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Suppositories from thrush during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Suppositories from thrush during pregnancy refer to the method of local exposure to the pathological focus. As for the general treatment, it is advisable to use tablet forms of medications.
Thrush is one of the most common diseases that can occur not once, as there are a lot of reasons for its development.
It is worth remembering that both partners should participate in the treatment of thrush, since sexual transmission is one of the transmission factors. Therapeutic directions are divided into local and general treatment.
During pregnancy, you must carefully approach the treatment of any disease, since all the tablets pass through the digestive tract, are split and absorbed into the common bloodstream.
As a result, the probability of getting this drug into the blood of the fetus increases, which is not desirable. During the first 12 weeks, all the fetal organs are laid, so any negative effects can trigger a process violation.
Some people are of the opinion that thrush during pregnancy does not have a negative effect on the fetus and pregnancy in general. However, it is worth recalling that any infection can spread and cause an inflammatory process.
In addition, if the fungus can not act directly on the fetus, then it is possible that it affects during the labor process as the fetus passes through the birth canal. So, it is possible to infect the mouth of the baby, which complicates the process of feeding, as well as serious damage to internal organs that threatens his life.
The use of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy is justified not only by the threat to the fetus, but also by severe discomfort, which has an effect on the nervous system of the pregnant woman, which is also undesirable in pregnancy.
The use of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy is also necessary to prevent the appearance of erosion of the mucous membrane of the cervix, which is formed with the active participation of fungal pathogens. As a result, the elasticity of the vagina decreases, which increases the likelihood of gaps in the process of labor.
Indications for use of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy
In the emergence or exacerbation of thrush, the main role is played by the fungus - candida, or rather its number. The pathological process develops due to the increase in its quantitative composition under the influence of various factors.
Indications for the use of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy include the appearance of discharge from the vagina of a white hue, the consistency of which is rather thick with a dash of lumps. The smell is usually slightly acidic, but the main clinical symptom is intense itching.
When such a clinic appears, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since only specialists can identify the indications for the use of suppositories from the yeast infection during pregnancy.
For example, the suppository Pimafucin can be used both as a remedy and preventative to prevent the development of vaginal candidiasis. In addition, they are absolutely safe for pregnant women and prevent the increase in the amount of fungus in the process of antibiotic therapy or immunodeficiency. Also, its use is rational for the treatment of systemic fungal attack.
Form of issue
Vaginal suppositories, or so-called suppositories, are often used to prevent the systemic effect of the drug on the body and to provide medical care in a particular pathological site.
This form of release is very convenient to use in pregnancy, because it interferes with the effect of the components of the suppository on the fetus. Vaginal suppositories for fighting thrush have local effects, reducing the amount of fungus on the vaginal mucosa.
Suppositories at room temperature are a solid structure, which when ingested (in the vagina) immediately becomes softer to quickly envelop the affected area.
The form of release of vaginal suppositories can be round, flat without sharp ends, and also ovoid. The suppository contains the main active ingredient and additional components, due to which the suppository acquires the necessary form.
Most often, the basis for the formation of suppositories is cocoa butter or its combination with fats (vegetable or animal) and paraffin. In addition, it is possible to make suppositories from glycerin and gelatin.
Pharmacodynamics of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy
The action of this drug is based on its pharmacological ability to lead to the death of most species of fungal pathogens. Pharmacodynamics of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy is especially effective against fungi of the genus Candida, as this particular type causes the development of thrush.
Suppositories are used as a local effect on the focus, in particular on the vaginal mucosa, where a large number of fungal pathogens accumulate.
Pharmacodynamics of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy as well as most antibacterial agents contributes to the destruction of the pathogen, freeing the mucosa for colonization by beneficial bacteria that are useful components of the microflora.
Vaginal suppositories have a high antimycotic ability, which allows violating the integrity of the membrane of fungal cells when it interacts with the drug. These destructive reactions occur at the level of sterol production. As a result, fungi lose the possibility of reproduction and further activity.
Pharmacokinetics of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy
Among all medicines that are permitted for use in pregnancy and have high fungicidal activity, it is necessary to identify suppositories of Pimafucin.
On the example of this drug, we can consider the mechanism of action of antifungal agents in the form of candles. The pharmacokinetics of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy is based on the ability of the main active ingredient to bind sterols in cell membranes, while violating their integrity.
Thus, fungal pathogens lose their functions and are not capable of maintaining further life. As a consequence, the death of pathogenic fungi is observed, after which the vaginal mucosa is released to multiply useful microorganisms that are components of normal microflora.
The pharmacokinetics of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy provides safety for the fetus and the expectant mother in view of the fact that the main active ingredient of the suppository does not have the ability to be absorbed into the systemic bloodstream and affect the fetus.
Suppositories have a pronounced local effect, so they are safe in pregnancy.
Dosing and Administration
The use of antifungal suppositories is necessary to eliminate the pathogenic fungal pathogen from the surface of the vaginal mucosa. To do this, use suppositories for several days. Basically enough from 3 to 7 days.
The way of application and dose is determined by the course of the disease and the activity of the process. It is enough to use 1 candle per day, which should be inserted into the vagina as deeply as possible.
It must be remembered that the use of suppositories during pregnancy is safe only when using certain types of suppositories, for example, Pimafucin.
The suppository has a dense consistency, but when it enters the vagina, where the temperature is much higher, the suppository gradually begins to dissolve and acquire a more liquid form with the formation of foam.
In some cases, one course of candles is not enough, and the clinical manifestations of thrush remain. In this case, it is necessary to use other suppositories after a while or to look for the cause of such symptoms in another.
Contraindications to the use of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy
An antifungal agent in the form of suppositories for local exposure to the vaginal mucosa is generally tolerated fairly well.
In the instructions for each such remedy there is a risk of use during pregnancy, so you should be extremely careful before using candles. However, some drugs, for example, Pimafucin should not beware, since it does not adversely affect the fetus and pregnancy in general.
Despite this, still some contraindications to the use of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy. These include the individual characteristics of the organism in the form of intolerance to any component of the suppository. This can be both the main active component of the suppository, and additional components.
Contraindications to the use of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy also include the presence of allergic conditions for the use of local suppositories. They have different manifestations, for example, itching, burning, flushing and swelling of the vaginal mucosa.
Side effects of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy
In view of the fact that certain types of suppositories are designed for use in pregnancy, so their composition involves the use of more natural and hypoallergenic components.
Side effects of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy are very rare, provided proper use of suppositories and compliance with dosages. In some cases, whose frequency does not exceed a tenth of a percent, there is a reaction from the vaginal mucosa and surrounding tissues.
Thus, sensations of burning are possible, signs of irritation as a manifestation of hypersensitivity. In addition, it can rarely be noted a slight nausea and an upset of the intestine, which pass fairly quickly and do not even require the withdrawal of antifungal suppositories.
Side effects of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy are also possible in the conduct of sexual activity from the partner. He increases the likelihood of developing allergic reactions, manifested in the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals.
Suppositories have a certain dosage in order to avoid the use of an excessive amount of the active principle of the drug. Overdosage in this case is virtually eliminated, since with a single injection of the suppository into the vagina, the local effect of the antifungal agent is observed.
In addition, an overdose of a systemic nature is also impossible in view of the fact that the main active ingredient is not absorbed through the vaginal mucosa and does not enter the common bloodstream.
Overdose is also excluded with prolonged use of suppositories, since there is an exclusively local effect on the vaginal mucosa.
Any pathology of pregnant women should be discussed with a specialist and certain medications, dosages and the duration of the therapeutic course should be prescribed. Self-administration of any drugs during pregnancy can adversely affect its course.
Interaction of suppositories against thrush during pregnancy with other drugs
Antifungal suppositories, more precisely, the main active substance does not have the ability to be absorbed through the mucous membrane of the vagina, therefore, they do not observe a systemic effect.
The interaction of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy with other drugs is not known, since their combined effect is possible only if two suppositories of different mechanism of action are used simultaneously.
However, this contradicts the conditions for the use of medications, so it is advisable to apply first one suppository (for example, anti-inflammatory action), and after another the antifungal agent.
The gap between them should be at least 8-12 hours. It is worth remembering that the treatment regimen can only be prescribed by a doctor, therefore, during pregnancy, self-medication should be avoided.
As for systemic interaction, the suppository does not play a leading role, so do not penetrate into the bloodstream.
Conditions for storing suppositories from thrush during pregnancy
Suppositories should be stored in a place inaccessible to babies in order to avoid their poisoning or obturation of the lumen of the bronchi of suppositories when trying to swallow the drug.
In the case of such a condition, it is necessary to tilt the child down with his head downward and jerky movements on the back to stimulate the output of the suppository. This is the first aid, if this method proves ineffective, then apply Heimlich's method.
Conditions of storage of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy also mean adherence to the optimal temperature regime, support of normal humidity and the absence of direct sunlight on medicinal suppositories.
Conditions of storage of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy imply the implementation of these recommendations to maintain the indicated therapeutic characteristics in the course of a certain period of validity. If the rules are not observed, the medicinal product loses its properties and can provoke the development of undesirable consequences.
Shelf life
Over a period of time, the drug, in particular antifungal suppositories, has therapeutic properties that are proven by the studies carried out.
The expiry date implies the observance of the boundaries of this period and upon its completion - stop the use of the medicinal product. The dates of manufacture and the last safe use are indicated on the outer packaging of the candles, and also on the packaging of each suppository.
Shelf life is determined by the pharmacological manufacturer on the basis of a number of studies. Suppositories basically retain their therapeutic effectiveness for 2 years, but changes in the duration of the period are possible.
As soon as the expiration date ends, the use of the medicinal product is not permitted.
Suppositories from thrush during pregnancy are effective in case of regular use during the period established by the doctor. They help to cope with a fungal infection and get rid of the constant clinical manifestations of thrush.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Suppositories from thrush during pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.