
Pregnancy and medications

In the majority of cases, the concepts of pregnancy and medications are incompatible. Virtually all medicines - with very few exceptions - have contraindications to use during pregnancy and lactation. Often, the instructions to the drugs say that taking them during pregnancy should be exclusively for the doctor's prescription. Sometimes the wording contains a recommendation to the doctor: carefully weigh the expected benefit for the mother and the potential risks to the fetus.

Dufalac during pregnancy

Dufalac during pregnancy is the most effective and safe drug. This drug was created based on lactulose and causes a lax effect. This remedy is one of the few that is allowed to use during pregnancy.

Drotaverin in pregnancy

Drotaverin in pregnancy is prescribed to get rid of the pulling pains in the lower abdomen and spasms of the uterus or cervix. The causes of muscle spasms are very diverse (constipation, gastrointestinal problems, cystitis, etc.). Like all medicines, drotaverine has contraindications and side effects.

Mezim during pregnancy

Mezim during pregnancy is a drug that greatly improves the functioning of the woman's gastrointestinal tract. During the gestation period, the future mother faces many problems related to malfunctioning of the stomach and intestines.

Motherwort in Pregnancy

Motherwort during pregnancy is used to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, cardiovascular system, to treat high blood pressure, and also as a sedative.

Anesthetics during pregnancy

Unfortunately, the pain that arises is not uncommon, much less with pregnancy. And the question arises: what to do, what pain medications and when you can use it in pregnancy, and which do not.

Tantum Verde during pregnancy

The use of tantum verde during pregnancy, as proven by experiments, has no negative consequences and is marked by high efficacy.

Furacilin in pregnancy

Outwardly, pregnant women use medicines to treat ENT diseases, conjunctivitis, otitis, burns, wounds, infections of the genital organs, etc. Therefore furatsilin during pregnancy is appointed very often, as it is one of the drugs for the treatment of the above diseases.

B6 during pregnancy

B6 during pregnancy is a vitamin necessary for a woman's body. This vitamin helps a pregnant woman to cope with the load and gives the baby all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Let's look at the characteristics of vitamin B 6 and its use during pregnancy.

Calming during pregnancy

At pregnancy in a body of the woman there are the big changes of physiological character, the hormonal background changes. Moreover, when it comes to the first pregnancy, excitement is understandable, because this is an important event in the life of a woman. Sooner or later a pregnant woman wonders if she can be soothing during pregnancy?

Vitamin E in Pregnancy

Vitamin E in pregnancy is one of the most important and important vitamins. It is vitamin E responsible for the normal course of pregnancy and allows you to tolerate a healthy baby. Let's consider the peculiarities of this vitamin, how and when it should be taken and how it affects the body of a pregnant woman.


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