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Novopassitis in pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The range of pharmacological agents that have a soothing effect on the nervous system of a pregnant woman is not too broad. Among them, not the last place is occupied by novopassitis during pregnancy.
The period in the life of a woman, in which she carries a child, is associated with the appearance of many features of the functioning of the body that are not typical of the ordinary state, but which characterize the time of pregnancy. In particular, the changes affect the psycho-emotional sphere of the future mother, she becomes subject to sharp mood swings, sudden outbursts of anger, unreasonable tears and a depressed state. This is due to a significant change in the balance of hormones and the weakening of the immune-protective function of the body.
However, if no measures are taken to bring about a normal state and stabilize the functioning of the nervous system of the pregnant woman, this can become an important risk factor for the neonatal as a result of certain undesirable phenomena of a neuralgic property. A child can be restless, he may have a bad dream at night. Therefore, women are often prescribed sedation.
Here, however, it must be borne in mind that chemical tranquilizing drugs during pregnancy are extremely undesirable, because as a result of their action in the development of the nervous system of the child, all sorts of disorders can arise in it.
Novopassit is created on the basis of components of only plant origin. The combination of hawthorn, valerian, St. John's wort, Melissa, Passiflora and hops, selected in carefully calculated proportions, has remarkable soothing properties, improves mood and normalization of sleep, helps to overcome lethargy and general weakness, and is also an effective remedy for migraine. In addition to its main purpose to act as a sedative for the nervous system, novopassit can be useful in cases of dermatitis and dermatosis, for the treatment of gastropathy, urticaria, and also in the period preceding menstruation.
Novopassitis during pregnancy has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of a woman in anticipation of the future baby, although its use is not accompanied by the risk of all kinds of abnormalities in development, as it is a sedative, which includes only plant components.
Indications for Novopassitis in Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a very difficult condition for every woman of reproductive age and is characterized by a whole complex of a large number of specific changes taking place in the body. Far from it, not all of them are directly related to the need to provide the required conditions for the formation and development of the fetus. Many manifestations and symptoms that arise against such a rearrangement of the body are of a negative nature. To varying degrees during pregnancy different systems and organs of the body suffer.
To promote the normalization of their functioning, the use of all kinds of medications can be used. Including sedatives, which include novopassit.
Indications for the use of novopassitis during pregnancy include, above all, violations of the central nervous system. The drug is effective for treating neurasthenic conditions and reducing the intensity of neurasthenic reactions, due to which there is irritability, uncaused fears and anxiety. It helps to reduce the constant high level of psycho-emotional stress inherent in pregnant women. Novopassit is also an effective remedy for headaches, migraines, arising from a chronic nervous condition. In addition, indications for the use of the drug is insomnia in mild forms.
Indications for the use of novopassitis during pregnancy are determined by the need to ensure the removal of excessive nervous tension, and by providing a soothing action to restore the normal functioning of the nervous system of a woman. This, in turn, is a favorable factor for the healthy formation and development of the fetal CNS.
Form of issue
The form of release novopassita presented in two versions - in the form of a solution and as a tablet.
The solution intended for oral administration has the appearance of a transparent or slightly turbid liquid in a consistency similar to that of syrup. The color of the solution is brown, or red with a brown tinge. Has a specific smell. The preparation in the form of a solution in the amount of 100 or 200 milliliters, respectively, is contained in a dark glass vial with a twisting cap. The cap serves as a measuring container for convenient dosing of the preparation. On the vial there is an attached label, which is also folded inside the instructions for use. The bottle is placed in a box of cardboard. After a period of storage, a small amount of precipitate may form in the solution. Its presence is permissible and when it is shaken, it dissolves.
The next form in which novopassit is produced, takes place in the form of tablets. The tablets have a biconvex oval shape and are covered with a film coat of pale green color. In the middle of each tablet is a dividing line.
Novopassite tablets are placed in a polyethylene jar with a gasket and a twist cap. Another type of packing of tablets are blisters. The contents of cans with tablets are 30, 60 or 100 pieces, respectively. Bank or blisters - from 1 to 3 are in a cardboard box, which also contains instructions for use.
The specific form of release of the drug to be administered is selected based on the criterion of expediency of one or another of its kind.
Pharmacodynamics of Novopassitis in Pregnancy
Since this sedative is a combined phytopreparative with sedative properties, the pharmacodynamics of novopassitis in pregnancy is characterized by the pharmacological action of each of the totality of its constituent components. Components included in the preparation of the drug are combined according to the criterion of a common sedative effect for all of them of varying degrees of severity. The sedative effect produced by the drug is supplemented by the anxiolytic properties of guaifenesin.
Pharmacokinetics of Novopassitis in Pregnancy
The pharmacokinetics of novopassitis in pregnancy is a combined effect on the body of a combination of its constituent components. Due to this circumstance the preparation is not submitted to kinetic studies.
Dosing and Administration
The method of application and dose of novopassitis suggest taking the drug inside three times during the day in the amount of the 1st tablet or 5 milliliters of the solution, depending on the chosen dosage form.
In some cases, according to the medical prescription, the maximum permissible single dose can be doubled and be 2 tablets or 10 milliliters of solution, respectively. The number of receptions at the same time remains unchanged - 3 times a day.
If, due to the use of novopassitis, the occurrence of such manifestations as severe fatigue or depression is observed, then a twice-reduced dose of half a tablet or 2.5 ml is prescribed for morning and afternoon reception. Solution. In the evening, take the drug should be in the standard recommended dose - 5 ml. Solution or 1 tablet.
According to the time between each reception novopassita should pass from 4 to 6 hours.
When the use of the drug is accompanied by the appearance of nausea, it is recommended to use it during meals.
There are certain rules for the use of novopassite with a medicinal solution. It should be taken without diluting, or diluting in a certain amount of water. To dispense the drug, you need to use a measuring cap, which is available on the bottle.
Thus, the method of administration and dose of this sedative is determined based on an assessment of the characteristics of the organism in each specific case, taking into account the degree of individual tolerance of its constituent components and the possible adverse effects associated with its use.
Whether it is possible at pregnancy novopassit?
Many women who are preparing to become a mother are facing a dilemma whether it is possible to have a newpass during pregnancy? Of course, this in no way suggests that the drug will be taken on a consistent basis throughout the time of gestation. Because of this, the crux of the matter is not to understand what the results of a systematic effect on a pregnant woman's body may be, and to what extent its permanent application in the development processes of a future baby can be reflected. However, taking the drug requires certain precautions.
In the decision to begin using it, one can not rely solely on the fact that Novopassit was an ideal tool that flawlessly approached, for anyone from among, whether relatives or acquaintances. It is necessary to take into account the factor of the individual characteristics of the organism of each individual person, which always has a place to be. Different women can, to varying degrees, who are better, who is worse, to transfer the components that are present in the composition of this drug.
The appointment of a sedative should be performed only after consultation with the attending physician and at his prescription. The medical specialist, based on the results of the surveys and an objective evaluation of the general condition of the pregnant woman, suggests the recommended treatment regimen with the necessary appropriate dosage. In most cases, the acceptance of the rule for the use of novopassitis is regulated as follows: the drug should be taken three times throughout the day in a single dose - 1 tablet or 5 milliliters of solution, depending on the dosage form most suitable for use in each case.
Thus, in the approach to the problem, whether in the course of pregnancy, novopassitis is fundamental is the principle of strict adherence to medical recommendations and taking the drug, in no case exceeding the prescribed doses. Then the peace of mind, the optimal mental and emotional state of a woman waiting to experience all the joys of motherhood - are provided. And sometimes it's enough to just take yourself in hand and do not attach much importance to all the minor unpleasantness of life, to remain calm and maintain inner harmony. If this succeeds, then the need for any, medicines will not arise.
Instruction for Novopassitis in Pregnancy
A woman who has a baby and faces a choice, is it justified to use this sedative at this time, should take into account that the instruction for novopassitis in pregnancy states that the drug can be prescribed solely on the basis of absolute indications for its use. A prerequisite, in which a decision is made in favor of the advisability of novopassitis, can only be that the expected positive effect for the expectant mother will exceed the likelihood of a possible risk for the processes of normal intrauterine development and child growth.
With regard to the lactation period, if it is necessary to use novopassitis, breast-feeding should be stopped throughout the course of treatment with the use of this drug.
Novopassitis during pregnancy in 1 trimester
Early pregnancy is characterized by the processes of active fetal formation, therefore, during the first 15-16 weeks it is recommended to minimize the use or, if possible, completely refuse the use of any kind of pharmacological agents. This applies to the greatest extent to medicines, including sedatives, of chemical origin. Chemical tranquilizers are able to cause significant negative effects, manifested in the delay and anomalies of intrauterine development, in the violations of the formation of the CNS in a child.
In this regard, namely, in the beneficial effect on the improvement and stabilization of the psycho-emotional state of the future mother with the minimal likelihood of negative consequences for the child, novopassitis during pregnancy in the first trimester takes, of course, a winning position. The drug is created solely on the basis of extracts of herbs that do not carry a threat to the fetus.
But this, of course, should not become an incentive for a pregnant woman to prescribe for herself all sorts of herbal sedatives or, for example, teas only because they contain the same components that are included in herbal medicines. This self-treatment is fraught with the possibility of exceeding the permissible concentration and dosage, in which case such a drink from a medicinal product becomes a risk factor to harm both the woman's body during pregnancy and negatively affect the development of the baby.
Therefore, the appointment of novopassit in pregnancy in the first trimester should be performed only by a competent medical specialist who can suggest the appropriate treatment regimen using the drug in the required optimal dosage.
Contraindications to the use of Novopassitis in pregnancy
Contraindications to the use of novopassitis in pregnancy are due primarily to the fact that, due to the presence of guaifenesin present in its composition, the drug belongs to muscle relaxants. Proceeding from this, it becomes obvious that its use is unacceptable in the presence of myasthenia, which is characterized by abnormally increased fatigue of the muscular system.
In addition, the drug is not prescribed in cases where there is an individual intolerance of any of the components included in its composition.
In the category of unacceptable to use carry novopassit existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The accompanying organic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract requires careful medical control over the use of this soothing agent.
It is not recommended to apply novopassit in the case of hepatic diseases, with trauma and brain diseases, as well as epilepsy.
Novopassite solution is not to be administered to patients with congenital intolerance to fructose, and who have abnormalities in the assimilation of galactose and glucose.
Contraindications to the use of novopassitis during pregnancy are categorical in those cases when the use of the drug may be associated with a significant probability of the appearance of factors that may negatively affect the intrauterine development of the child. The drug is allowed for administration only after a careful assessment of the existing risk to the fetus and beneficial effects for the expectant mother.
Side effects of novopassitis in pregnancy
Side effects of novopassitis during pregnancy can be manifested in the form of specific responses from different body systems to the use of the drug.
So, as a result of the influence of novopassitis, such negative phenomena that affect and accompany the digestive processes such as the appearance of nausea, vomiting, heartburn, spasms, constipation or diarrhea can occur.
The central nervous system often responds to the use of this sedative with the appearance of dizziness, excessive drowsiness, and impaired ability to concentrate attention.
Among other side effects that may occur when using novopassit, it should be noted that there is a certain probability of occurrence of allergic reactions. One of the most typical manifestations of allergy caused by the drug, as a rule, is the appearance of pathological eruptions, having the appearance of pigmentation, spots, papules, vesicles on the skin. Also, the consequence of using the drug may be a certain decline in strength and a state of minor muscle weakness.
All the above symptoms, however, in most cases are transient and with the discontinuation of novopassita pass within the shortest time.
When there are any side effects of Novopassitis during pregnancy, this should necessarily signal a need for immediate treatment to the treating doctor for possible necessary correction of the treatment regimen and a review of the appropriateness of the drug.
Overdosage novopassitom characterized by a number of symptoms and specific adverse events that may occur and occur due to adverse effects on the body of excess amounts of the drug.
First of all, in this case, excessive drowsiness occurs and a depressed state arises. After a while, these symptoms are supplemented by the appearance of bouts of nausea, heaviness in the stomach. There may be weakness in the muscles, joints marked by painful sensations.
As therapeutic measures, if Novopassitis enters the body in a dose exceeding the maximum permissible dose, it is necessary to rinse the stomach as soon as possible afterwards.
Cases in which there is an overdose of the drug, serve as a compelling reason for contacting a medical professional, who should be prescribed appropriate symptomatic therapy. To avoid undesirable health effects that often arise due to misuse of novopassitis, all existing rules and medical recommendations regarding doses and peculiarities of using this sedative should be followed.
Interactions of Novopassitis in Pregnancy with Other Drugs
The interaction of Novopassite in pregnancy with other drugs may manifest itself in the intensification or weakening of their pharmacological action with certain combinations formed.
So novopassit in combination with ethanol and other substances, depressingly acting on the central nervous system, contributes to an increase in the measure of their effect.
Drugs that have the properties of central muscle relaxation of skeletal muscles cause an increased likelihood of such a side effect of this sedative as muscle weakness.
As a result of the action of the extract of St. John's wort, contained in noopassite, the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptive use decreases.
In combination with immunosuppressants, medicines for the fight against AIDS, with drugs prescribed for cardiovascular diseases, novopassit also acts as a factor causing a decrease in their active action. Similar properties of the drug also shows for medicinal substances in bronchial diseases and for anti-thromboembolic agents.
Therefore, before the appointment of the attending physician, it is necessary to consider and weigh all the existing interactions of novopassitis during pregnancy with other drugs in order to achieve its use in the complex treatment of the most favorable positive result.
Conditions for storing novopassitis during pregnancy
Novopassit is to be stored in a place inaccessible to children and protected from light. Also, the conditions for storing novopassite during pregnancy require maintaining a constant temperature of 10 to 25 degrees Celsius.
Shelf life
Shelf life of the product having the form of tablets is 3 years. Solution in vials for oral administration - 4 years.
Reviews about Novopassitis in Pregnancy
- Lyudmila
Probably, each of the women that became mothers, passed during pregnancy through what is called postpartum depression. A little - and immediately tears. Even from every little thing, which, it would seem, does not need any attention, nor any nerves. At me too so was. I, in general, probably too emotional: in the movie with the characters some sad events occur - I cry, sometimes I listen to music, and the same thing, I let the tear. And when, for the first time, she was in position, she waited for the sonul, so almost all the time until the birth and then another year the eyes were constantly on a wet place. Literally for any reason, because of everything. In the end, I went on the Internet looking for a sedative, which can be if you are breast-feeding a baby. But you can not drink any chemistry, because the baby can also get through the milk. Found all sorts of phytopreparations, Novopassit was there. About him and began to clarify, as many talk about him, and he is often advertised enough. I read all sorts of reviews about novopassitis during pregnancy and lactation. In it, the composition based on herbs St. John's Wort, Melissa, Hawthorn, and also the flowers of elderberry, passionflowers, guaifenesin. That is all familiar and does not cause suspicion. But with self-medication she decided not to take risks, she consulted a regular visit to the pediatrician and only after that began to drink. By the third week all as a hand has removed. Sobs stopped for nothing or anything, nerves calmed down, and the mood was wonderful. I began to look at everything easier and see much more good in life.
- Hope
From the third month of pregnancy I drank novopassit for the intended purpose. From the very beginning, she also suddenly became a terrible crybaby, although before that, in her life, she had never been a roar. Hormones means shamil. In the early stages, this sedative is not recommended, so as not to damage the baby. And, obviously, not in vain. Probably, though and vegetative preparation, and nevertheless contain in it any chemical components. From them, apparently, and happened to me with such "delights" as bouts of nausea, such a weakness fell like all the juices siphoned out of me, and I always wanted to sleep. My digestive system, too, did not rejoice at the reception of this novopassit, and I was informed of all sorts of disorders. L. The doctor prescribed to halve the recommended dose, and then I was able to feel all the positive action, not burdened by the consequences.
- Valentina
I will join those who leave positive responses about novopassitis during pregnancy. I am happy with his action for 100%! I drank even earlier, before I began to carry my crumbs. And already in the position in the beginning, I still took until the 10th week (though not too often, because in the advice advised not to abuse, they say, in the first trimester it is better not).
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Novopassitis in pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.