Laser face cleaning: reviews, photos
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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At all times, clean and smooth skin on the face was a sign of beauty and health. Cleaning the skin with a laser beam is currently very popular, as the results are impressive, and the procedure itself is not accompanied by pain. In addition, laser facial cleansing excludes direct contact with hands or instruments, so there is no possibility of infection during the procedure.
Advantages and disadvantages
The main advantages of this method are the remoteness of the action, which ensures maximum sterility; accuracy - the laser beam affects only the damaged skin; There is no need for anesthesia, since the procedure is practically painless; speed and long-term positive effect; absence of side effects - irregularities, scars.
The laser disinfects and renews the skin, stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen, strengthens its protective functions. The work of epithelial cells of the ducts of the sebaceous glands is normalized, and the duct itself is disinfected.
The disadvantages of laser cleansing are:
- immediately after cleansing the skin on the face of bright pink or red color (3-5 days);
- can be painful;
- half a month after cleaning you can not use scrubs, peeling agents and decorative cosmetics;
- With this procedure you can not eliminate serious cosmetic defects - deep wrinkles, scars;
- until the skin does not return to normal, you can not drink alcohol, sweets, pickles.
Indications for the procedure
Indications for this procedure: the skin is characterized by high fat content with wide pores and uneven surface, wrinkles, pimples, acne, comedones, pigmentation and other shortcomings.
Laser facial cleansing has a number of advantages over other similar procedures, it dries out the skin and this effect remains for a long time, it undergoes inflammatory processes and face surface reconstruction takes place quite quickly.
The laser beam affects any kind of acne in different stages. Its effectiveness becomes noticeable after the first procedure, each subsequent session contributes to narrowing the pores, leveling the surface, eliminating the clogging of pores and the development of bacterial microflora. Laser facial cleansing from acne produces a noticeable aesthetic effect as early as the first week.
Preparing to surrender to the hands of the master, it is necessary to make inquiries about him, to study the reviews, to talk with him.
Before laser cleaning for two weeks you need to stop visiting the beach or solarium, and in the summer - to wear a hat with wide fields that cover the face from the sun's rays. In addition, do not do any procedures on the intended cleaning sites, especially using chemicals. Do not steam out the skin on these areas three days before the manipulation. If you have recently cleansed your face with other methods, be sure to inform the beautician who will conduct the procedure.
Before manipulation, the skin is cleansed of make-up, dust and grease, and disinfect it. After that, laser cleaning of problem areas of the skin is carried out.
Technique of the laser face cleaning
The technology of purification from skin defects with the help of a laser beam is based on the surface destruction and removal of contaminated and necrosis parts of the skin. In place of the removed layer of the epidermis, new, young and healthy skin cells are formed.
The skin is treated with a laser at a shallow depth (a superficial, low-traumatic procedure), without damaging the basal membrane. In addition, the laser beam stimulates the process of cell proliferation, and the rehabilitation period does not last long. An undamaged basal layer of the skin guarantees non-interference in the process of pigment cells - melanocytes, which excludes the appearance of increased or insufficient pigmentation on the treated areas.
Contraindications to the procedure
This procedure, like any other, has some contraindications:
- neoplasms;
- exacerbation of herpes;
- diabetes;
- an epistatus;
- course of application of photosensitizing drugs;
- exacerbation of infectious and inflammatory diseases;
- the skin's tendency to scarring;
- blood diseases;
- previous acute vascular diseases (infarction, stroke);
- cardio implants and similar devices in the prospective client.
Women with normal, dry and sensitive type of skin laser facial cleansing is not recommended, with combined - the procedure is performed in areas with a fatty skin type.
Recommendations regarding age are ambiguous and are interpreted in different sources in different ways. Some call the minimum age for this procedure 16 years, in other sources the lower limit is designated - 22-25 years. The upper age limit is not always indicated, but there are restrictions for people over 60 years of age.
Concerning pregnant and lactating women, there are also discrepancies - either a severe contraindication, or after consulting a doctor. Since this temporary condition, accompanied sometimes by atypical reactions to a woman, it is better to refrain from the procedure.
For laser cleaning, persons usually use a carbon dioxide or erbium laser.
Carbon dioxide is a hot skin cleaning. It is effective in cases of removal of gross skin defects of the face - scars, scars, stretch marks. With hot cleaning there is a possibility of burns, and a longer process of regeneration.
On the thin skin around the eyes, it is better to use an erbium laser - a device that performs cold peeling.
There are devices that combine the action of these two types of lasers, which increases the possibility of optimizing the procedure and increasing the level of safety.
Laser technology refers to high-precision instruments, so damage to healthy skin, residual phenomena in the form of scars and scars are excluded. The laser is adjusted individually for each client. The duration of the procedure is half an hour or a little more. Painful sensations during the session are not present, the client should feel only heat. There is a slight discomfort in sensitive areas with thin skin.
Together with the removed layer of skin, the cosmetologist removes and problems - acne, acne, demodicosis and others. After finishing cleaning, the cosmetologist applies to the treated skin lotions of medicinal herbs, and after - a moisturizer.
Consequences after the procedure
Consequences of cleansing - redness of the face and a slight swelling, receding independently quickly. To eliminate them, it is recommended to apply cold compresses to the treatment areas and moisturize with water-based cream. Allergy and hypersensitivity phenomena in the treated areas are not excluded.
Erroneous selection of the settings can lead to serious consequences. There may be complications in the form of skin inflammation. They are treated with ointments containing antibiotics or antiviral components. In this case, you need to contact a dermatologist.
The darkening of the color of the treatment sites may be a consequence of violation of the cleaning rules.
Care after the procedure
Post-procedural care does not require the use of expensive drugs. In the morning it is advisable to choose mineral water for washing, as a tonic and mineralizing agent. The daily skin cleansing procedure is carried out, in order to avoid its drying, by means not containing alcohol.
From the diet, alcohol, pickles and sweets are temporarily excluded, as products that worsen blood microcirculation and slow down metabolic processes, and, consequently, skin repair, and also do not use decorative cosmetics, scrubs and peelings.
Limit the impact of adverse weather conditions (sunlight, hot weather, wind, cold). They can negate the achievements of laser cleaning. Leaving the house, pre-apply a protective cream with SPF> 40.
Temporarily exclude visits to the beach, solarium, swimming pool, bath.
The length of the recovery period depends on the individual skin qualities and the volume of the procedure. Usually from five days to two weeks.
Achieving a lasting effect occurs after two to four procedures. Laser cleaning of the face can be repeated in a month.
At the current moment - this is the most effective way to get rid of superficial skin defects, at the same time - from an inferiority complex. Successful application of laser peeling is confirmed by enough mass examples.
To choose a salon and a master cosmetician, you need to approach seriously, carefully studying the recommendations and reviews, then you can safely expect a positive result.