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Aqua Maris in pregnancy
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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One of the safest and often prescribed remedies is Aqua Maris in pregnancy. Let's consider the main properties.
Can Aqua Maris be used during pregnancy?
Includes minerals, salts. Do not have the ability to penetrate the transplacental barrier. No chemical, much less synthetic means are included in the composition of the drug. It has a local effect.
Indications Aqua Maris
It is reasonable to use for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, sore throats, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, maxillary sinusitis, in the season of epidemics, to moisturize mucous membranes, with allergic reactions, diseases of the nasopharynx, pharynx. It is most effective in diseases of bacterial genesis. Aqua Maris normalizes microflora, water-salt balance.
Aqua Maris for nasal congestion, sore throat in pregnancy
Acts as a local remedy for the body's immune defense. Significantly reduces cough, inflammation, redness. Helps both with ordinary fever of unclear genesis, and with various forms of sore throat. Is a real salvation in the treatment of sore throat (catarrhal, follicular, lacunar, fibrinous). In addition, the drug is often included in the course of treatment of various pathologies: bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary pathologies, tracheitis, abscesses, obstruction, attacks, asthmatic component, because it helps to eliminate bronchial spasm.
Release form
The main form of release of the drug is a spray. It is mainly considered a nasal agent. The spray bottle is represented by a container containing a special nozzle. Their form is maximally adapted to those to whom the drug is intended. It is also available in the form of drops for the nose, ear, in the form of a sachet for rinsing, ointment. Well helps with colds, prevents dryness and cracked lips, takes care of the corners of the lips.
It is beneficial because it contains salt, immunoglobulin, which increases systemic immunity.
- Aqua Maris Classic
Aqua Maris (classic) is considered a drug, the pharmaceutical form of which is represented by a spray. The main purpose is for irrigation of the throat and nasal cavity.
- Spray
With the help of a special nozzle, the product is atomized into fine particles, salts. It is so safe that it has no contraindications, and it is beneficial because it contains salt, immunoglobulin, which increases the body's defense mechanisms. Through this, systemic immunity is stimulated.
- Drops
They have a vasodilating effect, eliminate hyperemia, nasal congestion, improve the general condition of the walls of the respiratory tract. It is recommended to inject 1-3 drops into the nose.
- Aqua Maris Strong
Contains a special nebulizer that allows you to spray the throat, directing it directly to the focus of inflammation. It is possible to perform inhalations if you have a nebulizer at home. To carry out inhalations with the help of a nebulizer, it is necessary to print out the nebulizer. The medicine is poured directly into it, the device is assembled, closed and carry out the procedure. Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose, and vice versa (no more than 15 minutes).
- Aqua Maris Plus
It is used for sore throat, nasal congestion. Aimed at increasing systemic immunity, improving the overall condition, general endurance, resistance of the body. This contributes to accelerated recovery, reducing the number of pathogenic microflora.
- Aqua Maris with dexpanthenol
In pregnancy, it is recommended to use Aqua Maris with dexpanthenol, which is available under the name Aqua Maris Plus. This product contains sea water, dexpanthenol and ordinary purified water. In 100 ml of the solution contains 75 ml of dexpanthenol. Produced in bottles with a capacity of 30 ml. The package contains an atomizer used for irrigation of the oral cavity.
- Aqua Maris is fine.
It is represented by a spray (sea water pre-cleansed and enriched with minerals and trace elements). Aqua Maris is harmless. Moreover, it stimulates immunity. The drug is recommended to prescribe to pregnant women to eliminate the symptoms of colds, sore throats, dental interventions.
- Aqua Maris Sens.
Prevents asthmatic attack, edema, spasm. The active ingredient is ectoin (2%).
- Aqua Maris ectoin
It is a medicinal preparation (spray). A distinctive feature is that the composition includes ectoin (at a rate of 2 grams per 100 ml of solution). It is produced under the commercial name Aqua Maris Sens.
If we talk about the features of pharmacodynamics, it is worth noting that the main action of the drug is due to the properties of sea water and iodine, which provide antiseptic and immunostimulant properties.
First of all, such a property of pharmacokinetics as the ability to eliminate toxins, relieve swelling and inflammation, prevent the development of infection draws attention. In addition, the fight against infection is carried out due to the fact that the immunity and nonspecific resistance system increases.
Dosing and administration
Doses are determined by the severity of the pathological process and are selected by a doctor. It is easiest to handle sprays. One press is optimal for providing the necessary therapeutic effect. Also a simple way of application is the use of nasal and ear drops. Ointments are applied externally to the lips, nose (a thin layer on the damaged areas - squeeze out the size of a pea, evenly spread).
- 1st trimester of pregnancy
In the first trimester, you can use any form of Aqua Maris, as it is a natural and safe remedy. It effectively eliminates sore throat. There is no ingestion into the bloodstream, as the drug has only a local effect.
- 2nd trimester of pregnancy
In the second trimester of pregnancy, it is allowed to use any form of Aqua Maris, if there are no contraindications. It should also be borne in mind that in this case, individual intolerance may be observed, so in case of adverse reactions, it is necessary to reconsider the treatment regimen.
- 3rd trimester of pregnancy
In the third trimester of pregnancy, the use of Aqua Maris is not always useful. It is resorted to in case of extreme necessity, because in the third trimester usually increases the sensitivity of the body, often noted intolerance to many components, including common salt. There may be edema of the mucous membrane. But this is often observed only with a tendency to allergenization of the body.In any case, the decision on the appropriateness of treatment, the doctor decides.
The drug is contraindicated in case of allergic reaction, individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to one of the drug components. It is not recommended to prescribe to children of the first year of life. Aqua Maris Oto is contraindicated in acute and chronic otitis media (during exacerbation).
Side effects Aqua Maris
Practically has no side effects, as the main active ingredients are natural components. The mechanism of action is based on the use of sea salt. In an exceptional case, allergic reactions may occur. This is possible if a person has an individual intolerance to individual components.
Cases of overdose Aqua Marisom is not known, as this local drug, which does not have a systemic effect on the body, and does not accumulate in it.
Interactions with other drugs
No cases of interaction with other drugs have been registered. The drug does not enter into any reactions. But still, it is recommended to keep the interval between taking several medicines at least 15 minutes.
Storage conditions
The drug should be stored in the original package at a temperature not exceeding room conditions (25 degrees Celsius). It is allowed to store in refrigerator conditions (on the door, on the bottom shelf). Sprays should not be stored in the refrigerator. Sprays should also be kept away from any heat source (open fire, heater, central heating radiator).
Shelf life
The shelf life of the drug depends on whether the package has been opened or not. If the drug has already been used, it can be stored for 45 days. Ointment may be used within 60 days after opening. Unopened preparations are stored for 3 years, nasal drops - 2 years.
As the closest analog of Aqua Marisa are such drugs as euphorbium compositum, delufen, marimer, cinnabsin, isofra, hyaluron, eucasept, otrivin, pinosol, physiomer, morinazal, evamenol, salin, aquamaster.
- Aqualor
Aqualor is a spray for irrigation of the throat and oral cavity. It is available in 50 ml bottles. It is convenient to use. Side effects do not cause side effects. The active ingredient is sea water and mineral substances, just as in Aqua Maris, so the drug can be considered an analog. The choice as to which drug is more appropriate to prescribe is made by the attending physician, especially in pregnancy. Self-medication is highly discouraged.
If you analyze the reviews, it can be noted that most of them are positive. Negative reviews - single, and are observed in the case of incorrect use of the drug, or if the instruction, dosage is not observed. Side effects and negative reviews, no side effects were identified.
As for the rest of the reviews, they are all positive. People who have tried this drug, note that Aqua Maris in pregnancy is a real salvation, because often during this period the use of any medication is contraindicated, and such a need sometimes arises. The drug significantly alleviates the condition, relieves pain, inflammation, eliminates nasal congestion and swelling of mucous membranes. Recovery comes much faster.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug " Aqua Maris in pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.