Flabby skin on the abdomen
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The problem of flabby skin on the stomach for decades is exaggerated in women's magazines and on websites. Many still think the ideal flat tummy and smooth skin after the birth of a child or rapid weight loss - from the realm of fantasy. And in fact, this is obtained from a few. But at the same time there are lots of examples showing that the impossible is possible, even in rather neglected situations. If you did not succeed, it means that you are acting incorrectly. In addition, you need to tune in for a long job: flabby skin on your stomach will make a pretty hard work. Using a rational campaign, armed with patience, perseverance, knowledge, after a few months you can be proud of the result: an elastic press with a smooth tightened skin.
Causes of skin flabbiness
Flabbiness can appear for many reasons, but most often all of the blame - one of the following or a combination of them:
- Pregnancy. Flabby skin on the abdomen after childbirth upsets many of the fair sex. During pregnancy, the woman's womb increases many times and strongly squeezes and stretches the muscles of the press. The skin with muscles loses its former elasticity, and if the birth was with Caesarean section, the problem is aggravated.
- Quick loss of extra pounds. During rapid weight loss, weight loss adapts the skin more slowly than the fat reserves go. As a result - sagging and flabby skin on the stomach after losing weight.
- Insufficient physical activity, when the musculature atrophies, and the metabolism slows down.
- Unbalanced menu. Carbonated drinks, fast food, semi-finished products - such a diet is bad for the figure and skin health. Stressful loads, which often cause a strong desire to eat not the most useful products. Unfortunately, and with age, the skin also loses its elasticity.
What if I have flabby skin on my stomach? Certainly do not despair!
Sport is the basis for a beautiful belly
Correct and regular loading on the press is the first and most important step on the way to a beautiful tummy. Not everyone knows that the most popular exercises are not always the most effective, and the effect of all the applied efforts will become visible only after a long time. It is unlikely that 20-30 daily twists will make the stomach perfect, and the hoop loved by many causes only an indulgent smile from an experienced fitness trainer. But the main strength exercises - the bar, deadlift, squats - perfectly work out the musculature of the abdomen.
Almost always flabby skin implies the presence of a certain fat layer, which the gym will help to cope with. Trained muscles visually reduce the volume of the stomach and return the elasticity of the skin.
Healthy diet
Fitness trainers do not tire of saying to their wards that 10% of body beauty is the result of training, and the remaining 90% is nutrition. Of course, this is an exaggeration, but having the ground under it. Without a revision of the diet, turning the flabby bulging belly into a fit is very difficult. The most important enemy is saturated fats and fast carbohydrates. The basics of a balanced diet remain unchanged for many decades. Saturate the menu with products containing vitamins E, C, A, B1 (fruits, berries, vegetables, cereals, nuts, sesame), polyunsaturated fatty acids (seafood). If you are thinking how to get rid of flabby skin on your stomach, you will have to say goodbye to some familiar patterns. If you are on the path to achieve your goal, at this time, give up some products that you have listed in the list of useful. In this row were all dairy products and fruits. Dairy products detain the fluid, which causes the body to become more friable. The fruit contains a lot of sugar, which does not help to lose weight. In addition, such food provokes bloating in the intestines. It is better to build your diet on foods high in protein (low-fat meat, fish, seafood), cereals, green vegetables. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day, and the long way to a beautiful belly will be significantly shorter. If you decide to act more radically and adhere to a low-calorie diet, do not forget to support the body with a complex of vitamins during this period.
Cosmetic care and salon procedures
Cosmetics - a pleasant addition to the basic measures, but not a panacea. Masks and wraps for the abdomen with clay will help restore the elasticity of the stretched skin. The white or blue clay is best suited: the composition of these species is better than others in coping with the task. In order to get the result, a mask with clay must be done weekly for several months. Essential oils of orange, juniper, neroli or fennel can be used for baths. If you add a little essential oil to the jojoba base oil, a mixture for the massage is ready. If you prefer to use ready-made products, choose tightening creams with the content of linoleic and hyaluronic acid, retinol and caffeine.
Salon procedures and physiotherapy
Do you make every effort, and on your stomach left extra skin that does not lend itself to any training and cosmetic means? Then salon procedures will help. However, be prepared: you will have to pay a lot for them. And go to the salon or it makes sense only when all the other methods have exhausted themselves. Salon procedures are effective, but if you neglected and diet, the effect of them will be short-lived.
There are many rumors and legends about the wonders of physiotherapy. Part of this is to blame the manufacturers of wonderful and beauty salons, fueling a special interest in this topic. But this is dictated not only by financial interest. A good physical therapist can create almost magic with flabby skin on the stomach, but this will take weeks or months of regular procedures. How to get rid of sagging skin on the abdomen with the help of physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy stimulates metabolism, increases energy costs, speeds up metabolism, turning weight loss into an easy and enjoyable process.
Physiotherapy methods that stimulate the brain centers are called methods of general impact. Another group is the methods of local action. They are designed to activate metabolism in adipocytes and adjacent cells.
Central methods are divided according to the mechanisms of impact:
- Metabolic methods (oxygen and ozone baths). In water, the body is affected by mechanical, temperature and chemical factors. Bubbles of oxygen are easy massage, instantly rise from the water and enter the lungs, so that the blood is actively saturated with oxygen and metabolism is activated. Ozone molecules can act on subcutaneous fat, penetrating through the skin. Significant acceleration of metabolism due to ozone or oxygen promotes the rapid breakdown of fat.
- Hormonocorrecting methods (carbonic and rhodonic baths). Molecules of carbon dioxide easily penetrate the respiratory tract or epidermis, activating the exchange in cells. Due to this, the centers of the medulla oblongata are stimulated, the supply of oxygen to the organs is increased and the vessels are dilated. Rawdon accumulates in fatty tissues. This stimulates the adrenal glands, and as a result, the activity of tissue lipolytic enzymes changes. A course of 10-15 baths can increase weight loss to 3-4 kilograms, if it is combined with a low-calorie diet.
- Vasoactive methods (Charcot's shower, circular shower, underwater shower massage). Strui, differing in power, temperature and direction, cause deformation of the skin for a short time and irritate receptors that react to mechanical action and temperature. Due to this, the concentration of vasoactive peptides that affect the vessels increases: they expand noticeably and the skin turns red.
Almost all the electroprocedures offered in the salons for weight loss and to increase the elasticity of flabby skin of the abdomen, thighs and other parts of the body, use a pulsed current. Myostimulation, lymph drainage, lipolysis are familiar to many people. It is here that pulsed currents are used, when muscle tissues are sequentially stimulated and microfluids act on the lymph nodes.
LPG-massage intensifies blood circulation, promotes renewal in cells, tightens skin and reduces fat layer. To some it may seem too painful, and it will take several sessions.
Nano-perforation is a laser procedure when the skin area is exposed to microscopic rays. This triggers the self-healing process of the cells. After nanoporphyration, it is necessary to allow the body to recover, but the result can impress.
Also for this purpose, pressotherapy and vacuum therapy are used.
Despite a huge variety of physiotherapy procedures, among them there are no miraculous ones: they will give a good result only in combination with a diet and an active lifestyle.
Abdominoplasty is the most extreme measure. It implies surgical treatment, when for one simple operation the surgeon will remove excess skin. As a result of the operation, you can become the owner of a flat and tucked up abdomen with a small scar, which then can also be removed. However, such a procedure has many contraindications. You should first get a surgeon's advice on the prognosis of the operation, weigh the pros and cons and decide whether the operation costs such costs - physical, psychological and financial. Remember, if you have not eliminated the cause, the stomach can again hanging, and to fix it even with a repeated abdominoplasty operation will be much more difficult.
Alternative recipes
Expensive procedures in the salons or complexes of physiotherapy are not affordable for everyone, but every woman at home can take advantage of alternative recipes to make the flabby skin of her stomach more taut and elastic.
One of the popular recipes is the vinegar wrap. You need to stock up with the usual table vinegar, and take the fruit. Suitable apple or grape. In a glass of water you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon. The fabric or gauze is folded into several layers, thoroughly impregnated with the solution and superimposed on the abdomen. Then you need to wrap this area with food wrap and put on thermoshocks or ordinary woolen pants, even a woolen shawl will do. After an hour, end the session with a contrast shower and apply a greasy cream. The film multiplies the effect of the used composition, helping it to be absorbed through the epidermis. For wraps also use mummies, honey, seaweed. It is desirable to pre-warm the skin with a warm shower or bath, and wrap it for at least one hour and repeat the procedure every week.
It is difficult to find a girl or woman who does not know about the magic effect on the skin of ordinary ground coffee. Coffee tones up the skin, strengthens blood circulation, helps to cope with the "orange peel". For scrub, you can use coffee grounds in a pure form, and can be combined with a shower gel or, even better, with olive oil. After applying the mixture to the problem areas, the skin gently massages.
If the yeast mask is applied to the flabby abdominal skin 2-3 times a week, this will help restore the lost elasticity. To do this, dry yeast 20g stir in milk, add a little honey and leave the mixture for half an hour to brew. After applying to the sagging belly, and after 15-20 minutes, cm in the shower.
Recipes based on plants
Baths with a broth of a thistle - excellent prophylaxis of flabbiness of a skin. Many have already made sure that this is the best herbal remedy. 200 g of dry thistle is poured with 2 liters of boiling water and cooked over low heat for 20 minutes, then the filtered broth is added to the bath and takes 15-20 minutes not more often 1-2 times a week. A course of 10 procedures is recommended.
Herbal wraps perfectly tone the skin. For these purposes, even an ordinary green tea is suitable: it contains many antioxidants and kakhetins. You can prepare a decoction with chamomile or sage, adding ginger or cardamom.
Reduce the stretching will help aloe juice. To do this, 100 ml of juice should be mixed with the same amount of olive oil, add 10 drops of vitamin A and E. Composition stored in a refrigerator and applied to stretch marks twice a day.
With the problem of sagging skin on the stomach, many women face. Such is the nature of women: you always want to remove excess and remove the shape. You have to make a choice: either do nothing, worry about your belly is far from the ideal, or start working on a figure, which, after all, is not as difficult as it might seem.