
Nutrition during pregnancy

It is extremely important to take care of the well-thought-out diet of a pregnant woman.

Nutrition during pregnancy plays a crucial role and largely determines the characteristics of the course of the process of carrying the child, because for every mother it is very important that the baby is born healthy and strong.

Proper nutrition will ensure her good health, a burst of vitality, will give vigor and strength. In this critical period, the expectant mother should receive all the necessary vitamins, minerals, trace elements and nutrients, because her body undergoes major hormonal changes and stress.

In this case, the rational choice will be rational nutrition. It should be remembered that the amount of food consumed and the need for specific types of foods will change throughout the pregnancy in accordance with the increase in fetal needs.

Birch juice during pregnancy

It is better to take this product fresh, at a time when it is just about to be collected. But it is also important to be able to properly store it, so that it contains the maximum amount of trace elements.

Walnuts in Pregnancy

Studies confirm that nuts included in the diet, reduce the risk of developing cancer or diabetes, have a beneficial effect on the heart and circulatory system in general.

Tomato juice in pregnancy

The only natural source of all vitamins are fruits and vegetables, as well as freshly squeezed juices.

Chicken Liver in Pregnancy

Some experts do not recommend eating dishes from this product, others consider a moderate amount of liver in the diet of pregnant women not only acceptable but very useful.

Parsley during pregnancy

Culinary experts and pharmacists can argue for a long time what parsley is: a popular seasoning or a medicinal plant?

Nuts during pregnancy

A person is what he eats - this famous phrase is undoubtedly correct, because you can build your body only from materials coming from outside with food.

Carrot juice in pregnancy

Carrots among other vegetables favorably stand out among other vegetables with a large number of different vitamins, trace elements, acids, and carrot juice in useful properties is superior to all other fresh. 

Pumpkin seeds in pregnancy

Regular consumption of pumpkin seeds best reflected on the skeleton of the baby, on the condition of the skin, hair, teeth and nails of the mother.

Pomegranate during pregnancy

When you are pregnant, you need to use grenades moderately - keeping an eye on how the body reacts to them. To this fruit you need to approach sensibly - if you drink a whole liter of undiluted juice, the consequences will not slow to appear.

Sweet in Pregnancy

Pregnant women change their tastes. Some refuse their favorite dishes for the entire period of bearing the fetus, and sometimes for the period of breastfeeding; others begin to like what neither before nor after pregnancy is not attracted. Flavors whims completely and sweets.


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