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Pros and cons of hormone pills for weight loss
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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No matter what sacrifices the lush beauties go to get rid of the hateful fat deposits. Gyms, diets, hunger strikes, various questionable drugs that reduce not only weight, but also harm to health, hormone pills for weight loss, the use of which involves a certain risk, various food systems are becoming increasingly common. And all in order to get closer to the cherished ideal of the harmony of the figure.
Indications of the hormone tablets for weight loss
You can negatively treat such delights, considering people with excess weight guilty of their problems. But we must understand that the causes of excess weight, in addition to excess in food and a sedentary lifestyle, can be ordinary hormonal disorders, and here already no diet or exercise can not help get rid of unnecessary fat.
The main culprits of problems with excess weight can be considered ordinary sex hormones. But the organism of the woman - the successor of the family is so arranged that many of its functions provide a kind of care for the health and life of possible offspring.
A woman's body is especially reserved for the case if the lady still decides to become pregnant. "Energy" reserves will be needed for a full-fledged nutrition and development in the prenatal period. In this case, the body itself is often not considered with whether a woman wishes to become a mother in the near future. Fat accumulates, and, remaining unclaimed, is postponed in the form of unsightly folds on the figure of a woman.
Sometimes the body of a woman is so keen on caring for a baby that even after childbirth can not stop and the young mother continues to gain weight gainfully. Again, the whole cause of sex hormones, or rather strengthened production of female sex hormones, which form round female forms.
But not only female sex hormones are responsible for the fact that scales sometimes show horrific figures. The cause of excess weight can be a banal disruption in the thyroid gland, which produces thyroid hormones, responsible for the course of metabolism in the human body. It is the violation of the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates that is the most common cause of excess kilograms in middle-aged and older women.
It turns out that the indications for the use of hormonal tablets for weight loss can be considered 2 states: the excess of female sex hormones or the lack of hormones of the thyroid gland. In other cases, the use of hormonal drugs is not just impractical, it can cause irreparable harm to human health, causing again hormonal disorders, problems with the liver and kidneys, metabolic disorders and even oncological diseases. In addition, uncontrolled reception of such means of fighting fatty deposits can not only not bring the desired result, but rather lead to the fact that the weight will begin to increase with new force.
It should be understood that hormone pills alone are not a means for losing weight. They are produced with one purpose - to correct hormonal disorders in the body, and weight loss is peculiar, and in this case also a useful side effect of their use. But weight loss is just one of the many side effects of hormonal drugs, the impact of which is hard to predict. Therefore, their reception must be coordinated with the doctor-specialist, and in the future strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations on the allowable dosage and course of treatment to avoid dangerous health complications.
Release form
Based on the indications for use, it is possible to identify 2 main groups of hormonal drugs that give a positive effect in the fight against excess weight. It:
- Drugs that inhibit the production of female hormones, due to which in the body of a woman there is a quantitative advantage of estrogen over other female sex hormones.
- Preparations, normalizing the functions of the thyroid gland, and in particular the production of thyroid hormones. Thanks to them, the metabolism in the body stabilizes and the weight gradually decreases.
There is another group of drugs that help reduce weight, but their use is associated with a greater risk to health. It is about drugs that stimulate the production of growth hormone - somatotropin. It is thanks to this hormone, which is produced by the pituitary gland, that teenagers do not gain weight during the period of active growth, even though they eat quite a lot.
But we must take into account that in adolescence, the increased production of growth hormone is a natural physiological process that can not harm health, which can not be said about adulthood. To the drugs to stimulate the development of somatotropin, athletes often resort, if there is a need for a short time to form a significant muscle mass and make the bones elastic.
Somatotropin promotes the renewal of the body and the growth of its cells. On the one hand, this seems to be a useful action, but on the other hand it is an absolutely unsafe process that in the adult organism leads to unpleasant internal and external changes in the appearance of a person, causing various violations and failures in the work of systems and organs.
Since the last group of hormonal tablets used for weight loss is used against the background of normal, rather than pathological, production of growth hormone, as in the case of sex hormones and thyroid hormones, they can not bring any particular benefit to the body, but they can easily damage a person's health. Therefore, resorting to this method of combating obesity, it is worth thinking about the possible consequences.
Names and use of hormonal tablets for weight loss, normalizing the function of the thyroid gland
With the thyroid gland, the situation is as follows. "Shchitovidka, like many other glands in a complex organism called" man "produces its hormones, called thyroid. These hormones in turn stimulate cardiac contractions and the movement of blood flow. Blood moves through the vessels at an accelerated pace, intensely saturating the tissues with oxygen. Such a complex process involves a lot of energy, the source of which is the fat deposits. Thus, improving metabolism, thyroid hormones contribute to weight reduction.
It becomes clear that the violation of the production of hormones by the thyroid gland threatens that the metabolism in the body is lethargic, the digestion of food is also not at the proper level, and the fat gradually settles under the skin, which considerably spoils the figure. It turns out that to activate the fat burning process, it is necessary that thyroid hormones come from outside, in the form of replacement therapy. That is why hormonal tablets containing synthetic or natural analogue of thyroid hormones are often used as a means to lose weight, without thinking about the consequences.
The fact is that hormonal drugs are not pills for headache, which they drink when it hurts. Medicines containing hormones require a special regimen that should be followed during the treatment.
It is virtually impossible to determine the dosage of drugs with thyroid hormones, this should be done by the doctor on the basis of certain studies of the level of hormones. The fact is that the excess of thyroid hormones is as dangerous as their deficiency. Uncontrolledly increasing metabolism, we increase the level of glucose in the blood, which can cause diabetic coma. And the increased disintegration of fats is dangerous for the brain, consisting mostly of fat cells.
If there is a certain deficit of thyroid hormones, the specialist doctor can prescribe the following drugs: "Thyreoidin", "Levothyroxine", "Novotiral", "Yodtiroks", "L-thyroxine" and others. The first is based on the hormones of the thyroid gland of cattle, while producing the rest are used their synthetic analogue of levothyroxine in pure form or in combination with other components that enhance the effect of drugs.
"Tyrenoidin" is a drug used to treat conditions associated with thyroid dysfunction, such as swelling due to a sharp inhibition of the thyroid (myxedema), a decrease in thyroid function (hypothyroidism), cretizism, goiter, obesity, etc. It is also used in the treatment of thyroid cancers.
The drug has the following contraindications for use: a violation of blood flow in the coronary vessels, an overabundance of thyroid hormones in the blood (thyrotoxicosis), diabetes mellitus, chronic adrenocortical insufficiency and associated hormone deficiency (Addison's disease), severe exhaustion of the body.
Possible side effects of the drug: sleep problems, increased excitability, allergic reactions in the form of rash and itching, palpitations, ischemia, hyperhidrosis, etc. They are rare, most often in case of an overdose of the drug.
The drug "Novotiral" in addition to the above indications for use is used as an additional therapy for thyrotoxicosis. It is not used for angina, the presence of goiter in old age, arrhythmia, elevated blood pressure and many other diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Among the side effects of the drug can be identified the appearance or strengthening of symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, weight gain, hair loss, disruption of the kidneys.
As for the treatment of major diseases, and as hormonal tablets for weight loss, Novotiral is used only in a physician-selected dosage according to a certain schedule once a day for half an hour before breakfast.
Interaction with other drugs makes its application undesirable in parallel with hypoglycemic agents and "Kolestyramin".
"Ioditrox" is used in the treatment of hypothyroidism, euthyroid goiter (proliferation of tissues "thyroid" without disrupting its functions) in different age groups of the population, incl. During pregnancy, and also as a preventive agent, which is used after the removal of some part of the thyroid gland.
"Yodtiroks" is not used in patients with diagnoses of thyrotoxicosis, thyroid adenoma, myocardial diseases, adrenal insufficiency, herpetiform dermatitis Dühring, and also with increased sensitivity to iodine.
Caution in therapy with this drug should be observed by the heart patient, diabetics, the elderly. The scheme of reception is identical to the previous preparation, and the dosage is again selected based on the individual characteristics of the organism and the course of the disease.
Side effects are observed in cases of sensitivity of the body to iodine preparations and are manifested in the form of various allergic reactions. In this case, an actual measure will be the withdrawal of the drug.
When treating "Yodtirox", it is necessary to take into account multiple cases of drug interaction with other drugs, as a result of which the effectiveness of the drug may be increased or decreased. There are also possible violations in the work of various bodies and systems.
"L-thyroxine" is used, among other things, for the treatment of toxic goiter, and as a diagnostic tool in the test for the definition of thyroid function. The analogue of this drug is Eutirox.
To the usual contraindications to the use can be added a violation of absorption of lactose and glucose. Dosage of the drug is highly individual, and the regimen is similar to previous drugs.
Side effects if the instructions of the doctor are not observed, except for cases of individual intolerance of the drug. The appearance of symptoms of thyrotoxicosis in the form of hand tremor, diarrhea, insomnia, pain in the heart and disturbances of its rhythm, hyperhidrosis against anxiety, impaired appetite and weight loss is a consequence of an overdose of the drug.
The admission of "L-thyroxine" should be carried out taking into account the drug interaction with other drugs, which you can learn more by studying the instructions for the use of this drug, so as not to harm your health in pursuit of an ideal figure.
"Levothyroxine" is a strong drug of the last generation, which should be used with extreme caution.
As you can see, hormonal drugs for normalizing the thyroid gland are not simple safe pills for weight loss, but serious medicines that require strict dosage and caution in use. To treat excess weight through these drugs can only be controlled by a doctor on the basis of a confirmed diagnosis. Otherwise, you can not only not get the desired result, but also significantly impair your health.
The same applies to drugs containing growth hormones, as well as various fat burning products that fill the numerous shelves of sports stores. About the possibility of using these products, as well as the choice of the optimal drug, it is worth consulting with the doctor who observes you, and not just with the supermarket sales consultant for sports goods.
Hormonal contraceptives - active helpers in the fight against excess weight
If a woman has an increase in body weight against the background of excessive production of female sex hormones, the correction of this condition is carried out using mainly contraceptive agents of special action that normalize the hormonal background. In this case, drugs are used in the form of tablets for oral administration.
The latter include the popular in this regard means Logest, Mersilon, the drug Yarina, referring to the new generation of contraceptives, Jess, Regulon and Novinet, less often Rigevidone, which are prescribed to patients with problem weight. They increase the level of estrogen in the body of a woman, thereby preventing unwanted pregnancy and weight gain. And the increase in body weight is a consequence of both the lack of estrogen and its excess, so these drugs should be used strictly following the instructions of the doctor with constant monitoring of the hormonal background and the results of therapy.
All 4 drugs contain 20-30 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol, which is an analogue of the hormone estrogen, and a certain amount of a component similar in its action to progesterone, often called a pregnancy hormone (desogestrel, drospirenone, gestodene or levonorgestrel). Contraceptives inhibit the release of the egg, ready for fertilization, and increase the viscosity of mucus at the entrance to the uterus, creating an obstacle to spermatozoa. The body maintains a level of sex hormones, which does not contribute to weight gain, but rather provokes its decrease.
The pharmacokinetics of these drugs depends on their constituents. Nevertheless, all preparations differ appreciable speed. The maximum concentration of drugs is observed in the first 1-3 hours. Excreted from the body these medicines for 24-30 hours with the help of the kidneys and intestines, passing through the liver.
Dosing and administration
The method of using hormonal tablets for weight loss is the same for almost all of the above contraceptives. The beginning of the drug should coincide with the 1 st day of the menstrual cycle. For exactly 3 weeks, the drugs are taken in the amount of 1 tablet daily (preferably at the same time). Starting at day 22, a week break is made, during which there may be a discharge similar to the menstrual period, which is considered the norm. After 7 days, the drug is resumed. This is done as long as there is a need for contraception.
The drug "Jess" has a different continuous pattern of application. Its packaging contains not 21, but 28 tablets, corresponding to a 4-week course of admission.
Use of the hormone tablets for weight loss during pregnancy
The use of hormonal contraceptive pills for weight loss during pregnancy is considered unacceptable because of the small amount of information about their effect on the course of pregnancy and fetal development.
And all would be nothing if having basically one indication - contraception, the drugs did not have so many contraindications to the application. This is a predisposition to thrombosis, and migraine, and diabetes, and pancreatitis. It is not recommended to take these drugs for many pathologies of the liver and gallbladder, even if they were previously and were noted in the patient's history, with malignant formations in the uterus or vaginal bleeding. In addition to multiple other contraindications, oral contraceptives have the ability to excrete with breast milk, so their use is extremely undesirable during lactation. And of course contraceptives are not used in pregnancy or suspected of it.
Side effects of the hormone tablets for weight loss
Of undesirable side effects of drugs, you can distinguish nausea and vomiting, especially in the first days of admission, a violation of the menstrual cycle and the presence of premature discharge at the beginning of the application, headaches, depression, mood swings, sexual dysfunction, allergic manifestations, sometimes weight gain.
Interactions with other drugs
Medications - inducers of hepatic enzymes adversely affect the effectiveness of contraceptives. Preparations of the tetracycline group, as well as ampicillin and its derivatives can significantly reduce the effect of contraceptives. When the drugs are used in parallel, the barrier method is used.
The oral contraceptives themselves have a particular effect on the absorption of carbohydrates, and also increase the need for insulin and other drugs used in the therapy of diabetes.
How to deal with obesity without the use of hormonal tablets?
Since any hormonal drugs can have a fairly unpredictable effect, their use is advisable in cases where other drugs are powerless. Having decided on such treatment, it is worthwhile to think whether all the methods and tools were used before and did not bring results? Perhaps many hormone pills for weight loss are attracted by the fact that they do not have to make any effort to lose weight, but one must also remember the probable consequences of hormone therapy.
But there are a lot of sufficiently safe methods and means of combating obesity. Sometimes it is enough just to optimize your daily routine and nutrition. Do not sit on strict diets that undermine your health, it is better to stay on a balanced diet and restrict consumption of fatty and sweet foods. Replace sweet desserts with fruits and berries, and high-calorie fried foods cooked in steam or in the oven, and get a big "thank you" from the entire digestive system, which will finally breathe a sigh of relief. Help in the fight against extra pounds and fasting days.
To accelerate the metabolism leading to active energy consumption by splitting adipose tissue, you can use ordinary clean water or green tea without the addition of sugar. Increase the amount of fluid consumed - and the result will not take long to wait. Ordinary water can be replaced with herbal teas taking into account the properties of herbs included in it. It is better to use proven domestic fees, rather than drugs of questionable production with sky-high prices.
It is necessary to provide yourself with a full-fledged sleep, which will give a daily charge of energy for active life and exercise. Daily active walks at a quick pace will not only help lose weight, but also strengthen the heart and blood vessels. No drugs can effectively fight fat deposits, if a person at the same time all his time in a recumbent or sitting position with a minimum of physical activity.
Laziness is the worst enemy of people with excess weight, which forces them to resort to the use of hormone tablets for weight loss without special evidence. There are situations when the use of such drugs is the only way to normalize weight, but in most cases you can safely do without them. It is necessary only desire and desire for the set goal, i.e. To the cherished ideal, which everyone defines for himself, taking into account his constitution, and not just fashion requirements.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Pros and cons of hormone pills for weight loss" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.