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Elevit in Pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Guarantee that the pregnant woman will receive the necessary substances in sufficient quantity and volume, is the regular reception of the drug Elevit during pregnancy.
It's no secret that during the period of the baby's wearing, the body needs a greater number of different vitamins and elements than in other life periods. It is rather difficult to indemnify their necessary supply with food, for this one should eat a large variety of vegetables, fruits, greens, nuts, seafood. It is a multivitamin complex with essential essential elements that helps a woman to easily transfer the period of pregnancy, and also prevents the development of a deficiency of any substances in the fetus.
Elevit in planning pregnancy
Many doctors strongly recommend the intake of additional sources of vitamins in the planning and conception period. Elevit pronatal in the planning of pregnancy is prescribed quite often, since this drug meets all the requirements of doctors regarding the composition and quantity of vitamins and elements. It helps to strengthen the immune system, saturate the cells of the body with nutrients, stabilize metabolic processes, improve hemodynamics and activate all vital processes in the body of the future mother.
Taking the drug, do not forget about the full nutrition, because only a combination of natural and medicinal products can give the best expected result.
One intake per day is enough to create in the body the optimal concentration of nutrients, with which the composition of the vitamin preparation is rich.
Elevit can be taken not only by the future mother, but also by the future father, since the presence of vitamins in his organism also plays a huge role in conception.
Instructions for the elevitis during pregnancy
The drug is recommended to be used from the very beginning of planning and during the entire gestation period, as well as during the lactation period.
The importance of taking this medication increases, if previously a woman had spontaneous abortions, or primary infertility was diagnosed. Often the cause of the inability to have children is the banal shortage of tocopherol and folic acid.
Elevit is desirable to eat after or during the meal, as many of the vitamins that make up this drug are fat-soluble and not digested without the presence of fats. Such vitamins include, for example, vitamin A, E, carotene, vitamins D and K.
Elevit early in pregnancy is especially important, since the vitamin complexes present in it significantly reduce the risk of congenital malformations in the child, such as defects in the nervous system, urinary tract, cardiovascular system, underdevelopment of the limbs, non-spreading of the upper lip and palate and other multiple defects.
How to take Elevit during pregnancy?
About how much to drink elevit at pregnancy, it is better to ask your doctor.
Usually the drug is taken during the entire period of planning and pregnancy, continuing to take and in the lactation period, because the vitamin and mineral complexes present in the preparation allow you to saturate both the weakened mother and the still fragile child with useful substances. The drug significantly reduces the risk of developing toxicosis in pregnancy, and in the presence of toxicosis reduces the intensity and morbidity of manifestations. Many women note a decrease in nausea in the mornings, a decrease in swelling, an appetite after regular intake of the drug.
However, an excessive amount of vitamins is also not welcomed, so if you take an elevator, then do not take other vitamin preparations at the same time.
Specialists are inclined to believe that even under conditions of full-fledged well-thought-out nutrition in the body, a deficit of some nutrients may form. That is why their additional reception will certainly benefit the future mother and baby.
Indications for the use of elevit in pregnancy
The main reasons for prescribing the drug are:
- preparation for the conception of the child (a one month before the planned conception is recommended);
- pregnancy at any time;
- lactation period;
- confirmed deficiency of vitamins (or suspicion of it), violations of mineral metabolism;
- hypovitaminosis, caused by systematic disorders in nutrition, all sorts of diets, stressful situations;
- to enhance the immune defenses of the body and to prevent infectious diseases in the period of mass epidemics;
- as preventive measures of congenital anomalies of embryo formation;
- as preventive measures of the phenomena of anemia in a pregnant woman.
Form of issue
Issued elevit in tablet form, covered with a protective layer of yellowish-gray hue, oval-rounded, convex on both sides. The tablets are smooth to the touch, they have a special notch for dividing the dose, it is only on one side: on the reverse surface is visible the engraving "ROCHE". Smell almost do not publish, or have, but is insignificant.
Pharmacodynamics elevit in pregnancy
Elevit refers to the pharmacotherapeutic group of multivitamins. Its action can be explained by the features of the components that are included in the list of components.
- Vit. A is able to control the full development and normal composition of the osseous structure and tissues of the outer covers, visual organs and immune defense of the body.
- Vit. D stabilizes the level of phosphorus and calcium.
- Vit. E prevents the development of oxidative reactions involving polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes.
- Vit. B1 is a necessary and important component of carbohydrate metabolism and transfer of information to nerve endings.
- Vit. B2 is considered a component of FMN and FAD, taking an active part in the process of basic metabolism.
- Vit. B6 is needed for enzymatic activity, which activates metabolic reactions, as well as for the processes of producing neurotransmitters and hemoglobin complexes.
- Vit. B12 acts as an activator in the production of nucleic acids, its combined action with folic acid allows to participate in the physiology of metabolic processes.
- The importance of nicotinamide is that it is considered a constituent link of the cofactors of NAD and NADP and a participant in the glucose tolerance factor.
- The participation of folic acid is essential for the realization of cell division and the metabolic process.
- Vit. C is mandatory for the development and normal composition of the osseous system, skin, teeth, capillary mesh and protective function.
- Iron is required for the physiological functions of hemoglobin and as part of oxygen reservoirs in muscle tissues.
- Equally important is the participation of zinc - a characteristic element for production and metabolic reactions between fats and proteins.
- Copper is an essential micronutrient, takes an active part in the metabolic distribution of iron, the synthesis of hemoglobin, the maturation of reticulocytes.
- Manganese is an activator and provides the processes of enzyme reactions in the body.
The pharmacokinetics of elevit in pregnancy has not been studied.
Contraindications to the use of elevit in pregnancy
Among the contraindications to the appointment of the vitamin complex, elevit can be identified as follows:
- excessive hypersensitivity (allergy) to certain components of the elevitis;
- signs of kidney failure;
- nephrocalculosis;
- detection of large amounts of calcium in the blood and urine;
- tuberculosis of the lungs during an exacerbation;
- presence of intolerance to fructose;
- rejection of glucose and galactose by the body;
- chronic form of glomerulonephritis;
- the detection of sarcoidosis in the anamnesis;
- the phenomena of hypervitaminosis A, E and D;
- visible signs of thrombophlebitis;
- significant disorders of renal filtration;
- gouty conditions;
- chronic stage of heart failure;
- syndrome of phenylketonuria, the detection of erythremia, erythrocytosis, thromboembolism;
- gastric ulcer and gastroduodenitis in the stage of exacerbation (in connection with the probability of increasing the acidity of the stomach environment);
- disorders of the exchange of iron and other minerals in the body.
Side effects
When using the drug in a standard dosage for dosage, the formation of side reactions is extremely rare:
- on the part of the body's defenses - allergic manifestations, including the phenomena of anaphylactic shock, angioedema, fever;
- from the outer covers and subcutaneous fat - skin rash, hives, itchy dermatoses, hyperemia;
- from the gastrointestinal tract - dyspeptic syndrome, attacks of nausea, vomiting, heartburn, violations of the act of defecation, diarrhea, acidity of the stomach environment;
- from the side of the central nervous system - pain in the head, impaired consciousness, irritability, drowsy condition, excessive sweating.
Dosing and Administration
The drug is taken on the advice of a doctor. For the purpose of prevention, it is prescribed until conception, during gestation and lactation, one tablet per day, immediately after ingestion.
With the growth of nausea, which is accompanied by vomiting, taking the drug should be postponed until the state of pregnancy is normal.
It is not recommended to take more than one pill per day, as well as the parallel intake of other vitamin preparations.
In the case of oral intake of a very large number of elevite tablets, there may be attacks of nausea and vomiting. There may be signs of an overabundance of certain vitamins, stomach pain, cyanosis and drowsiness.
Treatment in such a situation is symptomatic, you can apply gastric lavage.
When using the drug in the recommended standard dose, an overdose is not possible.
Interactions of elevit in pregnancy with other drugs
Vit. A and E alternately complement the mutual impact and are considered synergists.
Preparations with retinol are not used in a single treatment with nitrites and cholestyramine due to impaired absorption processes.
Vitamin A is not recommended for use with retinoids, as their combination is toxic.
Vit. C accelerates the effect of sulfonamide drugs (the danger of developing crystalluria), penicillins, activates the absorption of iron, reduces the effective action of heparin and anticoagulants of indirect direction.
Cimetidine, preparations containing potassium, alcoholic drinks affect the quality of assimilation of vitamin B12.
Riboflavin reduces the effectiveness of antibacterial agents.
With the combined use of anti-acid agents, which contain calcium, aluminum, magnesium salts, there is a decrease in the absorption of iron, which is included in the composition of the elevite.
Conditions of storage of elevit in pregnancy
Storage of the drug should be carried out in a place inaccessible to the child, in the factory packaging, with a temperature regime of not more than 25 degrees.
Shelf life of the drug is 2 years if stored.
The price of elevitis in pregnancy
Tablets elevit pronatal, manufactured by the German pharmacological company Rottendorf Pharma, can be purchased at the following prices:
- tablets № 30 - 10-12 $;
- tablet number 100 - about $ 30.
Prices in different pharmacies and regions may vary, so check the price with pharmacists.
Reviews about elevite in pregnancy
The nature of the reviews about this drug is mostly favorable. Many people note a significant improvement in the general condition, the absence of signs of toxicosis during the entire period of pregnancy.
Some women who are hypersensitive to various types of vitamin preparations, note the fact that allergy to elevator in pregnancy is absent, the drug is easily tolerated by the body and absorbed in its entirety.
Many patients observe improved vision, strengthen hair, nails, and skin cleansing after applying the drug.
It is extremely important, judging by the feedback of users, to distinguish the true drug from fake, which now occur, unfortunately, quite often. Require pharmacists to guarantee product quality, availability of certificates and relevant documentation.
Pregnancy is a time of change and a difficult period for a woman. This condition requires special support and care. Psychological comfort to a woman will be created by family and close people, and the comfort and health of a corporal will be taken care of by the drug elevit during pregnancy.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Elevit in Pregnancy" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.