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Creams from black dots on the face
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Black points on the face - a phenomenon that occurs quite often and brings a lot of troubles to its owners. In medical terminology, such manifestations of acne are called open comedones. They do not cause any particular concern, but they do not look very aesthetic, creating the impression of a dirty face. To effectively combat comedones, the best solution is a cream from the black points on the face, which will help not just mask the problem, but resolve it in an efficient and safe way.
Black dots on the skin: mask or fight?
What are these darknesses from where do they come from? It's very simple, it's the result of improper skin care for the face and body. Typically, comedones appear on oily skin with dilated pores and are the result of contamination of pores with dust particles deposited on subcutaneous fat emanating from them. Uncontrolled use of cosmetics, insufficient cleaning of the face, frequent touching the face with dirty hands are the main reasons for the appearance of black dots on the face.
The problem of acne usually affects young people aged 12-24 years. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, when salo-formation increases and the skin becomes fatter, and the pores are wider. But just at this age you want to be the most attractive and irresistible. Starting to mask the flaws on the face with decorative cosmetics, you can only aggravate the problem, causing inflammation of comedones. So, the problem should not be hidden, but solved with the help of medical cosmetics.
Indications for the use of creams from black dots on the face can be either open (black) comedones or closed ones (with white inflamed points inside), as these drugs contribute to deep cleansing and moisturizing of the skin, and also inhibit inflammatory processes.
Names of creams from black dots on the face, their action and responses
If we talk about the right to the existence of various therapeutic and cosmetic creams, then we must take into account that, how many people, so many opinions. After all, when choosing a remedy, we must take into account not only the fat content of the skin, but also its other features, for example, how it reacts to certain components of the cream, tonic or scrub. From this in a greater measure and will depend on the effectiveness of a single cream from the black dots on the face.
It is difficult to choose the cream suitable for your skin, focusing only on the reviews. One person approaches one, another - another. It is worth to carefully read the instructions to the drug and its composition, and already on the basis of this draw conclusions.
In addition, to achieve a persistent positive result, it may take more than one week of treatment. Want to get a quick result - buy a special cosmetic band-aid from black points of Niveja or Deademin trademarks. But this will not relieve you from the need to continue the fight against the fatty face and enlarged pores, since it has a short, purifying, but not curative effect.
Pharmaceutical creams for combating comedones
Any chemist's cream from black dots is a remedy for prolonged (prolonged) action. Let the desired effect not occur so quickly, but this is a real chance to improve the skin and in the subsequent time to enjoy its purity and beauty.
"Differin" is cream-gel from black dots and other types of acne, which is perfect for young skin, which means that it can be used successfully in adolescence.
Pharmacodynamics. The main active substance of the drug, adapalene, refers to a new generation of retinoids (vitamin A derivatives) that have a drying effect. Adapalene reduces the fat content of the skin and relieves inflammation in the area of closed comedones. It cleanses the pores, acting on the comedones, and also prevents the appearance of new manifestations of acne.
In this case, "Differin" in the form of a gel is prescribed for oily skin, and a cream from black dots on the face with the same name is shown in dry and sensitive skin, since it contains nutritional and moisturizing components that prevent drying of the skin.
The drug from acne "Differin" has practically no contraindications to use, because in most cases it is remarkably tolerated by the skin, without causing irritation. Side effects in the treatment of "Differinom" are extremely rare, and then in the case of application of the drug in excessive amounts. They appear in the form of redness and insignificant skin peeling in the area of application. Nevertheless, if you experience side effects on an ongoing basis, or if there are other manifestations of intolerance to the components of the cream or gel, then it is better to abandon their use by replacing them with other means from black dots.
The way of using creams from black dots on the face. Both the gel and cream "Differin" are applied to the face, not rubbing, on the skin areas affected by acne. This should be done 1 time per day, preferably before going to bed, after thoroughly cleaning the skin and wiping it with a tonic. The effect will be better. If you buy a special tonic from black dots, which deeply penetrates into the pores and cleans them. Usually the effect of the application of "Differin" becomes noticeable within a month and a half. Nevertheless, doctors recommend continuing treatment until a stable therapeutic effect (about 3 months).
Use the drug "Differin" is necessary before the expiration date, which is 3 years for the gel and 2 years for the cream, provided that the conditions of storage of medicinal products. Means must not be frozen and stored at a temperature above 25 on S.
Baziron AS
"Basiron AC" - an active cream from black dots on the face on the basis of benzoyl peroxide, which has an antimicrobial, deep cleansing and fat-controlling action. It is also effective in the treatment of other manifestations of acne.
"Baziron AS" is produced in the form of a gel with different concentrations of the active substance: 10%, 5% and 2.5%. The right concentration is selected depending on the degree of skin damage and its characteristics. If it is not possible to purchase a cream with a lower percentage of benzoyl peroxide, the drug can be diluted with water a little and then applied to the skin.
Pharmacodynamics of the drug is such that benzoyl peroxide has a bactericidal effect on acne with inflammation, reduces the production of subcutaneous fat, which reduces the fatty skin of the face, improves oxygen metabolism in tissues.
Pharmacokinetics. Peroxide of benzoyl acts in the surface layers of the skin, not penetrating deep inside. Most of it is converted to a safe benzoic acid, which, getting into the blood, is delivered to the kidneys and they are completely eliminated from the body, not accumulating in the tissues.
The method and features of the application of "Baziron AS" are identical to "Differin". But you can use it 1-2 times a day, for example, in the morning and at bedtime. To avoid the appearance of side effects of the drug, it is necessary to apply it strictly in a certain dosage. In case of an overdose of funds from black dots, there may be excessive dryness of the skin, a slight burning sensation, a slight flaking and reddening.
"Baziron AS" is prescribed to adolescents, starting from age 12, and adults with acne. In case of persistent side effects, indicating an increased sensitivity to the components of this drug, its use is better to stop or reduce the dose of the drug.
"Differin" and "Basiron AC" are preparations that are resistant to sunlight and do not require special storage conditions. However, since these are medicines, their use at the end of the shelf life is unacceptable.
The use of these creams from black dots is associated with some caution. Do not stay in the sun for a long time or visit the solarium, exposing the skin to excessive irritation with ultraviolet rays. It is necessary to avoid getting the drug on the mucous membranes. If this happens, then it is necessary to wash the mucous membranes with plenty of warm water.
To avoid strong drying of the skin, you can apply a light moisturizing cosmetic cream on top of the above products, before awaiting complete absorption of the drug.
The use of these creams from black spots on the face during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is undesirable, because their effect is not sufficiently studied. The exception is when the risk to the fetus is significantly less than the risk to the mother.
Interaction with other drugs with drying and exfoliating action can cause overdrying and additional irritation of the skin. Therefore, the simultaneous use of "Baziron" or "Differin" with alcohol-containing agents is undesirable.
Therapeutic cosmetics TM Vichy
A separate line on the pharmacy shelves are medicinal products of the French cosmetics company Vichy Cosmetics. This cosmetics is equated to medicines, therefore it is on sale in drugstores.
The Normaderm TM Vichy series is designed specifically for the care of problem skin with acne. This includes a micellar lotion for cleaning sensitive skin, a means for deep cleansing of the skin 3 in 1: simultaneous effect of gel, scrub and mask, as well as anti-aging cream, active cream-concentrate of local action, triple action cream and other products marked Normaderm.
Particular attention in solving the problem of black spots on the face should be turned to a cleanser 3 in 1 and the last two creams of the Normaderm series, helping to get rid of the black points on the face. Tri-Active cleanses the skin, preventing oily shine and inflammation, penetrates deep into the pores and removes dirt in them, makes the skin matte and smooth.
Vichy Normaderm creams help to effectively cope with excessive fat content of the skin, narrow the enlarged pores, preventing the appearance of black dots. They have no special contraindications to use, but, judging by the numerous reviews, they are not suitable for everyone.
Popular therapeutic cosmetics from black dots
In addition to pharmacy creams from black dots, there are a number of medical and cosmetic products that can be purchased in conventional cosmetics stores. But this does not mean that they are less effective.
Take, for example, medical cosmetics from acne and black spots of the trademark "Propeller". This is a real "ammunition" to combat this problem. This includes tools PORE VACUUM from black points with the effect of vacuum cleaning the face. This is a specialized gel for washing, gel-scrub, lotion, facial cleanser, nasal strips and cream-foam propeller from black dots.
All these products have a pronounced antibacterial effect, contribute to deep cleansing of the skin, removal of sebaceous plugs in the expanded pores, smoothing of the skin surface. They are also the prevention of the appearance of unaesthetic black dots on the face.
Moisturizing cream-leaving from black dots in the form of a light foam does not overdry the skin, but creates a natural effect of moisturizing and freshness. It effectively regulates the work of the sebaceous glands due to the ANTI-SEBUM acids it contains. It has excellent antimicrobial properties, forming a protective barrier on the skin. According to many former unfortunate owners of comedones, this is the best cream from black dots, starting with its comfortable and attractive bottle and ending with an effective health effect for the skin.
Apply it every day to the cleansed skin of the face evenly lightly, without rubbing. The best and quickest effect can be achieved if in combination with the cream to use other means to cleanse the face of PORE VACUUM.
The composition of this therapeutic cosmetics includes essential oils and extracts of medicinal plants. It is well tolerated by the skin, does not cause irritation and unpleasant sensations. Such funds are suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as for younger adolescents.
Innovation in terms of combating the appearance of black spots on the face is the AFY cream mask with healing black mud from China. The dual effect of this remedy on comedones is the deep purification of contaminated skin pores and the normalization of subcutaneous fat release.
The use of AFY cream is akin to salon face cleaning procedure conducted by professionals. Designed for all skin types, the cream mask cleans the surface layers of the epidermis from keratinous particles, eliminates peeling, smooths wrinkles, removes dirt from the expanded pores, regulates the release of fat. Such a general health effect of this remedy makes it possible to make the skin clean, smooth and radiant, without greasy shine and flaws on the face.
The main component of the AFY cream mask from the black points on the face is Chinese dark clay. With the help of additional ingredients, it forms a dense, sticky film upon drying, which captures black oil accumulations in the pores of the skin. Removing the film from the skin, we remove and stuck to it.
Use the product as a normal mask, applying to a clean, dry skin of the face. The best effect can be achieved by first ripping your face over a steam bath or by attaching a warm wet napkin to your face for a while. Thus, the pores will be better opened and the greasy plugs and dirt accumulated in them will be easier to give.
Then the mask is applied in a thin layer on the surface of the skin, damaged by comedones, avoiding areas covered with hair. Since removing the mask removes small hairs, its removal from the eyebrow zone can be painful.
After 15-20 minutes after application, the mask will dry completely and it will be possible to remove it, gently pulling the film and pulling up. After that, the face is better treated with a tonic, which will help narrow the pores cleared with the mask and will not allow penetration into the skin through open pores to various bacteria.
The frequency of this procedure depends on the skin condition. With severe acne lesions, the mask should be made at least 3 times a week. If you have only individual black dots on your face, then you can manage one time within a week.
No matter how good this or that cream is from the black spots on the face, the main condition for its effectiveness and effectiveness is thorough cleansing of the skin before applying a therapeutic cream or mask. Clean skin, at the same time, is also the main condition for the prevention of various kinds of acne and skin inflammation. Proper skin care is a pledge of her beauty and health, both in adolescence and in adulthood.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Creams from black dots on the face" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.