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Drops for newborns with nasal congestion, runny nose
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Drops in the nose for newborns are used by moms very often, but not always this is exactly what your child needs. The issue of treating the common cold, especially in young children, is very complicated. Therefore, you need to know which drops and when you can use.
Principles of catarrhal treatment and the use of nasal drops
A stuffy nose can bring discomfort to your baby, and also affects his nutrition and sleep. Although this may be an alarming symptom, common colds are common in young children, since their immune system is still developing. Usually nasal congestion in your child goes by itself during the week, but if not, there are many means that will help clear the airways. You can use a suction aspirator for the nose to clear the mucus from its small nose or saline nasal drops or spray.
Before using drops - you need to try some measures that can facilitate breathing. Nasal aspirators are devices that allow you to suck out mucus from your child's nose. They come in different shapes and sizes. Some of them are syringes with light bulbs, some of them are equipped with a tube, and some are electric. It is impossible to give any advice on whether to use a nasal aspirator or not, or which one to use. Some parents buy one to remove mucus from the baby's nose before feeding.
Start the cooling humidifier. Most of us are very warm in our homes during the winter months, and this dry air can irritate the baby's nose. Using a cold air humidifier in a child's room when he is sleeping can help ease and prevent stuffiness.
Pick up the cot mattress. It will be easier for a child to breathe through the nose when his head is slightly elevated. You can not put a pillow under the child's head, so put a towel under the mattress's head to lightly lift it. This will offer the child some relief during sleep.
Keep the baby well hydrated: the hydrated mucous membrane prevents drying out, irritation and itching at this place. Therefore, if you are breastfeeding, you can often apply to the chest, but for less time. This will give the child a little easier to bear a runny nose, because when the nose is laid, it is difficult to eat for a long time.
When children have colds, flu or allergies, nasal drops are an effective way to alleviate the buildup of mucus. They consist mainly of saline solution, which causes the blood vessels in the nose to contract and dilute the mucus and reduces swelling in the sinus area. Some nasal drops may contain additional active ingredients, such as steroids. But in newborns, the use of drops has its limitations.
Drops in the nose from the first days of life are those that are not absorbed and do not have a pronounced systemic effect. To such drops it is possible to carry saline. Indications for the use of such drops are nasal congestion, runny nose, mucous discharge from the nasal passages of children of different ages. The names of such drops are Aquamaris, Marimer, No-salt. Many doctors recommend nasal saline drops to facilitate nasal congestion in the baby. Providing something to such a child is difficult, but you can manage it with these simple instructions:
Wash your hands with soap and water.
Determine the appropriate dosage in the nasal drip.
If your child's nose is completely blocked by mucus build-up, then first use the nasal aspirator to remove mucus.
Place the dropper only after opening the baby's nose, but try not to touch the side of the dropper to the very nose.
Gently squeeze the flask on a bottle with droplets to enter the desired dosage. If necessary, ask another adult to help you with this.
Hold the child in the same position for five minutes so that the drops can flow into the nasal passageway.
If your child begins to cough, put him in a vertical position on his hands.
But how to drip drops in the nose babies? First put your child on the back. Place a few drops of saline in each nostril. In order not to get by - it's better that someone should hold a baby. After this, you need to wait a few minutes and use an aspirator to remove the mucus that has become more fluid.
Drops from the common cold and with nasal congestion, which can also be used - are vasoconstrictive. This group of drugs leads to a narrowing of the small vessels of the mucosa, which reduces edema and allows you to breathe better with your nose. Vasoconstriction reduces nasal congestion, preventing the draining of fluid from the blood vessels into the tissues lining the nasal passages. Vasoconstrictive drops in the nose for the newborn can only be used before bedtime or when the baby is very ill. This should not be more than three times a day. Side effects of such drugs can occur if the mother accidentally or intentionally exceeds their dose. In this case, intranasal decongestants can be absorbed into the bloodstream, and can exert their effect on the heart.
Oil drops in the nose for newborns are not recommended. Although they have a reflex vasoconstrictive effect and this makes it easier for a child to breathe, but such means in newborns can cause a strong allergic reaction. In addition, oily means with narrow nasal passages in newborns can increase obstruction by mucus.
Drops for babies from colic can be used if your child is between three weeks and three months old and has recurring episodes of screaming for several hours. In this case, the mother may suspect colic in the child. Drops from colic are applied inside, regardless of food intake. There are synthetic drops based on dimethicone or simethicone, and there are herbal remedies based on fennel and dill. The main mechanism of action of such drops is the destruction of gases in the intestine, so the use of such drugs is completely safe due to lack of absorption.
Cures for the cold
Examples of nasal decongestants include: ephedrine, phenylephrine, xylometazoline, oxymetazoline. Otryvin baby is one of the local drugs for the treatment of the common cold. It refers to long-term decongestants, which last from 8 to 12 hours. Use in newborns with caution.
Nazivin for children up to 1 year can be used in a concentration of 0.025%. Newborns are allowed to use it. Nazol baby, like Nazivin, is a drug whose active ingredient is oxymetazoline. You can also use in children from birth.
Saline are drops that contain sodium chloride, that is, they are ordinary saline drops. They can be used more than three times a day to clean the nasal passages.
Vibrocil is a combination of drops that contain phenylephrine, as the main vasoconstrictor, as well as dimethindene, as an antihistamine. Given such a composition, for newborns such drops are not recommended, but can be used as prescribed by a doctor.
Interferon as a local antiviral agent can be used safely in neonates. The drug Grippferon is a recombinant interferon that acts on viruses directly on the nasal mucosa. This leads to an increase in local immunity. But the rhinitis itself does not affect the rhinitis itself, therefore, the use of other drops is required separately.
Derinat - this is one of the groups of drops for the nose, which do not show vasoconstrictive effects, but have a broad immunomodulatory property. The active substance of the drug is sodium chloride and sodium deoxyribonucleate. The drug has a local anti-inflammatory property, immunomodulating, increases the local protective powers of the nasal mucosa. Pharmacodynamics of the drug is such that it stimulates the activation of B- and T-cell immunity, which increases the reactivity of the mucous to the ingress of viruses and bacteria.
The pharmacokinetics of this drug consists in its rapid absorption and distribution by transport along the lymphatic channels, which further increases the immune defense.
Miramistin is a broad-spectrum drug due to its active antiseptic properties. The main effect of the drug is due to the destruction of bacteria and viruses. This allows you to locally attack pathogens and accelerate recovery. In newborns, the use of the drug is not indicated by the instruction, so it should only be used when absolutely necessary.
The main thing to know about drops for the nose is symptomatic treatment. And the use of any drops can not reduce the time of catarrhal treatment to less than a week and a half. As for the newborn baby, the drops should be used with caution, and if it is vasoconstrictive, then no more than three times a day. Side effects are the same for all drugs in this group. Side effects of nasal decongestants include: burning, sneezing, dryness, local irritation, rapid heartbeat, and tremor can also occur.
Dosing and administration
Storage conditions
The storage conditions do not differ from those of other drugs, with mandatory restriction from children.
Analogues and reviews
Analogues of salt drops for the nose - you can use a simple saline solution. You can also prepare salt drops at home. Fill a small pot with distilled water and bring to a boil. Boil water for 10 minutes to eliminate any bacterial impurities.
Measure 1/4 tsp. Non-iodized or kosher salt and 1/8 tsp. Soda and add them to 1 glass of warm water. It is important to use the right amount of salt, soda and water, because if the solution is too salty, it can irritate the mucosa. Then you need to add salt and baking soda into the water. Continue stirring until completely dissolved. The salt solution can be stored for 24 hours in a clean container.
Mom's comments regarding the treatment of the common cold lead to one thing - the main thing is to improve breathing through the nose to your baby. To do this, you need to use both an aspirator, and saline drops, and vasoconstrictors.
Drops in the nose for babies are different, but the main thing that you must remember is that you should not harm the child, but only help. Any drops should be used only by age and by the correct dosage. The main thing is for your child to sleep and eat quietly, and you should help him in this not only with the help of drops, but also by other methods.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Drops for newborns with nasal congestion, runny nose" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.