Recipes with ginger
Last reviewed: 23.11.2021

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Recipes with ginger occupy a significant part of all culinary findings.
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Due to its special taste properties and unique usefulness, ginger is used in all countries. Its prevalence is also due to its healing potential, which is often used as an additional therapy for the treatment of many pathological conditions.
Ginger has immuno-fortifying properties, which provides increased strength to resist various pathogens. In addition, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, activates blood circulation in the organs and tissues of the body, accelerates the removal of toxic products and wastes, provides a healthy state and prevents infection with bacteria and viruses.
With the preventive purpose, ginger is used to resist catarrhal diseases, influenza and other pathologies, the pathogenesis of which is based on a decrease in immunity.
There are many recipes by which ginger can be stored for several months, which involves immune protection during the winter period.
Ginger gives dishes of a specific flavor and taste, that even a teaspoon of crushed root can dramatically change the taste of any dish. This fact should be taken into account when preparing salads, meat or even tea. It is advisable to start always with a minimum amount of ginger, as not everyone likes the rich taste.
Recipe for ginger slimming
The recipe for ginger is based on the use of fresh or dried roots, with which tea is brewed. Such a drink not only contributes to the normalization of the body's water balance, which undoubtedly helps to reduce body weight, but also stimulates the excretion of slag.
The recipe for ginger slimming involves cutting ginger in thin layers, which is then poured with boiling water and infused for a quarter of a day. The use of tea is desirable in a warm form, as this activates the metabolic processes.
To improve the taste, you can add honey or lemon slices, as well as lemon juice. After a few cups of this tea there will be an adaptation to a specific taste, which in the future will be much more pleasant.
To date, only tea recipes are so many that each person can pick up the most enjoyable. In addition, you can additionally add cardamom, honey or mint, depending on your preferences. Despite such variations of teas, still priceless qualities of ginger retain their properties and contribute to weight loss.
Recipe for pickled ginger
Marinated ginger has not only healing properties when taken inside, but also by inhalation of its vapors. In Japan, they believe that ginger is able to fight with fear, nervous tension, add decisiveness, restore energy reserves and tone up the body.
Due to its unique composition, ginger can be compared to a polycomponent substance rich in vitamins, happiness hormones and amino acids.
In addition, it is impossible not to distinguish immunostimulating effect, by means of which the ability to withstand catarrhal diseases is increased.
The recipe for pickled ginger requires a quarter kilogram of ginger, which must be lowered into boiling water for 30-60 seconds, then pour out the water. The root must be dried. Next, mix the sugar and 30 ml of sake and rice wine, after which the mixture must be put on the fire and boil.
After the solution has cooled, it is necessary to fill it with the whole root and leave it in the refrigerator for 4 days. Use ginger can only after this period.
Ginger is especially useful for people with intellectual activity, since this product helps to reduce the viscosity and improve the characteristic properties of blood, which ensures the activation of blood supply to the brain.
The recipe for marinovki ginger
Marinated ginger perfectly suits as a seasoning for meat, fish and even sushi. Ginger is considered an integral part of some culinary condiments ("curry"). In addition to taste, it carries many useful properties.
Due to the availability of medical components, ginger is used for home recipes against diseases. The recipe for marinovki ginger is used in the violation of lipid metabolism to reduce weight and activate digestion.
The recipe for marinovki ginger includes a third of a kilo of ginger, fruit or wine vinegar - half glass, wine, preferably red - 15 ml, sugar - 20 grams, water - a quarter of the volume of the glass and salt.
Preparation begins with cleaning the ginger from the peel and cut into thin strips across the fibers (for sushi) or ordinary slices (for meat, fish). Shredded ginger should be filled with water, salt and boil for several minutes.
Then you need to drain and cool. In the meantime, you need to dissolve the sugar in hot water, add vinegar and wine. After the ginger has cooled down, you need to fill it with the prepared marinade, cover it tightly and leave it for a few days.
After the time of marinating, you can use ginger, and storage should be in the refrigerator.
Recipe for marinade for ginger
Recipe marinade for ginger is quite simple and ensures the presence of a wonderful seasoning for a couple of months. To prepare, you need half a glass of rice vinegar, 15 g of sugar and about 4 tbsp. Water.
In addition, there are some options in the event that any ingredients are not enough. For example, rice vinegar can be replaced with apple cider vinegar. To add a pink shade, ginger should use a small piece of beet when blanching.
It is recommended to store marinade with ginger in the refrigerator under the closed lid. Before use, you need to get ginger and cut into slices.
The marinade recipe for ginger recommends starting cooking with a mix of selected vinegar, sugar and water. Stirring should be continued until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Ready marinade should be poured previously prepared ginger. It must first be cleaned, rubbed with salt overnight, and in the morning cut into slices and boiled for 3 minutes.
Ginger with marinade should be stored in the refrigerator. If gradually the shade of ginger starts to change, do not be afraid, because it means that the vegetable is fresh (this year) and is quite suitable for consumption.
Recipes of ginger with lemon
Recipes of ginger with lemon are popular not only here, but also far abroad. This drink is most popular in India, especially on cold winter days. It helps to raise the mood, activate the immune capacity of the body, and also warms and tones.
The easiest way to make tea with lemon is to use only boiling water, ginger and lemon. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water 20 grams of ginger, chopped into slices, and add the lemon juice or a piece of it. After 10 minutes of brewing, the drink will be ready for use.
The amount of lemon needs to be selected individually, since each person reacts differently to acid and can provoke a pain syndrome in the stomach.
In addition to such a simple tea can be prepared with the addition of lemon and various herbs, for example, lemon balm, mint. Such drinks will be useful in the autumn-spring period of the year, when there is a shortage of vitamins and a decrease in the body's immune forces.
If every morning to drink a mug of tea with ginger, then the invigorating effect will be much stronger than from a cup of coffee. In addition, the drink tones well and activates all metabolic processes in the body.
It is impossible not to mention the property of tea to reduce weight, which is used by people who want to control their weight.
Recipes of ginger root
Recipes of ginger root are included in the culinary masterpieces of various cuisines of the world. They are used not only for taste satisfaction, but also for the recovery of the body.
Ginger has an anesthetic, antispasmodic, antibacterial, tonic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, absorbable and diaphoretic properties. In addition, do not forget about the antioxidant effect and immunomodulating, which prevents infection.
The dishes, in which ginger is added, acquire lightness, which contributes to better digestion. Also, ginger with regular use in small amounts activates metabolic processes, as a result of which heat production increases, toxins are released and a person loses excess kilograms.
Recipes of ginger root are used even in medicine. For example, with flatulence, intestinal dysfunction and pain in the abdomen, including with colic.
The root of ginger is excellent for catarrhal diseases, both for curative and preventive purposes. Helps reduce the viscosity of sputum during bronchitis and improve the work of epithelial cilia.
To do this, you can prepare teas and other beverages, as well as add to salads, sauces and flour products.
The recipe for ginger with honey
The recipe for ginger with honey is one of the most common among all with the application of ginger. For the recipe you need honey about a quarter cup, 50 grams of ginger and lemon.
This recipe for ginger with honey is an excellent way to maintain immunity in the cold season. Lemon is famous for vitamin C, organic acids and is able to strengthen immunity. Ginger with the help of its anti-inflammatory properties is able to rid the mouth of the inflammatory reaction and bacteria.
In addition, ginger is rich in vitamins of group B and C, as well as essential amino acids. Every child knows about the healing properties of honey, so you can start cooking.
Lemon should be washed and cut into thin slices, then put in a jar and a little crush to get out the juice. Ginger should also be washed, peeled and cut into slices or even halved. After this, ginger should be placed to the lemon.
It is advisable to choose honey not liquid and send to the same jar. As a result, the healing agent will be insisted for a month until its readiness, this fact needs to be taken into account and prepared long before the cold starts.
This tincture can be added to any dish - porridge, tea, flour products. As the volume decreases, you can add honey.
Ginger Recipe with Garlic
The combination of ginger with garlic is an effective complex against colds. In addition, an undoubted advantage is the ability to reduce body weight. Thus, ginger accelerates metabolic processes, activates heat production, thereby accelerating the splitting of heat sources (fats) and improves digestion.
Garlic, in turn, does not belong to products that contribute to weight reduction, but indirectly, by activating digestion processes, also provide the removal of toxic decomposition products.
The recipe for ginger with garlic is quite simple, but here it is another matter that after eating such a dish, communication with other people may be interrupted due to the aroma of garlic. However, at home you can try to make tea with these ingredients.
First you need to clean the ginger, gently peeling off the thin skin with a knife. It will be enough to have a 4-5 cm spine, but some can take more if desired. Next, grind it with a grater and mix with garlic (1 tooth), passed through the press.
This mixture should be poured with boiling water (about a liter), cover with a lid and wait until infused and at the same time cool. Take it several times a day, pre-filtered.
Ginger Recipe for Immunity
The recipe for ginger for immunity in the East is considered one of the first means in the fight against the common cold and restore the lost strength of the body. Among spices, ginger is most useful not only in medicine, but also in cooking.
Ginger in its fresh form has a strong antiviral effect, which is necessary to combat influenza and ARVI. In addition, ginger stimulates the body's defenses to resist infection.
A drink from ginger, in particular tea, perfectly invigorates the body, adds strength, warms and contributes to the death of pathogens.
Ginger's recipe for immunity presupposes the presence of ginger and cinnamon, which should be grinded in an equal amount and 3 g of this mixture should be taken. Then you need to pour water and brew. Next, add black pepper and leave to infuse for about 5 minutes. Once the drink has cooled, you need to add 5 g of honey and eat three times a day.
This tea will provide a charge of vivacity and strength of immunity to resist seasonal diseases, which are activated in the off-season and winter.
Ginger recipe for colds
Ginger as a medicine has been used for a long time. It is added to various dishes in order to enrich the taste or activate the defenses of the body.
The root of ginger promotes the acceleration of metabolic processes, tones up and invigorates the entire body. Ginger's recipe for colds in the form of a drink is widely distributed.
To make it, you need ginger 2 grams, turmeric and red pepper. All this must be boiled for 2 minutes in milk with a volume of about a glass. As a result, you will get a healing drink that will help in periods of vitamin deficiency and a reduced level of immunity to support the body.
This drink should be taken three times a day, it is allowed to drink with butter and honey. Especially useful is ginger for catarrhal pathology and more in the throat.
In addition, you can prepare green tea with milk and ginger. To do this, you need to combine half a liter of water, ground 10 grains of cloves, cardamom and 10 g of green tea. After a boil of 1 minute, add half a liter of milk and 15 grams of ground ginger and boil again. At the end, add 10 g of ground nut and press for 5 minutes, then filter and use in the morning.
The recipe for ginger from cough
Bronchitis can occur as a result of infection of the body with viruses or bacteria. The main clinical manifestation of bronchial lesions is cough. It can be dry or wet. In the case when sputum is viscous and it is difficult to get out of the bronchi it is necessary to use special medications that help reduce its viscosity.
However, not everyone knows that ginger has such properties and can help with coughing not worse than drugs, because it activates the functioning of the cilia of the epithelium.
The recipe for ginger from cough consists of ginger, more precisely its juice, obtained by pressing, with a volume of about 5 ml, lemon juice and honey in an equal ratio of 5 ml. Mixing the ingredients and adding a half cup of boiling water, leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Take should be 5 ml with an interval of an hour dry cough will gradually go into the wet.
The recipe for ginger from a moist cough is to use ginger along with the milk. This combination will help activate the drainage function of the bronchi and save them from sputum. In addition, as the sputum is separated, the pain in the chest will decrease, as the cough becomes less painful.
For cooking, you need 2-3 grams of ground ginger and milk (the volume of the glass). You can also add honey and turmeric, then start taking several times a day.
Ginger's recipe for pressure
Increased blood pressure accompanies a large number of diseases. However, everyone knows that with the help of ginger, you can normalize the pressure indicators. The mechanism of action of ginger is based on its ability to prevent stagnation of blood due to activation of circulation, as well as relaxation of muscles surrounding the vessels.
However, it should be remembered that the use of ginger from the pressure is allowed only after consulting a doctor. In addition, excessively high blood pressure should be reduced by medication to avoid complications, such as stroke.
The recipe for ginger from the pressure involves daily consumption of tea with the addition of ginger. It is also possible to use it together with the baths. However, there must certainly be control over the pressure.
To make tea, you need to rub ginger 3 cm long on a grater and pour a liter of boiling water, after which you need to boil a quarter of an hour. To improve the taste, you can add honey, lemon, herbs or sugar to tea. Tea should be drunk in small sips once a day, preferably in the morning.
The recipe for ginger from the pressure for the baths is prepared as follows. To do this, it is necessary to grind the ginger with a knife and pour a glass of boiling water, after which it should be insisted for about half an hour. After the time has elapsed, it is necessary to filter the solution and can be added to the bath tray together with the main volume of water.
This procedure will ensure the vasodilation, activate blood flow and reduce blood pressure.
Recipes with ginger make up a significant part of all culinary masterpiece. In addition, these dishes are not only able to bring pleasure, but also with the right prescription - to save from extra pounds.