
Skin Care

Cleaning the face at home: from black spots and acne

The intense rhythm of life, unfavorable ecology, stress, hormonal and other factors adversely affect the body and first of all affect the skin of the face. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of it especially carefully: to clean, nourish, moisten, help to be renewed.

Face cream with retinol

These substances are modifications of retinol, therefore all pharmaceutical and cosmetic products based on them act on the skin in the same way

Enzyme peeling: salicylic, chemical, at home

A great advantage of enzyme peeling is its availability: in order to carry out the procedure, you do not need to contact a beautician, as many varieties of peeling are adapted for use at home.

Laser face cleaning: reviews, photos

At all times, clean and smooth skin on the face was a sign of beauty and health. Cleaning the skin with a laser beam is currently very popular, as the results are impressive, and the procedure itself is not accompanied by pain.

Hardware face cleaning

Hardware face cleaning is a procedure in which the skin is exposed to vacuum, ultrasound or galvanic current. In addition to these, laser peeling is considered to be a hardware procedure, which helps to smooth out minor flaws in the skin relief.

Face cream with olive oil

"Liquid gold" - the so-called ancient Greeks called olive oil, making on its basis miraculous ointments and balms. Today, olive oil is both a food product, a medicine, and a popular cosmetic product, and face cream with olive oil is used by every woman who cares about her appearance.

Moisturizing creams for problem skin

For each type of skin you need your own, properly selected, moisturizing cream. Often in the treatment of acne, vesicular and papular rashes, which are more common with a fat type of skin, there are phenomena of peeling and redness.

Cleansing the face with calcium

Cleansing the face with calcium is one of the most effective ways to remove the outer layer of the skin these days. The effect of acids of a certain type causes the skin to regenerate - stimulating the basic functions of the skin.

Cleaning the face with aspirin at home: recipes, masks, reviews

Aspirin peeling cleanses the face, thanks to the active substance acidum acetylsalicylicum. Acetylsalicylic acid, which forms its basis, has a fairly wide range of applications in cosmetology.

Eye Ointment Ointment

Edema, bruises, wrinkles under the eyes occur due to illness, genetic predisposition, age changes, dryness of the skin, overwork, unhealthy habits.


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