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Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Healing properties of ginger (Latin Zingiber officinale) are widely used by mankind for a very long time. For the first time the cultivation of this spice began in the northern part of India, Nepal and southern China. In the texts of Indian Vedic medicine, which are more than 5 thousand years old, scientists discovered a mention of the medicinal properties of Zingiber officinale and recipes, in which ginger is the main ingredient. Ginger was used both in raw form, and the form of tinctures, broths, teas.
The root of ginger is extracted and fed in the form of a tablet; active ingredients include gingerols (which give it its own scent and aroma) and shogaol.
Healing properties of ginger allow using it both in the treatment of various diseases, and for preventive purposes. The further distribution of Zingiber occurred quite quickly, in view of its miraculous properties. In Europe, it was used as an effective preventative against the plague, with the cost of this spice being very high, as well as its effectiveness. Currently, ginger is cultivated in almost all countries with tropical climate, for example, southeast Asia, Australia, Brazil. In modern cooking it is rightfully considered an international component. Practically in every national cuisine, regardless of whether ginger is cultivated in a given locality or not, there are many dishes, one of the ingredients of which is Zingiber. In dry form they are widely used for baking confectionery dishes. Widely used it as a flavor to make compotes, puddings, liquors and even ginger beer. Healing properties are greatly enhanced by mixing it with other useful spices, for example, nutmeg or cardamom. Due to the powerful antiseptic properties of ginger, which allows decontamination of products, Japanese chefs use it to prepare dishes from raw seafood of national cuisine. In a word, multifunctionality and its uniqueness has long been used by people in various spheres of life, be it Vedic or alternative medicine, cooking, cosmetology, dietology. Zingiber worthily took its place of honor in the diet of modern man, which is justified by its unique properties. At present, the properties have been studied in sufficient detail and have a scientific justification. Since ancient times, powerful anti-viral properties of ginger have been known, contributing to a decrease in the activity of influenza viruses and colds.
Ginger tea has many useful qualities. The most topicality this drink acquires in the cold season, when the human immune system is most susceptible to weakening and the likelihood of colds and flu is high.
The use of ginger in the treatment of arthritis, cough, toothache, bronchitis, is due to the ability to thin the blood, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. That is why, it is considered to be the strongest anti-inflammatory drugs.
The tonic effect of ginger tea improves the blood supply to the brain, increases the intellectual performance of a person. Due to its unique composition, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Currently, the production technologies for processing raw materials allow the use of useful properties as pickled, dried or ground ginger. How exactly affects this spice, depends, first of all, on the correctness of its application. As in everything there should be a measure, therefore, despite the healing properties, ginger has some contraindications that must be considered before starting to use it.
Ginger for weight loss
Recently, ginger for weight loss is very popular. How does the process of losing weight and how does it affect the burning of extra pounds? As we have already explained, this spice contains substances that have unique and useful properties that positively influence the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Zingiber promotes the processes of purification of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, elimination of intestinal parasites. These effective properties allow you to use ginger, as a means of losing weight, which helps to reduce excess weight, reduce the amount of fat. In addition, excellent palatability makes it possible to use it as the main component in the diet of proper nutrition.
Ginger for weight loss can be absolutely confidently called the most accessible and simple means, besides having a great taste! It is only necessary to add this to the main dishes and drinks and this has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic processes in the body. The main problem when trying to lose weight is a violation of metabolic processes in the body. Unbalanced and improper nutrition contributes to the disruption of the digestive system, the accumulation of toxins and toxins in the body. As a result of this, there is a stable increase in body weight, which in turn negatively affects the work of all other organs - from the cardiovascular system to the knee joints. Stress is another important element of a stable increase in body weight. In a stressful situation, an increased sense of hunger arises in the body. Thus, the body struggles with stress.
Using ginger for weight loss, metabolic processes in the body stabilize, antioxidant properties contribute to a stable state of the nervous system, the digestive system is normalized, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins in a timely manner. You can use ginger for weight loss in several possible ways. By their technique of application these methods are quite simple, but at the same very effective. With their regular application, a stable effect can be observed. As you know, it is used as a seasoning in cooking. Added to the main dish, not only improves the taste, but also improves the process of digestion and the digestive system of the body as a whole. For example, crushed Zingiber is well combined with stewed vegetables. Add it to the prepared dishes as an obligatory ingredient - the result will not keep you waiting!
Before eating, it will not be superfluous to chew a small piece of peeled ginger. You can also grind it on a grater, or finely chop, season with lemon juice and eat in breaks between meals in small portions - one teaspoonful. Using a fresh root will not only improve metabolic processes, but will also strengthen the immune system and accelerate the process of weight loss.
Recently, ginger has become the main ingredient in dietary nutrition. It is widely used as a part of various diets for weight loss. Indeed, to achieve a good stable result, nutritionists recommend meals and drinks with it, both fresh and dried. For example, a salad with ginger will become a favorite dish on fasting days. The cooking process is not at all complicated and does not take much time. To do this, you need three medium baked beets, five medium baked carrots, a bunch of celery, a root of fresh Zingiber officinale. Purified ingredients are crushed, mixed, seasoned with the juice of one medium lemon and olive oil.
One of the most popular means of reducing excess weight, of course, is ginger tea. What is its secret? Even in Tibetan medicine, ginger was used as a stimulant for blood circulation, which accelerates metabolic processes. Thanks to the warming properties, these processes are supplemented by a diuretic effect and the effect of increased sweating. Essential oils in its composition give tea a special aromatic composition and taste qualities while enhancing the metabolic processes.
Vitamin composition and its properties of antioxidant positively influence the condition of the skin of the face, preserving its youth and fresh appearance, not to mention the internal positive effect on the whole organism. A lot of ways to make ginger tea, allows you to choose the taste and method of cooking the most convenient option. Consider several options for making a drink from Zingiber officinale. The most convenient and easy way to make ginger tea for weight loss: shredded root of medium size pour 1.5 liters of boiling water and insist in a thermos for about 30 minutes. During the day, this amount of tea must be drunk. Using tea from Zingiber officinale in dietary nutrition significantly increases the effectiveness of the diet.
To make ginger tea with honey and lemon it is necessary to pour 2 tablespoons of ground root with one liter of pure water and bring to a boil on low heat. Cook should be about 15 minutes. After this drink should be allowed to cool to a temperature of 36 ° C and add honey and lemon juice to taste. Preparing tea for this recipe, it is possible to add other medicinal plants and herbs, for example, mint, linden, cowberry leaves.
In order to significantly reduce excess kilograms, you can recommend this method of making tea. The main ingredients of this recipe are ginger and garlic, one equal part, which you need to grind and mix. Then pour 20 parts of boiling water and insist in the thermos for about 15 minutes. Before consumption, this tea must be filtered and drunk during the day. A gigantic vitamin dose is provided to you!
You should pay attention to important points regarding ginger for weight loss and teas. Consumption of tea from Zingiber officinale is not limited to days of dietary nutrition, when there is an active weight reduction, daily use, by adding to black or green tea, will only strengthen and improve the result. In view of the strong invigorating effect, it is best to eat tea in the afternoon, and not in the evening.
There are several tips for storing fresh ginger. It is best to store fresh Zingiber officinale in the refrigerator for no more than a week, then the useful properties are significantly reduced. Possible freezing of the root in the freezer and storage, but no more than 3 months.
Ginger for weight loss, or rather, excessive use of it can cause nausea, heartburn, irritation in the mouth. Before using it, therapeutic or prophylactic, it is necessary to consult a doctor or a nutritionist. It is not recommended to use some medications, for example, blood thinners, reducing blood pressure. In any case, a specialist consultation is necessary.
Calorie content of ginger
Caloric content of ginger, regardless of the way it is cooked or lack thereof, remains within the limits of up to 80 kcal per 100 grams, while in processing the calorie content of ginger is reduced to 60 kcal. This fact adds one more useful property - low caloric content and its suitability for use in dietary nutrition. Since ancient times, thanks to its low caloric content and unique taste qualities, Zingiber officinale has become the main ingredient in many dishes and drinks. At the same time, it is consumed both fresh and dried. At present, nutritionists practice "ginger" diets, in which it is the main component, in view of its fat burning properties and low caloric content. In such diets it is used in cooking the main dishes and drinks.
Culinary processing, in the form of pickling, does not affect the caloric content of the prepared dish, unless, of course, other caloric ingredients are used. For example, ginger with honey or candied Zingiber officinale has a calorie content of more than 350 kcal per 100 grams of product.
The Benefits of Ginger
The benefits of ginger are determined by a unique combination of medicinal properties and excellent taste qualities. Such a combination is quite rare in nature and does not occur in other similar plants. It is safe to say that other medicinal plants are much inferior to ginger for their useful qualities. Its medicinal and preventive properties significantly expand the range of its application. It is scientifically justified to have a general opinion about analgesics, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, sweating, tonic, antibacterial properties. Substances contained in Zingiber officinale, contribute to faster healing of wounds and cuts, scarring of skin disorders. Thanks to the powerful antioxidant effect, the benefits of ginger to strengthen immunity is very significant. Antibacterial properties allow activating the protective functions of the human body in the fight against parasites in helminthic diseases, delay the reproduction of bacteria.
The use of ginger in cooking, not only significantly improves the taste of ready meals, but also facilitates easy digestibility of food. Regular use in his food favorably affects the state of the digestive system of man in general. Using this spice in small quantities, there is an active stimulation of digestive processes, the formation of gastric juice, the improvement of gastric secretion and, as a consequence, increased appetite. Ginger is very effective for indigestion and stomach ulcers, eructations. In general, it has significant effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Its action is favorable for flatulence, diarrhea. When food poisoning is also an effective remedy is Zingiber officinale, and a mild laxative effect will help cope with constipation and help in purifying the gastrointestinal tract.
The warming properties of ginger are very effective in the treatment and prevention of colds, for example, influenza, sinusitis, colds, stagnant processes in the lungs. Expectorant properties are effective in case of pain symptoms in the throat, cough. Effective use in the treatment of bronchial asthma. An excellent remedy for all kinds of allergic reactions and skin diseases is ginger.
Systematic use of Zingiber officinale helps to thin the blood and lower cholesterol levels in it. The skin favors the diuretic effect and stimulates the formation of saliva. Enzymes effectively reduce pain caused by diseases of the joints, with rheumatism, muscle pains, stretching, arthritis and arthrosis.
For a woman's body, ginger is very important. During the beginning of the menstrual cycle, its benefits are particularly significant, because it helps to relieve cramps. Sedation is also invaluable during the onset of the menstrual cycle. Long since Zingiber officinale is effectively used to treat infertility, because it helps to increase the tone of the uterus and increase the sex drive. Recently, it has been used as a highly effective remedy for reducing excess body weight. This is due to the property of activating the metabolic processes in the human body. Ginger is effective in pregnancy when there are toxicosis. Oil from it is widely enough and effectively used in cosmetology and aromatherapy, in the form of masks, baths and lotions.
Antioxidant properties stimulate mental activity and restore the physical strength of a person, helping in stressful situations. In addition, it has the property to improve blood circulation in the brain, strengthen the cardiovascular system as a whole, improve memory, significantly increase learning ability, and lower blood pressure. Effective use of ginger in the treatment of atherosclerosis. Zingiber officinale is the best way to eliminate toxins and toxins from the human body. Recently, thanks to its antioxidant properties, it is widely used for the prevention of cancer.
The vitamin composition of ginger helps to combat effectively enough the age-related changes in the body, both external and inside the human body. It effectively removes signs of nausea, dizziness, weakness arising from "sea" disease. Regular use of fresh Zingiber officinale, namely its chewing, contributes to improving the health of the gums and mouth as a whole, besides it makes the breath fresh for a long period of time.
The benefits of ginger are not limited to unique medicinal and preventive properties. Due to its special, pronounced taste and smell, it is used in the cooking of many national cuisines of the world and is an indispensable component of a variety of dishes. One of the culinary properties of this spice can be distinguished its ability to enhance and manifest the taste of the dishes prepared. The range of its use in cooking is absolutely unlimited, it can be used both for cooking meat and fish dishes, and for making desserts and drinks.
Speaking about the benefits of ginger, it is impossible to limit the possibility of its use in any particular sphere of application. Due to its numerous unique properties, it can be safely called a universal tool.
The declared effect of ginger
It is believed that ginger is an effective anti-emetic, especially with nausea caused by seasickness or pregnancy, and also reduces intestinal cramps. It is also used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. It can have an antibacterial and anticoagulant effect in vitro, but the data on this are contradictory.
Damage to ginger
As a rule, all medicines and plants have characteristic side effects. It will be erroneous to believe that herbal medicines are absolutely harmless and can not cause harm. Do not forget that almost all plants are capable of provoking allergic reactions, because in nature they are allergens. And although ginger is considered a low-allergenic plant, the probability of its individual intolerance is not ruled out. It is for this reason, before starting its use, it is necessary to conduct an allergotest.
The damage to ginger is determined by a number of criteria for its use. Medicinal properties have a sufficiently strong effect, which is why the line between useful and harmful effect is insignificant. Very often, instead of the expected positive result, the reverse effect is obtained. In the presence of acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, from uncontrolled use of ginger should refrain, in view of possible complications. The same applies to pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Active warming properties limit its use during the period of high fever of the patient or on a hot summer day. The ability to dilute blood excludes its use during bleeding.
Recently, oriental cuisine is becoming more popular, using pickled ginger, which not only improves the taste of dishes, clears taste buds and neutralizes the effect of parasites that may be found in raw fish, for example, in sushi or other oriental dishes. Excessive consumption of pickled Zingiber officinale leads, as a rule, to the opposite effect. And instead of good, harm to ginger is obtained.
The damage of ginger is a conventional concept and is rather the result of improper use and use of the beneficial properties of this unique plant. As in everything there should be a measure, and its use should be dosed out. The recommended daily intake for an adult is five grams.
Adverse effects of ginger
Nausea, upset stomach and dysgeusia are possible. Theoretically, ginger is contraindicated in patients with hemorrhagic diathesis or taking anti-coagulating drugs or warfarin.
Treatment with ginger
If contraindications to the use and allergic reactions are not available, then you can safely start treatment with ginger. Since ancient times man has been treated with Zingiber officinale, thanks to the many useful properties of this plant. It has long been scientifically proven useful properties of ginger, and methods of treatment described in his works Confucius.
Medicinal properties help from a variety of diseases, from the most simple to complex, infectious. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, spasms of the stomach will help stabilize ginger tea, because one of its properties is the normalization of metabolic processes. For the same reason, ginger is effectively used to lower cholesterol in the blood and reduce excess weight. Toning and warming properties contribute to the acceleration of metabolic processes and, thus, the process of reducing excess weight is accelerated. Treatment with ginger is used in cases of changes in blood pressure, headaches, various types of arthritis. Treatment Zingiber officinale is recommended for colds, coughs, respiratory diseases. The therapeutic effect in such cases is determined by the acceleration of the processes of excretion of slags and toxins from the body through increased sweating, which is achieved by a warming and perspiration property.
Ginger tea, without causing side effects, will help get rid of the symptom of morning toxemia at the initial stage of pregnancy, but it will be mandatory to consult a doctor observing the pregnancy. Ginger is successfully used in cosmetology. Masks and creams with Zingiber officinale and tinctures from it effectively nourish and rejuvenate the skin of the face, give a healthy color and blush.
Antioxidant properties, make it a natural tonic and stimulant, improving the work of the brain, the reaction, helps to get rid of stress and negative effects on the nervous system. In general, ginger tea is recommended for use, as a natural curative and preventive drink, almost all, respectively, if there are no contraindications or allergic reactions.
Next, we will consider several recipes and methods of alternative medicine with the use of ginger for the treatment and prevention of diseases. It should immediately be noted that these prescriptions and techniques should be used as ancillary means, and not as the main treatment and before their use, mandatory specialist consultation is necessary.
Infusion of ginger with leaves peppermint, yarrow and flowers of elderberry black will help to remove strong pain in the abdomen. To do this, one tablespoon of all ingredients must be crushed and pour a glass of boiling water, insist 25-30 minutes. Then drink this infusion, dividing into two meals. This infusion can be used if the abdominal pain is not provoked by chronic diseases.
Fresh ginger will help in the initial stage of inflammation of the throat and mouth. To do this, a cleaned piece of fresh ginger, approximately 1.5 cm thick, must be resorbed and chewed in the mouth until the ginger juice is completely extracted. At the same time, there is a slight tingling in the oral cavity, caused by the antibacterial action of the essential oils contained in the ginger. Essential oils eliminate pathogenic bacteria at the site of inflammation localization. This method of treatment can be used to improve the digestive system, remove toxins from the body, strengthen immunity, toothache and gum disease. A small piece of fresh ginger will help freshen your breath for a long time.
Zingiber officinale powder is used to prepare a ginger bath, the action of which will help to get rid of muscle pain and physical fatigue, relax and restore strength. It is necessary to dissolve three tablespoons of powder of dry ginger in one liter of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. The resulting broth should be poured into the bath. Take a ginger bath should be 15-20 minutes. Effective will be applied to joints and muscles, gruel consistency of sour cream, from dry powder and cooked infusion. In the same way, you can prepare a mixture for the compress on the back, in its effect similar to mustard plasters. To do this, two teaspoons of dry ginger powder should be mixed thoroughly with 0.5 teaspoon of red chili and one teaspoon of turmeric. Dissolve the resulting mixture with a small amount of warm sesame or mustard oil, mix well and let it brew for 10 minutes. It is necessary to apply this mixture to a cotton napkin with a 0.5 cm thick layer. Such napkins with ginger mixture are applied to the site of pain localization.
Effective preventive means, besides still universal on application, it is possible to name ginger tea. The range of application of this miracle drink is wide enough, from violations of the digestive system, to inflammation of the respiratory tract. In addition, the tea has a pleasant burning taste and a characteristic spicy aftertaste. Regular intake of ginger tea strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the brain, stabilizes blood pressure, not to mention the pleasure of pleasant taste.
There are many ways to prepare ginger tea. Shredded ginger in amounts from one teaspoon to three teaspoons can be brewed with green or black tea, or separately brewed Zingiber officinale or in combination with other medicinal herbs. For example, one tablespoon of peppermint leaves, thyme, lime and ground ginger should be poured in 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, then eat like tea, while adding lemon and honey to taste. In general, the amount of Zingiber officinale in tea is determined individually and may increase or decrease. You can eat ginger tea with lemon, honey, favorite jam.
Ginger tea with milk has a universal effect and also a very tasty tonic drink. To make this tea, you need one glass of milk and clean water, 1.5 teaspoons of black or green tea, sugar or honey to taste, 2 teaspoons of ground ginger. First, water, tea and ginger bring to a boil and cook for four minutes. After that, add the milk and mix, insist five minutes. The drink is ready for use, honey or sugar is added to taste. In diseases of the respiratory tract, it is effective to consume hot milk with dissolved dried Zingiber officinale in an amount of 1/3 teaspoonful and honey.
Effective prophylactic, strengthening immunity is easy to prepare at home. To do this, it is necessary to grind 400 grams of fresh ginger, the resulting mass to pour 300 grams of alcohol. This liquid is infused for two weeks in a warm place. Twice a week, it is necessary to shake the container with this liquid. After two weeks the tincture will turn yellow, it is necessary to strain the liquid. To use ginger tincture you need to eat a teaspoon before eating.
Before you start treatment with ginger, you need a specialist consultation. Despite the numerous healing properties, ginger has a number of contraindications for use, which, of course, should not be left without attention.
Contraindications to the use of ginger
Recently, the great popularity of ginger and as a preventive and curative remedy, as well as a culinary ingredient, is fully explained by the unique properties of this plant. However, do not forget that everything is fine, but in moderation. And in the case of Zingiber officinale, this rule remains relevant. Scientific research on contraindications to the use of ginger has determined the main limitations. The recommended dose for an adult is approximately five grams. If used in excess of this dose, a healthy person may have irritation of the oral mucosa, diarrhea, or heartburn. The main contraindication to the use of ginger to a greater extent relates not to the very Zingiber officinale, but to its combination with other medications.
It contains active ingredients and essential oils, the effect of which multiplies the medicinal properties of this plant. Despite the many useful qualities, there are contraindications to the use of ginger. Let us consider them in more detail. It contains ethereal substances and is contraindicated in cases of abnormalities in the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, with ulcers of the stomach or esophagus, urolithiasis. It is inadmissible to use it in progressive inflammatory processes accompanied by an increased temperature of the patient's body. Ginger contains a significant amount of cardioactive substances, which increase cardiac activity and accelerate the working rhythm of the heart. In the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, the use of Zingiber officinale and drugs from it, you can start only after the recommendation of a specialist. In cases of use of antihypertensive and antiarrhythmic drugs, its use is generally contraindicated.
In general, ginger is contraindicated to use with ulcerative nonspecific colitis, esophageal reflux, gastrointestinal disease, diverticulosis and diverticulitis. Active substances can cause complications of these diseases. During pregnancy and lactation, ginger is excluded from the diet of a woman, in order to avoid adverse effects.
Contraindications to the use of ginger in all these cases should be discussed with your doctor. It is extremely important to avoid undesirable consequences of use. As a result of uncontrolled use, there may be a lack of curative effect and the appearance of complications of chronic diseases, and in some cases, worsening of the patient's condition. Taking into account all contraindications to the use, one can almost completely exclude the possibility of possible exceptions.
Composition of ginger
The miraculous properties of ginger are determined by its unique chemical composition. A large number of nutrients is contained in the fibers of its rhizome. Namely, microelements in the form of potassium, manganese, calcium, iron, magnesium, oleic and caprylic acid, sodium, chromium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, nicotinic and linoleic acid, asparagine, choline. The vitamin composition of ginger is represented by vitamins C, B1, B2, niacin.
A characteristic aroma of spice, spicy and tart color, is formed due to the large content of essential oils in it, about 1.5 - 3.5%, which are concentrated in the root part. The main components in the composition are zhingibernen - in the amount of just over 70%, starches - about 4-5%, gingerol - no more than 2%. The remaining components, in the form of, camphene, gingerin, bisabolene, cineole, borneol, linalool, fellandrene, sugar and fat are contained in an amount of up to 1.5% of the total. A characteristic special burning taste for ginger is phenol-like gingerol.
Zingiber contains a large amount of amino acids, for example, tryptophan, leysine, methionine, phenylanine, valine and many others. In 100 grams of fresh root contains fiber and fat at 6.0 grams, carbohydrates about 70.0 grams, proteins about 10.0 grams. Microelements are contained in such quantities: zinc - about 5.0 mg, sodium - about 32.0 mg, potassium - about 2.0 mg, phosphorus - about 150.0 mg, magnesium - no more than 185.0 mg, iron - no more than 12.0 mg, calcium - 120.0 mg. By the number of vitamins contained in 100 grams, you can identify niacin - about 6.0 mg, vitamins B1 - 0.2 mg, B2 - 0.05 mg, C - 12 mg. This is only a small part of the vitamin composition. Caloric content of 100 grams of raw ginger is approximately 80kcal.
Types of ginger
Ginger is cultivated in tropical countries, practically on all continents. Vegetative development depends to a large extent on the temperature regime, humidity, soil composition and cultivation techniques. From these basic conditions and from the place of cultivation, taste qualities depend. In the region of cultivation, the main types of ginger are distinguished, namely, Chinese, Indian, African, Australian, Jamaican, Brazilian. Each of these species has a characteristic aroma, taste characteristics, root tissue density. These consumer indicators determine how certain types will be used.
Geography of cultivation of ginger is wide enough and therefore in each region the treatment for storage has its own peculiarities. By the way of processing, white, or rather grayish and black species are distinguished. The processing technology is quite simple. In countries of southeast Asia, Zingiber rhizomes are soaked in acid, for example, sulphurous or chloric lime throughout the night. Then remove the peel from the rhizome and dry it in the sun. In the countries of Latin America, the peeled roots are washed in lime milk and boiled in sugar syrup. White or Bengali ginger has a smooth, cleaned surface, the processing of which removes the upper peel. Black or Barbados species, on the contrary, is unclean and its processing is only in drying. Therefore, the taste and smell of black ginger are more pronounced. On the fracture, all species have a gray-white color, a slightly yellowish tinge is possible. In general, the older the age of the rhizomes, the yellower the color will be at the break.
So, black ginger is practically not processed, white - pre-washed and cleaned from surface dense layers. As a result of the treatment, the black shows pronounced taste and smell.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Ginger" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.