
Diseases in Pregnancy

Cellulite during pregnancy

Cellulite during pregnancy manifests itself in 90 out of 100 women. But it is worth remembering, pregnancy is a temporary phenomenon, and cellulite that appeared during this period will also pass.

Diseases and their treatment in the first week of pregnancy

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the formation and formation of all internal organs of the embryo takes place. That is why various diseases at this time may not just be dangerous, but even fatal.

Termination of pregnancy in the first week

What are the methods of abortion in the first week? What indications and contraindications for the procedure? We will tell about all this below.

Allocations in early pregnancy

Allocations in the early stages of pregnancy are the main cause for concern for the future mother. Let's consider, what there are allocation at early terms of pregnancy, whether they bear danger for the kid and mum's health. And as well as how to recognize the "bad" discharge and when to go to the doctor.

Douching during pregnancy

Douching during pregnancy is a special healing process during which the vagina is washed with medication. He may be prescribed by a gynecologist in order to get rid of internal inflammatory and infections of the female genital tract.

Inflammation of gums during pregnancy

Inflammation of gums during pregnancy is a problem that should not be forgotten during this period. In the woman's body "in the position" there is a series of changes on the background of a hormonal splash or toxicosis. As a result, blood supply is impaired in the mucous membranes.

Large fruit

A large fetus is a fetus with a birth weight of 4000 g and more (up to 5000 g). With a body weight of more than 5000 g, the fruit is called gigantic. A large fetus occurs in 8-10% of cases. Giant fruits are extremely rare (one case for 3000-5000 births). 

Pregnancy and menstruation

If the spermatozoon is implanted in the uterus, pregnancy sets in and the men do not come in. If conception does not occur, then the egg dies, the hormonal background decreases and the inner layer of the uterus is rejected. There comes another menstruation.

Menstruation during pregnancy

One of the signs of conception is the absence of menstruation. But there are situations when regular menstruation occurs during pregnancy, which are scanty, shorter in duration.

Is it possible to soar in pregnancy?

Is it possible to soar in pregnancy? This question worries future mothers, who take care of their health and the health of the future baby. And this caution is completely justified, since many medications, treatments, and methods of alternative medicine cause a lot of questions.


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