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Iron in pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Iron during pregnancy ensures normal functioning of the body of the mother and baby. It contributes to the production of blood, which provides a link between a woman and her child. Let's consider the most topical questions regarding the norm, level, deficiency and excess iron in the body of a pregnant woman.
During pregnancy, the female body works with a double load. That's why the main task of a woman is to help the body cope with it. Iron (Fe) - this is the element that is required by pregnant women in large volumes. It is responsible for the production of blood and the formation of erythrocytes, which are responsible for supplying the body with oxygen.
The lack of Fe in the body of a pregnant woman is a shortage of red blood cells. In this case, the woman develops anemia, which is accompanied by a very unpleasant symptomatology. Excess iron causes problems in the body. Therefore, it is very important to maintain its level in the norm and take care of the state of the body that works for two.
How to take iron during pregnancy?
How to take iron during pregnancy - this question can be answered by a gynecologist and a doctor who controls the condition of the woman's body. Most often, Fe is prescribed in syrup, tablets or drops. Much less often resort to the use of iron-containing injections. Since injections contribute to the appearance of abscesses and can worsen the process of blood clotting. Iron in tablets is the most convenient form for taking. Let's consider how to take iron during pregnancy.
- Iron-containing drugs can not be taken with other tablets and medications.
- Iron must be washed down with water (tea, juice, milk and so on - do not fit).
- After taking Fe, it is not recommended for two hours to eat foods that contain calcium, that is, antacids. Since they worsen the work of the intestines.
- If you forget to take the drug at the appointed time, then the next dose should go on schedule, you can not change the dosage of the drug yourself. The excess of Fe in the body is much worse than the defect.
Prick of iron during pregnancy
Iron pricks are prescribed in pregnancy if the woman has impairment of absorption of Fe, digestive and gastrointestinal tract diseases, duodenal ulcer, intolerance to iron preparations and side reactions (dizziness, vomiting, nausea). The only side effect after injections during pregnancy is a feeling of overflow of the stomach. Most often, injections of Fe with preparations "Ferlatum", "Ferrum Lek" and "Maltofer" are used. The peculiarity of these injections is that they do not cause side effects and do not have a negative impact on the mother and child.
Iron during pregnancy is one of the most important microelements. Fe is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy. Lack of iron is the cause of serious illnesses, both in the mother and in the baby. Excess iron in the body of a pregnant woman causes pathologies and can cause a miscarriage. That is why every pregnant woman should regularly take a blood test to determine the level of Fe in the body and, if necessary, adjust the results. Since the normal level of iron during pregnancy is the pledge of the birth of a healthy baby.
An overdose of iron during pregnancy adversely affects the female body and the development of the child, just like the deficiency of this microelement. Excess Fe can cause gestational diabetes, lead to the termination of pregnancy and the development of infertility. That's why taking any iron-containing drugs is necessary under the supervision of a doctor.
The main symptoms of iron overdose during pregnancy are diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, abdominal pain. The daily dose of Fe for pregnant women should be at the level of 27-30 mg per day, but this figure varies depending on the individual characteristics of the female body. Any iron-containing drugs can not be taken for a long time, as this can lead to excess iron in the body and will lead to serious consequences that are a risk for the normal course of pregnancy and child development.
The level of iron during pregnancy
The level of iron during pregnancy is about 30 mg of substance per day. The bulk of it comes with food. It does not matter if one day the body receives 10 mg of Fe and the next 40 mg. On average, in two days you will get the body's required norm and do not feel the symptoms of deficiency.
Significant costs of iron during pregnancy require constant replenishment of stocks. So, for example, a child during pregnancy needs at least 400 mg of Fe. Increasing size of the uterus takes about 50 mg of the substance, the construction of the placenta and its normal functioning - 100 mg and so on. In addition, the process of metabolism is accelerating in the female body, which requires an additional 500 mg of the microelement. During childbirth, a woman loses about 200 mg of iron. Many women during pregnancy are additionally prescribed drugs that make up for the lack of this macronutrient: injections (the drug "Ferrum Lek"), tablets "Sorbifer" and vitamin complexes.
Serum iron in pregnancy
Serum iron during pregnancy is an analysis that allows you to determine its concentration in a woman's blood. The concentration of this macroelement depends on resorption and accumulation in the intestine, spleen, stomach and bone marrow. The level of serum iron varies throughout the day, the highest levels are observed in the morning. During pregnancy, serum iron levels decrease, especially in the second trimester. This is due to the formation of the internal organs and glands in the child.
Analysis of serum iron in pregnancy can determine the deficiency or excess of this trace element in the blood. When Fe is deficient, anemia begins, which is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms. Excess serum iron also causes diseases that adversely affect both the health of the mother and the development of the child. Detailed diagnosis of the level of iron can be done with the help of complex laboratory diagnostics, which will allow to determine the process of metabolism of this macroelement in the body and the level of distribution.
The norm of iron during pregnancy
The norm of iron during pregnancy is at least 30 mg of substance per day. If the body lacks Fe, then anemia begins. In order to determine its amount in the blood, it is recommended to pass a blood test to determine the level of serum iron. In a normal state, that is, in a healthy body, this figure is from 13-30 μmol per liter of blood. If the results of the analysis show a value below 13, then it is a deficit of Fe.
The need for this macronutrient in pregnant women is twice as high as in men and not in pregnant women. That is why in the diet of a pregnant woman should be foods rich in Fe. This will maintain its level in the norm, ensure the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.
Iron deficiency in pregnancy
Deficiency of iron during pregnancy arises from the lack of this trace element in the body of the future mother. If a pregnant woman loses Fe, then this lowers the level of hemoglobin and causes anemia. There are certain factors that increase the risk of developing deficiency of Fe during pregnancy. First of all, these are problems with iron deficiency before pregnancy and chronic diseases. Multiple fetuses and early toxicosis also cause deficiency of Fe. If a woman before pregnancy had long and profuse menstruation, then this is another factor in the development of iron deficiency in pregnancy.
There are certain symptoms and signs that allow you to determine the deficiency of Fe in the body of a pregnant woman. First of all, this is increased fatigue, irritability, general weakness. Many pregnant women complain of dizziness and severe headaches in the morning. Deficiency of Fe makes the skin pale, and mucous membranes are dry, which very often causes inflammation. Pregnant women may experience stomatitis, brittle nails and hair, shortness of breath, digestive disorders, problems with smell and taste. Precisely diagnose iron deficiency in pregnancy is possible with the help of a blood test at the level of Fe.
Lack of iron
The lack of iron during pregnancy is very common and causes anemia. This disease has two forms of percolation: latent, that is, latent and pronounced or clinical. The lack of iron during pregnancy is caused by a low level of hemoglobin. Because of the lack of Fe, pregnant women may experience symptoms such as: tinnitus, weakness, headache and others. Symptoms of iron deficiency are very similar to early signs of pregnancy. To treat shortage of Fe it is necessary carefully, as deficiency of the given microcells can become the reason of oxygen starvation for the kid.
At many pregnant women shortage of iron starts to be shown in the second trimester of pregnancy. The shortage is exacerbated in the winter and spring periods, when food is not enriched with iron-containing substances. Diagnose the lack of Fe using a blood test and the hemoglobin content in it. The lack of iron during pregnancy adversely affects the health of the child. Babies who felt a deficiency of Fe in the womb are susceptible to infectious diseases and allergies. Treatment of a lack of iron in the blood during pregnancy, is carried out by taking special iron-containing preparations and observing a diet with the use of foods that are rich in this trace element.
Symptoms of iron deficiency
Symptoms of iron deficiency during pregnancy can manifest in the first trimester, but most often in the middle of the second. The symptomatology of Fe deficiency is visible to the naked eye. The woman is deformed and brittle nails, physical weakness sets in, the skin becomes dry and rough to the touch, painful cracks appear in the corners of the lips, a woman often suffers from cold illnesses. In addition, a woman may have a taste distortion that speaks of the development of sideropenic syndrome. In this case, the pregnant woman begins to use very strange things - paper, sand, chalk.
Precisely diagnose the lack of iron during pregnancy is possible only with the help of a blood test. Symptomatic of deficiency of Fe is studied by the doctor and on the basis of analyzes appoints treatment and gives recommendations on restoration of level of iron in blood. The lack of Fe during pregnancy has serious consequences, which are dangerous for both the mother and the baby.
Excess of iron during pregnancy
Excess iron during pregnancy is also dangerous, as is its lack. So, excess Fe can cause the development of cancer of the intestine and liver, aggravation of Alzheimer's disease and the appearance of rheumatoid arthritis. Symptoms of excess Fe are similar to early signs of hepatitis. The skin becomes yellow, the liver is enlarged and a strong itching appears. In addition, there may be strange pigmentation in the area of the armpits and palms. Confirm the excess iron during pregnancy can be using a biochemical blood test.
Excess iron in the blood during pregnancy causes hemosiderosis. This disease provokes massive destruction of erythrocytes. Excess iron in the blood can lead to such diseases as: thalassemia, acute hepatitis, leukemia, hemolytic anemia, nephritis and others. Excess Fe in the body is especially dangerous during pregnancy, as it can cause miscarriage, premature birth and a number of pathologies in the baby.
The taste of iron in the mouth during pregnancy
The taste of iron in the mouth during pregnancy is found in many women. Often unpleasant taste sensations appear in the first trimester and continue until the middle of the second. There are several reasons that can create an unpleasant iron taste in the mouth. The first reason is the lack of nutrients in the diet. In this case, a woman may have oral problems and bleed gums. Another reason for the taste of iron in the mouth during pregnancy is hormonal changes in the body.
Eliminate the flavor of Fe by changing the diet. Eating a pregnant woman should be balanced and saturated with vitamins and minerals. Another way to remove discomfort is regular mouth rinses and the use of mint candies. If not one of the above described methods has not helped, it is recommended to seek medical help and take tests that will help you find a solution and effective treatment for this problem.
How to increase iron during pregnancy?
How to increase iron during pregnancy is an urgent issue, for women who have been diagnosed with a deficiency of this microorganism. The first option is to follow a diet and eat foods that are rich in Fe. The second option for increasing iron during pregnancy is drug therapy, Fe injections and the intake of vitamin complexes.
As for nutrition, aimed at increasing the level of Fe in the blood, then the diet should be a lot of fruits, vegetables and cereals. Particular attention should be paid to buckwheat porridge and apples, as they contain a lot of Fe, which is necessary for the body of a pregnant woman. Regarding preparations for increasing iron in the blood, they are divided into two groups: Fe salts (chloride, sulfate, fumarate) and complexes Fe (trivalent) with sugars and proteins. Dietary nutrition, as well as restoring the level of Fe drugs, should be done after consultation with a gynecologist. It is forbidden to take medicines that raise the Fe level independently, as this can lead to side effects, which are harmful to the health of the mother and baby.
Preparations of iron
Preparations of iron during pregnancy can restore the level of iron in the body and cure anemia. The peculiarity of the preparations restoring iron during pregnancy is that they must be safe for the body of a pregnant woman and do not harm the child. Preparations are prescribed by the results of a blood test. Most often, pregnant women are prescribed "Sorbifer Durules" tablets. This preparation contains vitamin C and 100 mg of iron. "Totem" is an iron-containing solution. Each ampoule contains 50 mg of Fe. "Fenyuls" - capsules, which contain 45 mg of Fe. This drug is used for anemia and for the prevention of deficiency of Fe.
Dosage of iron preparations is prescribed by a doctor (from 30 to 100 mg per day). The intake of Fe causes changes in the functioning of the body, most often it is expressed in changing the color of the stool to a darker one. On many packages with preparations, iron sulfate is written. In order that the body received 30 mg of Fe it is necessary to take 150 mg of ferrous sulphate. Precisely calculate the dosage and time of reception will help the attending physician.
Products rich in iron
Products rich in iron during pregnancy help to fill the deficiency of Fe in the body of a woman, and are an excellent prevention of anemia. So, in the diet during pregnancy should be a lot of vegetables, fruits, cereals and nuts. Particular attention should be paid to buckwheat porridge and lentils, they are rich in iron and help to naturally fill the lack of this trace element. Salads from beetroot and fresh apples are also rich in Fe and are recommended for use during pregnancy.
Many Fe are found in walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds. A sea kale is a vitamin well that enriches the body with iron and beneficial microelements, and also acts as an excellent prophylaxis for thyroid diseases. The liver of animals contains a lot of Fe, but you can not eat much of the liver during pregnancy. Products rich in iron are divided into those Fe in which it is absorbed well and badly. The latter products include eggs, white cabbage, spinach. It is very important that the product not only contain Fe, but also allow the body to quickly assimilate it. So, an iron tablet in 60 mg is much more effective than a kilogram of cabbage and a dozen eggs.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Iron in pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.