
Hair care

Hair treatment

The treatment of hair with modern preparations and alternative means is able to restore the hair the former volume, splendor, shine and healthy appearance.

Hair and scalp care

Massage of the scalp is used to improve the blood supply of this zone, drainage effect and relaxation. Given that the procedure increases the secretion of the sebaceous glands, scalp massage is not indicated in seborrhea.

Care for oily hair

Currently, there is no external means that could positively affect the condition of seborrhea. The use of antiandrogens and synthetic retinoids is not justified by every patient.

Care for dry hair

Despite the fact that factors contributing to dryness and increased fragility of hair are well known, in practice, it is not always possible to eliminate them in due measure.

New forms for cosmetological hair care

At present, new forms for cosmetological hair care are being created. One of them is a moisturizing cream for dry and brittle hair, which is applied over the entire length of the hair.

Sunscreen preparations

In recent years, sun protection products have been widely added to various cosmetic products for hair care. As a rule, they are used during rest on the sea and are designed to protect the hair, both from ultraviolet exposure, and from contact with salt water.

Cosmetic preparations for fixing hair in a hairdo

For the purpose of fixing the hair in the hair, the forms of foam, solution, gel, aerosol (spray) are used. The oldest means for fixing hair were various naturally occurring gels containing tragacanth and other ingredients.

Cosmetic preparations for hair care after washing

Inadequate hair care, exposure to harmful environmental factors often lead to loss of brilliance, splitting, progressive porosity and reduced hair strength. All these phenomena are associated with damage to a number of structures of the hair itself.

Basic forms and means used to care for the scalp

To cleanse the scalp, the main thing is the form of the shampoo. Now for this purpose, soaps are used less often. In most cases, they are used to achieve a therapeutic effect.

General principles of hair and scalp care

The modern principles of caring for the hair and skin of the scalp are largely based on determining the type of hair. At the heart of the division into types lies the characteristic of brilliance, brittleness, thickness, condition of the tips of the hair, and also the rate of their contamination.


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