Pregnancy and alcohol
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Pregnancy is the happiest time for a woman expecting a baby. At that moment, she must be very careful and attentive to her "interesting position". But some moms forget that you need to give up your bad habits, one of which is alcohol. Doctors did not fully determine the harmfulness of alcoholic beverages on the development of the fetus, so it is better to completely abandon alcohol, although in the first three months in this period. Pregnancy and alcohol are incompatible. Therefore, if you want your baby to be born healthy and strong, then it's better to wait with alcohol better.
Alcohol during pregnancy
Why is alcohol dangerous during pregnancy? The reason is that alcohol contains toxins that enter through the bloodstream into the placenta, and then into the body of the unborn baby. If a woman abuses alcohol, then she does serious harm to her baby. Alcohol adversely affects the growth and development of internal organs and brain. Moreover, it can lead to the fact that the child's face will have all kinds of deviations from the child's child.
If the future mother uses a lot of alcohol during pregnancy, then the baby's nervous system suffers. As a result, negative consequences can occur. These include the learning disability and the lack of coordination of movements that are present in the child, who will accompany him throughout his life.
Effect of alcohol on pregnancy
The degree of influence of alcohol on an unborn child depends on many factors:
- how much alcohol is consumed by the mother of the unborn child;
- on what term of pregnancy does the woman consume alcoholic beverages;
- how often does a young mother drink during pregnancy.
Especially the effect of alcohol on pregnancy occurs in the first three months of pregnancy. At this time, it is best to abstain from alcohol. Also, alcohol can negatively affect a pregnant mother in the last trimester of pregnancy. The reason for the danger lies in the fact that it is at this time that the child is actively developing the brain.
Is there a safe dose of alcohol? Doctors have not installed until now. A unambiguous answer to this is not found. Some obstetricians-gynecologists believe that one or two pairs of alcohol do not harm the unborn baby. Therefore, they do not establish any taboos in this quantity. Others believe that even the smallest dose of alcohol can cause considerable damage to the fragile child organism. So about the use of even one glass of wine a week should be forgotten.
How does alcohol affect pregnancy?
If the baby has abnormalities of intrauterine development, which were caused by the alcoholism of the mother, then in medicine there is a term such as "alcoholic fetal disorders." This means that he has many disorders that are caused by congenital developmental anomalies that can create small difficulties in learning and not only.
One of the most severe cases of fetal alcohol syndrome (TSA) is facial anomalies, low birth weight and height at birth and further lagging behind in growth and physical development. Such children are difficult to teach, because they suffer from both neurological and behavioral problems. And what is most terrible in this, so alcohol syndrome can not be cured and, hence, it will always be with the child.
In addition, if a woman abuses alcohol, then she may have a miscarriage or a premature baby, and worse stillborn. For each mother, alcohol affects differently. On one - this is the norm, for another - bust. Even funds bought without a prescription, from a cough or flu, must also be taken cautiously. They sometimes contain up to 25% alcohol. Also, do not take with alcohol medications that quench the pain, but at the same time, raise drugs. That's how alcohol affects pregnancy.
Pregnancy after alcohol
Any woman is important to know that a portion of alcohol is a certain amount of alcoholic beverage, in which there is 10 ml of pure alcohol. Therefore, in our time, girls who want to become mothers in the future need to constantly talk about the fact that pregnancy needs to be carefully planned. It is necessary to prepare carefully for the very conception, and not only for the subsequent bearing of the baby. However, despite the fact that doctors always remind women that pregnancy should be planned, nevertheless today very many unplanned babies are born. But it's good if a child born in this case is born absolutely healthy and strong. It is much worse if pregnancy occurs after a wrong way of life, because in this case the birth of a healthy child is greatly reduced.
Against the background of total alcohol addiction among young people, pregnancy planning is the main condition for the birth of a child. In this case, any person will say that alcohol and pregnancy can not stand on one level. Moreover, the future mother needs to refrain from alcohol before his conception. So you think about your future offspring and about the continuation of the family as a whole. And it is better not to take alcohol at all, while the young organism is preparing to bear the future child.
Everyone knows that planning a child is necessary a few months before his birth. This is a long stage, requiring a serious approach to your body. At this stage, the couple should visit specialists, adhere to the proper healthy diet. You need to prepare both morally and physically for future conception, pregnancy and childbirth. That pregnancy after alcohol does not become the biggest mistake in your life. It is important not only before pregnancy, but also during the period of feeding the baby, too, to refuse to take alcohol.
Pregnancy test after alcohol
No less often, women ask if it is possible to carry out a pregnancy test after drinking alcohol. Many believe that if you do it after they take alcohol, then it can make the wrong conclusions. They can be either positive or negative. Others believe that a pregnancy test after taking alcohol in any case shows the correct result, if only the instruction is correctly followed. So a pregnancy test gives accurate data in any case.
Most often at an early stage of pregnancy a woman can consume alcohol even without knowing herself that a small person is already living inside her. Therefore, too much harm, it will not bring, if you are lucky. In general, alcohol in the 1 st month of pregnancy can cause spontaneous miscarriage. To correctly understand this, it is necessary to read the literature about what happens to the embryo at this time. This will give you to understand that alcohol in the first days of pregnancy affects the woman's body according to the principle of "or yes, or not." Either alcohol absolutely does not affect the development of the fetus, or cause spontaneous miscarriage.
Most often, a woman who took alcohol at the beginning of pregnancy, after learning about her situation later, is very worried. In this case, it should be calmed down as quickly as possible and made clear that if the pregnancy is preserved, then alcohol will not have a negative impact on its fruit. The main thing is that in the future, she refused alcohol altogether.
Can I drink alcohol during pregnancy?
This question bothers many girls, and of course, each of them knows the answer to this question. Can I drink alcohol during pregnancy? Sure, no. The fact that a set of eggs in the female body is created even before the time of its birth, during intrauterine development. Therefore, for the rest of her life this set will be with the future mother. At the same time, not only will it not be replenished, it will also change over time under the influence of certain factors.
And first of all they can be adversely affected by alcohol, which, as a highly toxic substance, is able to "poison" the eggs. This increases the risk that the child will be born with pathologies. Many women, drinking alcohol during pregnancy, wonder why their baby was born weak or worse with small deviations. By not understanding, they are ruining their baby. It is best to give up alcohol six months before the planned conception. This is an obligatory factor for bearing a strong and fully healthy child.
But also to the daddy to the future it is not necessary to forget that also it is necessary to him not to drink spirits during a planning of pregnancy. Medics have proven that alcohol has a negative effect on the quality of sperm. And this applies not only to strong spirits, but also to beer, which seems harmless and not dangerous for health.
First, alcohol, which penetrates into the seminal fluid, inhibiting the motility of the spermatozoa. This can lead to the fact that pregnancy can for a while not come. And secondly, it is much more dangerous that alcohol when ingested into sperm can change the properties of spermatozoa, making them pathological. Moreover, their quantity under the influence of alcohol increases, as does the risk of impregnating an egg with a pathological sperm. All this in will lead to the development of deviations in the baby or he will be born with deviations. Therefore, experts insist that future dads also ruled out alcohol at least 3 months before the desired conception. Can I use it pregnant? The answer is: unequivocally, no.
Alcohol in early pregnancy
Alcohol in the early stages of pregnancy is dangerous, if not cool. It is worth talking about fetal alcohol syndrome. "Fetus" in Latin means "fruit." This medical definition includes a bunch of symptoms with which the child is born and lives. They can be divided into 3 categories: weight and height deficit, a variety of brain anomalies, which include impairment of reason, developmental lag, diseases with hearing and vision, and not a pretty appearance.
In this case, the child has a full "bouquet". But the essence of the essence does not change. Unfortunately, the FAE is not being treated. If a child was born with such a syndrome, it can create the most favorable conditions, but he will never recover.
Alcohol in early pregnancy is highly undesirable. But if a woman drank, then either yes or no.
Many doctors claim that 2-3 times per pregnancy you can afford a little dry wine without any risk. But this is a great misconception that can not be trusted.
What is the danger of alcohol, which a woman takes in the first trimester?
Toxic substances contained in the composition of alcohol, violate the balance of development of the child.
- Alcohol quickly enters the bloodstream, and the placenta does not serve as an obstacle.
- Harmful is not only ethyl alcohol, but also the products of its processing, but also acetaldehyde. As a consequence, the nervous system of the fetus is affected and negatively affects the entire female body.
- Alcohol also breaks the metabolism and reduces the amount of vitamins in the blood.
- Alcohol in the early stages of pregnancy is dangerous, as there is a laying of important organs from 3 to 13 weeks. It is at this moment you need to be cautious about the future baby and your health, as much as possible protecting the future child from harmful factors that can affect it.
- The subsequent development, as well as the improvement of organs, continues from the 14th week. Alcohol can disrupt the main functions of the child's body.
Of course, 1-2 glasses of wine that are drunk during the entire period of pregnancy, usually, do not lead to irreversible consequences. It all depends on how much alcohol was drunk, how strong the baby's future organism is and the quality of alcohol itself, which also happens to be different. Therefore, it is better now to endure and drink juice, than in the future to regret your incontinence. There are cases when the future mother drinks alcohol at a time when she does not yet know her condition. If you had a similar case, do not panic. The main thing - give up all bad habits in the remaining period.
What happens in these important 1-st 2 weeks of pregnancy?
- The tissue of the future child and its organs is not laid in the first two weeks.
- The egg is fragile at this stage and any negative factor acts on the principle of "all or nothing at all." That is, either it will not affect the development of the fetus, or he, on the contrary, will kill the fetus.
- Alcohol in the early stages of pregnancy is undesirable. Just these 14 days and go before another menstruation, and during this period a woman, usually does not yet know that she is already in position. And as soon as she becomes aware, it is worth immediately suppressing the use in the future, of course, simply necessary.
Alcohol in the first days of pregnancy
Many are mistaken, believing that alcohol in the first days of pregnancy is not dangerous. Their conclusion is that the placenta has not yet formed, the growing fetus does not feed from the mother. But it is not so. Even a minimal dose of alcohol can simply simply interrupt a long-awaited pregnancy. Therefore, its use should be abandoned long before the very conception, as we have already said, both a woman and a man, if they plan to see their baby healthy, beautiful, and most importantly strong. Alcohol is catastrophic in the next weeks of pregnancy, when the embryo was fixed and began to develop. In this case, this can lead to severe consequences, which include the pathology and ugliness of the unborn child. This moment when bearing is the most difficult, important and dangerous for the fetus.
If the mother does not stop drinking, then her child runs the risk of being born with an alcohol syndrome, which in the future will cripple the life not only for the child, but for the mother, who will blame herself for the rest of her life.
A lot of research proves the fact that underdevelopment in the fetus of AS can happen from 4-5 even the smallest doses of alcohol per day. Slightly less fetal development abnormalities occur at 2 doses per day. Not in the quantity you need to limit yourself, but completely abandon even a meager fraction of alcohol.
Alcohol in the first days of pregnancy is highly undesirable. If this future mother does not understand, then the embryo will develop gross developmental anomalies, which can also lead to the termination of pregnancy, or the birth of an unviable child.
Alcohol in the first weeks of pregnancy
Within 1 week of pregnancy, the fertilized egg moves along the fallopian tube to the uterine cavity. In this case, the egg begins to actively divide and enters the uterine cavity as a loose cluster of cells. As it was said above, alcohol on the first days of pregnancy and in the subsequent period of bearing causes unbearable harm, or rather leads to the death of a fertilized egg. To understand how it affects pregnancy and its development, it is worth remembering the stages of its development.
After the most active spermatozoon fertilized the egg, it moves along the fallopian tube in the direction of the uterus. There she is waiting for the endometrium ready for implantation. So the fertilized egg, growing into the mucous membrane of the uterus continues to be so actively divided. During the division, part of the cells of the egg creates a fleecy shell called "chorion", from which in the future the same placenta is obtained. The stage of implantation suggests that a stable connection is established between the mother's organism and the egg, alcohol in the first weeks of pregnancy, which the woman uses, will in any case get to the egg. And if she uses it regularly, but do not be surprised if she soon has a miscarriage.
Alcohol on the 2nd week of pregnancy
Alcohol on the 2nd week of pregnancy is also very dangerous. At the end of the first and in the course of the second week from the very conception begins, as we already mentioned above, the absorption of the egg into the wall of the uterus takes place, and the chorion will already form there. This is the so-called external branching membrane, by means of which the fetal egg is attached to the wall of the uterus.
During these 2 weeks, the laying of organs and tissues of the fetus, as such, does not happen. However, the fertilized egg during this period is very vulnerable, weak and defenseless, so during these 2 spirits act very categorically. He either destroys the fetus, which means that the fetal egg dies, or, to great joy, does not affect the fetus or its development in any way. As a rule, during the first weeks of pregnancy, pregnancy goes unnoticed, and until a woman finds out another menstruation, she can not understand in what she is in the position: "interesting" or not yet.
Taking alcohol at 2 weeks of pregnancy will lead to the occurrence of anencephaly, that is, to the complete absence of the brain. A child who is not yet born can have a splitting of the spine. Downside syndrome and many other developmental anomalies are not the best predictions. In addition, children who were born from mothers who used alcohol for the first time days and weeks of pregnancy, noticed a delay in intellectual and physical development. The child, as a rule, visually traced increased irritability, enuresis, visual and hearing impairment, and so on.
Alcohol at the 3rd week of pregnancy
From 3 to 13 weeks of pregnancy, as we have already said, a bookmark is formed, all organs are formed. Therefore, no alcohol at the 3rd week of pregnancy should not be.
The further process can be explained by the fact that from the beginning of the fourth week from conception, the embryo begins organogenesis, which tells us that at that time it takes place the laying of all vital organs and systems, especially the nervous one. In this period a neural tube is formed, from which the spinal cord and the brain will be formed in the near future.
This period can be called a period of organogenesis, so alcohol at 3 weeks may lead to the appearance of a particular malformation. Which one? Everything will depend on the time of exposure to the harmful factor.
Even if a woman consumes alcohol at week 3 of pregnancy rarely and in moderation, all the same - it can lead to the fact that the child will have subsequent changes in the brain, the damage from which will not immediately become noticeable.
When alcohol enters the bloodstream, the vascular system and liver are deformed at first, the brain structure and its development are disturbed, which means that the mental activity of the baby whose mother used alcohol during pregnancy, mental activity will be backward.
In addition, women who consume alcohol damage their eggs, which carry genetic information. Therefore, alcohol is quite dangerous for the offspring, even if it is consumed before the pregnancy begins.
Alcohol at the 4th week of pregnancy
Extremely dangerous alcohol at 4 weeks of pregnancy. It can be the most important reason that a future baby will have pathologies that can lead to spontaneous abortion. As it was already said earlier, the laying of all organs and systems of the child is very active, therefore, alcohol at 4 weeks in any case will have a damaging effect on it. Alcohol, which is considered a highly toxic substance, will cause strong bad changes and exclude the possibility that the embryo is safely formed and developed. The risk of a baby being born with developmental anomalies and other abnormalities may suddenly increase. Therefore, for those moms who want to give birth to a smart, healthy and beautiful baby, they must first take care of their health, excluding alcohol from their diet from the first weeks of pregnancy. And it's even better to take care of yourself even several months before the onset of pregnancy, in the planning and preparation for it.
The nutrition of the future mother should be balanced. Nutrition for 4 weeks of pregnancy should include exclusively natural products, which contain a huge number of vitamins and trace elements. All kinds of smoked meat, canned food, semi-finished products, it should leave in the past. The same applies to oily and salty foods, sweets.
It is best if the mother refuses "artificial" products containing all sorts of dyes, flavors, food additives, sweet and tinted soda. Dairy products, cereals, vegetables and fruits, fresh and natural food will become the guarantee of the health of the future baby. In this period, you need to forget about all sorts of unloading days, diets. If the child does not have enough nutrients and nutrients during this period, this can be detrimental to its formation, development and growth.
Alcohol in the first month of pregnancy
Alcohol in the first month of pregnancy is 200% harmful from a medical point of view. If this does not happen, then the child simply does not bore until the end, the pregnancy is interrupted or the child is still born, but with different vices of the fetus. That's what expects the kids those mothers who could not deny themselves a small.
Very harmful alcohol in the first month of pregnancy, when all the most important in the future child's body are formed. Even a minimal dose of beer, vodka or wine can undermine the normal formation of imbalances and cause the development of vices in individual organs. They consist in:
- obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract,
- underdevelopment of the urogenital tract,
- lung disease,
- dysfunction of the nervous system.
And the biggest consequence of alcohol in the first 30 days of pregnancy is a violation in the neural tube system of the fetus, leading to the birth of a baby who has completely no brain or has a spinal hernia. If the mother combines alcohol with smoking, this causes the nation to die out.
Therefore, in Russia there was a law that prohibited the use of alcohol at the wedding. It was also impossible to drink it before the first intimacy, which was very likely to conceive a future offspring. Our ancestors believed that even the slightest fun with alcohol can be a great trauma for future children.
After all, in any alcoholic beverage without ethanol, formaldehyde, fusel oil and other poisonous ingredients, which at the festive table are the cause of a hangover, you can not do, which, unfortunately, pregnant women can bring a lot of sorrow and grief. Even a little gram of alcohol can affect the sensitive nerve tissue. Violating the ability of only one cell can lead to disruption in the development of all the kid's organs, microcephaly, hydrocephalus or thinning of the cerebral cortex can be the result.
Alcohol at the 5th week of pregnancy
If a woman who is carrying under the heart of a child drinks during pregnancy, then he risks not being born as smart as he could become. And in the future it will not be able to realize the potential that was originally laid down by genes. Yes, in appearance it will be the same as other children, but otherwise, and most importantly, as a result of alcohol at the 5th week of pregnancy in psychological development and training will be very lagging behind.
If the beautiful half of humanity is still interested in what kind of alcoholic beverages can be consumed during pregnancy, then the answer will be unequivocally negative. "None". Vodka, beer and wine will carry a dangerous dose of alcohol to pregnant women, both at first and later in pregnancy.
Many girls, women drink only on holidays. And as soon as they find out in a few weeks that they were drinking while pregnant, they are frightened. How to be and what to do?
If you were not in a drinking state for the first 3 weeks of the first month of pregnancy, then there is no urgent need to do this. If in this period of time the dose of alcohol will have a sad effect on the growing body, then the pregnancy will be interrupted in itself. Fetal self-defense will work.
In the future, it is necessary to abandon the bad idea and carefully pass all the examinations prescribed by the doctor. The ultrasound procedure at the end of the first trimester and special tests can help a woman more clearly understand a healthy or sick child, she eventually will be born.
Alcohol at the 6th week of pregnancy
But those of the women who used alcohol at the 6th week of pregnancy, very much regret it later. They may have a miscarriage or they will have a child, but, alas, a patient. Alcohol at the 6th week of pregnancy, as well as on any other affects the health of the child in an extremely negative way. The 6th week of pregnancy for a child is very important, and for the mother is very responsible. After all, during this period it is possible to provoke any deviations in the normal course of pregnancy. Alcohol with its toxicity can adversely affect the child's body, which has not yet become stronger. Alcohol in this case can cause the development of malformations, there will be abnormalities and pathologies in the fetus of a very different nature, and in large quantities - to expulsion of the fetus. Therefore, in order for the pregnancy to go off safely and the child does not threaten anything from alcohol, it is more likely to refuse, and it is better not to start using it at all.
Some doctors believe that at an early pregnancy, 6 weeks, young mothers do not even know about the new life in it. It can only feel in itself some symptoms, signs, which can be attributed to:
- Feeling of lack of strength and fatigue;
- Propensity to sleep;
- Acute reaction to odors, which is associated with the onset of changes in the hormonal background;
- Possible increased salivation;
- The manifestation of toxicosis is also quite acceptable and is considered the norm, both in the morning hours and during meals.
If you find any of the above signs, it's important to immediately contact your doctor, and if pregnancy is confirmed you need to take care of your health, diet and the whole image of your new life.
Alcohol in the first trimester of pregnancy
It is known that if a mother consumes alcohol in the first trimester of pregnancy, then this can make unborn babies vulnerable to a wide range of disorders, called fetal alcohol syndrome. It has already been mentioned above, but it is worthwhile to consolidate once again the information received, in order to once and for all understand that alcohol is harmful to the child in any period of pregnancy. Many studies have confirmed that it is the second half of the first trimester that is considered a critical period in development. A child can be born with a number of abnormalities, for example with bone tissue, nervous activity, and even with the growth of teeth. From insignificant, to such, where there will be even a necessity to prosthetize a teeth. Scientists note that the amount, frequency and time of exposure to alcohol has a very strong effect on the development of alcoholic fetal syndrome.
This syndrome has a sad effect on the child's physical and mental development in the future. The child can then be born with a "wolf mouth". His head size can be much smaller than the body. Also, he can have eyes close to each other. Small growth can also become a bitter result of TSA.
Alcohol in the second trimester of pregnancy
Alcohol in the second trimester of pregnancy is just as dangerous as on the first. And even stronger. The brain of the fetus begins to clear up at 8-12 weeks of pregnancy, and it develops to the birth itself. The results of alcohol during pregnancy can affect the nerve cells of the child. It can grow either inferior, or nerve cells can be completely underdeveloped. In adults, nerve cells are many, and some can simply be replaced by others, in a small organism, the choice is not great. These compensatory possibilities are very small. Hence the child can be trained with great difficulty, logical thinking becomes rather weak, and communication is difficult. Those problems will arise in all spheres of their life activity, where, of course, full-value nerve cells are important.
Those children, whose parents drank during pregnancy, suffer from their weak immune system, they are much more likely to get sick of those children whose parents have refused alcohol altogether. And the most dangerous thing is that in children, the mother of whom alcohol was taking while pregnant, there is an inherent predisposition to alcoholism.
Another insidious property of alcohol is that it does not appear immediately, and the negative effect on the fetus is not visible at the beginning. Alcohol in the first month of pregnancy in large doses can lead to miscarriage. However, often violations in the development of organs and tissues of the child can occur only after childbirth, and sometimes - and many years later. For example, if the mother drank during pregnancy, then the negative effect of alcohol can affect, only during the sexual development of the child. This suggests that an intelligent baby can first turn into a foolish sweat, as a result of the fact that the ripened hormones release all the genetic "glitches" that arise as a result of the alcohol addiction of the mother.
Alcohol in the third trimester of pregnancy
Alcohol in the third trimester of pregnancy is even more dangerous than in the early periods. Willy-nilly child through the placenta gets alcohol in his blood. Since, of all the toxic substances that lead to a violation of the physical and mental development of offspring, alcohol is more dangerous. It is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and overcomes the placental barrier. Harmful to the fetus, like ethyl alcohol itself, and the products of its decomposition. In addition to the fact that alcohol has a negative impact on the cells of the unborn child, from which tissues and organs are created, it also destroys the cells of the nervous system, in particular the brain. Because of alcohol, vitamins become less and less, and the metabolism and hormonal background is disrupted.
If a woman suffers from chronic alcoholism during pregnancy, then they have a high risk of having a child with abnormalities and defects. As a result, all this may end:
- defeat of the cardiovascular system,
- abnormalities of limb development,
- craniofacial defects;
- intrauterine and postnatal growth retardation, weak weight gain and backward mental development.
In the second - third trimester of pregnancy, ethanol increases the risk of miscarriage if a woman consumes more than 30 ml of alcohol twice a week. And in general, just use the slightest dose.
Alcohol on late pregnancy
If a woman regularly consumes alcohol-containing drinks, this can lead to the development of embryopathy in the newborn. The probability of defects at birth is usually 50%. Alcohol in late pregnancy can lead to such consequences:
- Most often, these children are abnormally developed anal opening and genitourinary system.
- In addition, they can be born with cardiovascular disease.
- The upper and lower limbs in this case may also be disturbed.
- They can have no fingers, hypoplasia.
- Also, the cause of alcohol consumption may be pathological changes in the state of the nail plate, as well as in various dysplasia of the joints.
- In such children, intrauterine development may be delayed. Usually they appear in light with low weight, as well as with hypoxia.
- They may have changes in the craniofacial part. Low forehead, flat and broad bridge of nose, narrow eyes - as a result of alcohol dependence in women.
- Male embryos often die early in pregnancy, while female embryos may experience alcohol embryopathy.
- Alcohol consumption at a later date can lead to children who have a disturbed adaptation process. They have not developed compensatory mechanisms, which usually leads to a strong excitability and hypoglycemia.
Such children swallow with difficulty and often refuse to suck. Therefore, every woman should remember that drinking alcohol during pregnancy, even in minimal amounts, can not bring anything good.
Consequences of alcohol during pregnancy
If you take alcohol during pregnancy, the consequences can be very deplorable:
- premature birth can begin;
- there is a risk of developing miscarriage, depending on the dose;
- a child can be born prematurely;
- a child can be born with various developmental defects;
- development of cognitive impairment in the early childhood or adolescence.
Therefore, if the mother is unable to give up alcohol during pregnancy, the results will be catastrophic. To avoid this, you need to help your future mother not to take alcohol. For example, a warm bath, relaxing music, massage, sports or passive rest can become its substitutes. It also happens that my mother willy-nilly refuses alcohol because of morning sickness during pregnancy, after which I do not want to drink anything.
Abuse during the period of pregnancy of alcoholic beverages will necessarily make itself felt on the offspring in the form of various deviations, which were mentioned earlier. Alcohol enters both in the blood of the mother of the fetus, as in the fetus's blood: every glass, drunk by the mother, shares with her baby in half. And in some studies it was observed that if a woman drinks a glass of wine during pregnancy, then the same her future baby also drinks. From the blood of a child, alcohol disappears twice as long and more slowly than from the mother's blood. Therefore, the baby can be unconscious, while his mother is in a good mood.
It is even proved that if a mother experiences a slight alcoholic intoxication, then her child inside of this condition is several times stronger. You can safely say that a child in the womb becomes a "passive alcoholic."
And finally, once again, we recall the fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), which leads to many mental and physical defects.
In addition to the anomalies listed before, a child can be born with:
- deformed ribs and thorax;
- curvature of the spine and hip joint;
- limited movement of the joints;
- presence of superfluous chromosomes;
- hanging eyelids;
- nearsightedness;
- short snub or sunken nose;
- thin upper lip;
- underdeveloped jaws;
- poorly formed ears;
- deformities of organs;
- heart defects and heart murmurs;
- short duration of concentration;
- irritability in infancy;
- hyperactivity in children;
- poor coordination of the body, hands, fingers.
The consequences of alcohol during pregnancy can be deplorable not only for the baby, but for the whole family. Therefore, do not forget, honors deviations - not a short phenomenon, but the pain with which your child will go through life. So do not expose your baby to painful consequences.