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Hofitol during pregnancy: for what purpose, how to take and how much to drink
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pregnancy is the happiest period in a woman's life, when the understanding that a new life is growing inside of you, such a dear and beloved, fills all thoughts of the future mother. Anxiety for an unborn baby makes a young mother more careful not only in the behavior and choice of food, but also in the use of various medicines, even if they correspond to the appointment of a doctor. So recently, doctors and gynecologists are increasingly prescribing the drug "Hofitol" in pregnancy, than a lot of embarrassed mom, from rind to rind study instruction for a drug that has hepatoprotective, choleretic, and also a mild diuretic effect.
Why "Hofitol" during pregnancy?
After listening to pregnant women about the appointment of the drug "Hofitol" women are looking for information about this drug even when planning pregnancy. That's not clear to potential moms, why take such a drug, if they have order with the liver and kidneys, and they do not suffer from gall bladder disease.
After all, in the instructions for this medicine in the item "indications for use" only the following diseases are indicated:
- disturbance of the tone and motor activity of the bile excretory system (dyskinesia of the bile ducts),
- inflammatory process in the gall bladder (chronic cholecystitis),
- inflammatory diseases of the liver (hepatitis),
- cirrhosis of the liver,
- chronic inflammation of the kidneys (diffuse glomerulonephritis)
- chronic failure of kidney function,
- the phenomenon of intoxication.
And almost no words about pregnancy, except for the mention that during this period "Hofitol" can only be used under the supervision of a doctor.
In fact, doctors are far more impressive than us, mere mortals. Based on the possible consequences, they can prescribe some drugs for preventive purposes, and not only during pregnancy, but also at the stage of its planning. Thus, many complications that threaten the health and life of the fetus can be avoided.
For example, if a woman exhibited late toxicosis in her first pregnancies, the development of a severe form of gestosis - a complication of pregnancy with the following symptoms: edema, increased blood pressure, protein yield in urine, convulsions. To avoid this, "Hofitol" is recommended to take when planning pregnancy, without waiting for the appearance of dangerous symptoms that threaten the normal course of pregnancy.
This phenomenon, like fetoplacental insufficiency, is one of the most common causes of early termination of pregnancy, when there is a threat of miscarriage. With this pathology, the placenta is unable to cope with all the duties assigned to it, as a result of which the fetus and the woman suffer. The insidiousness of this disorder is that at the outset of the disease, when the duration of pregnancy is still small, it can not manifest itself in any way, creating a false impression that there is no danger. In this case, the preventive reception of "Hofitol" can save the life of an unborn baby.
Care of the health of the pregnant woman and fetus is manifested in the appointment of the drug "Hofitol" in diabetes mellitus and toxicosis of pregnant women - conditions when a large amount of acetone in the blood and urine accumulates in the body of the expectant mother, which can lead to various complications. These include: severe dehydration of the pregnant woman, intoxication of the mother and fetus, premature birth and even coma or the death of the expectant mother. So is it worth it or not to take the drug, helping to avoid such unfortunate consequences?
Many women in anticipation of the baby raises a legitimate question: can I take "Hofitol" during pregnancy, will this drug not harm their unborn baby yet? The full answer to this question is given by the instruction to the preparation. If you take "Hofitol" according to the prescription and under the supervision of a doctor who observes you, he does not present a danger to the baby, because this drug is a phytopreparation based on a plant extract of artichoke field that does not contain harmful chemicals.
Indications of the hofitol in pregnancy
For whatever purpose, preventive or curative, he was appointed as a doctor "Hofitol" during pregnancy, you need to understand that it was a good reason, and take the appointment for granted, and not run for advice to girlfriends.
If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with one of the liver, kidney or gallbladder diseases listed in the manual, the need to take "Hofitol" is not even discussed, because the life and health of the pregnant woman and her baby are at stake.
No less important is the preventive intake of the drug in the following cases:
- If there is a real threat of pregnancy failure due to a high probability of gestosis.
- To prevent fetoplacental insufficiency.
- If a woman's blood or urine as a result of laboratory tests reveals a critical amount of acetone or to prevent possible accumulation of acetone.
- To prevent disease, which is a scourge of pregnant women, chronic pyelonephritis, which often causes premature birth.
- When the metabolic processes in the body of a pregnant woman are disturbed.
- To relieve the symptoms of toxicosis (nausea and vomiting) at the beginning of pregnancy.
- As an anti-oxidant, which helps to neutralize free radicals, which can provoke miscarriages.
- Development of fetal hypoxia.
- Excess weight in pregnant women.
"Hofitol" during pregnancy is sometimes prescribed as a means of normalizing metabolic processes and microcirculation of the blood in the body of a woman waiting for the birth of her baby.
Very often the happy waiting time of the child is overshadowed by unpleasant, and sometimes painful, symptoms associated with increased stress on the young mother's body. Pregnancy is a kind of blow to the excretory and digestive systems. Not only is the uterus growing from month to month presses on nearby organs, so they also have to work for two. That is why in pregnant women so often the digestive tract and kidneys are disrupted.
In this regard, there are "bad" symptoms, such as stomach upset accompanied by nausea and vomiting, as well as constipation, which is a special cause for concern to pregnant women. It has been proven by experience that "Hofitol" copes wonderfully with these symptoms, so doctors so often recommend taking it from nausea in pregnancy, which is a manifestation of both toxemia in early and stomach disorders at later periods.
If the pregnancy is accompanied by gastritis with increased acidity of the gastric juice or there are irregularities in the gallbladder, the woman is constantly harassed by attacks of painful heartburn. Due to its properties to regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts, "Hofitol" has found wide application in getting rid of the symptoms of heartburn during pregnancy.
Quite often, future moms face such an unpleasant manifestation as swelling. Most often they appear on the face and limbs. This situation occurs against the background of metabolic disturbances, a heavy burden on the heart and kidneys, which as a result of this give rise to failure. "Hofitol" is able to normalize the metabolism in the body, in addition, it positively affects the cardiovascular and excretory systems, and therefore it is considered a good effective tool for edema accompanying a woman during pregnancy, especially in the second half.
Some women complain that in late pregnancy they began to itch the body. An excruciating itch on the skin prevents young mothers from resting at night, for it is at this time that he is particularly noticeable. The causes of itching may be different. This is the stretching of the skin on the abdomen, and gynecological infections that can manifest themselves in such a strange way, and nervous reactions associated with the constant experiences of pregnant women. The cause of itching on the skin can be and exacerbation of diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Increasing the level of estrogen during pregnancy can lead to stagnation of bile and secretion of bile acid, getting on the skin and causing such unpleasant symptoms.
"Hofitol" stands guard over the work of the liver and gallbladder, so it is simply indispensable in ridding the future mother of skin pruritus, which causes additional anxiety in pregnancy, if an unpleasant symptom is associated with abnormalities in the work of these organs.
Release form
In order to make life easier for future mothers and therapy for patients with impaired functioning of the liver, gallbladder and kidneys, the manufacturers of the drug "Hofitol" did not limit themselves to only one form of release in the form of many tablets familiar to many. On sale it is possible to find also:
- vials with a solution of the drug for oral administration,
- Injection solution in ampoules, used for intramuscular or intravenous injections.
"Hofitol" is a medicine given by nature itself. The main active substance of the drug is an extract from an unusual plant of the family of astroids, which can be found on supermarket shelves (for some reason among vegetables). This is an artichoke, which in the composition of the drug is presented in the form of an extract of fresh leaves.
Pharmacodynamics drug is due to the rich composition and properties of artichoke field, which were studied by our ancestors, who highly appreciated this plant for its curative effect on the digestive system, especially the liver. Bioflavonide cinarin, isolated from leaves of artichoke, provides the drug "Hofitol" choleretic and diuretic action. In addition, it stimulates the regeneration of liver cells, and also helps reduce cholesterol in the blood.
The extract of artichoke leaves is rich in polyphenols, which is due to its antioxidant and antitoxic effect.
How can such properties of the drug help future mothers? Choleretic effect of the drug can significantly improve digestion, which during pregnancy often malfunctions. The fact is that getting into the intestine from the gall bladder, bile takes an active part in the process of processing and assimilation of food, and therefore, the severity in the stomach can be forgotten.
In addition, "Hofitol", so often used in pregnancy, stimulates not only the output of bile in the 12-colon, but also its production in the liver. Thanks to the active work of the liver and intestine, useful substances from the food consumed by the pregnant woman through the blood come to the fetus, ensuring its full development.
Hormonal perestroika during pregnancy can adversely affect the intestinal peristalsis, and here also the uterus, with each day increasing, more and more squeezes the intestines. This state of affairs leads to metiologism and constipation. And then again comes to the rescue "Hofitol", improving the work of the intestines and preventing swelling and constipation.
During pregnancy, the kidneys of the future mother work with redoubled force, removing toxic waste of the life of the mother and child, as well as participating in the renewal of amniotic fluid. Even healthy kidneys can not always cope well with such a load, provoking the formation of edema in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. The fluid retention in tissues negatively affects the entire metabolism, which is especially dangerous when it comes to the body of a pregnant woman.
There is another danger that lies in wait for pregnant women if the kidneys start to fail. Toxins that should be excreted in the urine, as a result of problems with urination can enter the blood of a pregnant woman. This condition is called azotemia. It poses a great danger to a child who is in the womb of the mother and exchanges fluids with her.
"Hofitol" has a sufficient diuretic effect, which can reduce swelling without washing out of the body the mammals needed by the salt. In addition, the normalization of urinary excretion and the release of toxic waste in a future mother significantly reduces the risk of developing azotemia.
The pharmacokinetics of the drug "Hofitol" is difficult to describe. Despite the fact that the active substance of the drug is presented only as a single plant, its composition is so rich (carotene, ascorbic acid, inulin, polyphenols, bioflavonoids, various acids, B and C vitamins, minerals) that separate the effect on the body of each from components it is simply impossible. Not to mention the combined effects of various components.
Dosing and administration
In what form will the drug be used, the doctor who observes the pregnant woman determines, based on her condition and the health of the gastrointestinal tract. He also prescribes how much it is necessary to drink "Hofitol" during pregnancy, in order to get the maximum benefit from the medicine and a minimum of harm.
If the appointment indicates a form of release of the drug, like tablets or a solution for oral administration, then take them either half an hour before meals, or directly with food. The solution is preferably consumed by diluting with water.
The drug is administered three times a day. Dosage:
- for tablets - 1-2 pcs. Or 200-400 mg at a time,
- for the solution - ½-1 tsp. Or from 2.5 to 5 ml per reception.
If there is a need for injectable administration of the drug, "Hofitol" during pregnancy is used once a day in a dosage of 1-2 ampoules or 5-10 ml, if there is no need to increase the dose or the frequency of reception.
The duration of the therapeutic course depends on the prescribed form of the drug and the patient's condition. When using tablets or a solution, the course of treatment ranges from 2 to 3 weeks. Injections are recommended to do no more than 2 weeks, after which they switch to other forms of the drug.
When do they designate Hofitol?
Despite the fact that "Hofitol" was originally conceived as a hepatoprotective agent for pathological changes in the liver and gallbladder, it found wide application in gynecological practice. And the drug "Hofitol" can be appointed by a gynecologist both in the early stages of pregnancy, and in a later period.
More often, "Hofitol" is prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy to relieve the symptoms of early toxicosis, such as nausea and vomiting. Slightly less often it is used to stimulate urinary excretion to purify the future mother's body from toxic nitrogenous compounds formed in the process of vital activity of a woman and a baby in her womb.
In the second trimester of pregnancy, "Hofitol" can be appointed as a preventive tool, helping painlessly avoid such an unpleasant situation as late toxicosis. To prevent the appearance and treatment of symptoms of late toxicosis, as well as for the removal of swelling due to the enormous burden on the kidneys of a pregnant woman, "Hofitol" is often found in appointments in the third semester of pregnancy.
When the doctor appoints therapy "Hofitolom" during pregnancy, the doctor decides, based on the results of a periodic examination of the patient and her tests, taking into account the complaints of the future mother. Independently appoint yourself, even if it seems, a harmless herbal preparation, then deliberately put at risk your health and the life of an unborn baby.
Since "Hofitol" is a herbal preparation, one can expect that its use is not dangerous for a pregnant woman, or for a fetus in the womb. Nevertheless, there are conditions when the therapy "Hifitol" can cause negative consequences.
There are certain contraindications to the use of the drug, which overlap with pathologies that imply the administration of "Hofitol" for therapeutic purposes. Therefore, even if the future mother knows about her diagnosis, included in the list of indications for the drug "Hofitol", this is not yet an occasion to prescribe this medicine yourself, because during pregnancy in this way you can only harm not only yourself but also the baby.
If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with inflammatory processes in the gallbladder or a violation of the kinetics of the bile ducts, the drug will help only if the inflammatory process is not associated with gallstones, and violations of kinetics are characterized by a decrease in motor and tone, and not vice versa. With cholelithiasis and hyperkinetic dyskinesia of the gallbladder, the drug is prohibited.
With stones in the gallbladder, the application of "Hofitol" can provoke blockage of the bile ducts. Therapy of this condition implies surgery, which is undesirable during pregnancy.
"Hofitol" - a drug designed to treat chronic conditions associated with violations in the liver, gall bladder and kidneys. The acute course of pathological processes is treated with other medications reported by the attending physician. "Hofitol" can only provoke an exacerbation of the symptoms of the existing disease, which sometimes threatens early termination of pregnancy.
Side effects of the hofitol in pregnancy
Like many other not very strong drugs, Hofitol has a small part of the negative feedback associated with an inadequate effect in toxicosis due to the individual reaction of the pregnant woman, as well as the occurrence of nonspecific side effects such as liver pain or the appearance of signs of hemorrhoids without a corresponding diagnosis. The appearance of such signs should immediately notify the attending physician. Usually, all manifestations that are uncharacteristic for a drug go away quickly after the drug is withdrawn or replaced by another.
Even many herbal preparations, unfortunately, are not spared from some of the troubles associated with their use, called "side effects." No exception and phytopreparation "Hofitol". The truth of side effects at its reception is observed a little, but about them it is nevertheless better to know, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises and superfluous experiences peculiar to pregnant women.
"Hofitol", prescribed during pregnancy in a large dosage or uncontrolled for a long time, can provoke a future mother to a condition opposite to the usual in such cases constipation. But diarrhea, or simple diarrhea, causes pregnant women not less excitement and fear that this condition can affect the normal course of pregnancy.
Another undesirable consequence of taking "Hofitol" may be the appearance of an allergic rash (urticaria) on the body of a pregnant woman. Most often it arises as a reaction to the ether of parahydroxybenzoate, which is a part of tablets and solution for oral administration.
Very rarely, patients complain that "Hofitol" causes them colic in the abdomen or increased nausea and vomiting. About these reactions it is better to notify the attending physician, perhaps he will reconsider his appointments, because such symptoms may indicate intolerance of the drug components.
Interactions with other drugs
Data on the interaction of "Hofitol" with other drugs in the manufacturer's instructions are missing, and this is another reason to think about whether it is appropriate to engage in self-medication in such conditions.
As for the storage conditions of the drug, like other drugs, it must be stored in specially designated places for storing medicines, where children's access is limited. The recommended storage temperature for any form of preparation should not be above 25 degrees, which corresponds to room temperature. In such conditions, the drug will remain effective and safe for the entire shelf life, which is 2 years (injection solution), 3 years (drug in the form of tablets), 4 years (solution for oral administration).
Are there analogues?
Let's just say, "Hofitol" is not the only one of its kind based on artichoke. Among the analogues of "Hofitol" of similar composition, successfully used in pregnancy, we can distinguish "Artichoke extract" and "Kholebil", having the same properties and indications, but slightly differing in the amount of active substance per unit volume.
If the therapy with "Hofitol" or the above mentioned analogs does not give positive results or the hypersensitivity reactions to the components of the drug are observed in the pregnant woman, other drugs similar to "Hofitol" on the action on the organism during pregnancy can be prescribed. But again, such preparations as Odeston, Flamin, Holiver and others, which have hepatoprotective and choleretic action, can be used during pregnancy only for the intended purpose and under the supervision of the attending physician.
One of the safest drugs that positively affects the condition and work of the liver and reduces the phenomenon of intoxication of the body during pregnancy is Essentiale Forte. This drug is usually well tolerated by patients, the course of its use is unlimited, i.e. Women can continue treatment with the drug even after delivery in the same dosage: 2 capsules 3 times a day. Nevertheless, use the drug during pregnancy without consulting with a doctor is not recommended.
For the prevention of fetoplacental insufficiency and various disorders of microcirculation that arise as a complication of pregnancy, a doctor may be prescribed a drug with anti-aggregative and immunomodulating action "Dipiridamol", analogous to which are "Kurantil" tablets.
"Kurantil" with the deterioration of the placental circulation and the development of fetal hypoxia appoint 3-6 tablets per day. In the first trimester of pregnancy to prevent toxicosis, placental insufficiency, as well as in the presence of cardiovascular diseases and pathologies of the kidneys, "Kurantil" is appointed without any special fear. At later dates, strict control of the doctor is required, even if the pregnant woman is diagnosed with fetoplacental insufficiency, late toxicosis, early aging of the placenta, excess of the gestation period of the child.
Sometimes "Kurantil" can be appointed as a means to enhance immunity, especially during periods of viral and bacterial infections.
Edema and kidney disorders that occur during pregnancy also require treatment with safe means, so doctors prefer phytopreparations, such as "Kanefron", which have anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and antibacterial properties.
Reviews about the drug "Hofitol"
As you can see, the three above described drugs help to cope with the main pathologies that cloud the life of a pregnant woman, unless of course apply them in a complex. That is, if the future mother has evidence consistent with these drugs, she will have to take all 3 medicines, while "Hofitol", often prescribed during pregnancy, can cope with all these problems on her own, without adversely affecting the fetus. That's why this drug is the No. 1 choice for doctors and their happy patients.
The doctors say that "Hofitol" is an effective medicine that helps to get rid of early and late toxicosis, which positively affects the metabolism in the body of pregnant women, stimulating the work of the liver, kidneys and bile ducts. The drug is well tolerated by the majority of patients, without causing significant side effects. With the help of "Hofitol" pregnancy proceeds without complications, as a result of which, in due time, strong, healthy babies are born, and their mothers during pregnancy do not experience unpleasant sensations and emotions, enjoying a happy time of "waiting for a miracle."
Reviews of pregnant women and those who at one time took the drug in a similar situation, most of them also are positive. Someone helped the drug to get rid of nausea, others have improved the work of the digestive tract, and some are grateful for the pregnancy saved because of the drug.
Many future mothers say that they were able to eat well only thanks to "Hofitol", and before that they were losing weight, suffering from a terrible toxicosis. Others are grateful for the fact that they got rid of painful constipation and the fears associated with them during pregnancy.
Some "Hofitol" was prescribed even as a remedy for acne, where it also showed excellent results, cleansing blood and tissues from toxins and bacteria causing inflammation. Positive results were also noted in the treatment of psoriasis in pregnant women, who after the birth had significantly increased the period of remission.
Once again, we recall that the risk of pregnancy is not a noble cause, because it is about the life and health of future generations. Preparation for the birth of healthy offspring is the main concern of the future mother, who can not irresponsibly treat her life and health, including the intake of various medications, even if in the opinion of her friends, they help the cloudless course of pregnancy.
Let the same "Hofitol" according to the manufacturer's statement, even a thousand times, consists entirely of natural components, there is always a risk of developing a hypersensitivity reaction or the occurrence of dangerous consequences associated with an unrecorded diagnosis, which is often the case when pregnant women prescribe the drug to themselves.
Whatever useful "Hofitol" or other drugs, during pregnancy you need to be extra careful in taking medication, carefully listening to the opinion of specialists and the emerging sensations, not relying only on their meager knowledge in pharmacology and medicine. This attitude to their health in the future mother is the guarantor of a successful course of pregnancy and the birth of a long-awaited healthy baby for the joy of all relatives.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Hofitol during pregnancy: for what purpose, how to take and how much to drink" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.