
Upbringing and caring for a child under 3 years old

The first birthday of the child

The first birthday of the child is important not so much for him, so much for the parents. The child still does not understand what a holiday is in his honor and what is a birthday in general. But parents are important to consider what not to do for the child's birthday, so as not to hurt him emotionally.

How to teach a baby to a dummy

Many mothers whose children eat too much or are too restless often ask: how to accustom the child to the soother? This will give the opportunity to feel more psychologically comfortable, to regulate the weight of the child and the time of his feeding, as well as to calm him down while crying.

Winter clothes for children

Winter clothes for children must have characteristics that allow the child to move a lot and freely and at the same time not to freeze. This means that it should be free, but warm. What characteristics should have winter clothes for children?

The regime of the child's day from 1 to 1.5 years

It is important for parents to know that a child of one and a half and three years old must live according to different regimes of sleep and activity. During this period it is necessary to practice three different regimes of the day. We represent the regime of the day for a one-year-and-a-half-year-old child.

Do I need to punish children and how to do it right?

The pain to the child, especially small, to cause it is impossible! Applying physical penalties, adults inflict direct damage on the personality of the child who is still being formed. Of course, even the most mild and calm parents can sometimes get angry in earnest and even slap a child.

Is it harmful for children to watch TV?

If you watch programs selectively, you need to understand that television expands the child's knowledge about the world around him. In addition, most of the cartoons carry elements of the educational process.

Do I need to send my child to a kindergarten?

Most children benefit from kindergarten. But not every child needs it. The kindergarten is especially valuable for the only child in the family who does not have enough opportunity to communicate with other children.

Child's day regimen from one and a half to two years

Many children begin to fall asleep one and a half years later when they are laid for the first time in the daytime, and sometimes they do not fall asleep for the second time.

How many it is necessary to walk with the child and than to be engaged on walk?

If you combine a walk with a dream, then there will be no difference from what has been described before. You dress the child according to the weather, remembering that in the cold season there should be as many layers of clothing on it as there are on you plus one.

How much should a child sleep in 1-1,5 years?

Without going deep into the nature of sleep, it can only be said that it is necessary to protect the nervous system from exhaustion, since it ensures the restoration of the energy that was destroyed and wasted during wakefulness.


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