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Application of herb thistle for weight loss: useful properties, reviews of those who lose weight
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Milk thistle is a scientific name for a plant that many people know as a thorn, a weed growing on vacant lots and roadsides. At the same time, it is a useful medicinal plant, which is widely used in medicine due to its composition. The main active substances of milk thistle are flavonoids and flavolignans, which have a rejuvenating effect on the body. It also contains alkaloids, proteins, vitamins, macro and microelements, fatty oil, resins, tyramine, histamine and others, with only about 200 components.
The spectrum of action of this drug is very wide: choleretic, normalizing digestion, cleansing the liver and renewing its cells, beneficial effect on blood vessels, lowering blood sugar, wound healing. The plant is known and as a means for losing weight, which begins with the purification of the body.
Benefits of milk thistle for weight loss
Milk thistle is not a fat-burning agent, so the main emphasis when dropping weight on this plant should not be done. And yet the use of milk thistle for weight loss is undoubted, tk. Thanks to the substances contained in it, the work of all human systems of life is established and stabilized. Silymarin strengthens cell membranes, cleanses the liver, neutralizes the action of toxic substances. Fatty oils normalize metabolic processes, heal wounds. Resins increase immunity, neutralize pathogenic microbes and bacteria. Essential oil stabilizes digestive functions, the work of the central nervous system. Lignans, protein normalize the hormonal background, remove toxins and toxins from the body. Saponins participate in the regulation of water and salt metabolism, relieve inflammation. Flafonoids strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize the work of the cardiovascular system. Alkaloids are involved in the processes of blood circulation, relieve pain symptoms. Summarizing, we can say that this is the plant that will give strength to go through a difficult path of gastronomic restrictions and increased physical activity. Milk thistle is used even in cooking in dietary nutrition.
Indications of the milk thistle
Indications for the use of milk thistle for weight loss are the medicinal properties of the plant. The ability to update liver cells, its laxative effect prevents the accumulation of fat deposits, remove harmful substances from the body. A frequent cause of excess weight are hormonal failures, in this case, milk thistle will help restore hormonal balance. The result of losing weight is not only a slender figure, but also a sagging flabby skin. Being a powerful antioxidant, the plant will give elasticity and youth to the skin covering, shine to the hair, liveliness to the look. Another indication for its use is due to the ability to normalize the metabolism - the main cause of excess weight.
Release form
Milk thistle is a plant, all parts of which are suitable for use: roots, shoots, leaves, flowers, seeds. In alternative medicine, they are used to prepare decoctions, alcohol tinctures, oils, as tea and food ingredients. Pharmaceutical form of the thistle extract extract is as follows:
- pills;
- oil in capsules and vials;
- tea;
- seeds;
- cake (powder).
Thistle oil for weight loss
The oil is obtained from the seeds of the plant. Its property to influence weight loss, it received, thanks to vitamin F (fat semi-saturated acids linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic), carotenoids, tocopherol, chlorophyll. Their action extends to the normalization of fat and protein metabolism, a decrease in appetite, the removal of liquid and slag from the body, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels.
Milk thistle throat
It is a biologically active additive, which is a flour from the seeds of a plant, obtained after pressing the oil, ground to a powdery state. If there are no contraindications, then you can take it continuously as an additive to your food or yourself. Due to the high content of dietary fiber and fiber, it gives a feeling of satiety, the possibility of not experiencing hunger for a long time.
Seeds of thistle for weight loss
They are sold in a pharmacy and have all the same qualities as other parts of the plant. Decoction of them will have to be cooked independently, or, grinding in a coffee grinder, take it just like that, washing down with water. You can simply add to the food.
Milk Thistle Capsules
May contain grass oil. This form of packaging is very convenient for use, especially since they are covered with a natural shell. The course of admission can last from a month to two, if necessary, can be repeated after a certain period of time.
Powder thistle for weight loss
Powder thistle for weight loss is prepared from its seeds by grinding. It is an excellent sorbent and removes toxins from the body, other harmful substances, lowers cholesterol. Instant effect from its reception will not be, but gradually the result will be shown, especially since the powder can be taken long enough without harm to the body.
Bran with thistle for weight loss
Bran itself has a curative effect due to its high fiber content (80%), vegetable protein, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, selenium, copper and other elements. They also used to clean their intestines and the whole body. The mechanism of their action can be compared with the work of a vacuum cleaner - pick up all unnecessary and withdraw from the body. Bran with thistle for weight loss - a good combination. To all the medicinal properties of the plant is added a beneficial effect on the body of bran, which, moreover, gives the effect of saturation and filling of the stomach, limiting snacks.
Fiber from the seeds of milk thistle
Dietary fibers in which silymarins, minerals, organic acids, proteins, mucus and other useful substances are concentrated. They have already been mentioned above. It is in demand in such areas of medicine as cardiology, gerontology, hematology.
Pharmacodynamics of milk thistle is determined by the unique properties of the components of the preparation - silibinin, silidianin and silicristin, united in the group of flavonoid compounds - silymarin. It consists in antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing action. Under the influence of silymarin, protein production is increased, lipid metabolism is normalized, free radicals bind, preventing damage to liver cells and restoring them. Improves the general condition of patients, laboratory indicators of the liver.
Pharmacokinetics of milk thistle is the following: after ingestion orally the drug is slowly absorbed in the stomach, there is an enteric-hepatic circulation. The drug concentrates mainly in the liver, much less falls into other organs. Most of it (80%) leaves the body with bile, the rest - with urine. Stable concentration occurs after a long intake of 140g at least 3 times a day.
Dosing and administration
The use of milk thistle for weight loss depends on its form of release. So, to achieve the effect of losing weight, milk thistle is taken on a teaspoon 30 minutes before meals in the morning and in the evening, washing down with water, gradually increasing the dose to a tablespoon. The milk thistle can also be filled with dietary salads. If it is packaged in capsules, then they should not be eaten while eating without chewing, in one meal 4 capsules three times a day. Such a dose will make it possible not only to purify the liver of toxins, which indirectly contributes to losing weight, but also to saturate the body with 16% of human needs for polyunsaturated fatty acids and 13% for vitamin E.
There is no unambiguous recipe for eating a meal. There is a council to prepare it yourself using a coffee grinder, and not to buy ready, because it quickly loses its properties. Schrot, as a nutritional supplement, is recommended to be added to the prepared food, during its preparation (in porridges, casseroles, pancakes, fritters), brew like tea. The daily dose is 1-2 teaspoons. Similarly, it is recommended to take and powder. A decoction is prepared from the seeds of the milk thistle.
Bran and fiber can be eaten as additives to other dishes: salads, pastries, soups, etc. A good result they give in combination with kefir. Also for weight loss, you must take them once a week in their pure form before the main meal. The only rule that must be observed is to drink plenty of water.
How to brew a milk thistle for weight loss?
To prepare the infusions or decoctions for weight loss use its seeds. How to brew a milk thistle for a healthy diet? There are several ways to prepare a drug:
- 2 tablespoons of water put a tablespoon of seeds. After boiling, leave it on the fire until half of the liquid evaporates, after cooling it, filter;
- 30 g of seeds are put in a thermos and poured 0.5 liters of boiling water, allowed to stand for 12 hours.
How to drink thistle for weight loss?
To achieve the effect of weight loss, it is right to drink two tablespoons of broth 15-20 minutes before meals and during the day - on a spoon every hour. The course should last 4-8 weeks, after which you should make a two-week break. A decoction of milk thistle can be combined with a decoction of dandelions. This will soften the effect of the plant.
Use of the milk thistle during pregnancy
Harm to the fetus from the use of milk thistle during pregnancy is not proven, so there is no clear indication of this. Obviously, without prescribing a doctor, it should not be taken. The doctor should evaluate whether the benefits of the treatment exceed the risk of side effects.
With all its undoubted merits, milk thistle has contraindications. Therefore, you should start taking medications after consulting a doctor. Do not recommend applying the plant to the following categories of people:
- children under 12 years;
- with mental illness, epilepsy, depression;
- patients with asthma and cardiovascular diseases because of the high content of potassium and phosphorus in the plant;
- with exacerbations of the ailments of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, colitis, gastritis) due to the aggressive action of organic acids and intensive excretion of bile;
- with cholelithiasis, there is a danger of causing movement of the stone and blocking the bile ducts;
- with an individual intolerance to the herb.
With caution should be used for people with hormonal disorders, endometriosis, myoma of the uterus, carcinoma of the breast, ovaries, prostate, tk. The plant has an estrogen-like effect.
Side effects of the milk thistle
Although the drug has good tolerability, but still side effects of milk thistle for weight loss can manifest as nausea, bloating, diarrhea, allergic reactions (rashes on the skin, itching). Therefore, it is recommended to start with small doses and only after a week increase to the recommended dose. In the case of manifestations of the reaction of the body to the drug, it is necessary to stop receiving, additional therapeutic actions, as a rule, are not required.
As with any medical device, an overdose of taking milk thistle is possible. It can lead to an intestinal disorder, skin rashes, pain in the right upper quadrant. In this case, therapeutic actions should be directed to a specific symptomatology. To avoid this reaction, you must follow the recommendations of doctors and read the instructions on the packaging of the drug.
Interactions with other drugs
The interaction of milk thistle with other drugs has been established. So, with simultaneous reception with the means used in neurology and psychiatry (antidepressants, tranquilizers, anticonvulsants, sedatives), it enhances their effect. The same effect is exerted on antibiotics, statins, antihistamines, cardiac drugs. But the level of sugar in the blood and the hormone of estrogen, milk thistle can lower. When used simultaneously with the above drugs, correction of therapeutic doses of medicines or replacement of milk thistle with other herbs will be required. It is also unacceptable to take along with alcohol.
Reviews of those who lose weight and the results
Most reviews of people struggling with excess weight, indicate a positive effect of milk thistle on the body during weight loss. Nobody got a quick and significant effect, but getting rid of 3-5 kg is attributed to this drug. In addition, they note a beneficial effect on the physical condition: getting rid of bitterness in the mouth, pain in the right hypochondrium, improving the stool, increasing vitality.
Doctor's comments
Doctors, for the most part, urge not to pin all hopes associated with losing weight on the plant, not to consider it a panacea for all ills, but to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner. It is necessary to eat right along with the milk thistle, do not overeat, do not abuse alcohol, quit smoking, actively play sports. A dose and duration of taking the drug to coordinate with your doctor, taking into account the characteristics of his body.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Application of herb thistle for weight loss: useful properties, reviews of those who lose weight" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.