
Shampoos for dry dandruff

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Problems with the scalp occur everywhere: in some people they are associated with excessive oiliness and greasiness, and in others - with excessive dryness. In this case, it is more common to find a dry form of seborrheic dermatitis, when there is dandruff in the form of small scales. How to fight the attack? Are there effective shampoos from dry dandruff? Yes, there are, and now we will tell you about them. [1]

Indications Dry dandruff shampoos

Dry dandruff is small scales of whitish or slightly grayish color, which easily fall off the surface of the skin. The formation of such scales occurs for various reasons:

  • Disease states with weakened immunity, immunodeficiency (HIV including);
  • changes in the hormonal background - for example, as a result of diseases, pregnancy and lactation, age (puberty, menopause, etc.);
  • genetic features (e.g., hereditary seborrheic dermatitis);
  • frequent or prolonged stress;
  • digestive disorders, metabolic disorders, immune failure.

One of the basic factors in the appearance of dry dandruff is considered yeast-like opportunistic fungus Malassezia furfur, which is normally present on the skin, but under certain conditions begins to actively grow and develop, causing signs such as dry dandruff, itching, skin dryness and flaking. [2]

In the above cases, special shampoos from dry dandruff help to suppress unpleasant symptoms, producing a pronounced therapeutic effect. [3]

Release form

Without exaggeration, a wide range of shampoos from dry dandruff provides an opportunity to choose the best option for yourself. It is much easier to do this if you familiarize yourself with the most popular medical and hygienic products in advance, compare them using separate evaluation criteria. Choose for yourself a means, not only suitable for the type of hair: it is desirable that the shampoo was of high quality, was not contraindicated for a particular situation, did not contain parabens and other potentially dangerous components.

Of course, it is far from always necessary to immediately pay attention to the most expensive product line. However, in some cases the price does reflect the quality of the hygiene products - and this applies especially to the cheapest products, because in most situations their quality is questionable. Focus on customer reviews, consult with salespeople and pharmacists, carefully read the composition - and do not forget about your intuition. Sometimes it is possible to find a fairly effective drug for relatively little money.

The following dandruff shampoos for dry hair are the most popular:

  • Squanorm, Squanorm - shampoo from Ducray, contains zinc pyrithione, glycerin and guanidine glycolate. The basic action of the remedy is the destruction of the pathogen that provokes the formation of dry dandruff. Users say that the problem disappears after the first application of the product. However, despite this rapid effect, the course of therapy with shampoo should be continued for 4 weeks. Ducray shampoo can not be used for washing hair in children under 3 years of age.
  • Shampoo Klorane with nasturtium from the manufacturer Pierre Fabre Dermo cosmetique, in addition to the plant extract, contains B vitamins and salicylic acid. The product perfectly heals, eliminates micro-damage on the skin, gets rid of dry dandruff. As a pleasant addition - a noticeable facilitation of combing, moisturizing and facilitating hair styling. The use of such shampoo is possible, both for treatment and prevention of dry dandruff. For therapeutic purposes, the product is used twice a week, and for preventive purposes - once every seven days.
  • Vichy Shampoo from the manufacturer Dercos contains tocopherol and ceramide P, as well as salicylic acid. In addition to eliminating dry dandruff, the product significantly improves the condition of the hair, accelerates the process of tissue repair, gets rid of pathogens. The course of application of such a shampoo is designed for four weeks: after each application of the product should be left on the scalp for about 2-3 minutes, and only then wash off with warm water. There are practically no contraindications to the use of the product: the exception is individual intolerance to the composition.
  • Sulsena shampoo contains a substance selenium disulfide. It is distinguished by a multifaceted action: stabilizes the function of the sebaceous glandular system and accelerates the renewal of the epidermis, inhibits the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora, changing the conditions of existence, in which the development of bacteria and fungi becomes impossible. Sulsena has a pleasant odor, after application there is a pleasant feeling of freshness and cleanliness. By the way, the positive result from the application comes quite quickly: itching and flaking disappear for a long time, and the hair itself is strengthened and softened. Among some "minuses" means can be called the probability of recurrence of dry dandruff after a course of therapy, not quite economical consumption of shampoo, as well as its ability to discolor dyed hair.


As a rule, shampoos from dry dandruff have a rich composition, because in a complex of many substances have the maximum beneficial effect. The user should not be alarmed by the large number of chemical components in the shampoo: it is often necessary for the full effectiveness of the remedy.

To choose the best product for yourself, you need to pay attention to the presence of at least one of the following substances in the composition:

  • antifungal agent (ketoconazole, clotrimazole, etc.);
  • zinc pyrithione;
  • selenium sulfide;
  • salicylic acid;
  • birch tar;
  • ciclopirox;
  • ichthyol, etc.

The basic action of these substances is antifungal, antiseptic, soothing, moisturizing. Full vitamin complexes, plant extracts, natural oils, glycerin complement these properties well.

Shampoos from dry dandruff stop the activity of pathogenic bacteria, stabilize the sebaceous function, get rid of the consequences of increased fungal growth, strengthen and improve the appearance of the hair.


Many people know firsthand what dry dandruff is. It is also known that it is quite difficult to fight this problem, so a quality shampoo can be a real salvation. How do such products work, and is there a chance to get rid of the problem forever?

It rarely happens so that in the appearance of dry dandruff "to blame" any one cause. Often the "culprits" are both external and internal factors - for example, prolonged exposure to frosty air on the background of genetic predisposition, or lower immunity on the background of hormonal changes in the body.

In any case, the appearance of the problem is closely associated with changes in the production of sebum, which, in turn, consists of several components, such as triglycerides and squalenes, as well as wax and cholesterol esters. These substances can become a food for various microorganisms, normally present on the skin. And the danger appears when the human immune defense loses control over their growth and reproduction. As a result, the bacterial balance is disturbed, and opportunistic flora becomes simply pathogenic - that is, one that can cause disease (eg, dry dandruff).

Shampoos for dry dandruff have only external effects, without systemic influence. For this reason, there is no need to study the kinetic properties of such external agents.

Dosing and administration

As a rule, to eliminate dry dandruff, one full course of application of therapeutic shampoo is enough. However, each case of dandruff is different, so it is necessary to competently select a remedy and, if necessary, timely replace it with a more suitable one.

Shampoo for dry dandruff is used only externally. The product is applied in sufficient quantity for good foaming, evenly distributed on dry hair (treat the entire length of hair from tip to root, as well as the skin). Massage the skin, not forgetting the areas behind the ears and at the back of the head, for three or five minutes. Rinse hair thoroughly, towel dry and comb through.

It is advisable to repeat the procedure every three or four days until the dry dandruff disappears completely. Some shampoo manufacturers advise washing your hair about 2-3 times a week for the first month, then once a week for six weeks.

If there are unpleasant sensations in the process of washing, then it is not worth using this shampoo: you should consider replacing it.

It should also be understood that each particular manufacturer can provide its own recommendations for the use of therapeutic products, so it is important to carefully study the annotation. In particular, some shampoos from dry dandruff should be washed off immediately, and others should be left on the scalp to enhance their effect. You should not expect an instant effect: most shampoos take more than one week to improve the health of the skin on your head. However, overzealousness is also discouraged: there is no need to wash your hair more often than indicated in the instructions for the product, or to keep the shampoo on your hair for longer than the recommended time. These mistakes can lead to irritation on the skin, and even to the aggravation of the condition.

Specialists do not recommend using a therapeutic shampoo permanently. It is optimal to complete the recommended course of therapy, after which to change the product from therapeutic to preventive.

And one more practical tip: if the chosen shampoo for dry dandruff produces insufficient effect, it can be alternated with another therapeutic shampoo, which has a different composition.

Additional benefit can be a consultation with an immunologist, correction of physical and emotional stress, revision of nutrition and adjustment of sleep and rest. Often dry dandruff in excess appears in the moment when the body is extremely weakened, and its immune defense loses the ability to suppress the growth of microorganisms. And the deficiency of certain nutrients can cause not only dandruff, but also a deterioration in the health of the skin and hair in general.

Application for children

You should not use "adult" shampoos from dry dandruff to wash the hair of children, otherwise you can only add and aggravate the existing problem. First of all, the washing and treatment product should be suitable for the child in the age category. Of course, there are universal means, authorized for use at any age. But they are relatively few, so it is important to pay attention to this nuance and carefully read the annotation (or take advantage of the seller's advice).

If the child is prone to allergies, then it is necessary to exclude from consideration shampoos containing fragrances and dyes. In addition, the package should have a special marking "hypoallergenic product".

Such ingredients of baby shampoo for dry dandruff are welcome:

  • glycerin - soothes sensitive skin, moisturizes;
  • Ichthyol - promotes healing of damaged epidermis;
  • Zinc - has an antifungal effect;
  • plant extracts, oils - improve the structure of hair and skin;
  • vitamins and minerals - nourish, optimize metabolic processes at the local level;
  • salicylic acid - acts as a disinfectant, but is not recommended for use in children under 1 year of age.

Baby shampoos from dry dandruff usually completely get rid of the problem in a few weeks of use, and the first positive effects can be seen after 3-4 treatments: itching decreases, and dandruff gradually disappears.

The most famous shampoos from dry dandruff for children are Friederm Zinc, Sulsena, Sebopyrox, Sebozol, Nizoral, La-Kri, Mustella, Chikko.

Use Dry dandruff shampoos during pregnancy

Such problems as dry dandruff or seborrhea, it is better to solve even before the onset of pregnancy. However, often troubles appear as a result of powerful hormonal changes, and in such a situation therapeutic shampoo has to be selected only in consultation with a doctor, and to use it - only on a clearly defined schedule.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a remedy for dry dandruff in pregnancy:

  • The composition of the product should contain mild surfactants such as TEA lauryl. The presence of ammonium lauryl and laureth sulfate is undesirable.
  • It is good if the shampoo will have a hypoallergenic composition.
  • The choice of organic cosmetics is welcomed, which will necessarily be indicated in the annotation.
  • The presence of propylene glycol, phthalates, formaldehyde, diethanolamine is undesirable. These components can cause deterioration of the scalp, and even cause hormonal disorders.

Doctor's consultation about the choice of dry dandruff shampoo should be a must.


Shampoos from dry dandruff are definitely contraindicated if there are open lesions, wounds, scratches, rashes, etc. On the scalp.

In addition, do not use shampoo if after its use there is itching, redness of the skin, rash, burning sensation. Such symptoms may indicate hypersensitivity of the body to any component of the remedy.

It should be noted that some cleaning products are not authorized for use by pregnant and breastfeeding women. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is important to always read the shampoo label carefully - and this should be done even before buying the product.

Side effects Dry dandruff shampoos

As with any other therapeutic cleanser, treatment with dry dandruff shampoos may cause signs of local irritation, itching sensations or contact dermatitis (as a result of irritation or allergic process). Hair may change its oiliness, although this is rare.

Individual users (predominantly people with gray or chemically altered hair) experience a change in hair color.

Even more rare are considered to be such manifestations:

  • formation of hypersensitivity, rashes like urticaria;
  • Hair loss, areas of skin irritation and increased dryness.

In most cases, no adverse symptoms are detected, but you should be aware of all possible developments in order to take timely action.


The standard use of shampoos from dry dandruff does not imply overdose, since such products are designed for external application only. If the shampoo was accidentally swallowed, then and here special emergency measures are not required to carry out. In order to prevent aspiration of the product, it is forbidden to provoke a gag reflex, or wash the stomach. It is optimal to consecutively drink a sorbent and a laxative.

Interactions with other drugs

When applying and lathering shampoo from dry dandruff, it is necessary to avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes. If the product does get into the eyes, they should be well rinsed with running water.

Internal medication is well combined with the external use of shampoos. If other external agents are supposed to be applied to the scalp, it is better not to treat with two preparations at the same time: it is necessary to alternate the means, having previously consulted with a specialist.

Storage conditions

Dry dandruff shampoos are usually stored indoors at a temperature of +8 to +25°C, away from open flames and direct ultraviolet rays, in dry places. The bottle should be carefully closed and children should be kept away from the storage area of the detergent products.

Shelf life

Most shampoos from dry dandruff are usable for 2-3 years from the date of production. However, do not be guided by general figures: you should pay attention to the shelf life indicated on the specific treatment product, as there may be exceptions. For example, organic cleansers may have a shorter shelf life, while shampoos with a predominantly chemical composition may have a longer shelf life.


In relatively severe manifestations of dry dandruff, it is desirable not to immediately start using special shampoos, but first treat with similar but more effective medicines - for example, 10% sulfur ointment. The treatment course is carried out as follows:

  • for a week every evening every evening rub the sulfur ointment into the skin on the head (hair is divided into strands and rub the remedy into each parting for at least 4-5 minutes);
  • on the 8th day you should give your hair a rest (including from detergents);
  • on the 9th day the head is well washed with shampoo from dry dandruff;
  • then within 4-5 days, the skin on the head treated with water with the addition of boric acid (150 g of warm water and 2 tsp. Of the drug) - treatment is carried out in the evenings, after which wrap the hair with a scarf and go to bed;
  • after such a course after about a week switch to a course application of therapeutic shampoo, but it is possible to carry out the above treatment again (it can be repeated up to three times with an interval of one week).

If you consider mild cases of dry dandruff, you can improve the condition of the skin on the head without the use of special products. Stabilization of sebaceous gland function comes after a revision of lifestyle and diet. For example, it is often enough to limit the use of fatty, floury and sweet dishes, walk more often in the fresh air, allow the hair and skin to "breathe", without weighing them down with hats and thick scarves.

In addition to shampoos, essential oils can also help get rid of dry dandruff - for example, it can be oil of cedar, eucalyptus, cypress. One selected product or their mixture is rubbed in immediately after washing, or add the oil to your favorite shampoo.

  • A good effect is characterized by turpentine oil: it is used in the form of masks, rubbed into the root area daily for three weeks. The mask is kept on the head for about half an hour and then washed off with warm water.
  • Tea tree oil can help with dry dandruff: it is heated, mixed with any shampoo and distributed over the hair and skin. Then the mass should not be washed off for 20 minutes, you can even wrap the head with a film or put on a rubber (kleenechatnoy) cap. Procedures should be repeated regularly, until a noticeable improvement in the condition.
  • Instead of shampoo for dry dandruff, many people use ordinary olive oil. For the therapeutic effect, take a little oil, treat the curls and the area of hair follicles, leave it for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water and any shampoo. Instead of olive oil, some users successfully use castor or linseed oil.

Reviews of shampoos for dry dandruff

Many users have identified the obvious "pluses" of using special shampoos from dry dandruff:

  • they eliminate the itching;
  • take away the flaking;
  • stabilize the function of sebaceous glands;
  • get rid of dandruff;
  • inhibit the development of fungal flora;
  • get rid of specific plaques on the skin;
  • can sometimes be used as a shower product;
  • improve the structure of the hair, being an excellent care product;
  • economical to use;
  • are available as they can be presented in different price categories, ranging from budget means to more expensive ones.

Some users still note certain disadvantages of shampoos from dry dandruff. The fact is that some such products can cause the development of allergic processes, or are not suitable, for example, for pregnant and lactating women, or for children. In addition, many reviews about specific types of shampoos are quite contradictory. This is usually due to the mass production of fakes, or with the presence of an individual hypersensitive reaction in the user. Therefore, it is desirable to select shampoos from dry dandruff exclusively by experience, not forgetting to consult with professionals.


To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug " Shampoos for dry dandruff" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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