
Nutrition during pregnancy

It is extremely important to take care of the well-thought-out diet of a pregnant woman.

Nutrition during pregnancy plays a crucial role and largely determines the characteristics of the course of the process of carrying the child, because for every mother it is very important that the baby is born healthy and strong.

Proper nutrition will ensure her good health, a burst of vitality, will give vigor and strength. In this critical period, the expectant mother should receive all the necessary vitamins, minerals, trace elements and nutrients, because her body undergoes major hormonal changes and stress.

In this case, the rational choice will be rational nutrition. It should be remembered that the amount of food consumed and the need for specific types of foods will change throughout the pregnancy in accordance with the increase in fetal needs.

Cranberry during pregnancy

The beneficial properties of cranberries during pregnancy are determined by the composition of the berries: a combination of biologically active elements, sugars, vitamins and mineral salts.

Apple juice in pregnancy

Vegetables and fruits play an important role in the process of gestation. Apple juice during pregnancy not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also gives the necessary spectrum of vitamins and trace elements.

Ice cream in pregnancy

Realizing what an important role the pregnant woman's nutrition plays for her health and the normal development of the unborn child, many expectant mothers are interested in what can and can not be eaten during pregnancy. For example, is ice cream available during pregnancy?

Strawberry in pregnancy: benefit or harm?

This fragrant beautiful berry, perhaps, is one of the most delicious on our planet and the most beloved ones. Obviously, that's why in the old days strawberries during pregnancy - especially in autumn or in the midst of winter - were the most frequent "food whim" of women in an interesting situation ...

Mineral water during pregnancy

Mineral water during pregnancy is a highly topical issue that causes multiple disputes in both pregnant women on Internet forums and in many medical specialists.

Lemon in Pregnancy

Lemon during pregnancy can cause allergies in the child, as well as other citrus fruits, as well as chocolate. Of course, the vitamin C contained in it is necessary for pregnant women, but it is better to look for alternative sources of this vitamin.

Sushi in Pregnancy

Sushi at pregnancy from a supermarket is possible. When they are cooked, frozen fish is used. Also sushi during pregnancy can be consumed from smoked fish.

Oranges during pregnancy

"Is it possible to have oranges during pregnancy?" Many future mothers are asked this question because there is an opinion that the use of oranges in the future can cause an allergy in a child.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy

Proper nutrition during pregnancy includes compliance with certain rules and regulations in the use of food in order to avoid the future mother's excess fat deposits.

Instant coffee during pregnancy: is it possible or not?

Instant coffee during pregnancy: is it possible or not? This is one of the most frequent questions that women ask during pregnancy.


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