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Actovegin during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The instructions for the drug "Actovegin" prescribe its reception in the detection of ischemic processes, for the fastest healing of wounds after surgery and trauma, burns, elimination of disturbances in the work of the vascular system and blood circulation, including treatment of newborns.
In the composition of "Actovegin" the active substance is deproteinized hemoderivat, which is obtained from the blood of calves. This agent contains a large number of animal proteins and is considered effective because of its active action, which is aimed at stimulating metabolic processes in the body at the cellular level. The intake of this drug contributes to better accumulation in the body of oxygen and glucose. Thus, thanks to Aktovegin, the blood supply of those areas of tissues in which metabolism is disturbed (tissues exposed to the process of hypoxia, as well as ulcers and wounds) improves, and thus energy reserves of cells are increased. This drug increases the concentration of amino acids, as well as substances such as phosphocreatine, ADP and ATP. The action of the drug begins almost immediately after ingestion (within the first 30 minutes), and its maximum effect is achieved on average after 2-3 hours.
Why in pregnancy prescribe Actovegin?
Some doctors recommend that doctors start taking "Actovegin" even during pregnancy planning, in order to minimize the risk of problems associated with bearing a baby. This applies to women who are prone to impaired peripheral circulation (swelling, ulcers), varicose veins, and a predisposition to hemorrhoids.
Other indications of Actovegin during pregnancy according to the instructions:
- Metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (including ischemic stroke, craniocerebral injury).
- Peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences (arterial angiopathy, trophic ulcers); diabetic polyneuropathy.
- Healing of wounds (ulcers of various etiologies, burns, trophic disorders (bedsores), disturbance of wound healing processes).
- Prevention and treatment of radiation lesions of the skin and mucous membranes with radiation therapy.
But even the use of the drug in these cases carries a risk to the fetus.
Dosage of Actovegin in pregnancy
The dosage of Actovegin during pregnancy is prescribed exclusively by the doctor, and also according to the instructions to this medication. However, it must be remembered that before the start of the infusion it is recommended to carry out a test for the possibility of developing a hypersensitivity to the drug in the form of a trial injection (a dose of 2 ml, IM) in pregnant hypersensitivity.
Although the use of the drug "Akovegin" has never had a negative effect on the mother's body and fetal development, it is still necessary to take into account the potential risk to the child. Therefore, the introduction of the drug requires caution, it should be used strictly under the supervision of the attending physician.
Tablet "Actovegin" is usually prescribed in a dosage of 200 mg 3 times daily before meals. Dragee should be washed down with a little water. In the case of intramuscular injection of this drug to a pregnant woman, the injection is done slowly in a dosage of not more than 5 ml. It should be noted that in the solutions of "Actovegin" there may be a yellowish tinge. It is formed due to the presence of starting materials in the composition of the drug, but it does not affect the quality and tolerability of the drug at all. It is strictly forbidden to use an opaque solution or one containing any particles. After opening the ampoule, the "Actovegin" solution should not be stored.
The effect of the drug is observed within 30 minutes after ingestion or infusion. The maximum indicator of its action is reached on average after 3 hours.
Actovegin in the planning of pregnancy
Many medical professionals recommend that women start taking this drug before the desired pregnancy, i.e. In the period of its planning.
Actovegin in planning pregnancy is recommended in order to prevent future development of possible disorders, in particular, such as placental insufficiency. The matter is that bearing a child is a very serious test for a woman's organism, this process requires consistency in the work of all organs and systems. Protection for the future baby is the placenta, through the blood vessels of which the fetus receives glucose, oxygen and all the elements necessary for the full development. It is not uncommon for women who are waiting for a child to have blood flow disturbed, as a result of which the placenta is depleted and can not form until the end. This is the so-called. "Placental insufficiency". Such a problem can lead to premature birth or miscarriage, which is extremely undesirable for any woman. To avoid such tragic situations, the gynecologist appoints the future mother "Actovegin" at the planning stage of conception. The drug improves blood circulation, affecting the structure of cells, which, in turn, significantly increases their viability and promotes proper functioning.
"Actovegin" has no contraindications and pronounced side effects, so it does not constitute a threat to either the mother or the child. However, before taking this medication, you should consult a doctor who will determine the method of taking and dosage.
Actovegin during pregnancy can be administered at an early or late time.
Can Actovegin be administered during pregnancy?
Future mothers are often concerned about the question "Can Actovegin be in pregnancy?", Especially when the drug is prescribed in the early stages. Following the instructions of the drug and numerous reviews of specialists, we can conclude that the fears regarding the reception of "Actovegin" tablets during pregnancy are absolutely groundless. However, one must remember that during this period, self-medication is not permissible, therefore, the drug must be appointed by the attending physician. It is the doctor who will determine the necessary dose and the optimal way of taking: in the form of tablets, intramuscularly or intravenously, having previously analyzed the nature of the disorders.
Actovegin has its main task to activate metabolic processes at the cellular level, as well as restore the nutrition of cells and tissues.
The use of actovegin in pregnancy is known for a long time, although medical disputes regarding this drug have not abated until now. Opponents say that there is insufficient data on the safety of Actovegin, and supporters point out the long and successful use of this drug in practice. In this case, the cases of its harmful effect on the woman's body have never been identified.
In connection with the insufficient number of studies proving the complete safety of the drug "Actovegin", it should be taken with caution and only for the purpose of the treating doctor.
Instruction for Actovegin during pregnancy
Instruction for Actovegin during pregnancy helps to determine the method and dosage of taking this drug, which is released from the blood of calves. Acting agent "Actovegin" - deproteinized hemoderivat - promotes activation of metabolic processes in tissues at the cellular level, improves nutrition of cells, and stimulates their renewal.
The "Instruction" for the drug "Actovegin" indicates that it can be used in various dosage forms: tablets, ointments for external use, solutions for injections and solutions for infusions. Tablets "Actovegin" are 200 mg tablets. The tablets are taken before meals, it is recommended to take the dragee with a small amount of water. The content of this drug in solutions varies: for infusions solutions are produced of 10% or 20%, and for injections, ampoules of 2, 5 or 10 ml are produced.
It should be taken into account that the dosage and the method of taking "Actovegin" in this or that case should be prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the condition of the pregnant and fetus. Naturally, the pills are slower, but for a long period of time. In acute forms of circulatory disorders and oxygen starvation of the fetus, the optimal method of taking this medication in the form of injections or droppers.
Actovegin during pregnancy has a rapid effect within 10-30 minutes after administration, reaching its maximum in the range of 2 to 6 hours (on average - after 3 hours).
Contraindications to taking Actovegin during pregnancy
Actovegin during pregnancy practically does not cause any side effects, however, despite the absolute naturalness of this drug, there are a number of contraindications to it.
Contraindications to taking Actovegin during pregnancy are as follows:
- Allergic reaction of the body to the drug, manifested in the form of urticaria or swelling, as well as hot flushes, excessive sweating, etc. It is also possible that an anaphylactic shock can develop in a pregnant woman. In addition, the symptoms of allergies can be a feeling of chest tightness, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, quickening and difficulty breathing, headache, pains of various etiologies (in the joints, throat, stomach, muscles, etc.).
- Pulmonary edema.
- Fluid retention in the body.
- Decompensated heart failure.
- Reduction in the amount of excreted urine (oliguria).
- Impossibility of urine entering the bladder (anuria).
In case of an allergic reaction to the drug "Actovegin" with the observation of the above symptoms, the pregnant woman should urgently stop taking the medication and immediately consult a doctor. You should not exercise independence and take Actovegin without prescribing a doctor, because a future mother may not be aware of hidden forms of possible disorders and diseases. The admission of any medication, including natural medicines, can only aggravate the situation.
Side effects of Actovegin in pregnancy
Actovegin during pregnancy is well tolerated and in most cases does not cause any side effects in pregnant women. However, it must be remembered that the naturalness and relative harmlessness of this drug does not exclude a serious responsibility in its application. Therefore, the appointment of "Actovegin" should be carried out by the attending physician in those cases that require immediate intervention to prevent possible complications in bearing a child.
Side effects of actovegin in pregnancy are reduced to such manifestations as allergic reactions from the body: in rare cases, the occurrence of edema, as well as urticaria. Some women may experience symptoms such as increased sweating, a slight increase in temperature and a flush of heat. If there are any side effects of the pregnant woman, you should contact your doctor who will prescribe another drug or adjust the dosage of Actovegin. If the pregnant woman shows allergy, the drug should be canceled. Women who have heart failure or pulmonary edema should not take this medication.
Reviews about Actovegin during pregnancy
Reviews of Actovegin during pregnancy are generally positive, because in a greater degree the drug does not cause side effects, it is well tolerated. The only drawbacks that future mothers note are the high cost of the drug, as well as the soreness of the injections. Many women took "Actovegin" courses, the duration of which was determined by the attending physician.
Certainly, in the period of gestation, every future mother should strive to protect herself and her baby from possible pathologies by refraining from excessive physical exertion, full and balanced nutrition, adequate sleep and rest. For good circulation, daily walks in the fresh air are necessary for 3 hours. Any stress can cause a malfunction in the body and provoke a threat of miscarriage. Therefore, pregnant women are recommended to be as nervous as possible, not to worry about trifles, to have emotional calm.
Actovegin during pregnancy is often used along with other drugs (aspirin, clomate, dipyridamole, insterone, etc.). In this case, you need to remember about the contra-indications of some of these medicines, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. In addition, all of them have side effects. Therefore, it will not be easy to find a replacement for Actovegin without risk for a pregnant woman and her baby.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Actovegin during pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.