
Skin Care

Deep cleansing of the face at home

The pores of the skin on the face are especially susceptible to contamination, and properly performed deep facial cleansing at home helps not only to get rid of the accumulation of dead skin particles, but also to clean pores sealed with sebum, dust and remnants of makeup.

Eye creams from wrinkles

One of the vulnerabilities on the female face is the eyelids. They are in a hurry to give out their age, pushing youth farther and farther away. A woman can not talk about how difficult it is for her to accept this. And in his heart he feels with bitterness every new wrinkle that makes the look dimmer and duller.

Dry cleaning of face

Every woman dreams that her face always looked well-groomed. To thoroughly clean the pores, improve the appearance of the skin and give the skin silky, it is recommended to carry out chemical cleaning of the face.

Flabby skin is not a verdict, but a guide to action

In medicine, for definition of flabby skin, there is a special term "atonic" skin, i.e. Has lost its tonus.

Cleansing face with calcium chloride

Cleaning the face with solutions containing salts, alkali or acid is called chemical peeling. The method is based on the activation of cleansing from the horny scales of the epidermis by chemical compound.

Cleaning the face with soda

The desire to remain beautiful is inherent in women of any age. That's why experiments and search for new recipes never stop.

Ultrasonic cleaning of the face at home

Ultrasonic cleaning is very effective, therefore it enjoys well-deserved popularity and is offered in almost every beauty salon. The procedure itself is safe and it is not accompanied by any painful sensations.

Cleaning the face with oils

Proper care for the face, begins with its mandatory cleaning. Today in cosmetic shops you can find all sorts of tools that help to cleanse the skin and cope with many problems.

Face cleaning with nitrogen

A face is a business card of a person, so all women try to do everything to make it look healthy and beautiful. Cleaning your face with nitrogen is a popular procedure. But do not do it at home.

Flabby skin on the neck

Many forget about the neck, caring only about their face. After all, flabby skin on the neck can be hidden behind a scarf or a high collar of sweaters without problems, but in the summer you will definitely want to wear a sundress or an open dress, but you will not get an unpleasant appearance of it.


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