Diseases and their treatment in the first week of pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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One of the most important periods of your life has come - you learned that you are pregnant! Pregnancy lasts 9 months or 40 weeks. This time flies very quickly and at times you want to stop it to enjoy the moment. But, sometimes, pregnancy can not bring joy due to certain circumstances. In the first weeks of pregnancy a woman may be troubled by various problems, for example: toxicosis, indigestion, constipation, heartburn, dizziness, thrush, and others. So there is a lot of questions, what to do when there are various diseases, which doctor to go to and when to register. In our article, we will consider in detail the frequently asked questions of women in the first weeks of pregnancy.
In the first weeks of pregnancy, the formation and formation of all internal organs of the embryo takes place. That is why various diseases at this time may not just be dangerous, but even fatal. But there are situations when diseases can not be avoided. What, then, should be done? Now we will try to outline the algorithm for the most common diseases.
Thrush in the first weeks of pregnancy
Thrush among pregnant women is quite common. Moreover, it can pass as asymptomatic, and deliver a strong discomfort. The causative agent of this disease is the fungus of the genus Candida. This is why thrush is called candidiasis. With this disease, there is a strong itch, curdled discharge and swelling of the mucous genitalia. It is believed that in pregnant women, it occurs due to a decrease in immunity and hormonal changes in the body. Diagnosis of candidiasis in the first week of pregnancy is performed using a visual gynecological examination and taking a smear on the flora. For the treatment of thrush in the first weeks of pregnancy, the drug Pimafucin is used most often (both in tablet form and in candles). Less often prescribe a suppository for topical application with the presence of antifungal agents clotrimazole or miconazole. Ease itching yourself with a bath with a warm solution of soda or decoction of the bark of oak.
Cystitis in the first weeks of pregnancy
Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) is also common in pregnant women. With this disease, there are cutting pains with urination and the presence of a constant feeling of fullness of the bladder. Cystitis can be caused by infection or a high content of salts that pass through the ureters, mechanically scratching the walls. Diagnosis and differentiation of inflammation of the urinary bladder is carried out with the help of a general analysis and bacteriological study of urine. With cystitis of infectious origin, antibiotics are prescribed for pregnancy, namely ampicillin, amoxicillin, phosphomycin and others. The appointment of antibiotics is performed strictly after evaluation of the antibioticogram in a bacteriological analysis of urine. With cystitis caused by increased salt content, diuretic drugs (kanefron, urolesan) and a strict diet with no salty and acidic products are prescribed. Temporarily remove the symptoms can be with warm baths with a decoction of eucalyptus.
Runny nose in the first weeks of pregnancy
There is such a diagnosis as "rhinitis of pregnant women". It is manifested by a narrowing of the nasal passages and an elevated discharge of mucus in the nose. The cause of rhinitis of pregnant women is the hormonal reconstruction of the body. Usually it occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy and subsequently disappears without a trace. Specific treatment does not require. But we must remember that the use of vasoconstrictive drugs, such as naphthysine, vibrocil is strictly not recommended. Firstly, they are addictive, secondly they act on the vessels, increasing blood pressure and thereby disrupting placental blood flow, which is very dangerous in the first weeks of pregnancy. Treatment of rhinitis of pregnant women is best done with natural preparations based on essential oils of eucalyptus, mint and menthol. You can also use special solutions with sea salt. With a prolonged runny nose in the first weeks of pregnancy, you should contact LOR to clarify the cause and purpose of adequate treatment.
Colds in the first weeks of pregnancy
If your pregnancy falls on the autumn or spring months, then during this period is likely to "catch" a cold disease. Colds can be quite dangerous in the first weeks of pregnancy, so it is very important to prevent it. To avoid infection, doctors are advised to take vitamins and use oxolin ointment in places of large concentrations of people. Do not disdain the gauze bandage. Your health and the health of the future baby is much more important than appearance. What to do if the cold caught up with you? At a minimum, you need to call a doctor and take a sick leave. With an increase in body temperature, you can take paracetamol containing drugs (see the composition, it is not desirable in the composition of caffeine, as it raises blood pressure and pulse, which affects the placental blood flow). In case of sore throat, rinse well with iodine solution and soda, rinse nose with a solution of ordinary or sea salt. It is very important at this point to drink a large amount of warm drink (you can raspberries, sea buckthorn, tea with honey and / or lemon, milk with honey).
Influenza on the first weeks of pregnancy
Influenza is very dangerous in the first weeks of pregnancy, because during this time, all the organs and systems of the child are laid. Symptoms of influenza are familiar to many: body aches, headache, fever, sore throat, fatigue, drowsiness. How to treat the flu during pregnancy? There is a saying: "Treat the flu, it will take 7 days, do not treat the flu, it will be a week." And this is true ... Unfortunately, there are no drugs for influenza as such. There are drugs that alleviate the symptoms and help cope with the disease. How can we alleviate and minimize the risk to the fetus during the flu? It is necessary to comply with strict bed rest, eat natural foods rich in vitamin C, take complex vitamins, consume excessive amounts of liquid, knock down the temperature with paracetamol-containing preparations and, of course, avoid complications of the flu. After the end of the disease, it is difficult to predict the consequences of the disease on the development of the fetus. But often, in the first weeks of pregnancy, if the influenza virus has caused irreversible consequences, then a miscarriage occurs. If the pregnancy continues to flow normally, then the likelihood of negative changes is incredibly small.
Angina in the first weeks of pregnancy
Angina is quite dangerous in the first weeks of pregnancy. The causative agents of this disease are most often streptococci, less often staphylococci or pneumococci. Angina is manifested with severe pain in the throat and a sharp increase in body temperature. Angina is of varying complexity. Therefore, you should call a doctor for an appropriate treatment. In severe cases, antibiotics can not be avoided. In this case antibiotics of the penicillin series (amoxicillin, amoxiclav, augmentin, flemoxin) are used. With mild angina, local therapy is used in the form of frequent throat rinsing with iodine solution with soda, furacilin solution, propolis solution. Paracetamol containing drugs is used to reduce the high body temperature. For simtomaticheskoe relief of pain in the throat, you can suck mint sweets, as well as preparations containing eucalyptus and menthol. To accelerate the treatment should take vitamin C and multivitamins for pregnant women, as well as comply with strict bed rest.
Herpes in the first week of pregnancy
There are two types of herpes, namely: common herpes (colds) and genital herpes. The first option is practically not dangerous in the first weeks of pregnancy. The second is a great threat. At the primary infection with the herpes virus (cold) in the first weeks of pregnancy there is a small threat, but it is not so terrible, as with genital herpes. The carriers of this virus are 90% of the world's population. Most often, herpes "vylazit" with a decrease in immunity, which occurs during pregnancy. In this case, locally used drugs Acyclovir and Zovirax. They are not absorbed into the blood and can not harm the fetus. It is also noted the absence of herpes rashes while maintaining a certain diet, namely the use of a large number of vegetables, fruits and water. With genital herpes (especially with primary infection), there may even be an interruption in pregnancy due to medical conditions. At the first reception at the doctor-gynecologist at statement on the account in an obligatory order appoint the analysis on antibodies to a virus of herpes. In any case, it is necessary to warn your gynecologist about this problem in order to prescribe an adequate treatment.
Chickenpox in the first weeks of pregnancy
Chickenpox (or chicken pox) is very dangerous in the first weeks of pregnancy. It increases the likelihood of miscarriage and increases the chance of congenital abnormalities of the fetus. Similarly, the course of this disease during pregnancy can be accompanied by severe complications from the respiratory system, namely, pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, and so on. Unfortunately, in the first weeks of pregnancy there is no adequate treatment against varicella. If you are afraid of infection with chickenpox during pregnancy, then before planning you can pass an analysis for the presence of antibodies to this disease. If antibodies are not detected by analysis, then vaccination against varicella can be carried out.