Flabby skin on the legs
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Most often, fatty folds, as well as cellulitis occur on the buttocks and hips - these areas are considered one of the most problematic. In general, flabby skin on the legs is a serious problem for many women, both in age and very young.
Causes of the sagging skin on the legs
There are many reasons for the onset of flabby skin:
- Hereditary factors;
- The natural process of aging the body;
- Inadequate nutrition;
- Various bad habits;
- Sharp and strong weight loss;
- Problems with the functional activity of the endocrine system;
- Problems with metabolism;
- Changed hormonal background;
- Negative influence of environmental factors;
- Low physical activity;
- Lack of proper care for the skin.
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Treatment of the sagging skin on the legs
With sagging skin on your legs, you can and must fight. What do you need to do for this? Comprehensively use various methods - to do physical exercises, to carry out cosmetic and massage procedures, to do wraps, masks, to eat right and take vitamins.
Physical exercises are considered one of the most effective ways - with their help you can return the skin tone, and also make it more elastic (even in cases where flabbiness is strong enough). Physical activity causes the blood to flow to the skin, and with regular exercises, the capillaries grow, thereby improving the blood supply to the skin. Thus, the skin receives more nutrients, acquires lost elasticity, rejuvenates, and also tightens.
How to get rid of sagging skin on your legs?
To get rid of flabby skin on the legs can be using wraps with a film with the addition of various mixtures - this allows you to increase skin tone. The effect of the sauna allows you to rejuvenate and cleanse the skin, making it supple and smooth. You should make 3 treatments a week during the month.
After taking a shower with a scrub, you need to put a mask on your hips and wrap them with a food film. Approximately 30-40 minutes you need to sit under the blanket, then wash off the remains of the mask with warm water and spread the hips with anti-cellulite cream.
For wrapping procedures, you can use different masks. The most popular among them are made of cosmetic clay, oil, Dead Sea mud, seaweed, sour cream and honey. To enhance the effect of the product, you can add spices, essential oil, tea, coffee, chocolate or vinegar to the mixture.
How to tighten flabby skin on legs?
Proper and balanced nutrition is important for effective tightening of flabby skin on the legs. In your diet should be products that improve the elasticity, as well as the elasticity of the skin, contributing to its rapid recovery.
It is necessary to observe the balance of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in your daily nutritional diet:
Proteins help maintain skin tone. They can have an animal or vegetable origin, and in the daily menu of a person they should be 1-2 grams per kilogram of its weight. Animal proteins are found in fish, meat products, eggs, seafood, as well as cottage cheese. You should choose products with a low percentage of fat, because animal fats can only account for one third of their total consumption. Protein of vegetable origin is found in legumes, as well as in smaller quantities in some vegetables (such as eggplants) and cereals.
You should choose fats of vegetable origin - with their help improves the elasticity of the sagging skin. They can be found in various oils (it is best to use cold-pressed oils, because they contain polyunsaturated fatty acids). The daily diet should include at least 30 g of this substance. Fats are also found in nuts, but it should be noted that this product is quite high in calories.
Carbohydrates increase energy, so it will be useful for the body to eat roughly ground bread, as well as cereals with vegetables - they contain complex carbohydrates. As for the simple, they can be obtained from honey and dried fruits or fruits.
You should also eat products that contain collagen - so that the skin regains its elasticity. Among such products:
- fish (salmon);
- meat (turkey);
- sea kale;
- greens, as well as vegetables;
- fruit with berries.
There are many different beauty vitamins: A, E, C, H, K groups. In addition to them, it is also useful to consume vitamins B and D. You should also use substances containing glycosides, flavonoids and anthocyanins - they are in plant products.
Vitamins are also very much in fats - they are found in such foods as sunflower seeds, fresh cold-water fish, and unrefined sunflower oil.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
The best result can be achieved if a set of physiotherapeutic procedures is applied, combining them with proper physical loads and diet. Nowadays, there are procedures that can accelerate the metabolism, as well as increase the percentage of energy costs of the body. Among them: limfodrenazh legs, myostimulation, microcurrent therapy, ultrasound therapy (cavitation), vacuum and LPG-massage,
It should be noted that before starting physiotherapy, you need to find out if you have any contraindications to its conduct. Among them are the following:
- The skin disease in the area of exacerbation is in the phase of exacerbation;
- Acute inflammation;
- Feverish conditions;
- Skin prone to bleeding;
- Diseases of the blood;
- Pregnancy;
- Severe diseases of the kidneys, liver, and heart problems;
- Convulsive syndrome;
- On a site which needs to be treated, there is a thrombophlebitis;
- Benign or malignant neoplasms;
- Active tuberculosis and other infections;
- An inserted pacemaker.
If electroprocedures are carried out, the possibility of high sensitivity to the impulse current must be taken into account.
Now, usually, methods are used that physically affect the body - for example, those that are aimed at stabilizing the metabolism. Thanks to this, it is possible to regulate the central mechanisms of fat metabolism, as well as to increase contractile thermogenesis.
There is one more group of medical procedures, in which the effect goes locally to different areas of adipose tissue. Thanks to them, the processes of metabolism in adipocytes, as well as the tissues located next to them, are activated.
Alternative treatment
As an effective method of eliminating sagging skin, a foot massage is often used, in which the inner surface of the thighs and the lower leg are massaged. This procedure should be done after doing the workout so that the muscles are warmed up.
A proven folk method is a bath. Ideal is the option in which a steam room and a broom are used - this procedure allows you to update and clean the skin, and also make it elastic and elastic.
You can also work on the skin with the help of temperature contrast - immerse yourself in cold water immediately from the steam room, and then back.
If you can not visit the bath, then make contrasting souls - these procedures stimulate capillaries, tendons, muscles, and in general the entire body. Thanks to this, the metabolism becomes faster and blood circulation improves. Systematic procedures make the muscles and skin elastic, and also burn calories. Thanks to this, cellulite and flabby skin on the legs disappear.
Against the flabbiness, salt baths also function well, as sea salt has a beneficial effect on the skin. Within 30 minutes after taking a bath you need to rub your legs with a stiff washcloth - this will speed up the circulation.
Herbal Treatment
To remove flabby skin on your legs, you can use a mask made from tincture of peppermint in milk. 2 tablespoons are taken. Leaves of mint, 100ml of hot milk is poured, it is insisted for 15 minutes, after which the mixture must be filtered. The resultant means lubricate the legs from the bottom to the top, hold for 5-7 minutes and rinse off lightly with warm water. This will make the skin smooth and soft.
It can also be used to treat aloe - to cut the bottom leaf from the plant (aloe must be at least 3 years old), cut it in half, and perform a light massage using circular motions. This procedure should be repeated 1 time / week.
Operative treatment
In some cases, the surgery can be performed on the inner surface of the thighs.
It can be performed at any age from 18 years, if there are no contraindications. Women aged 20-35 years have elastic soft tissues, so their skin is still quite elastic and has a good blood supply, so that the effect after the operation will last longer. But after 40 years, a qualitative result is possible only if the patient carefully follows all the doctor's recommendations during the postoperative period.
This operation lasts approximately 2-2.5 hours (this depends on the number of surgical tasks). When a patient has only a small excess of adipose tissue, and the elasticity of the skin is normal, liposuction is performed.
But if there is a sagging of the skin, in addition to liposuction, cuts (about 2-4 cm) are made in the area under the buttocks, as well as in the inguinal folds. Excess tissue is cut off, and soft tissues are pulled upward and attached to the tendons of any large muscle on the internal bony surface. After this, the incisions are sewn with a special intradermal suture, and a special elastic patch is applied to it, not violating the blood flow path.
There are several ways to prevent the onset of sagging skin on the legs.
The most effective method is regular exercise. Due to moderate loads, muscles are in a tonus, and blood circulation is improving. Active movement of blood inside the skin makes it elastic and elastic, thus slowing down its aging.
It is also necessary to eat right and balanced. For example, antioxidants have a beneficial effect on the skin - in addition to improving its tone, they rejuvenate it. Antioxidants are found in prunes and strawberries, as well as cranberries, apples, beans, potatoes, etc.
The skin needs constant moisturizing, because water can clean it from toxins and poisonous elements, and also to update cells. Try to drink plenty of fresh and clean water.
Also, the skin needs external moisturizing. Now there are many nutritious creams that help restore skin cells. Among the elements of such drugs must necessarily contain caffeine, retinol, hyaluronic acid, various herbal extracts, and in addition, vitamins A and C.
With proper diet, vitamin intake, and physical activity, flabby skin on your legs will not appear again.