
General information about the body

Flabby skin on the abdomen

The problem of flabby skin on the stomach for decades is exaggerated in women's magazines and on websites. Many still think the ideal flat tummy and smooth skin after the birth of a child or rapid weight loss - from the realm of fantasy.

Flabby skin on the legs

Most often, fatty folds, as well as cellulitis occur on the buttocks and hips - these areas are considered one of the most problematic.

Care of mammary glands

Body hygiene - it takes not the last place in the prevention of many diseases. The same applies to the chest.

Exercises for figure correction

If there is no opportunity to practice daily enough, there will be two or three sessions per week to reduce cellulite and keep fit. 

Hardware shape correction

Myostimulation is carried out on certain muscle groups in the appropriate sequence. The course consists of fifteen to twenty sessions.

Correction of a figure - a variety of techniques and their features

This branch of aesthetic medicine, through which improves the appearance of a person and his psycho-emotional state.

Diseases of sweat glands: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Disease eccrine and apocrine sweat glands. To diseases ekkrinnah sweat glands include hyperhidrosis, dyshydrosis, red granularity of the nose, anhidrosis, and sweating.

Overweight and obesity: general principles of correction

Modern medicine considers obesity as a multifactorial chronic disease requiring a serious medical approach when it is corrected.

Laser blood irradiation: mechanism of action, technique, indications and contraindications

Laser irradiation of blood provides a more pronounced effect of nonspecific regulation of biologically significant processes.

Additional methods of assessing the condition of the skin

In modern cosmetology, various additional non-invasive methods for assessing the skin condition are widely used, both for the purpose of diagnosing certain diseases and conditions, and for evaluating the effectiveness of various cosmetics or procedures.


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