Stress during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Stress during pregnancy can be caused by both external factors and internal factors. From the first days of pregnancy in the body begins a complete restructuring. At the beginning of pregnancy, nausea may begin, later, frequent urge to urinate, constipation, heartburn, digestive system disorder, bad or vice versa, increased appetite, dizziness, etc., in each case, everything happens individually, some women do not feel the whole pregnancy, Others suffer from all the symptoms at once; the third ones suffer only some of them. To a bad physical condition often joins the psychological. Pregnant women, and at the same time and others, suffer frequent mood swings, tearfulness, irritability, touchiness, heightened anxiety, vague fears, etc. In the second trimester, bleeding gums may begin, bother headaches, runny nose, slight swelling.
The very state of pregnancy causes a small stress in a woman, first of all, from a change in the hormonal background. A woman in this period is preparing to become a mother, which completely changes her former way of life - and this is also a kind of stress. To this are added problems at work or in family life, a woman begins to worry about her future and the future of her baby. Closer to childbirth, a woman is haunted by fear of this process, especially if the baby is the first and the pregnancy was not very good. Stress in small doses is even useful, and as a mom, there's a baby. But if this state pursues the pregnant woman for a very long time and manifests itself quite strongly, in this case it is necessary to seek the help of a specialist, because the negative consequences of stress can seriously affect the mental health of the child.
By about the fifth month the woman's physical condition is normalized, morning sickness does not bother her, frequent headaches disappear, she is less irritated by trifles and she is happy from the realization that she has a small life. But over time, the woman feels the pulling pains in the lower abdomen, this is due to the fact that the ligaments that support the abdominal press are straining. She is more and more diffused, more tired, closer to childbirth there is a feeling of fear of this process, especially in the first-born.
All these conditions cause some stress in the body of a pregnant woman, but not in the usual sense. Such shallow experiences do not affect the health of the future person, moreover, with small negative emotions in the human body appears the hormone cortisol. This hormone, in reasonable doses, is necessary for the child to develop properly. And with a strong stress of cortisol in the body of the mother, and, consequently, the child, too much, which can lead, according to experts, to congenital pathologies.
Severe stress during pregnancy
If a woman experiences severe stress during pregnancy, she has a double chance of having an autistic child (an autist is a person with a mental disorder who is characterized by immersion in the personal world, to reality, there is no desire to communicate, they have a very meager emotional manifestation).
Such conclusions were made by American scientists who conducted an experiment involving 500 pregnant women. In the course of the experiment, specialists evaluated the stress on the strength of the effect. As it turned out, in women, in whose group stressful situations were superior in strength to others, children 2 times more often appeared, who were subsequently diagnosed with autism.
Strong stress, according to doctors, is moving to a new place of residence, heavy loss of loved ones, loss of work, conflicts with relatives, etc. It is especially dangerous if a woman underwent severe stress from the 24th to the 28th week of pregnancy, since during this period the mother's nervous strain can be very much reflected in the baby's brain.
As a result of the studies, it was found that the appearance of autism is associated not only with genetic abnormalities, as previously thought, largely due to the negative factors of the surrounding world, in particular, the psycho-emotional state of the mother during pregnancy.
Nervous Stress During Pregnancy
Nervous stress during pregnancy is accompanied by every woman. Even in those moments when she is absolutely happy, a woman suffers from heavy mental stress. To lead to severe psychological shock can be any external stimulus, which is conditionally divided into physical and mental. The physical source of stress is characterized by constant exposure to the pregnant woman - heat or cold, thirst or hunger, heavy physical exertion. Physical stress is possible with malnutrition, insufficient sleep, reduced motor activity. At psychological sources of stress, emotional overstrain is observed, this lie can be provoked by a lie, resentment, as well as situations where there is a threat to personal relationships (for example, with a husband), social status, financial condition. Also, psychological stress can result in a lack of time, when there is a sense of responsibility, but there is no time to think about the solution. And the source of stress here is precisely the attitude of a person to the situation.
Stressful stress accompanies a woman during the entire pregnancy. The main sources of stress here are natural restructuring, pregnancy, which was not included in the plans, thoughts about how to live on, about the health of the child, the fear of childbirth. Experiences are usually associated with news of pregnancy, the need to attend counseling, communicate with doctors, conflict situations in the family or at work.
Stress during pregnancy has a very strong effect on the nervous system of the unborn child. As a result of frequent mother's nervous shocks during pregnancy, children grow more nervous, restless, they are more difficult to adapt to the world around them. Children, whose mothers were pregnant, suffered from the cruelty of her husband, showed a lower intellectual development than their peers who developed in quiet conditions. The researchers found that the cause of this is the hormone cortisol - the higher its level in the mother's blood, and accordingly in the amniotic fluid, the higher the risk of developmental lag in development. Approximately 15% of children with anxiety, attention deficit, developmental delay of psychomotor functions, were victims of a strong nervous shock of the mother, transferred during the period of intrauterine development. The most dangerous is for the future mother, the stress at which she is subjected to cruel treatment, in this case the risk of hyperactivity syndrome is doubled. If it were possible in time to reduce the stress of the mother during pregnancy, it could be avoided the development of hundreds of thousands of severe psychological and neurological disorders in children.
Experts argue that stress and negativity can not be kept within itself, it must necessarily be disposed of. Sometimes you need to talk out to make it easier. Nervous overstrain can be alleviated if you spend time cheerfully and at ease. If there is no positive dynamics, you should definitely consult a doctor, you may need the help of a qualified specialist. It is necessary to understand the source of a stressful situation and to exclude it from your life as completely as possible.
Sleep is the best way to treat stress, nervous overexertion and anxiety can arise from lack of sleep. Therefore, you need more rest. If it's hard to fall asleep, you need to engage in an interesting active affair (as far as you can), then the body that is tired for the day will relax and relax faster. You can take a warm bath before going to bed. Activity to some extent helps to get rid of nervous stress, so you can consult a doctor about special exercises or gymnastics for pregnant women. There are many hobbies that will help to forget unpleasant moments, distract - cooking, walking, photo, reading, etc. During pregnancy, the main thing to see in everything is only positive aspects, whenever possible avoid stressful situations and adjust yourself to the very best.
Constant stress during pregnancy
Long-term stress during pregnancy adversely affects both the health of the future mother and the health of her child. Strong and long nervous shock exhausts the body of a pregnant woman, she becomes apathetic, languid, suffers from insomnia, anxiety causes a shiver in the body, palpitations. Severe stress can cause skin rashes, headaches, soreness in the body. With such stress, various complications of pregnancy are possible. A woman can suffer from increased toxicosis, chronic diseases worsen, a newborn can have congenital malformations.
In addition, the constant nervous tension has a negative effect on the immune system, which is already weakening during pregnancy. Weak defenses of the body can not cope with the viruses that enter the body, so the woman is in a constant painful condition. A serious physical condition is aggravated by an even heavier mental state - complete discontent, apathy, irritability. But no matter how hard it was for women, at that moment it's even harder for a man who was not yet born, and if a woman does not change her mind in time and brings her mental state back to normal, this little man may never know what life is.
Constant stress during pregnancy has very serious consequences, which is why it should be disposed of as quickly as possible. The best option during pregnancy, will learn to avoid such nervous upheavals. A woman in the position should think more about pleasant things, she should be able (or learn) to relax, perhaps it will not be superfluous to attend special yoga courses for pregnant women. All the existing problems should not be kept within themselves, they should be immediately stated, discussed in a relaxed atmosphere with close people. If you want to cry - cry, if you laugh - laugh, do not be shy about your feelings, especially for pregnant women, for whom a good emotional state is extremely important. Your motto in this period should be "movement is life." Try to walk as often as possible, very useful for pregnant swimming. As you know, sleep treats all diseases, stress in their number. If you do not sleep enough, the stress in this case is guaranteed.
Consequences of stress during pregnancy
Stress helps reduce the body's defenses. If a person is prone to frequent stressful conditions, he is more prone to infectious diseases, and this is extremely harmful for a pregnant woman. But, stress during pregnancy, a fairly common condition, unfortunately. If the state of stress is not deep and passes relatively quickly, then this is nothing dangerous. Such easy and short-lived conditions, as if train the woman's organism before childbirth, strengthen the nervous system of the baby still in the tummy.
It is different with the long, severe state of stress in pregnancy. This state is harmful both to the woman herself and her future child. A long oppressed state drains the life force. The woman becomes sluggish, sleepy, suffers from insomnia at night. The same condition will be for the baby when he is born, if the mother does not find the strength to overcome this difficult condition.
Stress during pregnancy has severe consequences: severe anxiety, which can occur even without serious causes, tachycardia, palpitations, chest pain, dizziness, headache, rash (especially in sensitive women). Toxicosis manifests itself much more heavily, as a result of a weakened immune system, a woman that threatens pathologies in the development of a child.
Especially affects the central nervous system of the child. If a pregnant woman is constantly in a stressed state, her child's nervous system will be extremely vulnerable. Even at a conscious age, it will be very difficult for the child to adapt to the world around him, he will be very restless, nervous, anxious. Such children are more prone to their fears than their peers. Allergy and asthma are one of the consequences of a mother's stressful condition during pregnancy, and this can be a consequence of both prolonged stress and a short but strong and frequent stress condition. If we could find a way to reduce the level of stress, many children did not suffer from severe psychological and neurological disorders. If the mother has experienced a strong nervous tension in the first three months of pregnancy, then her child may develop schizophrenia over time, since it is during this period that the baby's nervous system is formed. The chances of developing schizophrenia in this case are approximately 70%. Specialists are unambiguous in their conclusions: external psychological factors have a direct impact on the processes of the formation of the nervous system in the early stages of human development.
Every pregnant woman noticed that when anxiety conditions the baby began to move actively. This is a simple explanation - if the mother is in an anxious state, the child lacks oxygen and, with his movements, as if he begins to massage the placenta to get blood with the necessary elements.
A child whose mother is often nervous during pregnancy will in future suffer from enuresis and diabetes. Also, autism is one of the consequences of a mother's strong nervous tension during pregnancy.
With a strong nervous shock of the mother, her body, she can independently get rid of a weak male fetus, i.e. This can lead to a miscarriage. By the way, but for unknown reasons, the body does not get rid of the female fetus. Also interesting is the fact that boys who were born when the mother was in a very stressful condition live much longer than those who appeared in this world under favorable conditions.
Fetal malformation, popularly referred to as "hare lip" or "wolf mouth" was observed among women who were in a long stressful state during pregnancy. The risk of malformation development in women in constant nervous tension is 2 times higher than those who were more calm during pregnancy. Severely restless women risk premature birth, the weight of the child in this case will be much lower than normal and the chances of survival in such children are very small. If such children survive, then they are deformed all the functions of the body, so these children are prone to frequent illnesses.
Conflict situations in the family can lead to mental and emotional retardation in the child. Also, frequent quarrels in the family can provoke premature birth or miscarriage. Constant stress leads to a long delivery, during which a child may die. Bad sleep, dissatisfaction with yourself, severe fatigue leads to premature and impetuous childbirth.
Stress during pregnancy is a condition that you need to get rid of urgently. A woman must first of all think about the health of her baby, whose life now depends entirely on her, not only on a strong physical condition, but also on a balanced emotional and mental condition. A woman should remember that any her anxious state blocks her child's oxygen, he literally starts to choke. It is for this reason, when mom is nervous, he starts to move actively to show her how bad he is now.
No need to take everything to heart, no life situation, whether it is prestigious work, or forced relocation to a new place where there are no acquaintances, is not worth it so that your child all his life suffered from the severe consequences of your stress, which he felt on himself , while still in your tummy.