
Creams for oily, dry and combined problem skin: rating, reviews

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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There are many cosmetic products that help to hide or eliminate skin defects. For example, a quality cream for problem skin removes inflammation, relieves itching, removes acne and scaly areas, provides easy and proper care for thin and irritated skin.

Problem skin gives its owner a lot of trouble - worsens the appearance of the face and even causes a variety of uncomfortable sensations. To correct the situation, it is necessary to choose the right cosmetics - in particular, it is very important to choose "your" cream for problem skin.

Names of creams for problem skin

The choice of cosmetics must be carefully, taking into account all the nuances associated with your skin: the degree of its fat content, the tendency to irritation, sensitivity, the presence of inflamed elements. Of great importance is the allergic component. Many cosmeticians recommend their clients such well-known drugs for problem skin:

  • Vichy normaderm is a moisturizing and complex remedy that best suits young skin. It narrows the pores, eliminates acne and comedones, fights with shine and red spots. Vichy normaderm is especially good at dealing with persistent problems that have not been eliminated by other similar cosmetic preparations.
  • Bb Cream from Garnier is a unique remedy that makes the skin literally "shine", thanks to well thought out physical properties. The tool visually hides all the skin imperfections and creates the so-called "Photoshop effect" the face becomes perfectly smooth and radiant.
  • The bark is a universal cosmetic product from the Russian manufacturer. The bark moisturizes, provides freshness and velvety skin surface, slows down aging. The drug is universal and approaches equally well for all skin types.
  • Clinic Cream gel Anti Blemish Solution is a remedy based on the 4 in 1 principle: reduces the amount of rashes, prevents the appearance of new acne, controls the production of fat and suppresses hypersensitivity. The cream gel has a very light structure, since it does not contain oils.
  • Cream gel anti-acne "Baziron" qualitatively eliminates acne. The main therapeutic ingredient is benzene peroxide, a substance that promotes healing of damaged tissues, eliminating inflammation and destroying microbes.
  • Garnier Cream Sorbet for combination and oily skin is a moisturizing and matting agent that provides an effect for 24 hours. Created on the basis of the plant complex Hydra +. Contains extract of green tea, so it is suitable for owners of sensitive skin.
  • Himalaya herbals cream (India) is a herbal quality product containing exclusively natural ingredients - without chemical additives. For the problem skin, the manufacturer has provided a whole series of products: for young or mature skin, for moisturizing or nourishing, as well as with different levels of ultraviolet protection.
  • Aven cream is a French cosmetics that will suit both girls and women. Aven softens the surface of the face, helping him maintain a hydrated state. The drug is thick and long absorbed, but the effect of it persists for the whole day.
  • The Korean cream with the extract of the snail Missha is a remedy with a gel texture that fights with excessive fatness on the face. The drug is well applied and lies on the skin, leveling its surface. It is recommended to use with emulsion and lotion of the same manufacturer.
  • La Rosh regenerating cream Effaklar K + is a remedy for mixed skin with periodically appearing acne and fatty areas. Cream preparation restores the normal properties of the surface and deep cutaneous layers, due to the content of lipo-hydroxy acid and the regenerating complex with carnosine, aerlitsiumom and tocopherol.
  • The tea tree cream has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, restoring, antiviral and protective effect. In addition to tea tree oil, the product contains other mutually comprehensible oils, such as citrus, ginger, cinnamon, eucalyptus, rosemary.
  • Boro derm + tea tree is a budgetary skin care product that perfectly combines acne and eliminates inflammation. An excellent choice for those who want to clean and tidy up the person with the maximum savings in money.
  • Cream celandine ("Mountain celandine", "Bee clean") is a tool with anti-inflammatory properties, which is often used to get rid of inflammation, redness and irritation. Such a cosmetic preparation can be used only for medical purposes: its constant use can aggravate the state of sensitive and dry skin.
  • Libriderm - hyaluronic moisturizing cream. Replenishes the lack of moisture in the tissues, slows down the aging process, protects the skin from the negative effects of stress, bad habits, poor ecology and nutritional errors. The preparation contains, in addition to hyaluronic acid, lobster oil and Complex Sensiderm.
  • Priztin cream is a natural remedy based on aloe, turmeric, calamus, almonds, terminology and other plant components. Priztin eliminates scars, pimples, pigment spots and even dark circles near the eyes. It is considered a remedy for problem skin.
  • Cream mizon Acence Mark-X Blemish After cream is a special remedy for problem skin. Has a unique patented composition based on propolis, which successfully fights acne and post acne, reddened areas, blackheads. Cream means has international certification as a preparation for bleaching skin.
  • Efaklar cream is the representative of a whole series of drugs for problem skin. Cosmetics improves the condition of the face, eliminates excess fat, reduces the number of defects. All this is achieved, thanks to the anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and exfoliating action of the remedy.
  • The cream of uryazh is suitable for daily care of problem skin, including in children, and in old age. The cosmetic preparation is produced separately for oily or dry skin, for inflamed or irritated skin, and for the elimination of wrinkles.
  • Artistry cream from Amway - helps restore cells of the epidermis with problematic skin. The drug creates protection and prevents and eliminates acne and acne. Thanks to the product, the skin becomes tender and soft.
  • A clean line with chamomile is a light weight, which has an excellent absorbency and leaves no traces of application. The product is ideal for dry skin, as it successfully eliminates irritation, softens and moisturizes. The composition is represented by plant extract from chamomile, coconut oil and urea.
  • Noreva exfoliak is a cream cosmetic product, which in a short time brings back even the most problematic skin: damaged, dry or reddened. The drug calms and saturates the tissues, restoring the water-fat layer. This allows you to eliminate itching and a feeling of tightness, providing a comfortable state for a long time. The main components are ceramides, cholesterol and fatty acids.
  • Max cream powder factor - is intended for matting the skin and removing the face from greasy shine. The drug can be suitable for any type of skin, and is applied alone or on top of the foundation.
  • Clearasil a cream of fast action is a bright representative of a known line of means for care of a problem skin. First of all, the cream struggles with rashes. Among the additional effects: cleaning and narrowing the pores, maintaining the pH of the environment, antimicrobial and antiseptic action, softening and exfoliation.
  • Willow Rosh "Nutrition and comfort" nutritious care, eliminating the feeling of discomfort and excessive dryness of the face. The composition is represented by macadamia and carite oils, an extract of ash and witch hazel.
  • Cream aysida - the newest liposomal cream, which is based on the therapeutic ingredient ASD. The cream has a gel structure and is perfect for skin prone to inflammation, acne and comedones. The cream restores the damaged hydro-fat skin protection, eliminating the increased peeling and dryness.
  • Domix green cream cream carefully removes dirt and peeled cells from the skin, leaving no greasy film behind. Cream foam eliminates irritation, nourishes and moisturizes, makes the skin healthy and supple. The product can be used both as a cream and as a make-up remover.
  • Carrot cream "Nevskaya Cosmetics" (Russia) - moisturizes, enriches with vitamins, improves complexion and fights with signs of aging. The composition is represented by carrot extract, olive oil, vitamins A, D, PP, group B, as well as other useful components.
  • Fresh line demeter is a medical product that is not recommended for routine daily use. Its components heal, relieve inflammation, soften, moisturize, eliminate irritation. It helps not only with irritation and scaling, but can also be used for eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.
  • Cynovit cream gel for acne, acne and comedones - this is a departure from the company Pharmtek. The product has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties due to its active composition: zinc pyrithione, glycyrrhizinate dicilia, olive oil, jojoba, shea and avocado, lactic acid, panthenol. The cream can be used for symptomatic treatment of lichen, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, etc.

How to choose a cream for problem skin?

Each person has his own skin features - and the same makeup can have a completely different effect in two different people. How to choose the right remedy for problem skin?

  1. It is recommended to purchase cosmetics only in specialized branded stores, where the risk of buying a fake is practically reduced to zero. Most of the funds bought in stalls, crossings, etc. Can only worsen the skin condition, and you risk not only not solve the problems, but also exacerbate them.
  2. Cosmetics should be purchased in small packages: so you will save money if the product does not suit you. In addition, it is much more profitable to buy a cream preparation for problem skin in a tube than in banks and plastic containers: as a rule, such products are stored longer, and because of the simplicity of packaging and are cheaper.
  3. When choosing, pay attention to the consistency of the product - if it seems to you that the mass is too thick or heavy, then it is better to abandon such a means.
  4. Always read the composition, paying attention to age-related recommendations, as well as for what skin and skin problem this remedy is intended for.
  5. If you are going to use makeup for problem skin in the summer, then it's best to choose a light moisturizer. In winter, creams with a nutritious and protective effect will be appropriate for the skin.
  6. Never hesitate to ask questions to the seller: it's his job - to listen to the buyer and pick up the most suitable cosmetic. In addition, you can consult a qualified cosmetologist in advance.
  7. If in the proposed product you are confused by something - trust your intuition and set it aside - it is not "your" means.

Non-medicated cream for problem skin

Comedones are inflamed pimples with a white or black elevation: depending on this, isolated comedones of a closed or open type. Such elements appear with insufficient purification and improper care of the skin.

A special role in the prevention of comedones is played by non-comedogenic creams - these are special agents for problem skin, which prevent clogging of the pores and prevent the formation of new inflamed points.

How to recognize non-medicated cosmetics? You should carefully read the composition of the cosmetic product: most often it contains substances such as salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide or sulfur. In addition, the composition may be oil - but necessarily mineral. Only such oils possess non-comedogenic properties.

The main suppliers of non-medicated drugs for problem skin are companies such as GiGi, Vichy, Avene, Bioderma, Merc, La Roshe Posay, and others.

Day cream for problem skin

Day cream for problem skin should have such basic properties:

  • protect the skin from external damaging effects;
  • Smooth out the negative impact of sunlight;
  • To act as a barrier to toxic substances present in the atmosphere;
  • protect your face from temperature, wind, etc .;
  • prevent formation of mimic wrinkles;
  • make the skin smoother and softer;
  • promote smooth, permanent application of makeup.

It is very important to use daytime remedies during the day, and night - at night. These drugs are not interchangeable - to see this, it's enough to read their composition.

Before you buy a day cream for problem skin, make sure that there are no unwanted components in it - limonene, linalol and a significant percentage of different oils (this is especially true if your skin is oily).

Night cream for problem skin

When a person sleeps, all metabolic processes continue to flow in the skin, therefore, night care is as necessary as during the day. And with problem skin - even more so! It's no secret that it is at night that the skin is easiest to recover, and a special tool can help her in this.

Night cosmetics should contain the maximum quantity of various useful and nutritious substances. In addition, there are a number of nuances:

  • Owners of oily skin before applying a night remedy should be a gentle cleansing of the face - to clean the pores and activate blood circulation. Night care should have a light consistency and, preferably, a moisturizing effect.
  • For dry skin, the thickening agent is more suitable - with active nutritional properties.
  • Cream for problem skin for night use is also selected by age: 25+, 30+, 40+, etc.

In addition, many night products have specific properties: they eliminate wrinkles, circles under the eyes, tighten the skin, etc.

Creams for oily and problem skin

To cream preparation is equally suitable for both fatty and problem skin, you need to carefully study the makeup of the cosmetic. Only in this case it is possible to save yourself from unpleasant surprises when using such cosmetics. In a quality product, such components can be present:

  • benzoyl peroxide - prevents the appearance of pimples and comedones;
  • salicylic acid - prevents the development of inflammation and dries fatty areas;
  • caffeine - promotes narrowing of pores;
  • niacinamide - removes signs of irritation;
  • Vitamin A and sulfur - prevent the eruption and acne;
  • essential oil and α-hydroxy acid detoxify bacteria that accumulate on the surface of the skin;
  • vitamin E - nourishes and rejuvenates tissues;
  • plant extracts soothe and refresh.

The action of these substances in the complex can improve the appearance of oily skin. However, one must not forget to check the selected cosmetic preparation for allergenicity - for this, a little creamy mass is applied to the wrist area or to the inner fold of the elbow and observe: if the skin has not changed, then the agent most likely suits you.

Cream for dry problem skin

Dry skin is always a lot of trouble: they flake, blush, become stained, wrinkles appear early on them. Therefore, the cream for dry and problematic skin should have a number of properties:

  • Humidify and retain moisture in tissues;
  • soften the surface tissues;
  • to clean the epidermis from unnecessary scales;
  • stabilize local metabolic processes;
  • block negative external impact;
  • prevent wrinkles.

In order not to aggravate skin problems and not to increase dryness, the following ingredients should not be present in care products:

  • alcohol additives and extracts;
  • laminaria, menthol, tea tree;
  • triethanolamine;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • propylene glycol.

It is better if the composition of the funds listed substances will not be at all, but allowed their small content - less than 1%.

Cream for combined problem skin

The combined problem person requires special care - the skin is very fond. Of course, it is not necessary to use a separate cream for different parts of the face. For such situations, there is a cosmetic preparation from the category "two in one", capable of equally qualitatively maintaining the health of both fatty and dry areas. A good remedy should equally moisten, nourish, clean and disinfect the skin surface.

What substances are very desirable to have as part of a quality cream for combined and problematic skin?

  • Essential oil - for example, lavender or pink.
  • Vegetable extract of chamomile color, iris flowers, pineapple fruit.
  • Aloe juice.
  • Oil of grape seeds and citrus.

The combined agent is particularly light and fast absorbable. Such cream should not have an increased fat content: its task is to regulate the secretion of sebum and actively moisten the tissues.

Matting creams for problem skin

A problem person with an unpleasant greasy shine - you must agree, is not the best sight. Especially noticeable is the shine on the nose, chin and forehead. The real salvation with the problem skin often becomes a matting cream - it eliminates greasy sheen, narrows the visible pores, reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, brings the appearance of the face in full order.

The best matting agents are:

  • Garnier "Pure Skin";
  • Mary Kay "Oile Mortifier";
  • Avon "The Ideal Skin";
  • Loreal "Pur zones";
  • Yves Rocher Biospecific.

Matting creams are especially recommended for use by women who impose complex make-up, using foundation and powder. In this case, a quality cream will help to preserve the natural skin protection from microbes and sun rays.

Cream with acids for problem skin

The cream with acids is the best for a problem person, thanks to its positive properties:

  • elimination of inflammatory elements;
  • improvement of skin relief;
  • wrinkle smoothing;
  • restoration of natural color;
  • stabilization of sebum secretion;
  • saturation of tissues with food and moisture.

Owners of skin problems are advised to pay attention to preparations containing α-hydroxy acids - qualitative fruit acids, which are made from fruit pulp, dairy products and sugar cane. This group includes the following acids:

  • glycolic acid - stabilizes the production of sebum, eliminates excess fat and pigment spots, cleans pores;
  • Lactic acid - maintains elasticity and elasticity, moisturizes and stabilizes the acidity of the skin surface.

The best means with acids are:

  • Glyco-A ISIS Pharma;
  • Glycolic Acid Reviva Labs;
  • Sebium Sulfur Bioderma;
  • Skin Activ;
  • peeling cream Holi Land Lactolan.

Creams with fruit acids for problematic skin can be used in the face, neck, décolleté zone. But you should remember an important rule: when using these creams, you must abandon the aggressive scrubs and peeling procedures, since such a combination can provoke serious skin irritation.

Healing creams for problem skin

Therapeutic creams are always selected individually, as skin problems are different for everyone, and it is also necessary to influence them in different ways. First of all, you need to carefully check the composition of medical cosmetics: is there any alcohol additives, synthetic flavors, harmful oils. Good medical cosmetics usually contain:

  • prepared water;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins (retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, sometimes - vitamins of group B);
  • plant extracts: chamomile, celandine, marigold, aloe, St. John's wort, nettle, sage);
  • fruit acid;
  • clay substances;
  • zinc oxide, magnesium;
  • sulfur;
  • panthenol.

A qualitative combination of components should provide antimicrobial, prispositivayuschee and anti-inflammatory action. The task of the therapeutic cream is to stabilize the work of the sebaceous glands, to clean and normalize the skin pores, to prevent the development of inflammation and the formation of cicatricial changes in the skin after the healing of the inflamed elements. And it is very important that such cosmetics is hypoallergenic.

To medicinal preparations with the problem skin are, in the first place, non-medicated cosmetic products, of which we wrote above.

Cream Serum for problem skin

Cream serum, as the name implies, combines the effects of both care products and cleansing serums. Cream serum has a curative effect, so this remedy is especially recommended for use with problematic skin. If the skin is healthy, then it can be used as a preventive agent.

The agent is not applied to the whole face, but only to problem areas - for example, to the T-zone.

The ideal serum has these properties:

  • stabilizes the production of sebum (throughout the day the face does not gloss);
  • narrows enlarged pores;
  • gives the skin dullness;
  • promotes active moisturizing of the skin;
  • suitable for application to the tonal basis;
  • is not comedogenic;
  • has a light structure, is not felt on the face and is well absorbed.

The most common manufacturers of quality serum creams are Mary Kay and Cora.

Nourishing cream for problem skin

Most nourishing creams refer to nighttime - at night, tissues best absorb nutrients. A good saturated nutritional cosmetics can contain about 70% of different fats, and therefore such a product is always denser in structure than its moisturizing analogue.

In addition, many nutritional products contain vitamins - usually this fact is indicated on the package - "vitaminized".

However, such cream not only nourishes, but also moisturizes: in a quality product, at least 25% of water is always present. In the "winter" cream, this figure may be somewhat less.

If you have already picked up a nourishing cream, experts recommend applying it to a moist face - for example, after washing. Thanks to the water particles, the cosmetic product will be absorbed faster and easier.

Which creams are most popular among users?

  • Vichy Nutrilogie night cream with increased dryness;
  • Clean line "Sea-buckthorn" for normal and combined skin;
  • Nivea day cream "Beauty and tenderness" for dry and sensitive skin;
  • Dove Nourishing Cream.

Anti-aging cream for problem skin

Anti-aging creams are used not only for problematic skin, but also for the appearance of the first wrinkles and other age-related changes. Such a remedy usually eliminates such defects as redness, areas with hyperpigmentation, traces of acne, and also begins to fight the first wrinkles and narrows the pores.

Anti-aging cream usually contains at least two categories of components. Some of them act on the skin surface, while others - in deeper layers, which provides a full and active anti-aging effect.

Essential components of such a cosmetic product are vitamins and substances that stimulate the synthesis of collagen in tissues. Indeed, it is the decrease in collagen production that becomes the main cause of visual aging of the face.

Also, it should be added that the cream with anti-aging effect should be hypoallergenic, not having alcohol, soap and parabens in its composition.


Cream powder for problem skin

Cream powder is the most acceptable option for toning the face of women with fat and combined type. There is no need to use the usual means of care first and afterwards to apply powder: the cream of the powder perfectly masks all the defects of the problem skin and practically does not require correction.

Cream powder can be relevant at almost any age, if a woman wants to give the face dullness and prevent fatty shine.

Similar products are produced by many cosmetic companies. For example, here are the most popular of them:

  • Avon "The Perfect Color";
  • Farmasi "Pata cream";
  • Max Factor "Miracle Touch";
  • Max Factor Cream "Puff powder";
  • Yves Saint Laurent Matt Touch Compact Foundation ";
  • Lumene "Natural Code Skin Perfector".

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Sunscreens for problem skin

Sunscreen - or so-called SPF cream - play the role of a filter against solar radiation. Creams in this category protect the skin from the negative effects of such rays.

What functions should a quality sunscreen perform:

  • prevent sunburn in the skin;
  • to prevent aging of the skin under the influence of sunlight;
  • to prevent the oncological changes;
  • stabilize the processes of pigmentation;
  • moisturize;
  • prevent the development of allergic processes.

When choosing cosmetics, you need to correctly determine the appropriate level of protection against ultraviolet radiation. This indicator indicates the ability of the cream to filter ultraviolet rays.

For normal daily use with problem skin, the optimal level of protection is from 15 to 20. In the summer, this figure can be more - from 30 to 50. These funds include:

  • Urejaz Hyseac;
  • Albatross;
  • La Roche Posay Antgelios.

Best Cream for Problem Skin

Of all the variety of creams for problem skin it is difficult to choose the one that will suit it in your particular case. However, for ease of choice, you can rely on regular ratings, which are conducted among users who have already picked up the right product for themselves. Such ratings are held annually by various cosmetic companies.

First of all, a cream for problem skin should be, at least, useful. If it contains emulsifiers, then they should have a mild effect. Such, for example, include: tridecyl stearate, glyceryl stearate, PEG-100 stearate and tridecyl trimellitate.

In addition, any good cream should contain vitamins and oils, and also have ultraviolet and physical filters. Reliable protection of the skin will provide such ingredients as benzophenone 3, silicon dioxide, adenosine triphosphate, octylmethoxycinnamate.

Among the safe moisturizers, it is possible to isolate such substances as dimethicone, tocopheryl linoleate and, of course, hyaluronic acid.

Proceeding from the aforesaid, it is possible to draw a conclusion that it is practically impossible to choose the best cosmetics without having studied the composition of the product beforehand.

Inexpensive cream for problem skin

They say that the most inexpensive and effective cream for problem skin is the one that is made by oneself. But, unfortunately, not everyone has the time and opportunity to make cosmetics on their own, so you have to look for an inexpensive and high-quality alternative in the sales network. Indeed, not all inexpensive creams are bad - a large number of high-quality preparations are known that contain simple ingredients that nevertheless help restore and maintain a healthy appearance of the skin.

  • Clean line "Ideal skin" with the effect of moisturizing - relieves dryness and tightness.
  • Neva cosmetics "Ginseng" has the effect of rejuvenation.
  • One hundred recipes of beauty "Nutrition" thanks to its natural composition soothes and tightens the skin.

The cream for problematic skin is recommended to be selected not so much at its cost, as by its natural composition. In addition, it is advisable to first familiarize yourself with the reviews of girls who have previously used these creams.

Names of creams for problem skin

The choice of cosmetics must be carefully, taking into account all the nuances associated with your skin: the degree of its fat content, the tendency to irritation, sensitivity, the presence of inflamed elements. Of great importance is the allergic component. Many cosmeticians recommend their clients such well-known drugs for problem skin:

  • Vichy normaderm is a moisturizing and complex remedy that best suits young skin. It narrows the pores, eliminates acne and comedones, fights with shine and red spots. Vichy normaderm is especially good at dealing with persistent problems that have not been eliminated by other similar cosmetic preparations.
  • Bb Cream from Garnier is a unique remedy that makes the skin literally "shine", thanks to well thought out physical properties. The tool visually hides all the skin imperfections and creates the so-called "Photoshop effect" the face becomes perfectly smooth and radiant.
  • The bark is a universal cosmetic product from the Russian manufacturer. The bark moisturizes, provides freshness and velvety skin surface, slows down aging. The drug is universal and approaches equally well for all skin types.
  • Clinic Cream gel Anti Blemish Solution is a remedy based on the 4 in 1 principle: reduces the amount of rashes, prevents the appearance of new acne, controls the production of fat and suppresses hypersensitivity. The cream gel has a very light structure, since it does not contain oils.
  • Cream gel anti-acne "Baziron" qualitatively eliminates acne. The main therapeutic ingredient is benzene peroxide, a substance that promotes healing of damaged tissues, eliminating inflammation and destroying microbes.
  • Garnier Cream Sorbet for combination and oily skin is a moisturizing and matting agent that provides an effect for 24 hours. Created on the basis of the plant complex Hydra +. Contains extract of green tea, so it is suitable for owners of sensitive skin.
  • Himalaya herbals cream (India) is a herbal quality product containing exclusively natural ingredients - without chemical additives. For the problem skin, the manufacturer has provided a whole series of products: for young or mature skin, for moisturizing or nourishing, as well as with different levels of ultraviolet protection.
  • Aven cream is a French cosmetics that will suit both girls and women. Aven softens the surface of the face, helping him maintain a hydrated state. The drug is thick and long absorbed, but the effect of it persists for the whole day.
  • The Korean cream with the extract of the snail Missha is a remedy with a gel texture that fights with excessive fatness on the face. The drug is well applied and lies on the skin, leveling its surface. It is recommended to use with emulsion and lotion of the same manufacturer.
  • La Rosh regenerating cream Effaklar K + is a remedy for mixed skin with periodically appearing acne and fatty areas. Cream preparation restores the normal properties of the surface and deep cutaneous layers, due to the content of lipo-hydroxy acid and the regenerating complex with carnosine, aerlitsiumom and tocopherol.
  • The tea tree cream has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, restoring, antiviral and protective effect. In addition to tea tree oil, the product contains other mutually comprehensible oils, such as citrus, ginger, cinnamon, eucalyptus, rosemary.
  • Boro derm + tea tree is a budgetary skin care product that perfectly combines acne and eliminates inflammation. An excellent choice for those who want to clean and tidy up the person with the maximum savings in money.
  • Cream celandine ("Mountain celandine", "Bee clean") is a tool with anti-inflammatory properties, which is often used to get rid of inflammation, redness and irritation. Such a cosmetic preparation can be used only for medical purposes: its constant use can aggravate the state of sensitive and dry skin.
  • Libriderm - hyaluronic moisturizing cream. Replenishes the lack of moisture in the tissues, slows down the aging process, protects the skin from the negative effects of stress, bad habits, poor ecology and nutritional errors. The preparation contains, in addition to hyaluronic acid, lobster oil and Complex Sensiderm.
  • Priztin cream is a natural remedy based on aloe, turmeric, calamus, almonds, terminology and other plant components. Priztin eliminates scars, pimples, pigment spots and even dark circles near the eyes. It is considered a remedy for problem skin.
  • Cream mizon Acence Mark-X Blemish After cream is a special remedy for problem skin. Has a unique patented composition based on propolis, which successfully fights acne and post acne, reddened areas, blackheads. Cream means has international certification as a preparation for bleaching skin.
  • Efaklar cream is the representative of a whole series of drugs for problem skin. Cosmetics improves the condition of the face, eliminates excess fat, reduces the number of defects. All this is achieved, thanks to the anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and exfoliating action of the remedy.
  • The cream of uryazh is suitable for daily care of problem skin, including in children, and in old age. The cosmetic preparation is produced separately for oily or dry skin, for inflamed or irritated skin, and for the elimination of wrinkles.
  • Artistry cream from Amway - helps restore cells of the epidermis with problematic skin. The drug creates protection and prevents and eliminates acne and acne. Thanks to the product, the skin becomes tender and soft.
  • A clean line with chamomile is a light weight, which has an excellent absorbency and leaves no traces of application. The product is ideal for dry skin, as it successfully eliminates irritation, softens and moisturizes. The composition is represented by plant extract from chamomile, coconut oil and urea.
  • Noreva exfoliak is a cream cosmetic product, which in a short time brings back even the most problematic skin: damaged, dry or reddened. The drug calms and saturates the tissues, restoring the water-fat layer. This allows you to eliminate itching and a feeling of tightness, providing a comfortable state for a long time. The main components are ceramides, cholesterol and fatty acids.
  • Max cream powder factor - is intended for matting the skin and removing the face from greasy shine. The drug can be suitable for any type of skin, and is applied alone or on top of the foundation.
  • Clearasil a cream of fast action is a bright representative of a known line of means for care of a problem skin. First of all, the cream struggles with rashes. Among the additional effects: cleaning and narrowing the pores, maintaining the pH of the environment, antimicrobial and antiseptic action, softening and exfoliation.
  • Willow Rosh "Nutrition and comfort" nutritious care, eliminating the feeling of discomfort and excessive dryness of the face. The composition is represented by macadamia and carite oils, an extract of ash and witch hazel.
  • Cream aysida - the newest liposomal cream, which is based on the therapeutic ingredient ASD. The cream has a gel structure and is perfect for skin prone to inflammation, acne and comedones. The cream restores the damaged hydro-fat skin protection, eliminating the increased peeling and dryness.
  • Domix green cream cream carefully removes dirt and peeled cells from the skin, leaving no greasy film behind. Cream foam eliminates irritation, nourishes and moisturizes, makes the skin healthy and supple. The product can be used both as a cream and as a make-up remover.
  • Carrot cream "Nevskaya Cosmetics" (Russia) - moisturizes, enriches with vitamins, improves complexion and fights with signs of aging. The composition is represented by carrot extract, olive oil, vitamins A, D, PP, group B, as well as other useful components.
  • Fresh line demeter is a medical product that is not recommended for routine daily use. Its components heal, relieve inflammation, soften, moisturize, eliminate irritation. It helps not only with irritation and scaling, but can also be used for eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.
  • Cynovit cream gel for acne, acne and comedones - this is a departure from the company Pharmtek. The product has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties due to its active composition: zinc pyrithione, glycyrrhizinate dicilia, olive oil, jojoba, shea and avocado, lactic acid, panthenol. The cream can be used for symptomatic treatment of lichen, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, etc.

How to choose a cream for problem skin?

Each person has his own skin features - and the same makeup can have a completely different effect in two different people. How to choose the right remedy for problem skin?

  1. It is recommended to purchase cosmetics only in specialized branded stores, where the risk of buying a fake is practically reduced to zero. Most of the funds bought in stalls, crossings, etc. Can only worsen the skin condition, and you risk not only not solve the problems, but also exacerbate them.
  2. Cosmetics should be purchased in small packages: so you will save money if the product does not suit you. In addition, it is much more profitable to buy a cream preparation for problem skin in a tube than in banks and plastic containers: as a rule, such products are stored longer, and because of the simplicity of packaging and are cheaper.
  3. When choosing, pay attention to the consistency of the product - if it seems to you that the mass is too thick or heavy, then it is better to abandon such a means.
  4. Always read the composition, paying attention to age-related recommendations, as well as for what skin and skin problem this remedy is intended for.
  5. If you are going to use makeup for problem skin in the summer, then it's best to choose a light moisturizer. In winter, creams with a nutritious and protective effect will be appropriate for the skin.
  6. Never hesitate to ask questions to the seller: it's his job - to listen to the buyer and pick up the most suitable cosmetic. In addition, you can consult a qualified cosmetologist in advance.
  7. If in the proposed product you are confused by something - trust your intuition and set it aside - it is not "your" means.

Non-medicated cream for problem skin

Comedones are inflamed pimples with a white or black elevation: depending on this, isolated comedones of a closed or open type. Such elements appear with insufficient purification and improper care of the skin.

A special role in the prevention of comedones is played by non-comedogenic creams - these are special agents for problem skin, which prevent clogging of the pores and prevent the formation of new inflamed points.

How to recognize non-medicated cosmetics? You should carefully read the composition of the cosmetic product: most often it contains substances such as salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide or sulfur. In addition, the composition may be oil - but necessarily mineral. Only such oils possess non-comedogenic properties.

The main suppliers of non-medicated drugs for problem skin are companies such as GiGi, Vichy, Avene, Bioderma, Merc, La Roshe Posay, and others.

Day cream for problem skin

Day cream for problem skin should have such basic properties:

  • protect the skin from external damaging effects;
  • Smooth out the negative impact of sunlight;
  • To act as a barrier to toxic substances present in the atmosphere;
  • protect your face from temperature, wind, etc .;
  • prevent formation of mimic wrinkles;
  • make the skin smoother and softer;
  • promote smooth, permanent application of makeup.

It is very important to use daytime remedies during the day, and night - at night. These drugs are not interchangeable - to see this, it's enough to read their composition.

Before you buy a day cream for problem skin, make sure that there are no unwanted components in it - limonene, linalol and a significant percentage of different oils (this is especially true if your skin is oily).

Night cream for problem skin

When a person sleeps, all metabolic processes continue to flow in the skin, therefore, night care is as necessary as during the day. And with problem skin - even more so! It's no secret that it is at night that the skin is easiest to recover, and a special tool can help her in this.

Night cosmetics should contain the maximum quantity of various useful and nutritious substances. In addition, there are a number of nuances:

  • Owners of oily skin before applying a night remedy should be a gentle cleansing of the face - to clean the pores and activate blood circulation. Night care should have a light consistency and, preferably, a moisturizing effect.
  • For dry skin, the thickening agent is more suitable - with active nutritional properties.
  • Cream for problem skin for night use is also selected by age: 25+, 30+, 40+, etc.

In addition, many night products have specific properties: they eliminate wrinkles, circles under the eyes, tighten the skin, etc.

Cream for oily and problem skin

To cream preparation is equally suitable for both fatty and problem skin, you need to carefully study the makeup of the cosmetic. Only in this case it is possible to save yourself from unpleasant surprises when using such cosmetics. In a quality product, such components can be present:

  • benzoyl peroxide - prevents the appearance of pimples and comedones;
  • salicylic acid - prevents the development of inflammation and dries fatty areas;
  • caffeine - promotes narrowing of pores;
  • niacinamide - removes signs of irritation;
  • Vitamin A and sulfur - prevent the eruption and acne;
  • essential oil and α-hydroxy acid detoxify bacteria that accumulate on the surface of the skin;
  • vitamin E - nourishes and rejuvenates tissues;
  • plant extracts soothe and refresh.

The action of these substances in the complex can improve the appearance of oily skin. However, one must not forget to check the selected cosmetic preparation for allergenicity - for this, a little creamy mass is applied to the wrist area or to the inner fold of the elbow and observe: if the skin has not changed, then the agent most likely suits you.

Cream for dry problem skin

Dry skin is always a lot of trouble: they flake, blush, become stained, wrinkles appear early on them. Therefore, the cream for dry and problematic skin should have a number of properties:

  • Humidify and retain moisture in tissues;
  • soften the surface tissues;
  • to clean the epidermis from unnecessary scales;
  • stabilize local metabolic processes;
  • block negative external impact;
  • prevent wrinkles.

In order not to aggravate skin problems and not to increase dryness, the following ingredients should not be present in care products:

  • alcohol additives and extracts;
  • laminaria, menthol, tea tree;
  • triethanolamine;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • propylene glycol.

It is better if the composition of the funds listed substances will not be at all, but allowed their small content - less than 1%.

Cream for combined problem skin

The combined problem person requires special care - the skin is very fond. Of course, it is not necessary to use a separate cream for different parts of the face. For such situations, there is a cosmetic preparation from the category "two in one", capable of equally qualitatively maintaining the health of both fatty and dry areas. A good remedy should equally moisten, nourish, clean and disinfect the skin surface.

What substances are very desirable to have as part of a quality cream for combined and problematic skin?

  • Essential oil - for example, lavender or pink.
  • Vegetable extract of chamomile color, iris flowers, pineapple fruit.
  • Aloe juice.
  • Oil of grape seeds and citrus.

The combined agent is particularly light and fast absorbable. Such cream should not have an increased fat content: its task is to regulate the secretion of sebum and actively moisten the tissues.

Matting cream for problem skin

A problem person with an unpleasant greasy shine - you must agree, is not the best sight. Especially noticeable is the shine on the nose, chin and forehead. The real salvation with the problem skin often becomes a matting cream - it eliminates greasy sheen, narrows the visible pores, reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, brings the appearance of the face in full order.

The best matting agents are:

  • Garnier "Pure Skin";
  • Mary Kay "Oile Mortifier";
  • Avon "The Ideal Skin";
  • Loreal "Pur zones";
  • Yves Rocher Biospecific.

Matting creams are especially recommended for use by women who impose complex make-up, using foundation and powder. In this case, a quality cream will help to preserve the natural skin protection from microbes and sun rays.

Cream with acids for problem skin

The cream with acids is the best for a problem person, thanks to its positive properties:

  • elimination of inflammatory elements;
  • improvement of skin relief;
  • wrinkle smoothing;
  • restoration of natural color;
  • stabilization of sebum secretion;
  • saturation of tissues with food and moisture.

Owners of skin problems are advised to pay attention to preparations containing α-hydroxy acids - qualitative fruit acids, which are made from fruit pulp, dairy products and sugar cane. This group includes the following acids:

  • glycolic acid - stabilizes the production of sebum, eliminates excess fat and pigment spots, cleans pores;
  • Lactic acid - maintains elasticity and elasticity, moisturizes and stabilizes the acidity of the skin surface.

The best means with acids are:

  • Glyco-A ISIS Pharma;
  • Glycolic Acid Reviva Labs;
  • Sebium Sulfur Bioderma;
  • Skin Activ;
  • peeling cream Holi Land Lactolan.

Creams with fruit acids for problematic skin can be used in the face, neck, decollete. But you should remember an important rule: when using these creams, you must abandon the aggressive scrubs and peeling procedures, since such a combination can provoke serious skin irritation.

Cream for problem skin

Therapeutic creams are always selected individually, as skin problems are different for everyone, and it is also necessary to influence them in different ways. First of all, you need to carefully check the composition of medical cosmetics: is there any alcohol additives, synthetic flavors, harmful oils. Good medical cosmetics usually contain:

  • prepared water;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins (retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, sometimes - vitamins of group B);
  • plant extracts: chamomile, celandine, marigold, aloe, St. John's wort, nettle, sage);
  • fruit acid;
  • clay substances;
  • zinc oxide, magnesium;
  • sulfur;
  • panthenol.

A qualitative combination of components should provide antimicrobial, prispositivayuschee and anti-inflammatory action. The task of the therapeutic cream is to stabilize the work of the sebaceous glands, to clean and normalize the skin pores, to prevent the development of inflammation and the formation of cicatricial changes in the skin after the healing of the inflamed elements. And it is very important that such cosmetics is hypoallergenic.

To medicinal preparations with the problem skin are, in the first place, non-medicated cosmetic products, of which we wrote above.

Cream Serum for problem skin

Cream serum, as the name implies, combines the effects of both care products and cleansing serums. Cream serum has a curative effect, so this remedy is especially recommended for use with problematic skin. If the skin is healthy, then it can be used as a preventive agent.

The agent is not applied to the whole face, but only to problem areas - for example, to the T-zone.

The ideal serum has these properties:

  • stabilizes the production of sebum (throughout the day the face does not gloss);
  • narrows enlarged pores;
  • gives the skin dullness;
  • promotes active moisturizing of the skin;
  • suitable for application to the tonal basis;
  • is not comedogenic;
  • has a light structure, is not felt on the face and is well absorbed.

The most common manufacturers of quality serum creams are Mary Kay and Cora.

Nourishing cream for problem skin

Most nourishing creams refer to nighttime - at night, tissues best absorb nutrients. A good saturated nutritional cosmetics can contain about 70% of different fats, and therefore such a product is always denser in structure than its moisturizing analogue.

In addition, many nutritional products contain vitamins - usually this fact is indicated on the package - "vitaminized".

However, such cream not only nourishes, but also moisturizes: in a quality product, at least 25% of water is always present. In the "winter" cream, this figure may be somewhat less.

If you have already picked up a nourishing cream, experts recommend applying it to a moist face - for example, after washing. Thanks to the water particles, the cosmetic product will be absorbed faster and easier.

Which creams are most popular among users?

  • Vichy Nutrilogie night cream with increased dryness;
  • Clean line "Sea-buckthorn" for normal and combined skin;
  • Nivea day cream "Beauty and tenderness" for dry and sensitive skin;
  • Dove Nourishing Cream.

Anti-aging cream for problem skin

Anti-aging creams are used not only for problematic skin, but also for the appearance of the first wrinkles and other age-related changes. Such a remedy usually eliminates such defects as redness, areas with hyperpigmentation, traces of acne, and also begins to fight the first wrinkles and narrows the pores.

Anti-aging cream usually contains at least two categories of components. Some of them act on the skin surface, while others - in deeper layers, which provides a full and active anti-aging effect.

Essential components of such a cosmetic product are vitamins and substances that stimulate the synthesis of collagen in tissues. Indeed, it is the decrease in collagen production that becomes the main cause of visual aging of the face.

Also, it should be added that the cream with anti-aging effect should be hypoallergenic, not having alcohol, soap and parabens in its composition.

Cream powder for problem skin

Cream powder is the most acceptable option for toning the face of women with fat and combined type. There is no need to use the usual means of care first and afterwards to apply powder: the cream of the powder perfectly masks all the defects of the problem skin and practically does not require correction.

Cream powder can be relevant at almost any age, if a woman wants to give the face dullness and prevent fatty shine.

Similar products are produced by many cosmetic companies. For example, here are the most popular of them:

  • Avon "The Perfect Color";
  • Farmasi "Pata cream";
  • Max Factor "Miracle Touch";
  • Max Factor Cream "Puff powder";
  • Yves Saint Laurent Matt Touch Compact Foundation ";
  • Lumene "Natural Code Skin Perfector".

Sunscreen for problem skin

Sunscreen - or so-called SPF cream - play the role of a filter against solar radiation. Creams in this category protect the skin from the negative effects of such rays.

What functions should a quality sunscreen perform:

  • prevent sunburn in the skin;
  • to prevent aging of the skin under the influence of sunlight;
  • to prevent the oncological changes;
  • stabilize the processes of pigmentation;
  • moisturize;
  • prevent the development of allergic processes.

When choosing cosmetics, you need to correctly determine the appropriate level of protection against ultraviolet radiation. This indicator indicates the ability of the cream to filter ultraviolet rays.

For normal daily use with problem skin, the optimal level of protection is from 15 to 20. In the summer, this figure can be more - from 30 to 50. These funds include:

  • Urejaz Hyseac;
  • Albatross;
  • La Roche Posay Antgelios.

Best Cream for Problem Skin

Of all the variety of creams for problem skin it is difficult to choose the one that will suit it in your particular case. However, for ease of choice, you can rely on regular ratings, which are conducted among users who have already picked up the right product for themselves. Such ratings are held annually by various cosmetic companies.

First of all, a cream for problem skin should be, at least, useful. If it contains emulsifiers, then they should have a mild effect. Such, for example, include: tridecyl stearate, glyceryl stearate, PEG-100 stearate and tridecyl trimellitate.

In addition, any good cream should contain vitamins and oils, and also have ultraviolet and physical filters. Reliable protection of the skin will provide such ingredients as benzophenone 3, silicon dioxide, adenosine triphosphate, octylmethoxycinnamate.

Among the safe moisturizers, it is possible to isolate such substances as dimethicone, tocopheryl linoleate and, of course, hyaluronic acid.

Proceeding from the aforesaid, it is possible to draw a conclusion that it is practically impossible to choose the best cosmetics without having studied the composition of the product beforehand.

Inexpensive cream for problem skin

They say that the most inexpensive and effective cream for problem skin is the one that is made by oneself. But, unfortunately, not everyone has the time and opportunity to make cosmetics on their own, so you have to look for an inexpensive and high-quality alternative in the sales network. Indeed, not all inexpensive creams are bad - a large number of high-quality preparations are known that contain simple ingredients that nevertheless help restore and maintain a healthy appearance of the skin.

  • Clean line "Ideal skin" with the effect of moisturizing - relieves dryness and tightness.
  • Neva cosmetics "Ginseng" has the effect of rejuvenation.
  • One hundred recipes of beauty "Nutrition" thanks to its natural composition soothes and tightens the skin.

The cream for problematic skin is recommended to be selected not so much at its cost, as by its natural composition. In addition, it is advisable to first familiarize yourself with the reviews of girls who have previously used these creams.


To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Creams for oily, dry and combined problem skin: rating, reviews" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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