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Ointment from bags under the eyes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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One of the enemies of female beauty are bags under the eyes. Men are also familiar with this problem. If in their student years they appeared after sleepless nights spent at textbooks or at a disco, then in older people the reasons for their occurrence are much greater. Bags under the eyes do not look aesthetic, significantly worsening the appearance. At the moment there are many effective ways that will help get rid of them. One of the effective methods that many people use is the ointment from bags under the eyes.
Indications for ointment application from bags under the eyes
Ointment from bags under the eyes is recommended to use if there are the following signs:
- under the eyes were formed bags and circles of dark color,
- there is swelling of the eyelids and the line of dehydration,
- the skin around the eyes has a high degree of sensitivity.
The presented factors serve as a signal to the fact that the normal functioning of the organism has failed. To adjust his work, one should resort to the help of a doctor who will determine the course of treatment, and prescribe an ointment from bags under the eyes.
The mechanism of action of ointment from bags under the eyes is manifested as follows:
- reduces the inflammatory process;
- has antithrombotic effect;
- shows local analgesic effect;
- reduces the fragility of capillaries;
- increases the muscle tone of venous vessels;
- has anti-edematous effect;
- improves local blood flow;
- stimulates metabolic processes in tissues and promotes cell proliferation;
- has antibacterial action;
- gives an analgesic effect.
Ointment from bags under the eyes has a gel base, the active components of which are easily released from the base and penetrate through the skin for thirty minutes or one hour. In subcutaneous adipose tissue - after two or three hours. Component components create a high concentration of the drug component on the affected area. After absorption, they are biotransformed in the liver and excreted in the urine within 24 hours.
Names of ointments from bags under the eyes
- Afulhus.
- Troxevasin.
- Hepatrombin.
- Bezornil.
- Lyton-gel.
- Curious-gel.
- Heparin ointment.
- Relief.
Ointment against hemorrhoids from bags under the eyes
The long experience of women in getting rid of bags under the eyes showed that one of the effective remedies for this problem is ointment from hemorrhoids (Troxevasin, Relief, Troxerutin and others). And it's not in its intended purpose, but in the actual components that give a positive effect. The composition of ointments includes:
- Lanolin, which is the best natural moisturizer;
- Glycerin, which softens the skin and eliminates its dryness;
- Collagen - smooths wrinkles, restoring the structure of the skin;
- heparin, which actively affects blood clots, helps them to resolve, restores blood supply;
- extract of horse chestnut relieves puffiness, promotes the outflow of blood;
- plant components eliminate inflammatory processes, heal wounds;
- the base vegetable oils are saturated with vitamins and strengthen the walls of the vessels;
- Steroid hormones are an anti-inflammatory agent.
Ointment against hemorrhoids, thanks to its delicate structure, quickly absorbed, removes swelling under the eyes, and the skin becomes soft and moisturized. But nevertheless it is necessary to not forget, that the given agent not to relieve from bags under eyes for ever. It is necessary to establish the cause of their appearance by going through a medical examination.
Heparin ointment from bags under the eyes
Heparin ointment is a medicinal product of a group of direct-acting anticoagulants. Its purpose is to treat such diseases as thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, varicose veins, occlusion (obstruction of blood vessels), hemorrhoids, as well as bruises, hematomas, and superficial mastitis. However, she was also used in cosmetology to eliminate such a problem as bags under the eyes. The mechanism of action of Heparin ointment is manifested in active dilution of blood, vasodilation, direct exposure to plasma, accelerating its resorption. In a short period of time after application, swelling, swelling, bruises and dark circles disappear.
Due to this effect, this agent is used as ointment from bags under the eyes. In order to process the problem area, you need a drop of ointment, the size of a pea. It is applied with neat movements, in no case pressing into the skin and avoiding contact with the eyes. The duration of treatment with Heparin Ointment is 10 to 20 days, depending on how severe the edema is. The use of a longer time can lead to some complications, such as brittle bones, which is fraught with fractures. After application, the skin condition improves noticeably, and the eyes look expressive and fresh.
Ointment Troxevasin from bags under the eyes
To eliminate bags under the eyes, the cause of which was swelling of the tissues, use the ointment of Troxevasin. The mechanism of its action is that the active components stop the inflammatory process and reduce the permeability of the capillaries, therefore, the flow of liquid into the tissue stops, and the one that has already accumulated begins to dissolve. Use of Troxevasin as an ointment from bags under the eyes is possible both with weak edema and pronounced symptoms.
In the first case, it is used once, preferably at night, and in the second - in the morning and in the evening. The course of treatment lasts two weeks. You can use another way. Ointment is applied to the area under the eyes with a thick layer and washed off with warm water after half an hour. Then on this site it is applied a usual face cream. The procedure is carried out twice a week. When you use Troxevasin, you should be careful, and make sure that the ointment does not get into the eyes and the mucous membranes of the mouth.
Ointment Proctonis from bags under the eyes
Ointment Proctonis is used to treat hemorrhoids. It has an emollient and moisturizing effect, so it was used to eliminate bags under the eyes. It contains active ingredients of natural origin: cocoa butter, which has a softening and toning effect on the skin, extracts of aloe, sage, spring chic that are known for their antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, softening characteristics, in addition, they stimulate blood circulation, extract from the liver of a shark restores the structure of the epidermal lipids, and glycerol - has a moisturizing effect.
It is applied to clean skin under the eyes twice a day, with careful massaging movements. But do not forget that Protonis ointment is not a medicine, so it's better to see a doctor.
Dosing and Administration
Ointment from bags under the eyes squeezed onto the finger or immediately into the area of gas, in small portions. Then, with a careful massaging movement, it is evenly distributed throughout the problem area. The procedure should be repeated two to three times during the day. The duration of treatment should be at least two weeks.
Using ointments from bags under the eyes during pregnancy
In pregnancy, ointment from bags under the eyes can be used if the benefits of the drug for a future mother will be greater than the negative impact on the fetus. The remedy, as well as the scheme of its application, should be prescribed by the doctor, having weighed all possible risks. From ointments, the impact of which on the course of pregnancy is not studied, it is better to refuse.
Contraindications for use
Use ointment from bags under the eyes can not:
- with increased sensitivity to the components of the ointment;
- decreased blood clotting;
- with increased bleeding;
- with thrombocytopenia;
- with tuberculosis of the eye;
- if there are open wounds or abrasions;
- there are purulent processes on the face;
- pregnancy in the first trimester;
- age younger than 18 years.
Side effects of ointments from bags under the eyes
Using ointment from bags under the eyes, you should be prepared for the appearance of a side effect. In most cases, it manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction, burning, itching, hives, hyperemia in the application area. You should stop using the drug and consult a doctor. Perhaps, it is necessary to refuse from ointments from bags under eyes or change it to another.
Overdose ointments from bags under the eyes
Since the ointment from the bags under the eyes is used on the skin, so there are no cases of overdose. If the drug is accidentally got into the digestive system, it is necessary to take urgent measures to remove it from the body. If the ointment has got into the eye, it must be rinsed with plenty of water. If you experience discomfort, you should contact a medical institution.
Interactions with other drugs
Ointment from bags under the eyes is forbidden to combine with antibiotics, acetylsalicylic acid. Do not appoint simultaneously with NSAIDs, tetracyclines, antihistamine drugs. It is permissible to use together with ascorbic acid, in combination they enhance the effect of strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
Storage conditions
Ointment from bags under the eyes is stored in a dry, cool place. After use, the tube or jar should be tightly closed. Ensure that children do not have access to it.
Shelf life
The shelf life of ointments from bags under the eyes can be from two to five years. At the end of the period, it is strictly prohibited to use it.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Ointment from bags under the eyes" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.