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Chamomile in Pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Many of us love chamomile tea, besides, it has multiple beneficial effects on the body. However, pregnant women often think: is it possible to have chamomile during pregnancy? After all, most plants during this period are prohibited.
This is true: some herbs can cause irreparable harm to the future baby or affect the course of pregnancy. Does it apply to such herbs chamomile in pregnancy? Understand this issue is the purpose of our article.
Chamomile Pharmacy in Pregnancy
The impact of chamomile pharmacy in pregnancy is due to a combination of useful pharmaceutical properties: the plant contains a lot of active ingredients. The presence of essential oil, flavonoids, vitamin constituents and polysaccharides determine anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, soothing and some analgesic effect.
Chamomile flowers during pregnancy eliminate spastic phenomena in the intestines, stimulate the production of bile, remove puffiness, which can become very important during gestation. Chamomile can even heal ulcers in the stomach, restoring the damaged mucous membrane.
Decoction of chamomile during pregnancy is sometimes taken inside: it helps to increase the secretory activity of digestive glands, increases the amount of bile secretion, reduces the phenomenon of fermentation in the intestine, effectively eliminates spasms in the digestive tract. The active spasmolytic effect is explained by the m-cholinolytic ability of glycosides in the chamomile. Natural essential oil increases the respiratory amplitude, stimulates the work of cardiac activity, can expand the lumen of the vessels in the brain.
Instructions for chamomile in pregnancy
Chamomile color can be used in the form of infusion or a complex mixture in the therapy of many diseases. For example, the infusion can be used as an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and analgesic for inflammatory reactions in the oral cavity, laryngitis and colds.
Chamomile is used to treat and prevent acute and chronic forms of gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, and enterocolitis. Women significantly alleviate pain, nausea, bloating and heartburn disappear, the general condition improves.
With liver pathologies and bile duct disorders, chamomile relaxes spasmodic bile ducts, increases the amount of bile secreted, and removes the inflammatory process.
Tranquilizing tea from chamomile in pregnancy is used in the spastic state of the intestine and increased gas formation in the abdomen. In addition to the flowers of chamomile, in such tea add a little mint, valerian rootlets, cumin seeds and dill. A tablespoon of this collection is poured in 200 ml of boiling water and is insisted for 20 minutes, then it is filtered and used for oral intake of 100 ml in the morning and at night.
However, taking an infusion of chamomile during pregnancy, it must be remembered that its excessive amount can harm a woman, and even provoke a miscarriage. For this reason, one should not get too involved with chamomile tea. The optimal amount of tea drunk - up to 2 cups a day, is about 300-400 ml. Many doctors recommend nevertheless to confine themselves to one cup, and it is better not every day, but at least every other day.
Chamomile from thrush during pregnancy
Perhaps nine out of ten women, at least once in their life, faced with such an unpleasant illness as vaginal candidiasis, or thrush. When candidiasis affects not only the itching and discharge - the pathology affects the general condition of the patient, complicates the full-fledged sexual life. Even after recovering from the disease, many girls after a short time again observe the repeated development of thrush. In this regard, some experts advise for the prevention of periodic treatment with alternative methods, such as chamomile.
However, it should be noted that douche douche in pregnancy is prohibited. Actually, during pregnancy, douche is not recommended at all. Why?
- First, this procedure can finally disrupt the PH of the vaginal environment, which during pregnancy is highly undesirable.
- Secondly, during douching in the cervix of the uterus may accidentally be air, which can cause irreparable harm to the fetus.
- And, thirdly, syringing can aggravate the course of the infectious process with the infection entering the uterus.
Certainly, every woman decides for herself whether she needs a syringing. And, of course, it will be better to consult a doctor. But remember: even if you decide to perform douching procedures, you can do this for no more than five days.
In order to prepare a douching fluid, you need to take a tablespoon of dry chamomile and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist for an hour, filtered and used only in a warm form.
A more gentle technique for treating thrush during pregnancy is chamomile.
Chamomile wash during pregnancy
Washing, as a hygienic procedure, is extremely important for maintaining a woman's health. And such old proven means for washing, like chamomile, help at all as well as modern pharmacy and shop drugs.
External use of chamomile is not contraindicated in pregnancy, but the benefits of these procedures are quite significant: the plant will help fight inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, as it is an excellent natural antiseptic.
Chamomile wash during pregnancy should be twice a day: during morning hygiene procedures and in the evening before bedtime. In order to prepare a solution for washing, it is necessary art. Spoon dry chamomile steamed boiling water for 15 minutes, filter and use in a warm form. After the procedure, rinse the infusion with clean water should not: just gently clean with a clean towel.
Externally, the broth of chamomile during pregnancy can be applied throughout the three trimesters. The broth has a noticeable anti-inflammatory and deodorant effect. Chamomile for the preparation of a solution for washing, you can buy in any pharmacy, and the finished solution can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
Rinse with chamomile in pregnancy
From the dry flowers of chamomile, you can simply make various infusions and rinse solutions. They are used for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (with angina, laryngitis or pharyngitis), as well as for bacterial pathologies in the oral cavity (with stomatitis or gingivitis).
Stomatitis is a very unpleasant disease of the oral mucosa, which is accompanied by the formation of multiple ulcers. When stomatitis is advised to rinse your mouth with an infusion of chamomile every 30 minutes.
To prepare the infusion, take the chopped chamomile stuff and fill it with boiled water (a spoonful into a glass of water), defend for at least twenty minutes. Squeeze and filter the solution. If desired, you can add honey (from 1 to 2 tablespoons). This remedy is recommended for use with both periodontal disease and after tooth extraction for the fastest healing of the wound (honey is not needed in this case).
The same solution is recommended for use and when rinsing the throat. Rinse throat with chamomile is recommended to combine with the washing of the nasal cavity, which is carried out by drawing the infusion or instillation into the nasal passages using a pipette.
In addition to dry raw materials for rinsing, it is possible to use a ready-made drug from chamomile, which is sold in a pharmacy called "Romazulan". It is a liquid containing extract and chamomile essential oil. This drug is used for medical procedures with inflammatory manifestations in the oral cavity or on the skin. In order to prepare a rinse solution, "Romazulan" is diluted with water in the following proportion: 1.5 tablespoons of the preparation are taken per liter of water.
Rinse with infusion of chamomile during pregnancy soothes toothache: especially effective for this purpose is the infusion of chamomile with sage. 200 ml of water take 2 tablespoons of chamomile color and one spoonful of dry sage. For the rinse, you should use a warm infusion, and also try to keep it in your mouth for a longer period of time in the patient's tooth.
Chamomile against coughing during pregnancy
Cough during pregnancy can not always be associated with a cold disease. Therefore, to effectively combat a cough for a start, you need to go to the doctor and clarify the cause of his appearance. Causes can be infections, bad habits, parasites, it can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction.
Chamomile from cough during pregnancy can be useful only for infectious or colds. In addition to drug treatment of such pathologies, it is possible to use alternative methods, in particular, infusions of chamomile.
About rinsing, we have already said: this procedure is very necessary for coughing, especially when dry. Rinse your throat after all meals, you can also additionally, every 2 hours.
Use inside chilled infusion of chamomile during pregnancy should be very careful not to abuse it. Drink one cup a day, replacing the subsequent drink with warm tea with milk and honey, alkaline heated mineral water, berry fruit drinks and compotes.
Inhalation of chamomile in pregnancy is an excellent remedy for cough and sore throat. Just throw a little bit of dry chamomile into boiling water, remove the pan from the fire, cover with a towel and breathe over a couple of herbal decoctions. Essential oil, penetrating the respiratory tract, will calm the cough, increase spitting, facilitate breathing, relieve pain and inflammation in the throat. When carrying out inhalation, be careful not to burn yourself or damage the mucous membrane of the respiratory system with hot steam. Usually the following proportion is used for inhalations: for 1 tablespoon of chamomile raw material - 0.4 liters of water (about 2 cups). To improve the penetration of essential oil into the tissues of the respiratory tract, it is recommended to add a tablespoon of baking soda to the inhalation solution.
Chamomile for colds during pregnancy is used everywhere, thanks to the analgesic, diaphoretic and bactericidal properties of the plant. However, do not forget that the use of chamomile in should be moderate. If your pregnancy is not very smooth, there were threats of miscarriage or there were small bloody discharge - from using chamomile means inside you better refuse, or consult your doctor. For medical procedures for many diseases, including colds, you can do with the external application of chamomile, which, believe me, is equally effective and useful.
Bath with chamomile in pregnancy
The use of baths with chamomile color has a wonderful therapeutic and cosmetic effect, strengthens the immune system and cleanses the skin. Chamomile baths are prescribed for nervous stress, spasms in the intestines, with rheumatic pain and hemorrhoids, insomnia and migraines. The effect of chamomile baths is multifaceted:
- getting rid of fatigue;
- strengthening immunity;
- treatment of furuncles and dermatoses;
- relief of pain in the spine;
- improving the quality of sleep;
- sedative effect;
- moisturizing and cleansing the skin;
- removal of itching and inflammation on the skin;
- elimination of acne;
- improvement of blood circulation;
- rejuvenation of the body.
In order to prepare a chamomile bath, you need a one-pound bag of chamomile and about 1.5-2 liters of water. Water should be boiled, pour into it a dry chamomile mixture, boil for 5 minutes, remove from the hob and persist for two hours, covering the lid. Filter the drug and add to the bath with water.
Remember that a hot bath during pregnancy can not be taken strictly. Under the influence of hot water, you can get pressure and even begin premature birth. The optimum water temperature in the bath is 37-38 ° C, the duration of the procedure during pregnancy is no more than 15 minutes. At the end of the bath, ask relatives to help you get up, especially for women in late pregnancy.
With the preventive purpose, this procedure can be done once in 7-10 days. For the purpose of treatment, the bath is taken more often, after consulting with a doctor, who will determine the frequency and duration of such therapy.
Chamomile when planning pregnancy
Planning pregnancy is an important stage in a woman's life, to which it is necessary to approach with all responsibility. Of course, when planning conception, it is very important to treat all diseases of the reproductive sphere in advance: infection, erosion and inflammatory processes. Along with medicamental treatment, procedures using alternative means, for example, chamomile, will also be of great help. However, some people use douche douche, supposedly to facilitate the process of conception. Is this true, or is it another myth?
In principle, many experts oppose syringing in general, since this procedure helps wash away normal microflora from the vaginal cavity and opens access to pathogenic flora, which can lead to the development of infection.
Chamomile has a wide range of useful properties, and its infusions are famous for their anti-inflammatory and softening properties. Thanks to chamomile, a lot of diseases can be cured without using antibacterial and other drugs with a lot of side effects. Chamomile is added to many cosmetic and therapeutic products: creams, ointments, gels and shampoos.
In order not to damage the infusion of this plant with syringing, the procedure should be done very carefully, no more than five days, and only if there are indications: for example, thrush or vaginitis. Having cured these diseases, you will certainly help the process of conception.
Do syringing chamomile, if there is no disease (for prevention) is not recommended. Specialists are sure that for the successful conception, a natural undisturbed microflora in the vagina is extremely important, which we can easily break with this procedure. Go to the vaginal examination, determine PH, consult with a specialist and do not hurry to engage in self-treatment. Perhaps the environment in your genitals does have some changes in the acidic side, which can adversely affect conception (spermatozoa in this environment just die). In this situation, the problem is solved by the use of soda douches and the appointment of a complex of beneficial bacteria for the normalization of the microflora composition.
To summarize: for a successful pregnancy planning, douche douche will not help (if you do not have candidiasis or bacterial vaginitis). If you have a normal vaginal environment, you can use dandruff infusion of chamomile to prevent inflammation and sometimes use chamomile drinks (if there is no tendency to endometriosis and polycystosis, pathologies associated with increased estrogen content).
Before planning a conception, contact a good gynecologist, cure chronic and infectious diseases, undergo necessary examinations, and you will necessarily become pregnant, and your future baby will be strong and healthy.
Contraindications to use
The use of chamomile in pregnancy has several contraindications, which should be noted.
- Allergic reactions to chamomile preparations.
- Increased production of estrogens.
- The threat of spontaneous abortion, as well as spontaneous abortions and fetal fading in previous pregnancies.
Remember that tea from chamomile can not be abused. Use chamomile in pregnancy primarily for local effects.
Reviews about a camomile during pregnancy
Among the reviews about the chamomile during pregnancy, overwhelmingly there are positive comments. For example:
Sonya: Chamomile helps me always, if you need to cure a sore throat, eliminate acne on the face, or just calm down and drink a glass of tea. I make steam baths for the face skin, and pimples and small inflammatory points disappear.
Elena: I put the brewed bags on the eye area. It helps to get rid of redness and swelling.
Pauline: I use chamomile for the baths. The skin of the hands and feet after them becomes very soft and velvety. I also use it to wash myself and the baby: it helps me to prevent thrush, and the baby gets rid of diaper rash.
Lyuda: I'm making chamomile infusion for rinsing hair. Previously, they were dull and dry, and now - soft, pleasant "sunny" color.
Natalia: I use ice cubes, which I prepare from chamomile infusion and freeze in the freezer. I rub the face, neck, and décolleté area with the cube, I use this method every morning. The skin seems to be renewed and becomes elastic, the pores become narrower.
Dasha: be careful if you are allergic. Chamomile can cause headache and arrhythmia.
Anya: I make lotions from chamomile tea. Removes irritation and inflammation.
Alain: if the stomach hurts, I must make myself a cup of tea from chamomile. Passes pain and discomfort in just a couple of days, and in fact I have been suffering from gastritis for more than two years.
Indeed, according to reviews collected by us on the Internet, chamomile can be used in many diseases: inflammatory processes of the stomach and duodenum, ulcers in the stomach, enterocolitis, excessive gas formation. With hemorrhoids, chamomile is prescribed in the form of enemas. Chamomile helps and with acne eruptions on the face, with excessive fat content of the skin, with dermatitis and ulcers.
However, chamomile in pregnancy should be used with great care, and better - after consulting a doctor.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Chamomile in Pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.