 12th week of child breeding. The drug is considered quite worthy replacement of dipyridamole, it is usually prescribed as 1 tablet per day (600 mg).
- Actovegin and dipyridamole during pregnancy. Actovegin is a drug biological stimulator, activating tissue metabolism. It increases energy resources of cells, accelerates metabolic processes, removes hypoxia and lack of tissue trophism. It can be prescribed as an alternative to dipyridamole, but also has a number of side effects. They are itchy dermatitis, urticaria, increased sweating, hyperthermia. If an organism has not hypersensitivity to the drug, actovegin can be administered as 1-2 tablets three times a day before meals. In severe cases, drug injection can be conducted.
- Dipyridamole and chophytol during pregnancy. Chophytol is a drug that protects and detoxifies the liver, accelerates fat metabolism, stimulates the excretion of toxins from the organism. This is a safe herbal remedy that can be used together with dipyridamole in complex treatment of preeclampsia condition, as well as in the first half of pregnancy as a prevention of toxicosis. This drug cannot serve as a full-fledged replacement of dipyridamole, but the combined application of drugs increases their efficiency. Chophytol is usually administered as 1 tablet three times a day before meals.
This information is provided as a reference. The doctor makes a decision about drug replacement individually.
Responses about dipyridamole during pregnancy
Responses about the preparation are various, and it is not surprising that reaction on the drug may be individual, depending on many reasons. For someone medicine is suitable, and for someone it is not. Certainly, you should discontinue dipyridamole administration, if allergic symptoms have appeared. If dizziness, skin redness, destabilization of pressure have appeared, consult the doctor. Perhaps, just for you this medication has not been suitable.
However, there are many positive feedbacks. Many women who have had problems with blood coagulation system, dipyridamole has helped to become pregnant and have a long-awaited baby. Some mothers notice the beneficial effect of the drug during the development of fetal hypoxia.
There are some women who are opposed to the use of this drug during pregnancy. This is due to the lack of scientific research of dipyridamole. If you doubt, ask the doctor, ask your disturbing questions. Only in this way you will be sure that you or your unborn child are not in danger.
Dipyridamole can be used during pregnancy, following a healthy lifestyle: so you will significantly increase the effectiveness of the drug and facilitate pregnancy course. Eat properly and completely, limit salt intake, walk more frequent in the street, and maybe you will not need medications.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Dipyridamole in case of pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.