As cosmeticians say, from masks based on cocoa powder - and it is from it that most often all the so-called chocolate masks are prepared - the hair becomes stronger, smooth, silky and even begin to grow faster.
About the caffeine content in whole grains and a natural coffee hammer it is not necessary to say much: all methylxanthine alkaloids, to which caffeine belongs, are neurostimulants.
Dryness of the scalp is one of the most common phenomena that occur today. This is due to many factors, ranging from malnutrition and ending with poor-quality care products.
If your hair stops shining, the ends are split, and the skin on the scalp itchs and dandruff, then such a weekly procedure as a hair mask from milk will help to solve these problems.
In what cases will help mask with aloe for hair? This mask is useful for any type of hair, but especially if the hair quickly becomes fat, there is dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis), as well as problems such as brittle hair and pointed tips.