
Diseases in Pregnancy

Prevention of alcohol syndrome in the fetus and withdrawal syndrome in newborns

The use of alcohol by the mother during pregnancy can adversely affect the development of both the body and the brain of the fetus. The consequences of this harmful effect can remain with a person all his life.

Why there is a multiple pregnancy and what's the difference between twins and twins?

Twins are two or more children, developing together in the same womb and being born almost simultaneously. Twins are identical and multi-faceted (dvuyaytsevymi).

What is dangerous for rubella and other infections during pregnancy?

Not all infectious diseases are equally dangerous for the developing fetus. For example, influenza or other types of acute respiratory diseases quite often affect pregnant women, but they very rarely cause fetal development disorders. But rubella, which is rare enough, causes these disorders in almost 70% of cases.

Diseases of the breast and pregnancy

The woman's mammary gland is a paired organ that secretes milk for infant feeding. It consists of 15-20 ferruginous lobes, reminiscent of a bunch of grapes. Each of them consists of 30-80 lobules.

Do chemicals affect the pregnant woman and her fetus if her work is related to these substances

Studies conducted by various specialists - obstetrician-gynecologists, teratologists, embryopharmacologists, physiologists and many others, suggest that chemicals can actually affect the fetus, causing the development of embryopathies.

Syphilis and pregnancy

Another infection, dangerous in terms of intrauterine infection of the fetus, is syphilis. Like tuberculosis, syphilis was at one time considered a social disease associated with an inadequate cultural level of the population.

Tuberculosis and pregnancy

A relatively rare cause of intrauterine fetal damage is tuberculosis. More recently, tuberculosis was considered by doctors as a social disease associated with the weakening of the human body as a result of poor living, nutritional and labor conditions.

Bacterial infections as the cause of embryo and fetopathies

Not only viruses are able to disrupt the normal course of pregnancy and lead to developmental disorders or even deformities in the fetus. Besides them, embryos and fetopathies can also cause bacteria belonging to different groups.

Viral infections as the cause of embryo and fetopathies

Not all infections are equally dangerous for the developing fetus. For example, influenza or other types of so-called acute respiratory infections (ARI) quite often affect pregnant women, but very rarely they are the cause of embryo or fetopathy (pathology of the embryo or fetus).

Influence of various diseases of the mother and complications of pregnancy on the fetus

Undiagnosed timely and ineffectively treated pathology of the cardiovascular system is one of the leading places among extragenital diseases (diseases of organs not related to the reproductive system of women).


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